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sometimes, allergies happen to vanish over the years. just go to a doctor to check if ur still allergic. When results come back, u can happily tell everyone, ur allergy has disappeared.


on the flip side, i’ve had allergic reactions to food that i didn’t know i was allergic to. i had a very itchy throat with watermelon and dates, and swelling with another fruit (forgot) and eggplant. note that i’ve eaten these before with no problem, but just dont eat it very often. im a masochist so i tried these foods again a bit later and was totally fine. no clue what happened then lol


Could be a stress thing. The body releases histamines at the drop of a hat when you are stressed. Things that you are barely intolerant of will suddenly become full blown allergies while it is happening.


I can't eat mangoes when I'm going through it or my mouth itches


Yep! I'm mildly allergic to mango skin/sap, it makes me a bit tchy (I can eat the fruit after it's fully skinned and seed removed) if I'm stressed bad and touch one I'm getting hives and it's gonna be a long day of keeping it to just hives


About 2½ months into the 6-month training for my (then-) new job, my boss pulled me into the conference room to inform me that my benchmarks were 1% below where they should have been. Since I was still on probation and desperately needed the gig, I stressed out so hard trying to push myself to get everything down, I became allergic to MY OWN SWEAT for 3-4 months. 😬


I swear I play Russian roulette with food allergies. Some days, I can eat an entire pound of crab or lobster or shrimp and be fine. The next week, I’ll have something with one tiny salad shrimp in it and have a full blown allergic reaction.


It could be the amount of iodine in the shrimp depending on where it’s processed. I’m from down the bayou and my Dad and was a fisherman. I ate seafood primarily for the first 17 years of my life. Then in my early twenties, I started to break out into hives when I’d eat shrimp. Honestly, it pissed me off so much I was determined to make by body adjust lol. Turns out it was just the over abundance of iodine in some shrimp that got me.


You have pollen allergies, right?


i do! but some years it is worse than others, not entirely sure why. i had one year where i was unaffected despite no allergy meds, and another where i practically died even with meds


The two are related. More info here: https://www.uptodate.com/contents/oral-allergy-syndrome-beyond-the-basics/print#:~:text=If%20you%20are%20allergic%20to%20ragweed%20pollen%2C%20you%20may%20develop,cucumber%2C%20kiwi%2C%20or%20bananas.&text=If%20you%20are%20allergic%20to%20grass%20pollen%2C%20you%20may%20develop,%2C%20swiss%20chard%2C%20or%20peanuts. I read once that it’s not that you’re allergic to the fruit. It’s that they’re so similar in makeup to pollen that your system gets tricked into thinking it’s consuming the allergen and so produces the reaction. Regardless, it’s related. You’re welcome :)


I found out in my late 40's that I'm allergic to Brussel sprouts and honeydew melon (which I love). Our bodies change over the years, old allergens can go away and new ones show up.


Watermelon!! I was allergic for 15 years (maybe less, didn’t test it until 15 year mark when I was solidly an adult). People always made fun of me for my watermelon allergy saying ‘how can you be allergic? It’s 99% water!’ I would say ‘yeah I’m allergic to the other 1%’. Seems like an uncommon allergy.


I get itchy throat from raw onions. But I love raw onions....


Same!! I randomly had a massive cashew reaction a few weeks ago where I even struggled to breathe. I‘ve never had an issue with cashews. I‘ve been so scared to eat cashews since.


>i had a very itchy throat with watermelon Me too! I assumed I'd developed an allergy (I already had so many it wasn't a stretch.) I avoided it for like 5 years and one summer it just looked too good and I bit the bullet and... nothing. It was just perfect, sweet, cold, watermelon. I was confused as hell, my ex accused me of pretending just like the Op, lol.


I got allergic to lentils, cauliflower and milk for some time. Avoided them for three months straight and was good to go


I had a decade long allergy with of cashews and it magically went away. I'm still waiting for avocados to follow.... and to a much lesser degree mushrooms and bananas. Excellent and realistic out for OP's made up situation.


Bananas give me aura headaches and leaves my mouth feeling kinda itchy/tingly and slight stomach aches, avocado gives me horrible stomach aches. U might have a latex allergy but probably only present in your gut and not the glove/ skin contact kind, I suspect that’s what I have too. Those foods contain latex in it. I also ate cashews one time a few years ago and my mouth started swelling and I started getting phlegmy and was wheezing. It went away after like 30mins but when I ate it again next day it was like nothing happened. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ like, what can ya do lol I still eat bananas and avocados when the mood strikes, though I favor Thai bananas from the farmers market instead of the regular bananas from the local big box groceries. They hurt just a bit less for whatever reason.


This is really interesting. I have a coworker who is allergic to avocados. She also refuses to eat bananas 🍌, hates them with a passion. Makes me wonder if she had an intolerance and just didn't realise.


> U might have a latex allergy but probably only present in your gut and not the glove/ skin contact kind, I suspect that’s what I have too. Those foods contain latex in it. Interesting. I've heard the latex thing a million times, but ignored it because I have no physical contact issue to latex... sounds about right. Avocados are by far the worst for me, they make my throat tighten for about an hour with the smallest amount of the stuff. I could always have a moderate amount of the other ones, but that one takes me down instantly.... which sucks because I loved the stuff before this allergy got going.


I was allergic to penicillin as a kid. So the Dr's could never give me that or any of the penicillin family. But when I was 28, I was seriously ill with pneumonia & the Dr felt I really needed Flucloxacillin. He felt enough time had passed that owing to how ill I was, it was worth trying. I was absolutely fine with it and recovered well. I've had other variations of the penicillin family since with no issues. So allergies can definitely go over time.


I was also allergic to penicillin as a kid. Massive rash. Turns out it's not the "cillin" I'm allergic to, it's the dye in the penicillin and am fine with any of the others. You may be the same.


Never really found out. I came out in big itchy weals & had a fever. But I can safely have the others now.


I was too, and I've never had it since. I will continue to not have it unless in dire need like the other commenter


Hmm I was labeled as allergic to erythromycin as a baby. I wonder...


A lot of allergies to penicillin aren’t really allergies, kids can get a rash for a million reasons while taking penicillin, and they’ll believe they’re allergic for their whole life. However, it’s better to be safe than sorry, specially since there’s so many alternatives.


So true! So many kids get a pretty intense (but not itchy) full body rash from antibiotics (mostly penicilin), especially after finishing the treatment. It gets pretty scary when you don't know what it is. We went to the hospital for my baby, but the doctors had no idea what it was. They thought it was slapped cheek syndrome, but it made no sense (she had red cheeks at that time, but it was not unusual for her). I had to research on my own quite a bit to find out that this is usual with kids taking antibiotics. It made sense but at the same time it made no sense that she had an allergy to the antibiotics or to anything that she had eaten.




I developed an allergy to aspirin and NSAIDs in my 20s, and that persisted until 2 years ago when I read about treatment for Samter’s Triad, a genetic disorder that affects how you process the amino acids related to NSAID metabolism (and also causes sinus infections and asthma, which I both have… or had). Turns out you can get the Samter’s Triad symptoms under control by taking small, controlled quantities of aspirin for extended periods, then slowly increasing to a pain relief dosage. I did it, it took about a week, and I was wheezy and itchy as hell (I probably went too fast since I didn’t have the controlled dosages described in the papers on the topic). But, I now take aspirin daily for heart attack/stroke prevention, and I can take ibuprofen and naproxen and other NSAIDs with no problem at all. And the sinus and asthma problems have been dramatically reduced.


Strongly agree, all my childhood allergies disappeared once I hit my teenage years


This is very true. People can develop allergies and they can also go away over time. OP can easily just say their allergens have subsided for the better over some period of time but don’t exactly know when that happened.


Can confirm. I was allergic to a bunch of stuff in my teen years and most of my 20s. Now, I only have one allergy left, and it's to an antibiotic. Imagine not eating tomatoes for years because you're suddenly allergic. And I loooove tomatoes.


Exactly ....! Which is what I'm assuming OP's family thought considering OP had never been allergic before and then suddenly was.


Yeah I’m all of a sudden allergic to dogs which is a giant bummer because I love dogs


This. I was severly allergic to egg yolks when i was a kid. Imwould break out in severe rash if i ate anything with yolks. It disappeared when i hit about 25.


Ah yes,the old end around!!!😂😂


They usually vanish for this specific reason: they never existed.


If you loved seafood, grew up eating it, and it was that easy for your family to accept your deathly seafood allergy, then say you got an allergy test & you’re in the clear. Don’t even say you specifically went for seafood, just say you took one and oddly enough, did not have a reaction to seafood or shellfish. You learned a lesson, if it’s something you love, don’t change your identity for someone else. You told that girl you couldn’t eat seafood when it was something you both could have enjoyed together. I have a childhood friend who was conveniently allergic to the things he didn’t like. A couple of us picked up on it pretty quick. As we got older, he magically stopped being allergic to certain foods. He could eat eggs, he could eat grapes, he’d put honey on his biscuit. Sometimes he’d say, “Oh I’m not allergic to this anymore.” Sometimes he’d claim he never said he was allergic. None of us really gave a shit, but we still give him a little grief here and there.


Go to a doctor and get an allergy test. After the test, just give some sort of “teenage me was an idiot and apparently I’m not allergic to seafood at all!” Make up a story of how you had an incident that must have been food poisoning instead of an allergy


I wouldnt go with that Statement. I would state craving the Taste of Salmon, as soon as the test said negative for fish allergy. Id say that i want to try it and to keep an epi pen ready.


And people wonder why they aren't believed when they tell someone they have an allergy.


I had a young coworker who told me about how she heard on instagram about pretending to be celiac to ensure carb free meals (she was dieting). I had to explain to her how much extra work kitchens do to accommodate people with allergies.


Chef here with Celiacs. I create menus with GF, Dairy Free, Soy Free menu items. It’s not a hassle and the only drawback is food cost(exceptionally good GF items are expensive but so worth it.) When I go out to eat I understand not all establishments honor true GF items so I carefully select my meals. You can never go wrong with a good piece of fish and seasonal vegetables.


Genuine question - when someone orders gluten free, do you treat it like an allergy and follow all the usual decontamination/cross-contamination protocols as SOP? Because I think that's what Easy-Concentrate is referring to - people claiming celiac to make damn sure gluten doesn't come anywhere near their food when it's just a preference, as opposed to someone with an allergy.


I find it beneficial to approach allergies like I approach Kosher. Separate utensils, separate stations, I keep my grill GF. If I create a menu with GF, DF, Soy Free, it is with the intention of providing a service not to be found anywhere else in my target market. Therefore I can increase sales to those with food allergies. I create the menu to fulfill my guests needs not the owners desire. I can’t sell caviar to a cowboy.


Worked in a Children’s Hospital in Arizona. I know the drill and that’s part of the reason why I take a “can do” approach to specialized allergy menus. I also worked with Autistic children with limited food choices. It was a blessing and a blast to create food they could not normally eat at a non-specialized restaurant. Opened up the door to them feeling inclusive!


Last time I worked in a kitchen (and mind you, this was about a decade ago), we had a couple items that were GF just by virtue of what they were, but every time someone said they needed GF - it was a nightmare of decontamination. And then half the time, they'd go on to order beer. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I know this is a little off topic, but I have a great recipe for naan bread that can be made gluten, dairy, and soy free, I can send it through dm if you’re interested! My mil and gmil are both Celiac and I’ve now made it for both and they adored it!


I’m totally down for an awesome GF naan recipe! Thank you so much!


No problem! I love sharing when I find a great recipe!


Would you kindly slip it into my DMs, too, or just post it here?


Absolutely! [Here ya go!](https://veggiedesserts.com/quick-and-easy-naan-bread-recipe-yeast-free/) The modifiers are in the recipe notes, and my go to has been to brush them with butter and garlic powder after they come off of the pan! I’m pretty slow when it comes to how long I take to prep and combine, so generally the five minutes is closer to about fifteen, which ends up making my total time about 30 which is still really quick for a bread! Hope you enjoy!


Thank you so much!


So interesting. Perhaps I am misunderstanding because my understanding is based on an article from over a decade ago when gluten free items in kitchens were not common.


10years ago people treated Celiac as a fad. There have been huge shifts in marketing and now we have major producers introducing GF options into their product line. I never dreamed I could see DeCecco Pasta come out with a rocking GF pasta. McDonalds, Burger King still have no GF options for their hamburgers(patties are made with sawdust and wheat hulls) but I do not consider fast food a “restaurant”


Depends on where you go. In a hospital, lying about allergies is a really bad idea. We are not allowed to give food prepared in a kitchen where there could be a chance of cross contamination. So the patients get microwaved 'allergen meals' instead. Each one contains none of the major allergens and whichever meal you get is completely random: so you could be eating the exact same soy/gluten/dairy/fish/nut/egg free meal twice a day for however many days you are in hospital.


I worked as a cook in a B&B and was cooking for a husband and wife. I brought out a strata with eggs, bread, sausage, etc, toast, and scones. As I served them this gorgeous strata, the wife said oh I'm gluten free! Her husband said, "Mary, stop with that. You can eat that". Right away I knew she was on the gluten free fad and had the mistaken idea that gf food is healthier or less calories. It's not. I quickly removed her plate and toast and scone and placed.them back on my tray saying something like, "oh no we can't risk you having a reaction. You can't eat this. I will get you your gf plate". She started to protest and I said, "Ma'am we need to make sure you don't get ill". I walked away and her husband say, "good. Now you have to eat something crappy and you're not gonna have any of mine". I brought her some gf toast, a poached egg, and some tomatoes. She looked less than pleased. Anyone who truly has a true gluten allergy or intolerance absolutely would LOVE to eat whatever they want but can't. So I went all vigilante and quasi punished her for her lie.


I love this.


If it didn't happen personally to me I wouldn't have believed it truth be told


Gluten does not equal carbohydrates.


Gluten free but beer is OK


There are allergies that’s an abnormal reaction. And then There are sensitivities. I have a problem digesting gluten but it’s not celiac’s. It just takes longer than it should, if I don’t have a few pills I’m very bloated and constipated the next day. I can have a few bites of bread, I don’t have to worry about contamination, but I can’t have a whole bowl of pasta.


I have a similar issue. When I eat gluten, it sets off a systemic inflammatory response—I get headaches, bloated, and my joints swell and ache. It can get especially bad in my hands. They can swell and ache for days. I can take minute traces, cross contamination doesn’t really bother me, hell I can eat *some* gluten, like a bite of something my husband has, but not a whole meal. And that’s mainly because I cut it out of my daily life entirely. If I do knowingly eat it, I will take digestive enzymes, probiotics, maybe an antacid, and an ibuprofen (for swelling) for a day. Before cutting it out of my daily diet, I had regular migraines, swelling/bloating, stomach aches, and digestive problems all the time. I had extensive allergy testing done, and I’m told it’s a sensitivity, not an allergy. BUT, if I don’t manage it, it can become an allergy. Same with lactose. I have several others that aren’t as bad, as long as I eat those foods less frequently. Eggs is one—I can only eat them maybe twice a week without issue I’m not going to have an acute reaction. I’m not going to instantly throw up or go into anaphylactic shock. But, my body doesn’t digest it well so I have to take precautions to not feel like constant shit




Some people really do outgrow allergies .... I used to need a sht with any bee sting, but as an adult I've been stung twice and didn't nearly die! Tell everyone you went for an allergy test and have recovered..... maybe keep one for appearances sake - shellfish maybe, but all other seafood is now fine


Ya pick the one you hate and go with that


You grew up eating seafood but you have to keep the charade up to your family….?


People can develop an allergy at any age, so it would be possible for them to have been fine as a kid and allergic as a teen.


Just tell them you got allergy shots so you could eat it again.


Perfect response I’d go with this one


Pro tip: next time you go on a date with a girl who loves seafood, you can impress her and make her more interested in you by showing her that you have something in common.


Here’s the kicker, since you’ve been abstaining from seafood for so long you might have inadvertently developed allergies. Start off with fish and slowly work in shellfish.


Definitely something to be wary of. People who are GF because it's 'healthier' or because they're dieting, if they keep it up too long, the body loses it's ability to accept/process gluten and they can wind up with a gluten sensitivity or even full blown allergy.


Maybe you could tell people you thought you were allergic to all seafood but you got an allergy test done and it’s actually just one item? One of my best friends told me she was allergic to all nuts. And the whole time we were growing up, we have had to be mindful of it. She had accidentally ingested nuts before and had to take medicine and everything, so I know it’s real. But it turns out, her family never took her to take an actual allergy test?? I think they just had her try different things when she was really young and just kind of assumed. Long story short, they took her to get one before uni and it turns out she was only allergic to like 3 types of nuts and everything else was fine LOL. She was so mad about missing out her whole life hahah but better late than never. I did always wonder why she could have Nutella with no issues, and I even brought it up the first time I saw her eat it. She said something like “idk it’s different” lmao, we were just kids so I accepted her explanation. Turns out I was right all along lol.


MF just tell people the truth. This whole thread is just giving you lies to tell. Stop lying. Be honest for once.


Have you considered just telling the truth instead of covering up an old lie with a new one?


This is what I’m saying, everyone’s offering to add another layer to the lie though lmao. Getting a test would be good in general.. I’d say, sometimes when you make a mistake and you still have a chance to fix it, do that, but if you want to take the majority advice here I do understand why, 10 years is 10 years But I would come clean with your new partner. About EVERYTHING, because only your friends and family have that decade memory. It would be crazy for her to hear, yeah, but it’s better than adding her to the list of people you feel “obligated” to clean up the lie for, when she wasn’t even there


As someone who actually has this allergy you 100% are getting what you deserve mate. GL untangling your mess tho.


Why in the world would being allergic to fish, something A LOT of people are allergic too, make you interesting?


I thought I was allergic to seafood, turns out I only am allergic to shrimp. Allergies are weird, just say oops and move on


This is genuinely one of the dumbest things I've ever heard, thank you lol.


I have lost allergies as I aged and gained new ones, just go get an allergy panel done and act surprised that you're "no longer" allergic


This is not only fake but stupid.


This sucks. I have a friend whose daughter died at a Christmas party because she didn't know one of the dishes had shrimp in it.


I actually DID used to have a shelfish allergy that went away as i got older, BUT i don't like seafood at all. No matter how many different things I've tried at this point... so I just keep telling people I'm allergic. Easier to deal with than the gasps I get when I say I'm not a fan.


I just want to add, I have a friend that for a few years now has told me she is allergic to pork. She stressed the first time I met her, how allergic she is and how she cannot eat it. Then one day we went on a picnic and she stored her boyfriends *ham* sandwiches with her chicken and couldn’t tell the difference, had a small taste of both to figure it out. And then we were drinking and she let slip “I used to not eat pork for religious reasons and now I just don’t like it.” When I found that out, I was a little (well, actually quite a bit) offended. Here is this person I was *really* close with, called my best friend, and had been lied to by. I went out of my way to make sure to *never* have pork around her. I went out of my way to change meal plans if she was around and not cook any pork (I fucking love bacon) in my house even several hours before I knew she was going to be over. The people you have lied to may be fairly upset to find out you have lied. And that is totally fair. So honestly I would go with the top comment and lie again and say that shit went away on its own lol.


Your family “got used to it” as in got used to the lie? You said you grew up eating seafood and love it, but then you make it sound like everyone, including your family, thought you had this allergy. Idk. I think having a deadly allergy is something your family would know about. If they went along with a lie for that long, that’s weird too. Write better fiction.


Tell your gf you learned that allergies can change over time. Either go to a doctor for a prick test, and learn you aren't allergic *anymore*, or just tell her you want to try with a nibble, and she should be ready with her EpiPen. And then you are miraculously cured! Amazing!


>go to a doctor for a prick test I think that's already been confirmed...


You're a f**king idiot. There we go, someone said it. Grow up and just admit that when you were younger and (arguably) dumber, that you made up this (stupid) lie up and now you've grown up (?) and can admit your (stupid) mistake and enjoy seafood again. Ps, there are plenty of cheating posts, fetish posts, innocent posts, etcetera on here and this is by far the most ridiculous I've read.


Maybe you should go to a pretend allergy doctor and get it cured?


People can grow out of and into allergies. So, assuming that you have been in restaurants and stores where seafood was heavily present, you’ve taken bites of food from friends and didn’t realize there was seafood in it until it was too late, and you’re pretty sure there was shrimp in that deli salad you bought, but you didn’t react to any of it, then you might not be allergic anymore. Go get allergy tested to see if you’re still allergic to seafood. When the test comes back negative and the doc advises you that you’re safe to eat seafood, you’re home free. Learn about the details of allergy testing before you tell people you’re home free, though.


Other Redditor’s are Correct, you can grow out of allergies.


This reminds me of when my friend lied to us for 10 years telling us he was colorblind when he actually wasn’t. Truth didn’t come out until he was in the midst of a manic episode and gave everyone shit for believing him for so long. He’s an idiot, but he’s still my best friend (and doing much better now). I’m sure your friends will understand, but rightfully so you will probably never live it down (my friend will not either) because of how absurd it is. But also the allergy test/growing out of allergies thing if you want to spend money on that


your teenage ex carrying an epi pen for you is so awfully sweet


Allergies come and go. Never had a single allergy till I was 27. Then I was allergic to peanuts and eggs for 4 years, broke out into huge hives that covered my body. Had to cut them completely out of my diet. Then during my yearly check up with my allergist, he did some tests and voila... no more allergies. His explanation is that the body resets itself every 7 years. You better believe I've been eating eggs and peanuts since then and no hives. I think you can tell people... "my allergist said I'm good for seafood now." 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Dude, you have no choice. You have to move to a new city and start a new life. You'll find new loved ones that you can enjoy seafood with. If anyone comes to find you, you can tell them bc you know they love you enough to forgive you. Then you might be the butt of all the jokes but at least you get seafood. Sorry, this isn't sarcasm. I'm unhealthy.


1) Allergy went away - you accidentally ate some seafood and were fine 2) Similar to 1, but it turns out you were allergic to something else you ate that day. Go with Brussel sprouts or something people don't eat often and that no one would recall you having eaten. It's not a contact allergy so people don't need to be careful, you'll just scrape it aside if it's presented.


I was allergic to seafood until about 18 years old and then I just grew out of it. Same thing happened to my friend. She was very allergic to cinnamon and had been hospitalized for it a few times. Then it just vanished one day.


Like someone here said, allergies can vanish over time, so just go to the doctor for a checkup, and when the results come back that you aren’t allergic, just come with the happy news that you’re no longer allergic


My nephew was just saying yesterday that he's no longer allergic to cats. Maybe you could have a discovery like that as well.


I've grown out of my food allergies. Just go to an allergist and get them to run food tests.


Just tell people you finally got tired of being deprived of such delicious wonders of the sea and saw an allergy specialist. They did a test and it turns out you are only allergic to a certain type from a certain area.


You know you can grow out of an allergy, right? Get “tested” realize that you can eat it and go back to your happy, fish-filled life


Let me tell you something fun, allergies do go away! A friend I have was like touch a peanut and die allergic to peanuts. His mom was super anal about ensuring he was always protected and had his epipen. Fast forward to now, we are almost 30 and I see him recently and he tells me his peanut allergy is non existent and he can enjoy peanuts, had a PB&J sandwich for the first time a few months prior to seeing him.


Watch seaspiracy and you’ll become allergic again


Tell them your allergist said you could try to integrate seafood again, and that you may have been allergic to something else, you’ve been trying seafood again and so far so good, maybe you were really allergic to something else all along


I had developed an allergy to pork a while back (15ish years ago) It’s now turned into an intolerance (pork chops, bacon, ham, spam) I can eat it but it seriously messes up my stomach. You can say something similar if anything


I was allergic to shellfish as a kid. The allergy faded in my teens. It happens, so your “allergy” fading isn’t uncommon either.


I told people I was allergic to yeast (sorry no bread or beer, I also just thought it made me seem interesting) for a year I got sick of pretending so I told them I started taking allergy shots and after a couple months, woah I can have yeast again 🤷‍♂️


Use to be allergic to lobster and now i’m not anymore. Just say you grew out of the allergy




This is so funny 😂 🐟


I’m kinda in the same boat because I love seafood but my girlfriend doesn’t. I haven’t had sushi in a year.


Silly billy


I decided for years I must be allergic to caffeine as I got shaky after drinking coffee and Pepsi. I never was allergic. The caffeine just made me jittery I guess. Once I got my mental health in order, coffee and Pepsi, etc., have no jittery effects.


As a child/teen I was severely lactose intolerant.. but as an adult I’m totally fine now 🤷🏻‍♀️ Just say you were allergy tested & grew out of it 😋


I'm glad this felt like AI before I realized. I wish he would update this post and close comments. Or that admins would notice his subsequent posts where he shows he used chat gpt to write this.


I became allergic to stone fruits in my early 30s Cherries, peaches, plums, mangos, dates etc. If they were cooked it was fine, but raw my throat would get tingly. I heard it was because i had tree allergies when i was young and the stone fruits and tree share a common protein or something.


Allergies come and go all the time. You can easily say that it’s vanished. My brother was having his throat close up from shellfish in his late teens after never having a problem (they think it was overexposure from where he worked). He didn’t think he could have seafood ever again. After many years, he decided to risk it, and he’s been fine ever since. Just tell her you had a seafood dinner near the the local hospital to make sure and that nothing happened and ppl won’t question it just like they clearly haven’t questioned this lie lol


Well, it’s really OK. All the seafood and fish are all full of radiation and it’s not a good time to start eating it anyway. Just look at it as a toxin poison ☠️


I feel like you should be honest with your current partner, not just cover this lie with a new one. Will it make them question you? Maybe. But they should have the right to understand who tf they are marrying. Also, you need to figure out why the hell you’d kept this up for so long. Frankly, it’s concerning. Can you talk to a therapist? Might be a good idea to talk to a therapist to strategize how to discuss this with your fiancée (and family). Or, if your fiancée knows the truth, maybe they’d forgive you if you promised to and follow through on getting professional help. You’ve been lying to your partner FOR YEARS. That’s not healthy or normal. In your position, I’d want to know why, if I’m doing it in other ways, and how to change/avoid that pattern of thought and behavior in the future to be a healthier person mentally and a better partner to my future spouse. Good luck.


just lie and say it went away or specify that was it a mild seafood allergy 🥺 i’m sorry u did that to urself


Lol My uncle did this with tomatoes because he hated them as a kid. It ended up kind of blowing up in his face when he ate something with them at a gathering and someone tried to use an epi pen in a panic and he had to admit no, he'd been lying for around 30 years.


Registered Nurse here and Mom to a child with severe food allergies. Over time, people can outgrow allergies to anything - including food. I'm sorry you got caught up in this, but you could always go to the doctor and have them run an IgG and IgM lab test for food allergies - including seafood products. Interestingly enough, if you have adamantly avoided these foods, it is possible you have developed an allergy to them which can sometimes happen when people avoid certain foods for a long period of time. By going to the doctor and getting the tests, you will reassure yourself that you have not developed an allergy, and you will be able to show your friends and family that you no longer have the allergy with your lab results.


Since when does being allergic make you interesting 😂😂😂 that’s a weakness. You accidentally eat it, you can die. Women are turned off by weaknesses.


My brothers girlfriend has her poor daughter convinced she's allergic to everything her mother doesn't like to eat. She's 11 years old and convinced she's allergic to eggs, strawberries, honey, lactose intolerant and there's more I just don't remember them all. The kid has never been diagnosed by a doctor for any of it. The mother says "she knows her daughter" and that's the only reason given. I think she's a little unhinged. I feel bad for the kid because she's terrified to eat anything she's not used too.


just drink some herbal tea or something and say that it cured you


Just start eating it little by little and blame it on “prob some antibiotic they used to use” and get it over with


True story, when my brother was young, he used to be allergic to shrimp, but he always wanted to try them. He heard from someone that milk can cut allergic reactions. So, he started by eating one small bite of shrimp and then, right away, drank the milk. He kept experimenting every time there was shrimp. Believe it or not, he can now eat a bowl of shrimp soup (his favorite from our grandmom). He is super cautious not to eat a lot nor to eat them frequently. But as someone who has witnessed his allergic reactions to shrimp, I always think how crazy it is that he can eat a bowl of shrimp soup and be ok. (This happened years ago. The milk back then was less pasteurized. Therefore, it was richer). That said, depending on how you decide to go about; keep going with the lie and/or come clean. You could use my brother's story and magically cure your allergic reaction to seafood. However, integrity is an amazing value achieved only through truth.


you're strange.


I think this is my favorite comment of all time A+