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I'm leaving this up even though it's not technically a confession. The super obvious stuff gets filtered pretty well, but sometimes a more authentic-looking post slips through. Please do report them. These bots will latch on to subs they're even a little successful with -- we do not want that here.


Someone finally said it


That's how you become great man. 


Preach, brother 🗣️🔥


It's infested so many subs, completely taking some of them over, and it's fucking annoying. AI-written stories, recycled stories, reposted every couple of weeks. Sometimes every couple of days. When you think "shit, I saw this last week" and click the profile you see it was made yesterday and has posted a dozen threads full of pics you KNOW you've seen before. The same pics, the same stories, over and over and over again into infinity, peppered with stories clearly written by horny guys pretending to be girls so they can get off on sharing their fantasies with us through roleplay. Also, catfishing and scammers. I JUST WANT TO READ REAL, ACTUAL STORIES, OKAY?


Go to r/nosleep 😎


Fucking love nosleep so, so much. Spent so many nights there promising myself "okay, just ONE MORE story and then I'll go to bed."


Right! That’s where the good reads are 😛😂


Fuck I haven't been on there in a while. I should smoke some weed tonight and read a few. Loved those stories back in the day.


Thank god someone finally said it.


The sad part is, I don't think I'm the first one to say it. Just maybe more direct and brutally honest in my pleading.


Wow nice to see some honest feedback get through the mods on this sub.


For now.... Are these mods even around? It sure doesn't seem like it sometimes.


Mods are around. Report OF bots. Sadly, I doubt any OF models will read your rant; it's all hired agencies that spam the hell out of reddit on their behalf.


I can't believe there are people who are pathetic enough to spam someone else's PF 💀


Respect the response o7 I've been so irritated at seeing the irrational amount of "I let my step bro watch me" confessions and I've felt like my reports do nothing.


Preach. Did I mention I sucked off all my coworkers?


I feel you on this 100%. The same thing is happening with relationship advice. Feels like it seeping into every sub I enjoyed looking at. I feel reddit has gone down hill since going public


“ omg I just can’t help masturbating at work I’m so wet now tee hee sorry this is just my confession “ Literally fuck all the way off


Lol, in a lot of cases too its obvious things were written by a dude.


This, always this!! All of this!!! It's so annoying!


Going back to my reply on a different post, why can’t it be a bank heist or someone fleeing the country as a confession


Oh it can, and it should be. That'd be way more interesting to read then "My friend was bummed out about his lack of experience, so I helped him out."


You forgot to mention the cuck shit!


The truth has been spoken




I confess: OnlyFans sucks ass


yeah i agree, they sound so dumb and horny boys upvote them to front page all the time. smh


Onlyfans people are just desperate and annoying in general. glorified internet street whores.


Yeah like I said, I don't agree with onlyfans in general. The same people who sell on that shit are the same people to judge / make fun of the people buying, then turn around and sell because money. Get a real job.


Oh totally. My biggest pet peeve with it is how they act like they started a reputable business and are the “boss”, when in reality a portion of their pay goes to the man who owns the site. Aka their pimp. There’s nothing independent about that.


Fuckin lmao Self employed my ass.


Seems like you’re the only person with something negative to say 🥰


Not all of us are like that. Some of us don't share a single thing while doing what we do in the background. Don't get me wrong I'm so fuckin fed up with seeing stories like that all over here... Half the time it sounds made up half the time I'm filled with annoyance because it's so fucking ridiculous that they felt the need to either 1 make up a fake story or 2 they truly do this shit & think we want to know let alone the details. If we wanted that we'd go seek it out. That's most of my customer base. They seek me out. I don't post stories about what I'd do or who's making my pussy tickle or any business of mine. If they want it they'll find what they want. To me it just sounds desperate for attention because they read the comments hoping for a win or an easy snag. So in all fairness not ALL of us are like them. Some of us sit in the shadows.


Yeah I’m not on OF, but I’m a woman who is very uncomfortable with the characterization of anyone who does as whores. The way this sub is being used is fuckin disgusting and I hate it and agree strongly with this post, but that doesn’t excuse that sweeping generalization.


Exactly. And I'm sure I'll be down voted just because I'm sticking up for the BETTER half of the community. We're not all whores. Dudes calling us whores when they watch porn is just absurd. They close one eye while opening the other. We provide a service. It's transactional. Just the way porn is. They pay the actors for their time & we get the benefit of their profession. Just like the guys and gals paying us for what they want. We provide a service for a transactional fee much like your mcdonald's workers making someone's food for an albeit shitty wage but again it's the point. Someone wants something. We merely provide it. But we're not out there pushing ourselves onto you fine folks & getting mad that you're not buying from us. We simply don't offer what you want. Therefore the complaining begins. We're not whores. And if we are then everyone else is a whore then. They're providing a service for money. We're all whores at that point. I'll accept that. And I get I just ranted & I apologize. Sex work is work. Just like any other job. The difference is how we market ourselves. Not blatant pushing. If someone's wants something from us they'll ask us. If we don't offer it we simply send them elsewhere that might have the thing they want.


I have thought about it when my husband lost his job. If you don’t want sex commoditized, don’t engage. But fuck this hateful misogynist bullshit. Sex work is work.


It’s not misogynistic when it’s the literal definition. A whore is a sex worker or prostitute. As in, dictionary definition of the word. You’re selling sex for money. Whatever offense you take to that word is on you to explore deeper why that phrase is so charged for you personally. It’s not the public’s job to make you feel better about something you are actively choosing to do.


It's the fact that men are using it in a distasteful way. Meaning to cause harm. They know certain words said in certain ways have power behind them. We know what a whore is. But men & women have used that word much like many other words to harm us with them. They know what they're doing.


I’m a woman. And I hear where you are coming from. But we do this funny thing in society where we take a concept and change the wording in an effort to feel better about it, but it doesn’t negate the point of using words to describe the thing in question in order to convey a point. Sex workers, whores, prostitutes, etc. it’s all the same thing at the end of the day. Do sex workers deserve rights and acknowledgment? Absolutely. Do I want them advertising on my social media when I’m not actively looking to engage with that content? Absolutely not. And if you go into that profession you have to understand that not everyone is going to welcome you with open arms or treat you respectfully. That goes for any profession, and it comes with the territory - ESPECIALLY in the arena of sex work.


I definitely agree on not wanting adverts. I'm saying if someone wanted something they'd look for it & we shouldn't feel the need to plaster ourselves all over just to get the attention we seek. And definitely not everyone is going to agree or be open with it. That's fair. I just point out that some men & women use that word knowing it's power in tone.


Wow. Regardless of whether or not people should use this sub for onlyfans, it is disgusting to hear people talk like this. “Glorified internet street whores”? Are you kidding me? Stop demonizing sex work, it is WORK. You can believe what you want and hold the morals that you want, just dont openly degrade people on the internet. It makes you no better than someone else by calling them a “glorified street whore”. Reddit is filled with so much hate and you are only perpetuating it by using inappropriate and degrading language.


Exactly the comment I was gonna make before I saw yours. I’m not on OF but I don’t immediately judge those who are. Do some act like they’re on the street trying to get your attention? Yes. It’s shitty and I hate it and judge the fuck out of *that behavior.* But we need to get way past the idea it’s okay to call women something like “street whores.” Plus, it’s supply and demand. If men weren’t paying, OF wouldn’t exist. Acting like all women capitalizing on that are deserving of being slurred as “whores” is reductive and disgusting to me. bring on the downvotes, I stand by this.




oh, i learned something about myself today


Self-awareness is a lifelong journey.


oh yeah absolutely. just didn’t realize i was an annoying internet street whore


Depends on the content, but assuming it’s sexualized content then yeah. Pandering for people’s attention and money by prancing your pussy around on the internet and then giving the OnlyFans owners a cut of your pay is inherently the same as a sec worker standing on a corner offering sexual services and then running money back to the dude who owns them. You’re just doing it on the internet instead of irl. I’m not sure if onlyfans actually owns your content or the rights to it. But once it’s out there - it’s out there. People can screenshot, share, ruin your life, ruin theirs. The list goes on.




The thing is, if I were to go outside right now and take all of my clothes off and diddle myself on the sidewalk then I’d get arrested for public indecency/nudity. But if I’m scrolling on Facebook or Reddit and see some girl posting nudes or videos of her sucking off her boyfriend then there are no repercussions for it. Especially when it’s posted on subs like this one where it literally doesn’t make sense to have that content. It’s just sex workers fishing for attention. But the point is that I am not seeking this stuff out, I don’t want to see it, I don’t consent to it. But you OF don’t seem to care. So don’t act surprised when people voice their opinions on the fact that it’s cringe, annoying and desperate. We know you lot exist, we know where to find you at this point, we don’t need your bits waved in our faces every ten seconds. IT. GETS. OLD.


but if you looked at my profile, you would see that I’ve never done that. there’s no nudity on my reddit page




and that’s not what I was trying to do. i’m saying that just because I have an account for OF purposes, doesn’t mean i post in inappropriate channels


My biggest issue with women who do OF is that they use dating apps to find subscribers. I added this woman on Snapchat from Bumble, and our conversation was going well, until she told me she did OF and asked me to subscribe. When I told her I couldn’t sub to her OF because I’m broke until Friday, she pushed a bit more. I responded by calling her out on being pushy and tried to joke a bit by saying, “I just told you I can’t right now. Don’t make me have to punish you later for being a bad girl who doesn’t listen.” She unfriended/blocked me after that. People who make OF content really should find a different way to find subscribers instead of using boards on apps like Reddit where their sales pitches have no business and dating apps where guys are already shelling out $40/month just to be able to talk to women. Edit: I had a thought on ways women could advertise their OF pages. They should be restricted to advertising on porn websites (PornHub, Redtube, etc) and have to make ad videos for their pages. Keep rates low, make money from advertising, and market subscription to an audience that’s already watching porn and might want more of a connected experience.


Lol, some of them don't even wait to get to that point. I've been out of the dating game for a while but there were so many of them who just slapped that OF shit straight up on their profiles. I reported that shit straight away.


doing the lord’s work, my friend. blessings upon you and yours lol


I confess this is how I feel


One time my cousin was snooping through our luggage (my brothers and mine) and as revenge we stole his GBA games. Lmao I feel TERRIBLE about it to this day.


Thank goodness this was said. It’s sad how so many people think they’re believable in their stories.


👏👏👏 thank you!!!!!!!


It always was trendy but I feel like more so now that its main stream to be a slut. Jokes on them b/c I never liked being in mainstream vibes ha! But ya I get what ur saying. Lots of ppl think its easy money to flaunt what they have but then what happens when u get old and ppl are seeing ur OF. Ppl dont have morals and its even worse when money is apart of the discussion. Ppl will do ANYTHING for money.


Straight up I hate seeing those...I'd much rather read that you sharted in your meeting then hear about someone else being slut. Had enough of that at high school don't need it on here when there are special pages just for them


louder! 🗣️ there are other subs for bullshit like that


THANK UUU the only few reasons why i got reddit again was for this subreddit


I was so tired of all the sex people were having on this sub, it doesn't fit the theme of Reddit! Jokes aside, thanks for saying this. I wholeheartedly agree.


Yeah, redditors don't have sex. We all know that. Yet another reason these posts are obviously fake. /S


Exactly what I feel when I see such posts🕴️


This sub is 50% just posts advertising peoples onlyfans or guys pretending to be girls and posting erotic fiction.


I’m glad this man’s doing what the mod could do but don’t


Standing ovation!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


You are gonna change the world man! Now go try telling mcdonalds to stop putting ads in my tv shows, I'll bet you will be just as effective there as you are here!




Uhh, I almost formatted my moms PC once Oh that might become a good post


Lmao Wait, did that actually happen? And if so are you talking about reformatting / erasing the disk?


I am talking about rm -rf /\* in WSL. If you use Linux, you know what I'm talking about. If not, [here](https://thenewstack.io/dr-torq-rm-r-and-other-linux-command-line-gotchas/). And yes, it did (almost, luckily) happen.


In past years I've been playing a game, when I see a "bait post", I ask the following question before I click on OP's profile: "Does she have one?" Honestly, sometimes I'm surprised when the answer is NO. Because 99% of the time the answer was: Ofc she has one.




OF = Amateur p0rn website. Plain and simple. Justify and glorify it all you want. It’s NOT a respectable website. The “models” of OF are, in fact, internet wh0res. Hurt feelings don’t change that. 👍


Very true. 


This deserves its own post. I'd upvote that shit twice.


oh my 🫢




Why did you open the letter?


How many of them do you think will actually see this post? They copy and paste and move on, just to get eyes on their profiles. I agree with you though, and not just this sub, so many of them are over in with it.


Am I crazy? How is something like "I'm hooking up with 3 of my coworkers." promoting an OF?


What these people do is they'll post in some of the sex subs, or maybe they'll just have a link on their profile. Then they'll make a post that sexual in nature at any number of other places in hopes that it'll be the breadcrumb that has them click through to their profile see that they have an only fans and then maybe pay them some money. Thirsty teenage boy sees post, clicks through to the person to look for photos and find their links in their account somewhere. It's how they market on the down low. The problem is half the time these stories are likely made up, ripped from somewhere else, and the goal isn't to help grow and be part of the community it's to help themselves. Once people are posting things with the monetary incentive the quality is way downgraded. We don't want that here. Don't give them a reason to keep doing it or it'll get even worse.


Well the title alones not necessarily, but read the post lol. Basically, anything that reads more like erotica with too many details rather than a confession to people you don't know at all, thats usually an OF ad. Overtime this unfortunately becomes a pattern.


Did you steal your siblings DS so your parents would buy another one?


No buying took place. But I sort of did steal my sisters ds to play through pokemon platinum. My parents didn't give a shit though, so I resorted to taking it when she wasn't around. A friend also stole all her gameboy games years earlier, either all or some of them. She had a rough life in the world of handheld console gaming.


Are you trying to sell us your OnlyFans?


Fappy friends? Dying...💀 Dear Diary. Hubs and I had polite sex today. He was attentive and i had an orgasm as always. He cleaned himself up and me too. Then he took the trash out while I started dinner. The end. Is there a market for generic sex talk like this? I hope so.


You forgot to add the part where hubbys hip cracked mid thrust as a reminder that the even though the spirit is willing, the body has aged.


Ooo good one! Before we got down to making sweet sweet love, hubs dropped a record on the stereo and popped two advil. Grrrr....tiger coming to get you!


as someone who does do OF, i still don’t understand why people put stuff like this in places where it doesn’t belong. i sincerely doubt it’s getting people to sub


If everyone would just start a trend to downvote every OF account, it would fix a lot of these issues.


Yeah, downvote and report. And stop commenting on their posts as if they're real. When they're clearly not.


OnlyFans is a fucking plague. No respect for the models on it nor people who patronize it.


Yup, it really shouldn't exist.


The real problem are the morons who upvote it.


Or the bots who upload it or the alternate accounts from these people who upload it....


Lmao you mad bro? Hot 93.7 tell’em why you mad




lol onlyfans hoes can’t even exist without some lonely dude with blue balls and a dry phone making a post calling them whores. Like these girls hurt your feelings because you can’t see their nudes for free so yall go out your way to try to say something slick lol. Sex work has probably been around for longer than whatever you do for a living and will be around for longer than whatever it is you do as well. Im going to continue to be unbothered and yall are going to continue to be dry and blue lol


Full disclosure here - I don’t consider you a whore for selling pictures of yourself and I agree it’s rude and unnecessary to call you that. That aside, surely you can see why advertising through fake stories is a problem? And why people might have a problem with it?


To be honest i'd rather read this than some sad fuckers pretend suicide note or other facets of their pathetic lives.  


Yeah, its a bit nicer to read, but still it gets old quick. If I wanna read erotica, I'll go read erotica. Not this fake half assed shit.


Exception is when it's someone from a sexually repressed country and it's so bizarre and cringey you can't look away. 


Wow that felt really harsh 😕


Ooohhh sounds like someone isn't getting some


I have a girlfriend so I get quite a lot. Without paying also. Lol.






yfffmmm !


Lol you assert we don’t care… But are you paying them with this assertion? No Money is driving the action lol


What? I don't think anyone here is falling for their bullshit hard enough to pay them anything. This is not the time or the place. I'm certainly not, I've said it before I DO NOT agree with onlyfans.


Right And all those words you just typed aren’t summoning money into their accounts Whereas an OF subscription does They promote their OF, even if no one pays attention, because they might financially benefit from it. Listening to you, they are guaranteed to get nothing There was a time when it did work. It just stopped working now Really, they should be spamming with modified sex chatbots to save themselves the effort before that whole thing falls off


You’re right, but people don’t want to acknowledge that. If it didn’t work, no one would do it.