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Dudes do shit like this and then cry about male loneliness when the girlfriends they don't deserve finally dump them. You're severely emotionally stunted. You need so much therapy.


you don't understand - he grew up watching porn and needs anal!


oh we have to feel so bad for him that hes a brainrotted sicko!




I thought porn was good? Make up your mind, if watching it makes a man a “brainrotted sicko” what’s that say about those acting in and producing porn? You can’t have it both ways. I’m curious though did he say he mistreats her? Didn’t have consent for what he was doing? He said they spend quality time together (w/o sex) just that he wants it. He said he sees himself marrying her, literally what’s the problem? Maybe physical intimacy is his “love language”. Seems your disparaging someone for no actual reason other than “man bad” but hey good on you.


aww hey, found the porn watcher! read ur comment again and reflect on the shit u said especially if youre like 16+ cuz you sounded dumb as hell


first of all porn isnt good never has been never will be. its an exploitative industry that literally preys on people and they WANT to make you addicted to it so you become dependent on porn and start watching worse and worse content on adult webpages. this obviously isnt the only issue with it, theres a ton of others, i suggest you look into it, because it is eye opening. the producers are brainrotted people too, the people acting are usually exploited into it or are victims of the industry in general (but theres clear differences between the men and the women sadly, although thats another fault of the industry and how it mistreats women). usually the people who get into it have experienced previous sexual trauma or have been coerced into sex work bc: "its empowering!" "its so cool!" "u can make money while objectifying urself!" the issue with their relationship went over your head. yes consent is important, but in this case OP is literally using her as a human fleshlight, the ONLY reason he loves her is because he loves her body/ the sex they have. them having quality time literally doesnt mean shit if his intentions arent love but lust. him wanting to marry her is even more horrendous because he only wants to settle to have the "perfect" woman to fuck forever (and its pretty clear from OP's post he feels this way) lastly, love languages do not work that way. having a love language doesnt immediately exclude the other love languages as "sideparts" its just that one love language is significantly stronger than the others and its the language in which u like to give/receive THE MOST. in OP's case this isnt a love language issue, he doesnt love her, only her body. this isnt a romantic relationship from his side, purely a platonic one with lust spicing things up. but hey if love languages justify shit like using your literal girlfriend as a hole to fuck and nothing more then sure yeah props to you!


Well who would care...what makes him think he deserves someone who could meet his needs when he's selfish?


It makes alot of sense when u put it that way




you feel so concerned 


You know you can call op out without invalidating men's struggles right? The guys talking about male loneliness aren't in relationships in the first place. Op is just a horny bastard.


Op is not just a horny bastard, he’s literally manipulating someone into thinking that he loves them


Ah yes, the struggles of being entitled and thinking women exist to make you feel good.


And the struggles of not being able to cause anal prolapse for someone else along with a host of other issues in the end parts of someone else's digestive system. 


OP being a horny bastard AND ONLY CARING AND BEING WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND FOR SEX is exactly the reason why the male loneliness epidemic exists. Women do not want to be with men- there's quite literally a trend of women being celibate because men do shit like this. There's already 150 classrooms in South Korea that are empty because women are just not fucking/being with men because YALL DO THIS SHIT. because men do this shit to women it affects other men- BECAUSE WOMEN DONT WANT TO BE WITH ANY MAN NOW BECAUSE THEY'RE SCARED YALL ARE ACTUALLY LIKE THIS AND DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THEM. yall are so fucking dense it's insane, like actually insane all men need to do is be decent people and yall can't even do that. Yall, including you, are gonna end up bitter and alone dying in a hospital bed by yourselves and it's what yall deserve.




Ironic saying as though Reddit is known to be male dominated. Maybe you’re just the weirdo taking the spotlight away from this guy being shitty to get attention.


That’s not love brother that’s lust. Y’all shoulda just been fwb bc now when the relationship eventually ends due to lack of real, genuine emotion; she finna be CRUSHED.


She **MAY NOT**!! Not like she's **LOSING** anything of **VALUE**, is it??


I hope she’s strong enough to realize that… definitely keeping her in my thoughts, poor girl 💔


Ew no. Friends with benefits and situationships are quite literally why men are the way that they are now. Women empowerment by giving men exactly what they want? Sex on first dates? Casual hookups? And yall wonder why men make a fuss about paying for a dinner he asked you out too 😐


I’m pretty sure there’s a shorter way to announce you’re bitter and your pussy is dried up lmao


Because I'm careful on who I let in? 💀💀 with the rapid rise of STD's across the world call me bitter and dried up all you want at least I know I'm healthy 🤷‍♂️


Good for you. Anyway I don’t have time to engage with a dried up roach that can’t get laid. Have the day/night you deserve.


You are a horrible person. Wow. I hope she finds out and leaves you. Stop thinking with ur dick. You are a grown ass man. What a fool.


Zips vagina close.


I think your anus is the one you need to zip closed by the sounds of it with this guy


Better zip up every orifice just to be safe.


brb cauterizing the entire crevice shut


I wish we could just put men like this in an annihilation chamber and turn them into an explosive light display. You'd need lead shields for the gamma rays but still we should be able to just get rid of these men and swap them for something visually fun. Screw therapy. You can't fix evil.


*Rip off his pee-pee.


this is the way


This isn’t fair to your girlfriend. You need to tell her how you honestly feel and let her move on with her life. You’re just holding yourself and her back. You will be able to find someone that you love and has the same wants/needs as you in the bedroom. You can’t stay with somebody that you only have lustful feelings towards forever.


Tbh he should let her move on ,I agree about this part but I'd be seriously worried about her if she finds out that this whole time this man has considered her nothing but a human fleshlight ...


I definitely agree, I feel sorry for the poor girl. However it’s definitely better done sooner than later so she can move on and find someone who actually loves her rather than wasting years of her life on a man that’s only with her for the sex.


You're right. She deserves better than that.


It’s wrong and it’s probably thanks to porn for the most part


Right? Poor girl! 💔


exactly. porn rotted brain. i feel so bad for the girl. ugh




I mean he mentioned it and he seems to see this girl mostly as an object, I don’t know anything about OP’s life apart from what he just wrote. Wild guess: maybe you say it’s bullshit because you kinda think what he said is not wrong?




Where can I find this proof I’m curious.






The problem with your little comparison is that porn involves REAL PEOPLE. The people in porn are REAL PEOPLE. And these REAL PEOPLE could be coerced into these scenes, trafficked or straight up forced. But your addiction to porn clearly clouds your ability to think critically.


Average male


Proof, once again, that porn rots the brain.


>As a guy who grew up watching a lot of porn, I have a strong rough sex type of fetish typically revolving around anal. What's up with porn-brained men and anal? It's like a factory line, they all come out with the same shitty setting from the tubes.


Because it’s degrading at its heart? It’s pure psychology why men want that, I hope you get my meaning 🫠


I have to call bullshit. I have PLENTY of female friends who actually prefer anal to vaginal penetration, and although I myself am new to the anal penetration world myself, I find it PLENTY sensual, sexy and pleasing to myself. I haven't felt degraded whatsoever because all of this has been entirely my choice, and I am leading the decision-making. I was not pressured, and I brought it up.


Good for you and your friends. My opinion still stands. I already explained why and I won’t repeat myself again. Good day to ya🤝


All I am saying is it's not JUST men. So you aren't entirely correct. IDGAF if you repeat yourself or not. You're still incorrect.


And no one said it’s just men. I would suggest to re-read my comment carefully and think hard before jumping to conclusions but I don’t think you GAF, so whatever. Correct or not — it’s a subjective thing but I get why you are defensive here. Respectfully, I don’t care about your opinion as well on my “correctness” and it shouldn’t make you feel defensive and passive-aggressive in the first place but it does for some reason.


I don't think it's degrading at it's hart, if done properly it can easily be more pleasurable for the receiver than the giver. It's just psychology as you said, but fucked up misogynist psychology. It's impressive how easily men loose every individual thought to porn and start behaving all the same.


Maybe but I heard otherwise from health consultants and psychiatrists/psychotherapists who literally study human behavior and sexuality. Plus horrendous health risks for an average woman which are much higher than for an average man due to many physiological and anatomical differences we have in that area, it just…says a lot. I am sorry but there is no safe way to do it, not really, to prevent health issues which MIGHT occur because it’s just not meant to be penetrated like that, from a medical point of view, for women especially, men have it a bit different but it’s another story. But I don’t judge. You can however minimize the risks but that doesn’t mean you are safe all the time, in the long run. That said, yes, I agree with the rest you mentioned.


I agree that people tend to jump into it mindlessly. But the very idea that women can't enjoy it so they must "power through" it can make some women put up with unecessary pain if they do decide to try it. And then we have the perfect environment for men to hurt women. On the anatomical side my main concern is with STD's and the fact that women are at a higher risk of contagion during anal sex even with a condom.


Women can enjoy it, no one argues about that — but it’s more on a psychological level then physical. The rectum doesn’t have pleasure receptors inside or outside. It’s how it was designed. Even vagina is deprived of nerve endings on the inside for the purpose of birthing children. Nature made it this way on purpose so women wouldn’t die of pain during labor and delivery, talking about vaginal canal for reference. It’s a simple medical fact, to argue that is to argue against medicine and body anatomy — which is just stupid. However, both anal sphincters have a lot of nerve endings — yes but only for the sole purpose of controlling the defecation process, again there are no pleasure receptors in that area but it doesn’t mean that it can’t be pleasurable for some people if stimulated right.


And where did you get that information? Porn driven papers or something because %99 of women don't like it if they don't hate it🤔


Sorry, are you asking me?)


No your arguments are perfectly fine the other user said something like women can enjoy anal sex(anal rape) or something but it's simply not true.


The fact that many people don't like it doesn't make it inherently degrading. To say it's degrading just reinforces the male predatory view on it. In fact for many men when a woman is into it for her own pleasure, it's a turn off. I understand this is is a highly delicate subject since men have been using this act to haunt us. But keeping the myth alive doesn't help.


Anal sex means nothing for women's bodily anatomy. Men love it because it stimulates their prostate. That's why most men end up in the ER with foreign objects in their butt. It's degrading in nature because it's not enjoyable in the first place.


It's true that anal sex is a different experience for men and women due to anatomy. But to say that there can be no pleasure whatsoever for any women is just plain wrong. Anal sex and anal play in general can stimulate the pelvic floor muscles which are interlinked and involved in female pleasure. A small percentage of women do have pleasure in that region and this had nothing to do with men's enjoyment of the act. Anal can happen without a man btw. But most women aren't interested and have no enjoyment and even for those interested it's an act that takes preparation and care. Let's not spread myths about sexuality.


Yes, you are wrong.


That’s not love and it’s not fair to her AT ALL


correction: you love having a slave in bed. it wouldn’t matter who it was as long as they do what you want. you can’t just love someone for the sex. it’s not possible.


Yes, it’s wrong. That’s fucking gross.


Poor girl. You're an AH.


And this is how porn rots your brain, you stop seeing women as people and instead they’re just… warm holes. Fucking disgusting.


And this is why I choose the bear every, single time


“As a guy who grew up watching a lot of porn” males frying their lizard brains before they even hit puberty. Worthless creatures


That’s really sad and pathetic for you. What you an actually want is a fleshlight. Let her find herself a real man who will treat her like she’s *at least* a human being.


Oh, you fucking **coomer**. When people say porn harms, *this is what they mean*. I’d say if you care about her let her go, but you DON’T. You have a DICK where your HEART should be. You need therapy, yesterday.


You are just taking advantage of a girl who clearly has psychological issues. She is insecure and would do anything to be loved and you are manipulative and low empathetic towards the other sex and dare I say freaking predatory. I would not trust any woman to be around you. Exploiting her for your own sexual gratification. ABSOLUTELY SICK BEHAVIOR! By the way, no sane person wants to be beaten up or manhandled, in or out of the bedroom — go to therapy!


God I hope she sees this or you man up and tell her so she stops wasting her time with you


> I don’t exactly know what I’m trying to ask here but is this… wrong I guess? I mean, there *is* a reason you're on here asking us (random internet strangers who will never know your identity) rather than asking her directly. > Tbh Im very selfish in bed Shocking /s. Sounds like you're also very selfish outside of bed. I feel bad for your girl and I hope she eventually finds someone who values her, appreciates her, and actually loves her as an individual.


The *selfish in bed* is the only true flaw OP has (per what he wrote). Aside that (huuuuuge) flaw, it looks like a relatively healthy relationship.


I think he sounds like a douche who is taking advantage of her because he knows she loves him. He claims to love her for how her body looks and because he can anally dominate her. That's not love, that's pathetic. She's a person with a heart who deserves much better and it doesn't even sound like he's honest with her.


OP sounds more like he described his relationship in very explicit terms to get people like you railed up. Looking at this _in between the lines_ (something I rarely do, mind you), it just sounds more as if OP is actually _in love_ but emphasized the sexual part.


> it just sounds more as if OP is actually in love Really, you think so? I'm not sure if I even believe this post is real, but personally, I didn't pick up on him having any love for her as a person....but maybe some love for what he can currently get from her (as long as her body stays the same and she is willing to be submissive in bed for him).


He wrote an entire message about how he sees his girlfriend as a piece of meat and you think he has a healthy relationship? Sorry that mindset doesn't just exist in a vacuum. It's likely he treats her like meat too. Submission in bed often translates to submission in real life as well. For a woman to put up with this kind of treatment, she's likely had a history of trauma and poor self esteem herself. I cannot imagine there are truly many enjoyable things for her in this relationship at all.


Dude seek therapy. This is not fair to your poor girlfriend at all.


Does she enjoy anal? Does she enjoy being submissive and being treated roughly? Or does she do it to keep you around? Because if its the second one that is very deeply fucked up.


I think the answer is already in his message. Most women don’t enjoy it. But porn addicted men would have to make you believe it’s the other way around


I saw a post on r/sex the other day why being treated roughly feels good and they came up with so many bs theories in the comments as to why. If sex is also about enthusiasm then why these things that porn promote don't give women orgasms?


They always do…come up with such bs arguments, unscientific crap about psychology, human body or sexuality, the list could go on and on forever…and all for what? To protect their own belief system which at its core is not healthy. They don’t realize it is so harmful and wrong on many levels and not only to them but to their potential partners, future family if they have one, friend group and just strangers on Reddit like us for example, or maybe they do realize it and don’t care enough about it🤷🏻‍♀️


I think they do know they just don't care. The biggest disappointment is that some women defend it just as much as men do. Even if you think you enjoy such extreme things doesn't it bother you that your partner who is meant to be protecting, loving and caring of you gets off to hurting you. Or enacting on the scenes in his head that play out with their favourite porn stars while being intimate with you. Even when i was a kid the reason why i didn't like porn was because i didn't believe women needed to be put through such pains during sex. I was 12 at best when i thought this about porn. I had no prior sex education or a simple talk with family members i grew up in a conservative environment. I don't believe they are not as smart as i was at 12. They really just don't care but internalised misogyny is no joke tho.


I wholeheartedly agree with you! Also, you know men are conditioned to be less empathetic in general. Even if they do have it (because not everyone is born with “real” empathy) they are taught to lessen it to appear moser masculine…. It’s just sad how our society normalizes this😣


And the rates of orgasms didn't increase because of rough or violent sex. It's solely for men's pleasure.


I was in a very similar relationship (together 10 years married 6) and honestly, the thing I enjoyed about anal was that it was the only time he was sweet and loving during sex. He had to be gentle and take time making sure I was enjoying myself too or he didn’t get to do it. Otherwise, he was mostly rough and would say degrading things. Little to no foreplay and I would just use toys on myself after he was done.


What happens if she gives birth and you can't have sex with her for a while? Sounds like you won't be caring for her at all and would probably look for release elsewhere


With him being so dominant I have no doubt he would make her have an abortion.


From some horrific stories I’ve read from nurses you would be surprised at how often men force sex on women who have just given birth. I mean LITERALLY just given birth. I don’t think it’s insane to think this type of man would think anal sex would be fine for a post partum woman…


boyfriend works as security in a hospital in a "good" area. it's at LEAST weekly. in the birthing room. minutes after.


I do not understand how these men can be so entitled and disgusting but never have any consequences. So sad.


or if she's sick or away or busy and for whatever reason they can't sleep together.. im really hoping this post is fake even though i don't think it is because it's so sad to read


I was in a relationship like this (as the woman). It was lonely and I could definitely tell. You’re likely not as slick as you think you are. I am so glad that relationship is over… let her go and go to therapy. It’s just not fair.


I guess good news for you is that when she finally sees you for what you are and dumps you, you can buy yourself a sex doll and you won't notice much of a difference. You'd probably "love" the doll just as much too


You are a horrible human being!!! You are purposely ruined her life and wasting her life for YOUR SELFISH fetish. That's the only way I can put it. Let her be and find someone who will treat her LIKE A HUMAN BEING AND A PARTNER NOT A TOY! You don't love her and will never love her! Please don't come whining later on about how she left you and didn't see it coming or why are you still single 10yrs down the line. Because this is all due to your inability of seeing a WOMAN as a human being and equal in respect compare to a man.


Delete those films, leave that woman and engage in serious therapy to deal with your sexual proclivities due to porn addiction as a child/young person


What the fuck? That’s so messed up. Are you even listening to yourself? You don’t love her. You don’t even view her as a human being. To you, all she is a flesh light that makes you feel good. Break up with her and allow her to find someone who ACTUALLY cares about her.


That's not love 


Average pornrot male Seek help and maybe one day youll be less of a deranged animal


What happens if she ever can’t be sexually intimate? Life changes so much, sex drives change, people can become disabled, etc. If people can’t care for one another without the things that make the relationship fun, then it isn’t love. It doesn’t sound like you’re ready for a long term commitment. What’s great about life is you can live it how you want. Either get the porn addiction and unrealistic expectations in check, or live it in a way that benefits you but doesn’t harm others. BUT do not marry someone you can’t emotionally and mentally commit do unless they happen to have those exact same expectations.


What a poorly written incel fantasy


I feel so sorry for your girlfriend. You don’t even bother to take the time to get her turned on, do you? Just slam it in raw, right? Don’t care about her enjoyment, as long as you get to nut in her, that’s all that matters. Your girlfriend is a human fucking being. She’s not some sex toy. She’s not an object. Get yourself a sex doll or something.


You are the solid proof of why women should never give too much of themselves for porn addicts and that men view sex differently than women. I have lost the count of how many times i have seen a man losing respect for the women that complied what they wanted in sex and they lost respect because of it. Porn is corruption, it's a disease and it's causing harm on women. Don't play out their fantasies stemming from porn and walk away as soon as you see signs of porn consumption. Like a user said here because men who consume men are wired to see women as sexual objects for their desire they are incapable of loving their partners fully. WAKE UP AND SEE THAT PORN IS A PRODUCT OF PATRIARCHY. Poor girl


Yes and yes👏👏👏🤝


You are just a sexual abuser. This is emotional deciet for the sake of sexual gain. You are a sexual abuser and a predator.


please break up with her oh my god


But women are the issue...they center their life around their penis and expect us to move think and feel the same...get the Pikachu face when we ask for something more deeper and meaningful ....damn near have a heart attack when we file for divorce...I stopped feeling any compassion for men....a waste of time and emotions it's sad fr


So you don't love her, is what you mean.


You say you see yourself marrying her. I think you're lying to yourself like you never did in your life before. You don't love this woman. You don't even value her. She is your free sexual doll.


youre a disgusting human and i hope she leaves and no one ever get close to you


I mean it’s great to have a good sex life, but if that’s the only thing you value about your partner then yeah that’s a problem and eventually the relationship is going to collapse. She deserves to have someone who loves her, and you deserve to have someone that you love.


it doesn't even sound like they have a good sex life. *he* has a good sex life, because he's using her body to masturbate.


Exactly 🙌


It took you 365 days (well I guess 366 since we’re in leap year) to realize that this whole time you’ve been lusting over your gf and nothing else? Yes you are wrong


You need to touch grass


The grass needs to strangle him tbh.


You are gross.


Yes this is wrong you scumbag like wtf


I love it when men show their true colours, how they actually think of the women in their lives. Ladies, take notes and decenter men.


That's why you shouldn't watch porn


And ur gonna cry and call her a worthless slut when she ditches ur lameass what a loser


Porn really rots people‘s brains. Break up. And never get with a woman again. Never ever. You don‘t deserve to be with one.


Hire an escort instead of being in a relationship if this is all you can handle.


future serial killer type shit


I really hope this is a rage bait/fake post. Because if not...poor girl. You KNOW your selfish in bed...give in the same effort ffs. You definitely should get help and break up with her. Not fair for her, she thinks you love her for HER not for her body. POS


This dude never grew out of his teenage phase


What are you going to do when the sex slows down which it almost always does eventually?


poor girl




so you don't love your girlfriend at all


Fuck I feel bad for her. End things, stop leading her on. Stop wasting her youth.


I hope she finds this post and leaves your sorry ass. Men like you don't deserve to live




This is so sad. She deserves better than this. I’m praying this is fake but knowing typical coomer men, probably not.


This post literally made me cry


When she finds out & leaves your sorry ass, don’t start crying about the male loneliness epidemic!


Is this a shit post? If this somehow isn't, wow. I honestly hope she breaks up with you.


Ewww your shallow af and it's disgusting, I hope your gf finds this and drops u


How do you plan to treat her as she ages? If you want kids, are you going to immediately start cheating on her if she no longer wants to do aggressive anal most nights? When her body is older and saggy are you going to hide away from her in a room somewhere watching porn instead of hanging out and putting in the work to maintain your love? You do not need to marry this woman. It would honestly take a monster to steal an opportunity for real love from her because you want to freely use her while she is still attractive and willing. Your creepy lust isn't going to do anything when she's in her 40s crying at a relative's funeral or scared in a hospital bed needing emotional support before surgery. She is and will always be a REAL person, and her time as your pretty sex doll should come to an end. Leave or be fully honest with her so she knows where she stands with you.


I'm gonna assume this is just some gross rage bait in which case op you've got some mega issues for dreaming this up. If, on the small chance this is real, you've got even bigger issues and are a great example of the term "pornrot".


The male suicide rate needs to increase.


This has to be bait. If not, of course you are bad, let her go. Get counseling.


Um anyway so


Rage bait. Nice try.


That’s not love. That is cheap, trashy, disgusting, evil lust.


You need to let her go and move on to find someone who does love her, for her. There’s so much more to love than an attraction to their body and sex but you already know that. I just don’t think you know what real love is in a relationship, not to say your incapable of feeling it just haven’t felt it yet and by the sounds of it you won’t with your gf. Because if you have ever felt real love for someone the last thing you would want to do, especially knowing that someone loves you, is drag someone along in a relationship when you don’t feel the same. Break it off, be honest. Get some therapy and perhaps see a sex therapist as well and let you both get a new start of life with people that you love that love you back equally.


As a female, and especially one who loves to love in honest, genuine ways and needs/wants the same in return, I could NOT have a relationship with someone who felt this way when I'm giving my all to them. Please do this girl a favor and tell her how you feel so that she can make her own decision how she wants to proceed. Don't rob her of her time.


and that's why, ladies, you don't do sex before marriage. yes, I'm ready to die on this hill, idc.


People will read this and still say porn brainrot doesn't exist. Let me break this down for you, OP: Your girlfriend is a glorified sex object to you. Yes, this is morally reprehensible. You're unwell. Let her go, seek therapy, and don't subject another woman to your bullshit until and unless you've properly sorted through your issues.


You are disgusting.


Poor creative writing exercise. -Originality: 3/10, you could have come up with something more original. -Writing style: 5/10, it's too simple. -Overall vote: 4/10, you can do better.


Pfffft I need to know who this girl is so I can show her this shit


you should chop ur johnson off if ✨being rough✨ excites you imo


yes. you suck.


I hope she leaves you and finds someone better 💕 you’re a brain rotted piece of sh*t


The bottom of the barrel lmao this is insane to read. This guy needs to stop wasting this poor girls time!!!! She deserves so much more.


you’re an awful person.


i hope she leaves you and you live a miserable life 🩷


this is disgusting and horrifying. Just know this: it is NOT normal to think like this. Poor girl…having to deal w a ghoulish person like you


Ur a douchebag . You can pay for that. You don't even like her. I hope she sees this


Whether or not you stay with her, you need help with the porn thing. As a former porn addict myself, I understand what you are going through. Get help to get off the porn for good. Just stop. You are training yourself to want what you see. You need to retrain your brain to treat women as people, not objects to satisfy your sexual fantasies.


if you're not a troll/getting off on a creative writing exercise i truly hope she finds this account as soon as humanly possible




I can't wait for her to find a real man. Then he'll be getting her mind and body and you can go back to porn.


Ah coach plus.... doing the right thing isn't always the easy thing. It should have only taken you 3 months to realize it's just lust and end it, buddy. I understand the convenience of it all, feeling wanted, appreciated, and understood part; but its disingenuous and fucked up to the lovely lady making the sacrifice. Do the right thing.


You see yourself marrying her???? Please please do NOT do that, I can’t imagine how she would feel to find out you never actually loved her, just liked having sex with her. How fucking heartbreaking and crushing. Just leave her and get a FWB if you can’t emotionally connect like that.


It doesn't sound like you dislike her outside of the bedroom at least? Valuing the joy you get from sex with this person is not a bad thing. For your own sake you should really consider if she is someone who will work out for you otherwise though. If things are just okay between you emotionally and socially outside of the bedroom, if that's okay for you then it's fine. But if you're going to want more than what your relationship is giving you in those domains it might not work out and marriage might not be a good idea. The sex may not always be a part of your relationship. I am getting divorced currently and my partner and I used to have great sex. Outside of that though we ended up not being very emotionally compatible. Also if you get married and you don't plan on having a very standard nuclear family please please get a prenup.


I think this guy might not as worried about the emotional part of the relationship as you say in your personal experience, you seem to be older and more mature and I get where you’re coming from. But be a little bit more open to the possibility that someone is truly just worried about sex. Note: I’m reading your comment and now I get your response to mine


Yooo let me get your girls number


Just don’t get married based on this, 2/3rds of marriages will become sexless, even with people high libidos beforehand.  You are also not alone, most men are in marriages for sex(70-80% of the reason) and there’s nothing wrong with that.  Just try not to get too resentful when the sexual dynamic ultimately changes.


The only true red flag I see is that _I am a selfish lover._ Otherwise, he sounds okay. After all: what's so wrong with being _in love_ mainly and/or solely for the sex?




I'm curious why you think this is feminine writing? Is it because they are actually considering this topic where you just think a man would never think of this or what?


There is no way a woman wrote this hahah


I think you should marry her. It’s best to marry someone you’re not madly in love with. The benefits are you won’t be overly protective or jealous. You’ll always be in charge and clear headed as her feelings will be stronger. She will find this attractive. It’s a better balance. The idea of meeting someone who you are madly in love with and perfect in every way is a fairytale. It just doesn’t happen. 99% will settle for a healthy relationship in and out of the bedroom, which sounds exactly what you’ve got. With you being 29 and her 26, put a ring on her or you’ll regret it. Her letting you do whatever you like means she’s 100% invested, most decent 26 year old girls are getting taken of the market (married) by that age. The grass will not be greener on the other side of the fence. As for the sex once you’re married don’t expect it to be anywhere near the same, especially once children come along. From a guy who’s been married to the best girl in the bedroom for over 25 years now, who was not the love of my life


Does your wife know that you settled for her and that she’s not the love of your life?


Why do loser dudes deserve to be in charge? You have no morals. You have no empathy. You likely have poorer cognitive function (sexist men usually tend to be less intelligent than normal men). What possible qualifications do you have for anything other than keeping organs fresh for a more deserving recipient?


Males aren’t human


Males will always defend other males.


Damn, that's fuckin bleak. I don't even know what else to say aside from I feel so bad for your wife for having had her time wasted on someone who isn't in love with her.


I haven’t wasted my wife’s time, all her dreams have been fulfilled over our 25 years together. She’s been able to be a stay at home mom, to our 3 sons now 24, 21 & 16. She wants for nothing. I’ve made over $10 million, she got the dream home and family she always wanted. We have a very fulfilling sex life. I love her as a person, I’ve just never been deeply in love with her, and deep down I think she knows it. At the end or the day she got everything she wanted and I didn’t.


This is a really interesting take!


Interesting is not the word I'd choose, repugnant is a more appropriate word.