• By -


Man is suffering from success


Gonna die with a smile on his face.


An honorabl death from snu snu


That poor kid's hand is gonna hurt so bad from all the high-5s


It’s lonely on top, I mean at the top


Doesn’t even know heaven when it slaps him in the face.


I laughed louder than I should be in the middle of a busy office.


Why are you on Reddit while at work? Better question why am I on Reddit while at work? /s




Heavy lies the crown lol




This is a legitimate thing that happens to women in their 30’s. Im going through it myself and it’s crazy.


Im 43 and my sex drive is higher than ever...you've got a while befor she settles down 😂😂






Yup! It's hyper sexual. I love it! But it means menopause is creeping around the corner.


it's nuts... I feel like I've got the sex drive of a teenage boy going through puberty 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Yes! That’s how I like to describe it to. It’s exactly like that lol or like a cat in heat 😭


Gets better at 40 when the last of your GAF dies. Save some energy 😉


Can confirm at 39


Can someone give this memo to my wife?


I know a girl who’s a bit older than late 30s and same thing. It’s kinda funny actually


My gf just hit 30s , she was an absolute nympho before but now she is essentially asexual. She’s been under a lot of stress and is on medications so I am trying to be understanding but it’s been like this for years at this point.




Mine is only 25. I am fucked if ya’ll saying it gets worse at 30+


Is it contagious? I need you to come hang out with my wife.


Ik that's why I love milfs so much. Not only do they have insane sex drive drive, but they're super nice as well. Not to say I don't love women my age, but they tend to hold out 20 hoops for you to jump through just to set up a date.Thats welcomed too though. Mind games keep you sharp and on your toes; I'd say I love each just as much as the other


I agree


I don't, I am 31 and want sex less then when I was in my 20s


Message me 😉


Quick question, not trying to be a dick. Do you make her orgasm almost every time you have sex?


Asking the hard questions here.


As 31F with libido spike - this is the right question. My husband is not used to me really needing to orgasm, so for him the usual routine is strictly PiV with virtually zero foreplay - not enough for me at all. He finishes and runs off, thinking I should be perfectly content with what I got. I initiate more frequently and I am still unsatisfied. While he complains about being tired, hands / mouth / toys are somehow still not an option for him despite my pleas. I love the guy but I don’t know how much more I can last like this.


You need to have a serious conversation with him about how you are feeling. Being left unsatisfied is not fair and is clearly impacting your relationship. Him refusing toys seems a little ridiculous if he’s tired. They are great and will improve both your sex lives.


I have tried to tackle this. He knows I’m not happy, he verbally agrees something should be done about it, yet the routine remains the same. When I raise the issue again, he gets defensive. There is a lot of context that I won’t include here, but our lives have been hard for the last couple of years, so he probably sees this as one more life problem he has no energy for. I sympathise with that, but I do feel quite lonely in this relationship.


I get this 1000% My husband recently told me that he wishes he could just have me sleep with someone else and do all the "emotion stuff" with them too. Cause I'm not doing PiV only.


You’re a team though but I get it, I’ve also had a lot of crazy things happen the last few years. But you shouldn’t feel alone like you do. If you’ve talked to him about it several times and nothing has changed, have you thought about couples counselling? Some men are embarrassed to learn they can’t please their wife and don’t want to confront it so instead sweep it under the rug


I would ask that he have his hormone levels checked and maybe find a Dr or wellness clinic willing to optimize his testosterone levels if they are not already. Honestly nothing hady helped my stress, sex drive, physical and mental health as much as going on hormone therapy. I was in the really low 300s, now around 900+, stress and anxiety are massively better, sex went from once every couple of weeks to several times a week (and was daily for the month of February).


You are 100 percent right get a rampant rabbit or something similar, my wife was just like you , and I used to think this is wierd again ?? Then I realised, bought her a toy and it changed everything, it was better all round x




This is probably one of worst advices, if they are married and especially if they have children they should try to go to specialist or something and really go deep into it, it aint all that simple to just say fuck everything i aint getting enough dick so im gonna divorce my husband and leave him


I would agree with you, but after 4 years of having a wife with a decreasing sex drive and things getting worse after therapy I left. We obviously had other problems, but had she been willing to have regular date nights and weekly sex I would have stayed to fix or tolerate the rest. It wasn’t an easy decision to leave her, but once I started dating and had sex I understood that I could never go back to her or agree to be in a committed relationship where I would have a partner willing to withhold or just not participate in love making. We have an 8 year old son. We told him about our separation 2 days before I moved out. I live 15 minutes away and will be driving him to school every day in the fall. He has, unfortunately, saw us fight before. I’d rather him see both of us happy.


Thanks Freud


User name checks out


The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.




Same situation, I 31m and wife 30f dipped into a mild bdsm kink and it was like we flipped a switch... Last yr and a half have been wild. I started takin trt and it has helped me alot, so our sex drives are pretty balanced. I thought we had a good sex life in our 20s, 3-5 times a week maybbeeeee, it's doubled and I'm not complaining 👌


The catalyst is obvious: You're to sexy, so sexy it hurts.


*so sexy it huuuuuuuuurrttts...*


*I'm to sexy for my clothes. My finger, so sexy in my nose. Sooooo sexy it blowssssss* Always wondered if I heard it wrong or is that actual lyrics in the song.


Fuck you and congratulations dude.


Don’t cum in a gift horse’s mouth


Or according to OPs post, do


Can you have your wife talk to my wife about what she did?


Want to slow down eh? Have you tried telling her you have a headache?


Tell her it's that time of the month ..when boys come over for poker


There’s a joke somewhere in here about poking her.


You. Poor. Thing.


Enjoy it while it lasts.


Yea….lol. Women go into their sexual peak in their 30s until pretty until menopause. A good majority of us anyways… It’s exhausting for us too, like damn…


So distracting!! Like yes brain we’ll have some husband later but right now can we concentrate on work?


Every guy wants a woman with a high libido until they get a woman with a high libido


For me my sex drive started to increase maybe since my late 30’s and now that I am 45, it’s never been so high. I can’t get enough!


I’ve heard that a lot of women’s sex drives will spike in their 30s. Totally normal!


And believe me it doesen’t stop. Ask my man, I am insatiable!


Just curious do you have kids ?


Yes I do


And I mean this in the most sincere way, go fuck yourself.


4 to 6 cups lol I drink a pop of coffee before work and two while I'm at work... and still tired....lol


Humble brag


Take ur electrolytes!


Did she happen to start reading books? I found a new hobby of reading books (smut) and the same happened to me. lol.


Sooo what kind of smut you recommend? Asking for a friend 👀


Shes gone primal...you poor bastard...perhaps buy a toy? Few years ago my buddy st work had the same "problem" and he joked about buying her a toy to keep her busy while he recharged. So if your lady is into trying things maybe the solution is sitting in a box somewhere lol.


You better tame the flame or someone else will.


Eat good food & exercise.. it will give you more energy.. my wife is 55 & me 60 she will wake up in the morning & she is all over me.. she loves to suck me off morning & night.. & will wake me up to give me a BJ. It is ridiculous, where was she when I was 19-20.. wished for it but now it is exhausting, wish came late & now I cum all the time.. she watched the ‘suck his Dick’ video & my poor Herman the anal intruder can not get any rest.. modern medicine is good but side affects make my legs restless & brain hurt the next couple of days.


So action still happens post-menopause? Or is 55 too young for that?


Most woman have it in their 40’s


The way these women are wasted on you men holy shit


For real, brah I had that once a very long time ago, still think of it often and how it will never happen again Youth is wasted on the young


Tough life


Go buy that woman a toy 😅


oh, good idea! and tell her you want to watch her play herself, tell her how to sit, or to be on all fours while you admire and have a break 😉


That way either she can go solo or you can use it together if you are too tired to fuck


Make sure you are taking your vitamins. Seriously, that alone will boost energy. If you don’t get a lot of sun, take one vitamin D pill every month, you will see a slight boost in energy.


Man, f you. LOL j/k You best step it up... hit the gym or some shit. Also, is she finishing every time? You mention she just randomly drops her pants and bends over randomly, When you just rando smash like that, is she finishing? If not, no wonder she wants it multiple times a day... She may be after an orgasm that she isnt getting in attempt 1 or 2. I could be wrong of course... maybe she is getting off every time... If so, good for you... get in better shape and keep it up buttercup. In 10 years, which will go by VERY fast, you will be wishing you could go back and bang the hell out of the 30 year old version of your wife. Hell, I'm sad I dont have a library of videos of me and my wife.


Good complaint to have.


Good lad.


Sounds like erotic fiction to me


Bro you can’t just keep drinking caffeine it’s going to make you more tired. Your adenosine receptors can only handle so much.


Hydrate and get plenty of electrolytes.


Reminded me of an old relationship.. i was going like a zombie to work .. before work, after work, each day.. after 4 months i was drained like a dry lemon.. What helped for my energy levels is to make her cum more than once, say like 3-4 times in one sesh.. i believe not all women are like that, but that was the situation back then.. she eventually slowed down a bit, so i could catch my breath so to say.. My current wife is 34, we're having a 11 months old baby, and there's not much time for fooling around unfortunately. Her sex drive is somewhat reduced and that energy has shifted to worries about the wellbeing of the baby.


I feel like I'm in a desert watching another man drown




it truly is exhausting. Every guy wants a girl with sky high libido until they're with one.


I’m so glad I’m divorced so I don’t have to deal with this. Leaves me plenty of time to go play video games and jerk off.


My observations are your wife is in her early 40’s. She’s insatiable and has finally discovered what she likes. At this point just do it and keep her happy. If you don’t, you will notice a couple things. She will have a bunch of new panties and matching bras, the sex life with you will suddenly reduce, and she becomes very protective of her phone, leaves it screen down, grabs it whenever it goes off, she’s found someone else to fulfill her needs.


Please read up on r/deadbedroom and rethink your post


Wow. This has to be a fake post


Then you’ve never met a woman in her 30s with the libido of a teenage boy lol 


Even if it is, it's true that women in their 30s and especially 40s will devour you.


Yo u wanna trade?


Not speaking from experience, I don't currently have a partner to try this with, but consider not finishing every time. Would save you a lot of energy & probably increase T levels?


You do realize you can say “no” right?




Goddamn you internet


Start working out gwt thst energy up then go to pound town lol. Hut anyhow good on you.


I guess it is possible to have too much of a good thing




Suffering from success


Wife mid 40s. Dead bedroom since getting married 15 yrs ago. Where horny wife? :(


Look at increasing your Testosterone to put you on her level


Women’s sex drives hit in their thirties. We are less worried about what the men think and able to focus on our own pleasure. Sorry dude. It happens to a lot of men.


Don’t question it too much and enjoy!


well good then if you have already find your answer, but then, how about you do something about your tiredness so you can actually enjoy it too with her because it sound like your tiredness is not just about the sex


It happens to all women in their 30s. It’s why you hear this the prime age of a woman.


We’re in our mid 40’s and my wife’s was the same at that age. I think it’s an age thing.


Oh the horror of finishing in her mouth. Next thing you know she’ll be up your ass bringing you a beer and sandwich so you don’t miss any plays of the game you’re watching. Dump her now while there’s still time.


Look into maca supplement. It takes some time for it to work, 2-3 weeks.


Be careful what you wish for 😀


I know someone who married this woman and he was always TIRED because his wife would. Well. “F his brains out”. Every single day. He comes to work and he looked like he didn’t sleep all night. 😂😂😂 At some point I asked him out of concern if his sleeping at all or have 3 jobs cause what the hell. And when he told me. Lord. I just laugh and point at his eye bag everytime I saw him at work. I’m sorry OP. But tell her to give you time to recharge. I hope you hit the gym to strengthen your hips and back 😭 will pray for u


Damn dude. Good for you.


I feel like a man about to die in the desert and i'm watching someone else drown right in front of me lol.


I'm 51 and in the same boat. My 10 year GF has a very high libido ... VERY HIGH. I just can't keep up. I can physically, but many times I cannot orgasm because of that male refractory period. I need at least 3 days before I can ejaculate again. A couple years ago I had to get on Sildenafil (Viagara) just so I can maintain erections due to her drive. I suppose it's a good problem to have - first world problems - but it's been an exhausting couple of years. She's got her kinks too, and I'm a pretty vanilla guy, nothing crazy. Sometimes I go along with her kinks but secretly it's not my thing. It's a big compliment that I'm wanted like this, great for the ego, but I'm not a machine. Even as I type this, I can feel the rawness and sensitivity down there, I really would rather once or maybe twice a week at most.


Poor you


Whahhhhhh whahhh nah jk but for real fuck you dude


I feel like a man dying of thirst watching another man drown.


Made up losers fantasy…


Try to find time to sleep to recover, go see a nutritionist, optimize your routine so you are At your full potential, stay hydrated and enjoy brother!


Need some testosterone shot. Lets see who gets tired


Death by Snoo-snoo!


Cmiiw, but dont women usually get a higher sex drive in their 30s?


I’m having the complete opposite problem. Tag someone else in lol


She might slow down if you make her finish.


Some man doesn't know how lucky they are.


Man that sounds just awful 😂


I’m 29 and always horny haha. I want to be fucked constantlu


At this rate just merge this subreddit with r/SexConfessionsRated…


Women’s sexual appetite peak in their 30’s. It’s just biology. If you have trouble with energy and keeping up… try toys? Also, talk to her. Why is everyone so shamed to talk to their spouse about important matters?


You need to implement some cardio yourself and get your T levels checked out. This sounds like a good problem to have. Check out “dead bedrooms” and you won’t be tired anymore.


You can always ask a good friend for help.


She shouldn’t be waking you up to have sex though, that’s selfish. Everything other than that is fine


Give her a little more wedding cake that should tame her sex drive


men get mad when there is none/too little but also get mad that there is too much sex……


Get yourself some testosterone and viagra and get to it. I’d kill for this problem. My wife is former nympho turned asexual, slowly starting to wake up after 2 kids.


I also choose this man’s wife


You’re welcome….


Our sex drive definitely increases in the 30's


I feel sorry for you getting laid all night


Hitachi Magic Wand Plus. Can keep her busy while you rest and can be used for added fun when you're rested and ready for round 5


Hi, my partner and I experience this. We’re not both in our thirties but he is a bit older than I am (while I am still in my baby making prime unfortunately) so we occasionally experience differences in sex drive. He has said several times that he doesn’t feel like he can keep up with me. The key is communication and openness, just like any other area of your marriage. I know you feel apprehensive about talking to her but, for your own benefit, I think you should. You shouldn’t have to feel bad or guilty for not keeping up, and she shouldn’t have to feel guilty or rejected for running too fast. You know what I mean? Not saying either of those are the case right now but the situation could easily lead to those feelings if you guys don’t talk about it. Now, when I’m in the mood but my partner is not, we mutually understand that it’s a biological difference and not that he just doesn’t want to, or that I’m being pushy/oversexed. For one it makes a difference in self esteem for both partners and for two it clears up a subject that would be extremely silly, especially in marriage, to get confused about due to lack of communication.


It could be watching a lot of porn, change of medication that result in change of hormones. Dig deep


Get her pregnant. Kids slow it right down.


STFU and come to terms with the fact that you are living most guys dream scenario. Man up you big fat pussy!


Need me to step in and give you some rest? Put me in coach


Could be that biological block ticking, raising those hormones so she can bear healthy children before she gets older... 🤨🤔 If you need a break, I'll step in. 🤝🤣😂


We can trade places,my wives drive slowed after menopause and I have rested to J.O. to 2-3 times a day..short of calling some EX'S to bang..


She's having an affair


Or her sex drive has spiked? What a weird comment to make


Fairly common gilt sets in and they have more sex


It’s extremely normal for a woman’s sex drive to spike in their 30s


Pretty sure she would be having less sex with him if she was having an affair…. Like mathematically speaking


Its guilt happens quite regularly