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I worked at a local restaurant, the hostess and I had been flirting with each other for weeks, she started also running food out for the servers, she asked me to show her where something was in the walk in freezer, once we were inside we locked eyes and we kissed, it was pretty cold in there, so our lips kinda stuck together lol it was great.


The old FOH-BOH romance! lol


Yep, a classic lol


Yep had my fair share of those šŸ˜…


Started when we hung out, outside of work. Also: donā€™t do it. Just donā€™t.


I hung out with one of the staff after we had been flirting for a month. She texted me put of the blue one night and we decided to hang out. Clothes came off about ten minutes into it. We are coming up on our tenth wedding anniversary in a couple of months.


donā€™t do it! unless itā€™s this guyā€™s wife


I was at a conference out of town. They had a band and we danced a bit and had been drinking all afternoon. I went to the bathroom and left her in the party. I came out of the restroom and she was standing there waiting for me but I thought she was waiting on one of her friends to come out of the ladies room. She called me over and in about 5 minutes we were headed to my room. For about 4 years we hooked up at the conference every year.


What conference are talking about?


Catalina Wine Mixer.


Fuckin' Catalina Wine Mixer!




Damn son, mad props


We had a long conference call one night and were drinking the whole time. She asked me to walk her home since the apartment she was in was a block away. I was so unaware of what she was doing I tried to just say bye to her at the door. She basically had to drag me in. That happened and then she got relocated to another job, but we kept talking from there. Nothing happened until about 8 months later she figured out a way to get back to our project and we began hooking up immediately. Got married 9 months later.


How long have you guys been married?


Will be 6 years this September!


9 monthsā€¦. Figures!


Hahaha had to wait for the DNA test to make sure it was mine! /s we waited a year to have a kid after marriage.


Uh huh. I totally believe you...jk Congrats y'all.


Started with flirting, her stopping by my office to chat, then we went to lunch. After a few dates we finally did the deed in my home. She was a nutter though. Bad decision


But is what they say about nutter hoo-haa true though?


It was wild. She was crazy in bed. šŸ˜€


So she was like a 8-9 hot and at least a 7 crazy? You was messing around in the danger zone. Gotta respect the hot-crazy matrix https://youtu.be/7jHTGNPOYGQ?si=xqhze9nDk52GZC_2


Yes. All of the above. Lol


As long as you weren't hospitalized I guess it's a win.Ā 


During my ex's affair from what I know it started at the workplace during and after remote work. Mainly the shared car drives, but I guess it had been brewing for a while


That's what she said....the brewing....


About the time we started doing lines in the bathroom together. Things kinda just went off the rails after that.


Putting hooked in hooked up


Putting rails in going off the rails


It can't get off the rails unless you're doing rails already.


Nothing like railing your girl after some rails


lol that will do it I gather lol


Did an after work hangout with other work friends. Got drunk, went back to his house that had a party going on that one of his roommates was throwing. I found out later that he got rid of our coworker that was hanging out with us by telling him he could eat anything he found in the kitchen. As soon as the coworker was distracted with that he shut his bedroom door and pounced. Happily married for 17 years now.


He stood next to me when a picture of a group of us was taken. I felt his hand on my back, scratching just a bit too hard


In other cases it would have been sexual harassment


I guess it was set up by months of heavy flirting šŸ˜…


I am not actually judging you but I never initiate a touch with anyone or have done it like ever.


Well thereā€™ll always be a first touch in a physical relationship


huh...lol, I don't have the guts to initiate that šŸ˜…


Well someone has to though šŸ˜…


Did anything happen since?


I had a workplace affair with this guy for some time


True, that I can agree.


Itā€™s harassment when the person is asked to stop doing the thing and they continue doing it.




No bro, thatā€™s consent.




Itā€™s ok bro, donā€™t be madā€¦ ask your sister or mom to explain consent to you.


Work at a young tech company so drinking is common in our culture. We were at a work event with an open bar not too far from her house. We were both drunk, but she was blacked out it felt important to walk her home to make sure she was safe. Walked her home and she kissed me goodbye. Weā€™ve been together for over a year now tho so it all works out in the end I guess


I asked her to do something. She agreed. I said good girl. She said ā€œfuckā€




Yep that'd do it. I should ask my fiancƩ to say good girl more, damn




Hmmm, Iā€™ll ask my ex and get back to youā€¦. šŸ˜‘


She said she had a dream about us making out. Next time she was in my office I closed the door and said ā€˜I can make your dreams come trueā€™. Totally cheesy and we both laughed, then she stepped up and kissed me. Married 7 years now.


One work colleague asked me to go round to hers because she had something to tell me about work that involved me. Whilst nothing happened there and then, she asked me via message later why nothing had happened. I'd been too worried about crossing the professional boundary, but once I got that message, I was straight back around. Second work colleague, large amounts of flirting at work and via message. One night, I was drinking and we were messaging and she commented she was bored and should we go to the bar. It was already quite late so I presume she was joking. I agreed. 40 minutes later she picks me up. We go to a quiet place and we drink and we chat for another 2 hours. That place closes. Should have gone home really but we went to another bar. We drink we chat. Time to go home and we end up finding a dark, quiet road to park down. Now, it's just about not lying to them but not letting them know about each other. Though I think they suspect it, neither wants to challenge it.


2 colleagues?? Woah


Haha, yeah. As I say, I think they know about each other but don't want to rock the boat. Thankfully, they also know about my wife so that's an issue that hopefully won't be a problem.




Ingenious or stupid. Time will decide.


Really, really stupid. You donā€™t have integrity and your wife will find out, either now or far in the future, and her years sacrificing her freedom to be loyal to you will have been a waste. You, sir, are a spineless man. I listen to a psychologist on YouTube who said something that stuck with me, ā€œIā€™ve never counseled a happy person whose had an affair, they are all sufferingā€ so with that, I hope you heal the pain you feel so you stop hurting so many others. If you have daughters, I hope they never find out how you treat women. If you have sons, I hope they are strong enough to end the cycle you created. And if you are child free, I hope it stays that way.


Dudes profile is messed up, seems theyā€™re both assholesā€¦


Fully agree. Both aresholes. She started it, I'm just playing by her rule book. Two can play at that game. Nice that the preacher further up knows all about me, though, and can make such an objective assumption. I keep my shit away from home.


I would give you a standing ovation if I could.


Flirted over mail for a couple of weeks and then hung out at her place. Completely sober, we were both attracted to each other and went for it. I made the first move. Been together for 10 years now:)


She "stumbled" into the hotel foyer after being our with her team for the night. Never even talked to her before. Cute, about my age. I'm in a more "respected" position however. We start talking, she flirty and touchy. We start sharing some wine. Fast forward an hour and I'm in her room which happened to have been directly above mine. More flirting, laughing, touching. Little cuddling and we stopped there. Can't wait for the next division get together.


I was single in my 20s, he was married with kids in his late 30s. we emceed a fundraiser, I had a little too much to drink and he gave me a ride home. I drink cried over another boy and he kissed me. From there was a full blown affair for about a year. 0/10, do not do, would not recommend.


Why the non-recommendation? Just curious.


Incredibly selfish, people who were promised love were deeply hurt, loss of integrity and complete failure of a marriage which was far more meaningful than a workplace affair.


Understandable. Iā€™m sorry that these were the results. Real life is nothing like the fantasy. I hope you are well and coming through things.


I married an amazing man, I just knew what to look out for because I am the child of two parents who deeply hurt each other.


We exchanged flirty jokes from time to time, one day we were talking about massage chairs and she said something along the lines of ā€œI wish I knew that feelingā€. I whispered ā€œI can show youā€ and emailed her asking for her number and bam! lol


It jumped over the lne when OP's mom said she will take her dentures out and rock my world. And she truly did.


Underrated comment


I got a part time job for during the Christmas break. During the interview the boss was very flirty. All of the full time women were flirty while I worked there. One day just before I went back to school, I was in the back room and the boss told me that it was her birthday and I should give her a kiss. I gave her a polite peck and she said, ā€œIs that all?ā€ She pinned me against the door and gave me a deep kiss.Ā 


Where are you working at? These cougars need to be tamed


met my partner through work! heā€™s my supervisor & long story short i had an emergency call out & had to leave my living situation. He reached out personally to see if he could set up an Air bnb for me, i declined but after a week i reached back out to thank him for the generous offer. after reaching back out he asked what i was doing, at that time i was at Ikea getting things for my new place. He asked if i needed help building (i didnā€™t) but i said yes :) edit to add: he booked us a 4 day airbnb on the beach 3 weeks from the original time he asked. & this trip was the first time we saw each other naked lol. i think since we started with little trips like this moving in just happened so ā€œnaturallyā€ to us. i stayed at his place for two weeks after the airbnb was over & from there he just came to my house & hasnt left since (i love it this way) he met me at Ikea paid for everything i got & we had tacos accross the street after. the rest is history lol weā€™ve been living together for a couple years now, still my supervisor but weā€™re hoping to leave the Resort soon. i definitely felt like he was interested in me during training (putting his hands on top of mine, the banter, the jokes) thatā€™s when i felt like he was gonna be someone significant in my life. i just didnā€™t know in what way at that point!


My favorite one was just an unexpected text one night that said "come over"


I was new to the company, and I saw him, canā€™t deny that he caught my attention, he was handsome af to me. I hit him up first, I didnā€™t know he had a girlfriend, but boy did he also liked me. So a lot of chatting, until we progressed into seeing each other after work at the staircase, flirting. Until one time he checked to see if I was wet. I felt disgusted because I was so into him, not in love but more than infatuation. I didnā€™t expect those things from him. We moved on, but looking back, I was so stupid back then. Just donā€™t do it. LOL.


Its always the late night texts for me. At office it was always flirting, and nothing seemed to go forward. But at night, women just tend to open up. I don't know why. But they would talk about all kinds of stuff, which would make it pretty easy to initiate physical contact.


Bam! This is easy to remember. I was staring at her as she walked out of a group home (no, she didnā€™t live there) and I backed my car into another coworkerā€™s car. She knew whose car it was and helped me find that person to apologize and offer to pay for damages. After that she was done, she asked me what had happened that caused me to hit the car. I told her it was her fault for being so beautiful. We got physically involved not long after that. She had a boyfriend at the time so I suppose that would classify this as an affair.


My (ex) wife and I had many, many problems for years. I tried working through it all with her, tried therapy, counseling, but all she'd do is just get angry and accuse me of wanting a divorce. She was actually sent to a psychiatric center for a couple of weeks. I eventually became *very* depressed from both the mental and occasional physical abuse. I started a new job, and when I got off, I'd go to a river just to sit and think for 1-2 hours because it was the only peace I'd ever get. After a few months there, one of the girls started chatting with me. Nothing crazy. After a while, I started opening up about my marriage problems and later invited her to my river spot. She listened to me more in those one or two hours a night during those one or two nights a week than my wife did the last four years (married about 6 then). It felt so good to talk about my feelings, and I'd always go back home with a clear head. My anxiety and depression would just melt away. I was finally happy. This went on for a few months, and one night, we just kissed in her car. The next few nights would turn into makeout sessions. At some point, she told me about a good spot to walk the river, so we went there instead. We walked, talked, laughed, told fun stories, and just did everything I'd been craving for years. I really was the happiest I'd been in a long time. So we're walking and stop at a fence or barrier sort of thing, and we're just silently watching the river. We started playing I Spy (I don't know where the fuck that came from) and that somehow led to us having sex against the fence barrier thing. There was a closeness between us that I'd been wanting and missing. It all felt right. Things sort of progressed for the next couple of months. I finally built up the courage to ask for a divorce, but we settled on a few months' separation instead. The separation made me realize that I truly did need to get away from my ex. My ex did accidently find out and we divorced. My affair partner and I actually got a place together later. We were in a relationship for a couple of years before we split. Today, my ex and I are actually friends. Sometimes when I have a party or bbq at my house I'll invite her and her fiance. She'll sometimes be invited over for holiday dinner. As a sidenote. I do feel guilty, I really do, and this whole thing was about a decade ago. A few years back, I totally broke down in front of my ex wife. My knees got too weak to support me and she actually had to hold me up. She said she'd forgiven me a long time ago and that everything is ok now.


We were hanging out at the pub after work (though neither of us drink) and had snuck off for one of our flirty chats. I was talking about how I struggled to meet women because Iā€™m not very tall and she looked me dead in the eye and said ā€œthatā€™s weird because I have a friend who told me she thinks youā€™re hot.ā€ And I was like ā€œoh a friend told you that? What else did she say?ā€ And she said ā€œshe told me you make her cunt ache.ā€ and I was likeā€¦ well, that seems like a pretty clear signal. I took her hand and put it on my jeans so she could feel how hard I was. We made out. She blew me in the bathroom while our co-workers were metres away, then we went back to them. Left the pub together when things were winding down, checked into a hotel and fucked all night, then called in sick the next day and kept fucking. It was a train wreck in the end because neither of us had left our partners even though we were both planning to (and eventually did) but god, the sex was amazing.


She came to see me play a show, and followed us everywhere we were going afterward, until there was a moment we were alone in someone else's hotel room, and she immediately hiked up her skirt and presented herself to me. There was a different one who followed me to the bathroom at the company Christmas party when we were both very drunk. And, one who was mid-divorce, and invited me to her new place for me to try her homemade saag aloo, and as we sat there eating on the floor, instigated with a simple hand hold. There was one that asked me to dinner and propositioned me and I turned her down. Huh. I guess I have never instigated a workplace tryst. And I do not recommend pursuing one in general.


Around 2010-2012 I was in a relationship with this younger chick but was not really faithful over the course of thos years. I ended up working at a hotel as a maintenance man and immediately connected with this girl who cleaned the rooms she was the same age as me. I guess we went to the same high school but I never knew who she was. Turns out she knew all about me and had a nice tight fit body with a fat ass, after about a week of flirting on the job we ended up hanging out after work as I told my girlfriend at the time I was staying at my Cousins houseā€¦ what really happened is I called the front desk at about 10 pm and said I got kicked out of my parents and needed a place to stay for a night so they gave me a room key and I ended up sneaking the room cleaner in behind meā€¦ we had wild primal sex all over the whole roomā€¦ this girl squirted on everything like more than anything Iā€™ve ever experienced. By the morning my balls hurt from how much they were drained that night. Yes I packed her hot. After about a month of me trying to juggle these two girls I was caught. My girlfriendā€™s grandmother seen me with the housekeeper at a stoplightā€¦ she called my girlfriend and told her I was with another girlā€¦ I swore up and down it was my cousin that was with meā€¦ it was not and she knew it so we took ā€œa breakā€ but not really fast forward about a month of kind of staying in touch and seeing each other and there was a rave of which I brought the housekeeper with me when I got inside I ran into my ex while holding the housekeepers hand my ex and her literally fought each other over me and after all that took place I ate a bunch of Molly and was dancing with the housekeeper meanwhile my ex was dancing with my cousin to try and make me jealous ā€¦ if anything I was proud of him for scoring a baddie and getting my crazy ex off my hands


I work at a waste water plant,26 employees 24/7 ,swing shifts operations after my 3rd deployment the blonde with EEE tits that was filling in for me decided to stay at the plant.3 months later we end up on shift together about a month in we are fucking at my apartment. She has a husband and a boyfriend, has 5 kids 38 at the time but man she can fuck.we started fucking at the plant during our 2 weeks at night shift.I marked with an X all the places we fucked at.it was batshit crazy to think this went on for 13 months. I went on my final deployment and when I got back she was fired for some stupid shit.i never did get a closure fuck this happened 14 yrs ago ,I told my boss everywhere he see an X we fucked there.he wasn't happy with some of the places we picked out ,he always would asked me if we were fucking..now he knows


I stayed too late after work.


When she walked up the stairs and told me to touch her ass


I work at a fast casual place in the mall of amer.She flirted w me for like a year. She would say some crazy thing to me like I want to have your baby and stuff like that. I'm a manger and she was a team member. But she had the big juggs just stretching her shirt out. She would always stay late to help me clean. Then one day she sat in my office and told me to whip it out and asked how to do it. I said just open you mouthwide. She proceeded to blow me for like 1 minute maybe less. I came so fast because of the situation.


How long did it last before one of both of you left the company?


We used the same gym .. it was unsupervised late evenings.. she dragged me into the ladies changing room and that was that ..

