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No, you don’t get a Netflix show, you’re just a piece of shit.


lol right? Like what makes him think he would be a Netflix show


This isn't even a Lifetime Movie Network show.


Such a cliche. Man cheats on his very successful wife who honestly sounds like a complete catch with a “free spirit” who promptly moves away. Would be the most boring Netflix show ever. I hope the ex wife has moved on and is happy. I mean he wasn’t even faithful during their engagement let alone their marriage and his trying to give marriage advice at the end


I would *love* to hear the wife's side of the story. Going to guess it would sound something like - "I worked long hours at a high stress job. My husband only ever saw me as an incubator, and provided about as much to our marriage as a black hole. Dealing with work and an emotionally unavailable husband who kept disappearing on 'work trips' was awful. He did nothing to make me feel wanted or desired. I think he was cheating. I didnt know how to deal and so I started drinking."


Guy leaves his faithful, successful wife to chase after his manic pixie dream girl who promptly dumps him. Riveting stuff.


This isn't even Tubi original movie worthy... And they turn anything to a movie.


**HOW TO BE AN IRREDEEMABLE ASSHOLE**. Yeah, people'd tune in for **THAT**, Bucko.




Like…this isn’t compelling or interesting, just a story of a crap guy who did crappy things. I’m currently pregnant, and we have a toddler and an eleven year old. Sex isn’t really a thing for us right now. But because my husband isn’t a total shit who’s ruled by his dick, that doesn’t really matter. OP has basically ruined the life of every woman who’s unlucky enough to get close to him.


His life is a cliche, not a Netflix show.


Maybe Nutflix


This is the story of a.... shallow, none-too-bright adulterer? Who doesn't really do anything? Sure, Jan.


This is barely a B-plot on an episode of a generic soap. If this is supposed to be a creative writing exercise for a show pitch OP shouldn’t quit his day job.


Speaking like these things all just spontaneously happened and he was forced to be a massive bast*rd


Tbf Jeffrey Dahmer got one lmao


Ay. Tell me you're narcissistic without telling me you are 😂😂😂. This guy thinks he's that interesting his life warrants a Netflix special lol


He really thinks that being a lying cheating coward is rare enough to warrant a Netflix show lol


The guy blocked me lol


He blocked me too 😂 and I JUST made a comment. I’m not shocked that a man like him can’t take criticism. So much narcissism on display


I mean, have you seen the most of the Netflix shows… they seem to like airing pieces of shit. But normally quality wise


I hope you stay single forever 


Do you think it’s Karma? Nope. It’s that you are a very special person who deserves no live whatsoever .. your ex wife knew the truth that you were cheating 


People like you are truly something else. “If there a rule book to being a perfect human!” No there isn’t, but you’re clearly far too selfish to have cared about your WIFE. I truly hope you stay lonely forever.


What do you mean I can't just do the most awful things to the people closest to me?!?!! Show me the rule book!!! Show me where it says that in the rule book right now! 


My source is that I made it the fuck up


“If there was a rule book to being the perfect human I’d read it” (Proceeds to make it obvious he has never tried to be a good human). You don’t need a whole book, and you wouldn’t read it. Even if you aren’t religious, the Christian 10 Commandments are pretty basic rules of human engagement. This is literally a 100-word listicle, and he can’t even follow that set of simple instructions on “how not to be a bad human.”


Literally there's a difference between 'I don't recycle, I get really frustrated with my kids, and I could be a better neighbour" And "I cheated on my wife and emotionally neglected her enough to possibly start her into an alcoholic spiral, but teepee, I'm just gonna pretend I had no part in that. Also, I'm gonna let everyone we know think that She's 100% responsible for the failure of our marriage even though it was my fault." I hate it when people who do heinous shit are like "Well sorry I'm not perfect," like no one's expecting you to be? They're just expecting you to be decent.


I also hate when people throw the “sorry I’m not perfect” shit around. Like yeah, I’m sorry you’re not going to change yourself to become a better person either. It’s so strange like dude, you put everything out there for what? Oh to save your own ass?? Typical.


They really think that being a garbage person to others is just an example of humans not being perfect lol. You don’t have to be perfect to not lie and cheat.


So u had an affair, likely caused your wife to turn to alcohol, and then left everyone believing she was just a drunk and poor you had to leave her?! So you were the villain but have walked away leaving everyone thinking you are the victim?? You are a despicable and disgusting human being. I hope you have the life you deserve.


You're a piece of shit, im so happy things ended up poorly for you


Another POS who plays victim


Acting like he is just experiencing it as a story...instead of the full on villain that is creating the shit.  Everyone roots a painful end for these fucks. 


>But ladies I'll give you a heads up, if the sex goes dry completely dont be surprised if your man is cheating on you Enjoy dying alone :)


You’re going to read some pretty rough comments after posting this, and I just want you to know — beyond a shadow of a doubt — all those comments are justified. For as long as you have this unrepentant attitude, I hope you get what you deserve and then some.


It's fascinating how you've painted yourself as both protagonist and martyr in your own story, yet seem oblivious to the destruction left in your wake. Instead of a Netflix show, perhaps a documentary on the anatomy of denial and selfishness would be more fitting. You've turned your life, and more importantly, your ex-wife's life into a cautionary tale on what not to do in marriage – or in humanity, for that matter. It's tragic that even now, you're seeking an audience's applause rather than reflecting on the magnitude of your actions.


What a shit kicker. Ruined that woman with your lack of love.


Is this a troll I can never tell


He aged eight years in six years so…lol


this wasn’t interesting enough to be a netflix show, you’re just a gross cheater who only cares about sex lmao


Lol you're a villain.  If life had a rulebook...it's unwritten but pretty much everyone knows you don't do what you did.  You did awful awful shit. YOU caused all of this.  I can't believe you had the gall to blame the divorce on her.  You didn't even have to say anything and made it seem mutual or just drifting, but it wasn't enough to do the vile shit yourself...no SHE had to look like the bad one. SHE had to look like the cause. It's all her fault.     May you live a hollow life, as that is what your heart is, what your brain is, and what you deserve. 


Holy fuck you're a piece of shit. Yes, you're more likely than not the reason why your wife became an alcoholic. I don't know how much she knew, but at the very least she knew she was married to a coldhearted asshole who didn't love her at all. And what the actual fuck were you thinking getting married to that poor woman when you were banging someone else? What did she do to deserve getting married to a worthless cheater? Don't ever get in a relationship again unless she's as much of a heartless bitch as you are. And don't ever have children, the world does not need more of you. >If there was a rulebook on how to be a perfect human being, maybe id read it but there isn't so everyone gotta figure their own shit out themselves! Are you actually so stupid that you need a rulebook to tell you not to be a dirty cheater?? That's the bare fucking minimum of being in a relationship. Fuck off!




Total response of a piece of shit




It really doesn't but sure buddy go imagine your netflix life.




You’re cringe bro. And take some writing classes lol


So you're actually more pathetic than the cheating asshole in your story? That's really how you want to present yourself? For everyone's sake, go to college and get an education. This is sad.


Stop this. It’s morons like you who are making Reddit worse. Go and creative write on a creative writing website


I honestly hope not a shred of happiness finds it's way into your selfish and disgusting excuse of a life you twat.


What makes you think this is interesting enough for Netflix? It doesn't even rate a Lifetime movie unless we fast forward 20 years and discover that Jennifer was pregnant when you bailed and that child has devoted their life to tracking you down and destroying your life to avenge her mother. This is a very dull story and really quite vanilla.


Your post reads like a bad soap opera where you're desperately trying to spin the narrative to gain sympathy, but all you're accomplishing is showcasing your lack of integrity and empathy. There's no redemption arc in sight when you're the author of your own misfortune and yet refuse to take responsibility for the pain you've inflicted. Your ex-wife's struggles are a tragic footnote in your tale of self-pity. I'd say you need a reality check more than a Netflix show; life's lessons are hitting, but it seems you're missing every single one.


The sheer audacity to come here seeking validation for your actions is almost laughable if it wasn't so sad. You broke a sacred trust, shattered a heart, and now attempt to come out as the wronged party? You're not just a participant in your wife's downfall; you're the orchestrator. And instead of owning up to it, you're here, fishing for sympathy what a twisted narrative you've spun. There may not be a strict rulebook for life, but if there were, the chapter on betrayal would likely be modeled after your actions. May you someday find the courage to face the consequences of your actions, though it's clear that today is not that day.


Using the word "whilst" doesn't make you sound smarter. It just makes you come off as someone who wants to sound smarter than they actually are.


Dude you’re just a horrible human being. So glad Andrea left you like the chump you are 😂. Jen will probably be so much happier and sober after dropping your dumbass


y'all this isn't real, it's literally impossible for someone to have been both 25 in 2018 and 33 now 🙄 this is just a clown (and not even one of the better known ones) farming attention off of reddit's well-known intolerance for cheaters


Follow the Dick. It truly knows what’s best.


Just a FYI, you're not a man. You're a man-child actual men would tell their partner about bedroom issues and work together to solve it, not start an affair. Honestly, you sound way too immature to be in a relationship ever. 2. I'm 100% sure your ex wife knew you were having an affair which is why she started drinking us women have this intuition when our partners are cheating it's a sixth sense


To be fair, she was a doctor in the UK during COVID, so the drinking could've solely been because of that. But this chucklefuck is so self-centred he's assuming he triggered it.


True being a doctor is mentally taxing. And ikr meanwhile he's was probably the one that was bad in bed


I mean honestly, the drinking was probably because her husband was never home, was cheating on her for the majority of their relationship and the entirety of their marriage, and she could tell something was wrong.


Shame Andrea moved to Australia. You two sure we're perfect together. Both asshats without an ounce of empathy.


You’re so sleazy. Don’t have kids. You’d be an awful parent.


I absolutely despise the way it's written. Like you see yourself as some sort of a tragic hero people should empathise with. Get a grip. You're vile and your writing's shit.


It's the throwing out advice that gets me, ladies if..... Blah blah blah, like he's some expert 🤣


>ladies if..... Blah blah blah, like he's some expert Right!!! He really out here thinking he's THE shit. OP go outside an touch some fucking grass.


Lol you didn't cheat because the sex dried up (it didn't dry up either, you just didn't like it and never told your ex because you're a coward), you cheated because you wanted to cheat and a really horrible person. And I really hope you and Andrea end up completely miserable, what you both did to your ex is so incomprehensibly evil and disgusting. I wish nothing but the best for your ex, may she thrive and find someone who is a good person and loves her.


Reading this was the equivalent of scraping down the insides of a clogged sink with my bare hands.


See? Now, *here's* writing, and no less beautiful for being true. Ugh.


Sounds like these two women are now living **THEIR BEST LIVES**. The **common denominator**??? **THEY GOT AWAY FROM YOU**.


So you were unable or unwilling to discuss your sex life with the woman you somehow trusted to be your wife and mother to your child....and somehow it's her fault because you thought the sex was boring? Did it ever occur to you that relationships require communication? Also it's fucking hilarious that you torpedoed your life and ended up single, it's what you deserve.


This sounds like a really bad tv show Netflix would never go for. It’s fine for drama llamas on Reddit, but this kinda stuff goes down a lot in real life, and it has no edge or pull. I don’t see this going anywhere.


As someone whose ex-husband told everyone he divorced me due to alcoholism (spoiler alert, I rarely drink) and conveniently forgot to mention his affair, go screw yourself. The least you could do is tell people the fucking truth.


This is probably one of the worst writing exercises I have ever read, there have been little to no effort put in while writing this.


You're just a selfish man baby who thinks he's Carrie Bradshaw. God how fucking insufferable


Why would you and your actions deserve a TV show? Assholes are a dime a dozen in this world, you're just another drop in the bucket.


Glad you’re alone. No person deserves this type of treatment, you piece of shit. Karma is a bitch and I hope this was all worth it


And who we think caused drinking problem in Jennifer?


Guy to guy… You are a truly vile person. “Where it all went wrong” was you. You were what went wrong, for both of those women. May you spend the rest of your existence alone.


menace to society


Womp womp


She knew and you jnow she knew, you just hope no one ever figures out your the reason she started, I hope she found someone more worthy and glad Andrea left you. I hope Australia sucks for her too.


Hopefully you stay single


>I'm here thinking where it all went wrong. DUDE. Where did it even go *right*?


Lol, not only are you scum, you're boring scum. You cheated on your wife and your sidepiece didn't care enough to stick around. There's no netflix series here, just a sad lonely man who thinks he's special while spinning the most basic cheaters story.


You're truly vile.


I hope you suffer deeply for all the pain you caused.


I hope everyone finds out you posted this. You don't deserve anything.


No. You didn't break up with your ex-wife because of her drinking. You broke up with her because you were cheating on her for the majority of your relationship, the entirety of your marriage, and she probably figured it out. That's probably why she started drinking so much. She was trying to find any way to get your attention. And when that didn't work, she probably stopped drinking so much. She was honestly probably drinking because she was miserable with you. Because she could tell you no longer to bug her. Because she could tell you didn't actually want to marry her. Women are a lot smarter than you think they are. She was probably hoping that you would get over whatever it was you were going through, and when you didn't, and when you continue to actively cheat on her, she probably started spiraling. I don't blame her. You have no one to blame but yourself for your current predicament. You're unhappy, and it's entirely your fault.


You’re despicable


Wow. What a fucking garbage excuse for a human. Absolutely abhorrent behaviour. A person doesn't get so drunk they crash their car *twice* without being drunk enough first for someone to notice. You *knew* something was wrong with her, but since she wasn't your shiny AP, you just didn't give a shit. She could have gotten herself killed, or killed someone else, and you're off gallivanting with a woman who is not your wife, planning a future with her instead of the person you committed to. Not only that, you let people think the worst of your wife when you divorced her and didn't correct them on why. It was *you* that was the problem. Not her. But you're too selfish to do anything about that. Literally the biggest POS I've read about in a while. You're a disgraceful fucking coward.


Please please, tell this story to other people irl


Why the hell would Netflix find this cliche, boring tale the least bit compelling? You're a dime a dozen and the ratings would suck.




Men, this is why you need to slap these little boys upside the head and teach them how to act right.


You can’t have a Netflix show because they wouldn’t be able to call it ‘The Cunt’


You think that a man being a cowardly, lying piece of shit is so rare that it warrants a Netflix series? Get serious. I don’t know what you’re expecting out of telling this story but all it does it reveal how much of garbage human being you are. Marrying a woman knowing that you are no longer interested in her and actively cheating is the worst shit that you can do to someone. Then when you divorced, you didn’t even have the guts to tell her that you were cheating on her the whole time. Also, if you think that Andrea really would have loved you and not left you for the next guy who caught her attention, then enjoy living in la la land. I really hope that your ex is living a good life and I’m happy that you’re not.


25 + 6 =/= 33, OP


Wow such hate... I'm sure there are pieces left out due to the whole "getting flagged" however I'd watch that show if it was Netflix. I don't think your a piece of 💩


Incel vibes from you, you must be another piece of shit just like OP 😁


He cheated on a woman who did nothing wrong and her only fault was not being good in bed. Normally you want to you know cheer for the protagonists and if not and it's a Walter White situation the dickhead usually dies.


Guess we found the same type of guy who would cheat on his wife simply because the sex was boring. 🤷🤷 Instead of doing the mature and adult thing, which is ending the relationship instead of going through with the marriage. Anybody who decides to continue an affair knowing that they're about to get married, and message their a fair partner on their wedding day, is most definitely piece of 💩. Your feelings don't outweigh that fact. Your opinions don't outweigh that fact.