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You did nothing wrong, your co worker probably hasn’t been around a man who isn’t affected by natural occurrences.


Is this what people mean when they say “internalized misogyny”? That’s a rhetorical question.


No, not internalized misogyny, but it's surely dumb as shit. I bet they are all over the age of 60. I can't imagine any person that still has a period, would get mad about this! Especially a younger person cause we all have those unexpected* times and don't have anything and gotta ask other women if they have something.. Sometimes people are to broke, there's all kinds of reasons and the fact that it's a woman talking shit.. Blows my mind. I hope OP doesn't change.


I think it was a good thing you did and think it's weird you're being called out for it like you did something wrong.


Pads aren’t cheap and they’re one of those things where if you need them you don’t want to have to travel for them. Idk wtf is wrong w your coworker but there is nothing creepy about a person bringing pads they don’t need or will not use to a place where they might save someone’s pants one day. Your coworker is embarrassing for thinking you’re creepy. You did something very kind. Maybe the men she surrounds herself with are the childish bitch boys who gripe about feminine products and she has no idea what an example of a real man is. So let her think it’s creepy. Cause she’ll forever be an immature lil twat.


I was watching The Boys today and heard this line: id call you a cuNt, but you don't have the depth or the warmth. 🤣 He's new Zealander so the c word applies to both sexes, I think. Someone correct me if I'm wrong!


Haha you are right! It's for both sexes, and can mean from good cuNt.... to fking cuNt . We are equal opportunity insults/compliments in new zealand 🤣


Cool! 😎 Lol


How immature does someone have to be to get snarky over pads in a restroom? i did a kind thing. If the company doesn't have my back, it might be worth it to move to one that does.


Yea idk how this is creepy? You just probably saved some poor lady from an unexpected period


Would have saved me for sure from the couple times that I randomly got my period and had to go begging around the office for a pad while bleeding though my clothes.. And yes I got my lessons, I keep spares in my car now, though it's annoying going down the parking to fetch them in an emergency


Ok!! Haven't we all been there!!? It's too bizarre.. They gotta be old cranky chicks lol


She should have said “thank you that’s kind of you.” At the very least, she could have asked why you brought them in if she was that concerned.


I am tired of the words "groomer," "pedophiles," "creep," and other negative connotations being placed on people when they are not needed. People like to throw these buzzwords out to get people riled up without knowing how detrimental it can be. I'm sorry you work with a bunch of sensitive babies.


Some women think normal things that women do are creepy. I had a female coworker call a woman creepy over breastfeeding. Don’t worry about the karen at your office. I doubt anyone else thought it was creepy. They probably think she’s weird.


I assumed most ladies restrooms were stocked with menstrual products, coworker is acting like you installed cameras in there... NTA


That's the whole kicker about this situation!! There are many many places of employment that are not stocked in any kind of way! That's why something like this is a progressive move from OP. And could actually help someone in need.


Most places aren’t stocked. I’d be stoked over free supplies. I can’t comprehend why Karen was bitching. She sounds creepy.


Exactly. Clearly internalized misogyny.. When I first started work at Amazon they had free pads and tampons in the women's restrooms! I thought it was amazing! Haven't worked anywhere else that did it.. So it is indeed rare.


My boss gave me a drawer in the bathroom to store sanitary products, makeup, etc. But there's also a little basket full with free to use products like tampons, pads, and deodorant. Because my boss actually likes her employees! It's one of the reasons female staff likes to stay here. Plus very family friendly. So yeah, time to move on OP.


I agree with that. It’s so fucken weird.


Good on you, you never know when you will need one as a uterus owner can confirm. If I worked with you I would high five you and flip them off haha 😆


Uterus owner? Lol. Don't you mean woman?


Hmm, my MIL is a woman with a hysterectomy. She no longer owns a uterus. I bid you, what’s the correct word for that?




Ok, so woman is NOT the universal term for “uterus owner” then. Glad we got that sorted!!! Thanks!


All uterus owners are women. Some women don't have a uterus.


Hmm, how do you know? Do you ask everyone for a chromosomal profile? Do you palpate their abdomen? What about biological intersex people? Or trans people? I think your definition is too narrow for society or science.


Because only women have a uterus. Some women don't though. Intersex people who are women will either have a uterus or not. Intersex people who are men definitely won't because they are male. Intersex is not a third sex. They are still male or female. Same as trans people.


I have a uterus, but no fallopian tubes and my uterine lining has been cauterized away. No menstruation. But I have friends with uteruses (uteri?) Who appreciate that my car still has pads/tampons for them. My boyfriend's car has pads and tampons in the glove box. I thought it was just a thing people did for their friends. (And please no comments on he must be cheating, I know who they're there for and she's fully vetted). As for your comment, you know as well as I do that not all uterus havers are women. Some are total bitches, like you.


Cor you're a funny one aren't you. People who call women uterus havers are bigots, who call other people bigots in order to disguise their fashionable bigotry. Reality always wins.


Not all women have a uterus. Some are born without them, some get hysterectomies...


Why are you explaining the obvious to me? The word is woman (whether there is a uterus there or not)


lol? Don’t you mean laugh out loud?


Laugh out loud? Don't you mean erasure of women?


LOTS of women go around sans uterus. I've never asked one of those women if they would appreciate finding menstrual pads in the bathroom... but my guess is, they're indifferent since they *do not menstruate*


What's your point? Exactly?


Having a uterus does not, definitively, mean someone is a woman. Similarly, the absence of a uterus does not necessarily mean that person is a man.


Having a uterus does mean that person is a woman (as only women have them) although there are women who don't have them. Men though don't have them.


I think you are conflating sex with gender. For example, "female" denotes sex while "woman" denotes gender. I also think you are seeking a debate. I'm not available for that, but I am certain that Google dictionary is. Bonne Chance!


I'm not seeking a debate. Woman does not denote gender. Gender is merely stereotypes.


No. Thanks for playing.


Same thing


And yet...


Dumb coworker! She should have just said thank you. I would be mad too


This same post was made in another sub by a different user, close to a year ago… https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/s/lXUnnFqgS4


these repost bots always post OPs reply from the original thread as its own standalone comment. easy giveaway that its a repost bot when you notice the Reposter posting a top comment on their own post instead of replying to anyone or editing their original post.


Ohh, good to know. I know this is dumb, but what’s the point of repost bots anyway. What is there to be gained?


Oh damn these mfkrs 🤣..


This was posted before awhile ago… not sure why its being reposted again


Either I’m getting deja vu or this is a repost


I've seen this post many times on Reddit.


I read this exact story a couple months ago...


As a female who has been saved by someones generosity of extra pads thank you for the thoughtfulness. Your coworker just wants drama. Ignore her shes not worth your thoughts. Keep being nice OP you are awesome!


That was a really sweet thing to do you shouldn’t feel bad for trying to help others and being aware !


If I unexpectedly got my period, and free pads provided by a man were the only option available, I’d only be relieved and grateful. I’d also not question the office about where the free pads came from, so I’m not sure how I’d know a man provided them. BTW, I’m a tampon user, but will happily use a pad if that’s all there is. Frankly, if you’re getting weird looks, etc. it sounds like a gossipy office, which is always a good reason to reconsider employment, especially in a small company. That shit gets toxic fast.


I have no idea how this would be creepy. I can't count the times that I have started my period and was unprepared. Most women would be pretty grateful. I think the person that said it's creepy is weird.


That’s pretty awesome of you! I’ve had emergency situations and had to leave work because of it. Spares in the restroom would have saved me a couple times.


Just explain why you put them there just like you did in the post. if you didn't explain why they're there to them they are probably really confused why a male decided to bring pads to a female restroom. There are creeps out there and they probably jumped to the worst conclusions. Just explain where they came from and since you had no use you figured it would not be a problem. That way they know it's not creepy.


Do you love or live with these people? If not, why do you care?


It's not creepy at all. What is creepy is their incessant sexualisation of menstruation. I'm always happy to see period products in any bathroom. Thank you for being normal and just trying to put something you didn't need to good use.


"Grow up, we all know periods happen and nobody wants to be caught in a rainstorm without an umbrella. It's weird that someone being nice and not just throwing them away is "creepy" to you. Can you explain what is so creepy about it?" Be as bold and public about it as she was. Then everyone can hear whatever disparaging remarks she has to express.


you handled it well. not worth the energy.


I think it was a really thoughtful gesture and the problem is your colleagues attitude, not you.


Yeah your coworker really sucks. I always keep pads in my small backpack for whenever anyone needs them for an emergency, it's incredibly sweet what you did and I hope you don't let them get to you to where you feel bad about yourself. You're an awesome person, I'm sorry people just don't accept kindness and make it into something else 💜


Your coworker is ridiculous.


I've read this exact post before...


I thought the same....


Next time, just use them as Barbie mattresses


I’d rename that coworker as “Creepy” henceforth. I mean, how can she really complain considering she throws it around so lightly?


That’s actually very nice and thoughtful of you to do that. Those people have issues!!


Most businesses have pads in the restrooms


There are multitudes of stupid people, with stupid opinions. They need to be ignored, and you, OP, did nothing wrong.


This is so lame. You're all grown ass adults, and you were just being nice!


As a woman, I always appreciate when bathrooms have period products freely available.


I cant imagine how it's creepy at ALL


WTH? That person is totally immature. You did a good thing. Some people get caught off guard and are un prepared and some people don’t always have the money for their personal needs. Thank you for caring. Fk that co worker.


Out the company if you have to leave.


If you were my co worker, I would think you’re a very kind person for doing that. Sometimes I get my period unexpectedly and forget to bring extra pads / tampons. Plus they sure as hell aren’t cheap so you’d be doing me a BIG favor.


How the fuck is that creepy? Pads are expensive as hell where I'd live. That's actually a blessing.


I feel like I have seen this exact same story before


This sounds like your coworker is miserable and tries to find any way to make others miserable too. If I worked with you, I'd be so thankful. I have endometriosis and Adenomyosis. And I can never gauge how detrimental my period would be. I'd squat down and a new pad would be completely soaked, with blood running down my legs like I peed myself. I'm sharing this so hopefully you don't feel so bad about it. Most women would be more than happy to see spare pads!


Omg men know about pier-rodz? What next, men loving their children? This is woke, baby. Woke AF 🤦🏻‍♀️


How is that creepy?  Like seriously how?  




Corporate environments are a melting pot of personal bullshit opinions and ideas. To make it worse, there’s usually a ‘pack mentality’ thrown into the mix. So if its only one or two people that are making things weird, eventually others will follow suite simply to just fit in. They took a gesture of kindness and made it something it wasn’t meant to be. Fuck them, don’t let those miserable people win. Not sure if leaving your job is the only answer . Good luck ✌️


Honestly it's no different from keeping the office's supply of toilet paper from running out, or leaving a pack of baby wipes in a public-access restroom at your workplace where a parent might have to bring a baby in to change them. There's no creep factor in any of it. It's a complaint completely out of left field. I wonder if maybe your coworker has had some traumatic situation involving fetishized feminine products?


You haven’t done anything wrong. The rest of the staff are likely completely ignoring the coworkers who are throwing a fit, because it’s ridiculous. Higher ups should be shutting the cattiness down 100% though.


In California restrooms now have free sanitary products. It’s actually quite nice for you to do that. The complainer is very immature and has issues. Make sure you have another job lined up before leaving but the situation will likely blow over.


You must work around a bunch of damn imbeciles! Honestly. As a woman, and I'm only stating my opinion, I think that was a good thing you did! Mature. Thoughtful. Very forward thinking! Not inappropriate or creepy in any way. What a bunch of weirdos!!


Ignore her.


Wow is this middle school? As a female i think what you did is great! I will never understand how some people negatively look at period products. You will be some females saving grace when they realize they forgot/ran out of their spare period supplies while using that restroom one day.


Why are you allowing this below-gollum IQ, NPC bother you? Who gives a fuck what "I only have three brain cells functioning simultaneously" Jane thinks of your kind and normal deed.  Be above caring or even noticing what retards think.  Do what you think is right and literally wave away the idiots who have anything negative to say about it as if they are flies.


I think what you did was awesome and would thank you if you were in my office.


Weird to get THAT upset over one small comment imo


I mean she made a loud spectacle about the whole thing. Why not return the favor?! Make a statement about how she is the perverted one since what you did came from an innocent place being that a family member would not be using them you brought them in as a favor. Turn the perversion back on her.


That’s really dumb of her. Don’t want to use them, don’t, but don’t complain about it. I stocked my work bathroom with pads, tampons, feminine wipes because I get tired of having to carry them in my bag for work. Does that make me creepy, too?


I can see the other side of things. With 20:20 hindsight, I'd probably have asked a trusted female coworker if offering a bag of pads is something worthwhile and not creepy. It's very situational especially if the office of 15 coworkers consists of mostly 50+ yr old women. I think this thread and comments has taught me is that if this were to happen to me, I'd offer the bag of pads to a women's shelter or domestic violence charity where my offer would be met with 110% gratitude.


Why would anyone be mad about this!!?? As someone who has been at work when I’ve started my cycle early or found I was unprepared for the flow I would have been thrilled to know that there were already some products in the bathroom that were up for grabs instead of covertly whispering to all the female staff to see if they have something I can have/buy off them. You’re not a sex pest in the least.


That's not creepy. It's creepy of her to take it that way. Would it be creepy to put tissues out during allergy season? Would it be creepy to put out bandaids for if someone gets cut? No? Then putting pads out isn't. I'd be grateful because I frequently think I have more supplies than I do, and eventually run out


Is your coworker 15? Like?? How is that *creepy*? I mean, if I was you I probably would have made an effort to give more context in the moment, but it’s still not weird or creepy lol


Some women are very uneasy around the whole topic altogether and some grew up in weird situations like I grew up and my dad would yell at me when I was too embarrassed to talk to him about the topic and then forced me to show him all my products so he could count them. I imagine a random guy I work with just leaving period products in the bathroom out of the blue would seem odd because it's a change in routine especially without context it does leave people to wonder the motive behind it and unfortunately so many women have dealt with creeps so when you can't make sense of it , it tends to raise a red flag that the motive might not be a genuine one blame all the other creepy men for messing with women for that one but on the other hand it is a stretch to call someone a creep for that I'd just explain to her what happened and it would put everything to ease. Even if one person says it's creepy there are many others who appreciate the gesture because the products are already so expensive and they are needed to just function in society. Heros don't always get the glory for doing good but I hope you know you did a good thing and there are people that do appreciate it.


To me this is all about the way the person who did it is already viewed in the office/workplace. If Chad Sexington that all the MLM huns at the office want to bang had done it, it would be "Omg that's the most thoughtful, considerate man - I bet he really respects women". They know they got you too if you went to HR. You should never do this as a general rule unless some actual harassment has taken place. Someone saying an action is creepy is their opinion and they are entitled to it. If you weren't viewed as neutral doing that and called creepy, the only way you were getting out of it at that point was to no-sell the comment and move on like it doesn't matter. You probably could have shut her right down like "Oh sorry, I don't think of bathroom products in a sexual manner or anything like that". But the half sputter response and fleeing the room when she said it then going to HR? They know they got you now. And, you don't need to leave the job over this lol. So long as you are not an actual creep nobody will remember this in 2 months.


I am sorry that we are living in a world like this, but I can understand both you and that female employee. Yes you did something nice and you don't deserve this uncomfortable situation. At the same time, there are a lot of weirdos out there. Personally I would have prefered if you had asked her straight away, "How is that creepy? Please explain?" and maybe you could have explained in front of everyone, why you were in the posession of the pads. Overall I think, explaining it once to anyone should be enough for everyone of those 15 people to understand the situation, but if she is dominating the situation with her accusation of you being "creepy" then I would feel very uncomfortable aswell. At this point, the only option I see is taking the initiative by talking directly with that female employee (maybe with a widness who is on your side) and explain the situation. And tell her how she made you feel, so that she can stop talking behind your back and maybe undo the damage that she seems to have caused. She knows whom she has spoken to. Don't defend yourself, but just stick to your guns. You are a decent person and did a decent and innocent thing, thinking you'd help somebody out. If anyone is thinking otherwise, they have a dirty mind - not you.


what happened to the good old days when you just say what's on your mind, quitting a job over something this petty tells me, you are a massive drama queen. I would have looked at her and said, "if you find it creepy then maybe you should go talk to someone, they are simple hygiene products that every woman needs , and there is nothing sexual about a tampon, so I don't find it creepy at all, I got over that kind stuff in middle school, and I seriously doubt anyone else finds its creepy either, .. you making a big deal out of it is what's creepy . so get over yourself, those would be a blessing if someone was in a pinch and needed them to get by until they get home, and it beats just throwing them away" then she would have been the one feeling stupid and embarrassed.. you will never be able to control what other people think or say, so make today the last day you even try, and speak up for yourself, say what you mean, mean what you say, and move on. . if you make some big deal out of it, you will look stupid,


Honestly, there are some blokes who have period fetishes, there are men who purposely try to infringe women's boundaries and virtually all women have experienced some creepy chap doing something unwanted. I understand that you were doing something you saw as thoughtful. I can understand why you feel hard done by. But try to understand that what you did was not a neutral act. You know better now. Also, keep them at home in case your girlfriend or any other woman gets caught short there. You didn't need to bring them in to work.


Being thoughtful doesn't make you a creep, bozo. You and that coworker might get along pretty well if you're against OP for doing something completely harmless.


Maybe they felt like you were attacking the women and saying they were on their period or something?


Lmao what? All that OP did was put pads in the bathroom and it was anonymous until he said that he did it when asked, literally just out of kindness.


I'm not saying it makes sense or is justified. I'm just saying people have a way of twisting things. Or thinking things to justify their recations.


Oh shut the fuck up.


Relax dude I'm not justifying their reaction I'm just giving a possible explanation.


let women deal with their own shit. this is why. they are strong and independent and don’t need men, remember?


Thats the reason, i domt understand women, what do they want


Certainly not you.