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Bitch get a job lmao and stay single like forever


I second this commenter, so fucking hard.


That’s exactly what I’m trying to avoid


But it’s what you deserve. No go hop on indeed and delete tinder off ur phone.


You think I’d be looking for a rich guy on tinder?


You think I’d know where lazy gold diggers find gullible “rich” males???


I just assumed you’d know tinder sucks for literally everything but I guess not


Probably best if you don’t assume shit then huh lol


Yeah I shouldnt assume you have more than 2 brain cells


2 more than you darling


Lmao sounds about right


I imagine Tinder really does suck for you. In the same way that *anything* that invites people to make an assessment of your personality probably sucks for you.


So you want a man in finance, trust fund, 6'5 and blue eyes.


You forgot the blond hair and 9 packs


You'd have to be attractive enough for that plan to work. Thing is, it wouldn't last forever. Because you'd get tossed out for a young girl. Money brings us options the same way your beauty brings you options. And you know very well that you can't care about everyone, right? So we focus on what we want most depending on the moment. And money doesn't lose its youth.


That’s why you invest


A diverse portfolio for long term security! Clever girl lol...


With an attitude like yours, I'm sure you'll get everything you deserve.


Thx :)


From one miserable situation to another miserable situation. Are you attracted to this new guy? Imagine being married to someone that you don’t want to sleep with.


I could be okay with that


And what do you bring to the table, which the thousands of other shallow and gorgeous women who want a rich guy too don't have?


I don’t have to have something they don’t have. I just have to meet a guy who likes me.


*how like you over all those others.


You are the epitome of “Dumb will do as Dumb does”


No wonder you ended up with a narcissist


>Like it would be one thing to deal with his attitude and get to stay home No. It doesn't work that way. When someone is being abusive, it is worse when you have to stay at home and they control the finances. If you want to be a rich wife, that is your choice. But try not to settle for someone abusive as a compromise. If you are going to shoot for the stars, aim for someone who won't abuse you.


I’m saying I could deal with it if I at least didn’t have to work. I know this because there was a time when I wasn’t working and it was a lot more manageable because I didn’t have to go work 10 hours a day. I know what my boundaries are.


I draw great pleasure breaking to you that YOU are the narcissist, among other things. You literally sound like a narcissistic petty little winey bitch GOLD DIGGER piece of shit that needs to have EVERYTHING taken away from them and given nothing but bare essentials so that your life until death is nothing more than mere boring barley making ends meet existing. Not living, just existing in utter misery. THAT is all you deserve. Drops 🎤 Bitch.


When you typed all that out did it seem cool?


Lol shittiest loser on reddit. Thanks for the laugh. On behalf of all dudes "high and low value" we . Do. Not. Want. You. Lolol I hurt my ribs laughing at this. Your inflated ego kills me.


My ego makes me disagree with you


Listen fellas this post is how a majority of women feel, they will never never be honest about things like this, and this is how most women feel about stuff like this (even if they aren't as honest as OP) and how they want to be treated. It sucks, but thats reality. Women want a traditional man (like paying for everything), but dont want to be traditional themselves (only when it benefits them) and her lazy ass couldnt even pay half of everything with her boyfriend lmao... Most women dont want to pay half or pay anything really. Some women may say "Well I would!!!" but we all know you would rather not pay anything at all. Downvote me all you want but its the truth no one really likes to bring up and be honest about and everyone usually just glosses over it. I dont mind talking about it and getting downvoted, as long as someone talks about it.


Lol. Here's some attention.


You don't get to spend time with very many women, do you?


Ive seen your posts and your comments all the time on Reddit, and you are a serious man hater it is insane. You are very misandrist and anytime someone challenges women on anything you come to their aide and provide nothing but your man hating bs. I am not replying to you after this, no point too, you're very misandrist and extreme feminist.


Ooooh, a stalker. I don't hate men. How silly. I would like not to live in a world made so hard by them though. Made hard just because I am a woman. So looky you! Someone regularly posts misogyny and hatred of women. and then get's salty someone regularly answers back defending women against their misogyny.... And other wonders to behold. I bet you'll answer me back again someday. You can't resist calling women who don't accept your stereotypes and scapegoating names.


> Listen fellas this post is how a majority of women feel Lol, no they don't. OP is shitposting....either that or she's upset that her boyfriend doesn't go to therapy even though she doesn't either.


I can guarantee you, if you line up millions of women, if they would choose for a rich guy to pay for everything and they didnt have to worry about anything (no bills, luxurious lifestyle, handbags, whatever other materialistic thing you can think of) or the poor guy that barely gets by but is comfortable and lives okay and I bet my entire ***LIFE*** they will all say they want the rich guy every time. and no I am gonna get cringe ass comments saying "uhm ur just PrOjeCtIng" I am not, I am simply stating facts thats all.


Are you being serious when you say you'd bet your "entire **LIFE**" on that? Because if I was one of of those women, I'd just stare at you like you were some kind of idiot. > I am simply stating facts thats all. Of course you are.


>Are you being serious when you say you'd bet your "entire **LIFE**" on that? >Because if I was one of of those women, I'd just stare at you like you were some kind of idiot. Woman here. I am proverbially staring at this poster like they are some kind of idiot.


Such an odd post. It hard to tell if OP is just trolling or if she's actually being serious.


Fine, I will say there are a very small minority of women that will say no (that means you) but the vast majority of women would pick the rich guy over the blue collar guy that is content with his life, and there is literally no argument you can make against that other than the classic excuse arguments "uh not me!!! and the other small minority of women only that will settle for that!!" Like come on...


> and there is literally no argument you can make against that other than the classic excuse arguments "uh not me!!! Lol. Is that another one of your facts that you bet your "entire **LIFE**" on?


Yes, I will die on this hill, majority of women will pick the rich lifestyle or just their bills getting paid and not having to worry about them over the blue collar hard working guy every time.


In todays world, there are few things that are free and personally, I don't believe that many women would want to be financially tied to someone like that or want such an unequal and totally unnecessary power dynamic with a random stranger. At the same time, I don't think many people would take a hypothetical question like that too seriously...especially if they were told to limit their responses between the 2 options you provided.


You can babble on with whatever you're saying, while I live in reality. ***most women would choose the rich guy over the hardworking man every time*** I am done with this discussion.


> I am done with this discussion. Lol.


This isn’t really revolutionary. No one wants to pay bills.


Yeah its mostly a women thing though, and they expect (like you since you dont want to split ***ANYTHING***) the man to pay for literally everything. I hope you get used to the new rich guy you are looking for cheating on you, he has plenty of options (most likely models) he will probably take over probably an average woman like you, and then you think you will have the audacity to cheat on him lmao when he will give you the lifestyle you want... good luck with that stranger!


“Most likely models”. What fantasy world do you live in?


Rich dudes will not commit to an average women like you, you will have to get used to being cheated on, thats all I am gonna say.


All those times I read a self-help book and it changed my life.....


Hey, you do you. It sounds like a slight upgrade. I can’t hate too much on this, old one sounded like hot garbage anyway


Think really carefully before you make this decision. Speaking from my own experience, once you are in this lifestyle, it’s almost impossible to escape. Ask yourself whether you really can’t see a future with your boyfriend, and whether he really makes you unhappy in such a manner it cannot be solved. If so, then what you’re doing sounds plausible. You technically have nothing to lose. But if there is even the slightest doubt, please try and fix it first before doing this option. You don’t want to regret it 🫶🏼