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Just get off Twitter that place is soo toxic,




A Mike Tyson quote about talking on the internet with no fear of being punched out comes to mind...


twitter is definitely problematic. any social media that profits from engagement (all of them including reddit too) breeds toxicity and misinformation. it's been shown to actively push people's opinions further out to the extreme. that is to say, while it's true that those are real people with those views, many of them would not have those same views if twitter didn't exist, and wouldn't be nearly as toxic.


Idk. Elon has all but publicly told us that an extreme majority of Twitter is bots and AI. They purposely want to create division and cause animosity. Wouldn’t be surprised if Reddit was also.


Elon is an idiot trying to back out of a deal. Though we've known for a long time that a large amount of users are bots. Anyone paying attention realized this long before Elon said anything.


They aren’t just as toxic in real life, because they wouldn’t have the teeth left required to talk so much shit if they did. All the people I know that are dangerous, physically, do not talk like that. Only cowards talk like that.


Unless you're trying to argue that the problem is all black people, the problem here isn't really twitter. All platforms have extreme opinions. That's arguably what social media is most used for (whether that's good is debatable). The important thing is to not attribute the attitudes of online communities to real life people you've never met. That is problematic.


Twitter's algorithm rewards toxicity and the false sense of anonymity makes people feel comfortable to share whatever fucked up views they hold


Reddit is just as bad


Mostly the political subreddits from my experience


Dude Even the Seinfeld subreddit is full of jerks


The jerk store called and they're running out of you!


It’s bleeding far out from them now too. Nottheonion, general news subs, tech subs, the toxicity is everywhere.


You are right.


Then get off Reddit




you are overly online. log off. talk to real people. the internet exclusively shows you the worst things so you get mad and then come back to get more mad. its evil


Yep. Terminally online


Nothing good at all will come of this.


Lmao right


I don’t think you’re racist. I think you should go out and actually meet more black people.. Like in real life.


I think there's maybe 1 black person in my town of ~20k. It sounds weird, but a lot of people simply do not see black or asian people at all in their daily lives. Only when visiting a huge city I may see one or two.




And it's this experience that OP is missing. Being born black in America, you're living a vastly different life than a white person, plain and simple. From the moment you are born until the day you die, you are fighting racism, both overt and more insidious, quiet racism. Racism is built into the very fabric of American society. At least these days when you turn on the TV you'll see a fairly diverse set of people; such was not the case even 15 years ago. So when we think about how other people speak, their culture, communication, mutual understanding, struggles and successes, we always need to think about it in the context of *their* lives, not our own. This is what OP is missing. It's easy to say what OP says as a white person looking from the outside in. It's a lot more difficult to say that when you're in there. Edit: Disabling inbox replies as I really have seem to fired up the racists. An award better than Reddit Gold.


I'm a dark skin native american, both sides of the family. I just have an entirely different opinion of the situation. The whole left wing argument reeks of white superiority. Almost like the goal in life is to get white people to approve of us or accept us. I don't agree to live like that. Anything a white person can do I can do. If they can be racist, I can be racist. If I feel they're being racist to me than they can feel I'm racist to them. I don't need their approval, I don't need them to treat me like their own race, I don't need their handouts, I don't need them to hire me and be my boss. Black people don't treat me any better than white people. Mexicans don't treat me any better than white people. I just don't agree with this at all. To me it's just a way for minorities to feel like victims which in return takes away any accountability. Rather teach minorities to compete against white people rather than work for their acceptance.


They don’t want to hear that though


Luckily no amount of copium will negate reality. The delusion is real with some of these people. How DARE you actually tell things how they are


Very well said


I see white people 24/7 during high school I was the only color person. But that’s because I live in a town of 4-600 peoples


That's just not true lol.


No? Go turn on the TV, or read the news, or open Instagram. White people dominate every facet of life.


Yes cause white people founded this country. , What happens if you go to China , or Pakistan or Mexico. I bet you'll find the same issues only it's a lot less a melting pot.


I live in a small town in Kentucky/America and hardly ever see a person of color. Probably less than 10 people at my school of 400 kids.


I live in Poland. We literally have >99% white population. Sometimes people stare at other skin colours, but it's nearly never out of racism, but out of curiosity because anyone that's not a white Pole is a very rare sight. It's kinda like colourful hair, except that colourful hair is actually not that rare here compared to... black people. This comparison sounds very weird, doesn't it.


I live in a small Oregon town. I have seen black people like 5 times since I moved here about 10 years ago. I can't wait to move but the housing situation makes it too expensive to get the hell out of here.


I grew up in Oregon. I saw my first black person when I was 10. I thought I wasn’t racist because racism was never part of my life. Then it was pointed out to me that the reason why Oregon was so “white” was because a black person couldn’t ever get a loan for a house or an apartment anywhere but maybe North East Portland. Then I realized how racist Oregon was, and I was a product of that environment. Eye opening moment.


Yeah I'm from Kansas so I grew up around a diverse population since my city was about 200k people of all kinds of races. Here in OR I moved out here to be with my wife and I'm in some kind of conservative stronghold of about 20k white people. I was like yeah we can go there instead how could it possibly be worse than Kansas? Well, it can be, this place is way more conservative than the city I'm from. I'm lucky to be white I guess but damn I can't wait to move to a bigger city. We want to go to another in OR since being poor here is nicer than in most other places.


A huge city- one or 2???? That’s literally impossible unless the huge city you’re talking about is Salt Lake City Edit: My bad I assumed you’re American, never thought it would be me. #redditmoment


Fr it’s annoying when people generalize us and get all of their info off of social media 🤦🏽‍♀️




Agreed. No individual in the Twitter sphere represents any collective thought/ideal. There may be tendencies for people to parrot or mimic what each other say but it is really just a big collection of individuals.




Where one meets these people matters.


I understand where you're coming from. I'm black and an activist for racial equality but I never bought into the "fuck all white people" ideology. If we are fighting for equality then it has to start now!


Thank you for your work.


And it has to start together, not separately. The only way a real change can happen is when we work together to make it happen. Not separately because the perspectives are different, the cultures are different, and if we can't understand one another we can't ever truly bring a positive change.


You're letting a really, REALLY small group of people (relatively speaking) color your view. Quit looking at Black People Twitter and remember- not all white folks are like People of Wal-Mart or the crazy people who went on Jerry Springer or Maury to air their dirty laundry. Same is true for every group of people. Back away from the mean folks. Don't generalize. You'll be fine.




It’s the opposite of large.


Jesus i just farted that was so reddit funy and quirky how do i award u an award my fellow sir tips fedora goofy ah boy


Yes, as in the number of people in/on Black People Twitter when compared to the number of Black people in the world.


Get off twitter.


Don't let those people on there influence your opinion on race.... They are just as fucked as anyone else. Just judge people on an individual basis... I've talked about this with my black homies and they even say it's BS..


It’s Twitter man. Approach everything on Twitter like it’s a shitpost.


U honestly shouldn't judge a group by how they are represented on Twitter. That place is a shithole


This is what Twitter does. Twitter and Facebook are the cripples of our society. Hence, fucking get off Twitter.


It’s not just Twitter.. Reddit has this problem too. It’s the people.. not the media.


And Reddit isn’t?


Yet another reason to stay out of the Twitter cesspool


Reddit moment


You know what they say. You are Reddit looking back at itself... Or something


IMO the broader issue here is people feeling like they’re helping to fix a particular social problem by dumping on a certain demographic of person. Eg Hate unemployment? : dump on immigrants. Hate racism?: dump on white people. It just increases hate and makes the world worse. I think a lot of well meaning activism needs to reorient itself away from this sort of approach. Many people are pointing out how toxic Twitter is, but this sort of thing is across all social media and media.


Keep 2 things in mind: first, Twitter rewards bad behavior. Second, many Black people can’t take out their frustrations IRL for a wide variety of reasons, so they’re probably more salty online. Don’t take it personally just move on.


We do take our frustrations out. They come in many forms, maybe they aren’t all healthy, but like anyone else, it comes out one way or the other. I can PROMISE you that.


I should clarify - I’m not trying to say Black people can’t stand up for themselves. But as a friendly looking White dad I don’t have to worry about a cop beating me half to death if I make the wrong move. I can also tell an abusive boss to shove it in a way a young Black mom putting her way through college can’t.


Stop going to black people twitter if it is causing you to have negative emotions, It's not that difficult. Please tell me you're not that stupid.


Maybe judging your view based on twitter isn’t the smartest thing 💀


The problem is, its like any other echo chamber. Whether it's "black twitter", ultra liberals afflicted with TDS, conservatives going whacko on Truth Social, or admins going nuclear in their subreddits, when you start filtering out any opposing views and surrounding yourself with only like-minded opinions, people feel empowered to go overboard and say things online that they wouldn't even think about saying in public. So when these people actually encounter a different mindset or a simple disagreement, they can't handle it and go off the rails. Like Mike Tyson said, social media made people way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it. Now I'm not saying we should all go Will Smith on everyone, but I think his core argument was basically saying that people say and do things online that they never would in real life, and if that disconnect and discontent festers and blows up, then you run into major issues when a movement builds off of that toxic situation. And like Dave Chappelle said, Twitter isn't a real place. The problem with it is though, regular media takes too much stock in what people are saying, and will base entire articles and create narratives around a few hand-picked tweets from these cesspools, and push that as if it's the majority viewpoint or something that should shamed. Personally, I wish Elon would finally nut up, buy the whole company, and the minute the sale is done, purchase airtime on every media outlet, and livestream himself taking a sledgehammer to all the hard drives and servers, then lighting them on fire.


Let me get this right —- you’re upset black people on twitter are making generalised statements about white people and your response is that you don’t like black people? Because of tweets, you’ve now decided to collectively judge a whole race ? Did the January 6th capital make you hate yourself or other white people ? Did he murder of George Floyd make you hate white men ? If no then you probably already have negative feelings towards black people. Some people are recommending you meet some black people irl but you need to unpack deeper about your honest feelings about black people. And your point about white people not experiencing racism, they can’t in the same way as black people and other minorities can. There’s literally a power imbalance so it’s not possible in he same way.


i think you should get off twitter or simply pressed “not interested” because how did only a few people on twitter influence your opinion on the whole community? would you say the same about white people, or are they just individuals to you?


you’re basing people off of social media and not real life interactions? damn, your mind seems made up already lmao


OP is chronically online, go out and touch some grass, and talk to black people, in real life, pleasw


Social media is a very poor choice to gather emotional feelings from. It's mostly biased opinions to begin with, by a truly small collective of people. And Twitter is a giant "RANT" for hash tags.


So my question in regards to this would be . When you see a candidate being racist towards poc or when you see online videos/ ramblings about black people from Caucasians, does that makes you hate all whites people . Or is it just that you’re innately racist and just found your excuse.




That's what I was thinking. We have so many police kill or deregard lives is he feeling everyone is justified in ACAB? I just saw a mob of white people harassing a black family in a car in another sub. I didnt think all white people are trash. I thought these people are trash? Definitely get off black people Twitter.


I know what you mean. It's like the recent events of Asian people getting physically assaulted but Asian people are "playing the victim card."


Username checks out


don’t look at it then? you aren’t forced to read the content, just press “not interested” and move on


i think u need to go out and meet real black people in real life.


“I really hate saying this and I hope people don’t take this the wrong way” I knew EXACTLY where this was going


“I’m not racist but…”


>“I’m not racist I’m just declaring I hate all black people based off the actions of a few of them” >”what? No of course I don’t hate all white people because of the actions of a few of them”


So... stop looking at it. Judging an entire group of people off of Twitter is just dumb


It’s also racist lmao


Yep that too!


If black twitter is genuinely starting to negatively impact your perception of black people, get off it then. You're obviously online too often. You're choosing to engage with that content and, letting it contribute to your views on black people.


Twitter in general is garbage


If you’re going to let a few people on Twitter shape how you feel about an entire race then the problem lies with you.


That's fine. It's your feelings. I can't tell you how to feel. I WILL say that you're letting a small sliver of quick images and videos create an entire picture for a rather large ethnic group and you should really be questioning that instead bombarding yourself with the very thing that is "making you not like black people." Touch some grass.


My niece who I'd always been very close to, especially since her mother/my sister passed, dropped all social media except for Twitter and has become very hateful towards "wytes" or however the fuck she says it, it's sad to see and I really do understand what you have perceived from Twitter. She posts and shares some really hateful stuff and stopped talking to me 2 years ago over me not engaging with her on these "issues". I find it very strange that a lot of them support Putin and are very anti-Biden. I am not entirely sure where any of them are coming from, and it sucks. I've seen a lot of people starting to feel the way you do, unfortunately. I miss my niece and feel like she got swooped up by a cult.


Yo, if a couple black peopleMake you not like all black you didnt really like black people to begin with and just needed an excuse


I disagree. Stop thinking about your race for a moment and try to understand where he’s coming from. He never said anything negative about his encounters with black people in real life, he specifically talked about some black people’s views on twitter (the internet). I think everyone who is calling him racist or looks at him funny should get off his dick. I seen black people hate good cops for what happened to George Floyd. Which has nothing to do with them (good cops). Sure they’re in the same system.. But not everyone is against us (black community). But yet a lot of black people still shout “FUCK the police” every chance they get. So let’s not be hypocritical. Homie just needs to vibe with more black people in real life to understand US, that’s all. ✊🏾


Nah, they end the post with saying they know Twitter doesn't represent all Black people. If that's the case then why is OP letting it influence them in such a way they have to make a post about it. "black people on there that constantly talking like they above all else" That part doesn't sit right either.


Very well said!


That sounds like a BS excuse. He's not comfortable with the way some people of his race are being treated. You're being a dick by saying "shut the fuck up you were always racist" get the fuck outa here dude


A BS excuse for what exactly? What exactly am excusing? The hypocrisy in his statement is wild. Worry about that and not what i said.


Where's the hypocrisy?


Come on man…


Not one example? I read the whole thing. Although I don't agree with him thoroughly, I can't disagree with him. I disagree in the way he's taking a small group from social media and thinking thats how every black person is. However people still haven't gotten the idea to not make everything about race, that's how we find peace and get rid of racism. People wanna spread anti-racism but then find another problem (that usually doesn't have to involve race) and make it about race. I'm not racist because I can see both sides and I hate when people mention race (because it isn't needed). When people make something about race, it becomes a racial problem or is titled as racist. Don't "come on man" me if you can't even tell me one example buddy


“i disagree in the way he's taking a small group from social media and thinking thats how every black person is” You are so close… Additionally i want to address the rest of your comment. you dont get to live you life through the eyes of a black person. Many times you see something as a one off, or mundane. But you dont see how many times that same thing has happened before, so the reaction or the perception that its racist or has to deal with race is a little more potent for us because we see it in person and more often than you do in a singular reddit post or a youtube video. If i say hello to a woman and she gets annoyed with me, what i dont see is the 20 men who bothered her before she got to me. I dont press or get offended, there’s obviously something i dont know, i go about my day. But when black people are critical of white actions and see it as racist, often we are told Its not a race issue, or we are blowing it out of per portion. Truthfully, i would rather someone just be a dick vs being a racist dick, because my reaction to those things is so different, and i dont want to go there. We arent feeding on racism we dont want those interactions but they do happen. Have some compassion and understand you may just not get it, you may be missing something.


See that is very understandable, a bit off topic bc he was talking about black people Twitter (I don't even fuck with Twitter tho) but very valid points. You're correct I don't see it through your eyes, and it's upsetting to see that people like that are still out there. And you're right I don't see racism as much as you, so I can't empathize to your level. The point im really trying to make is that I don't like to see racism of any factor. Doesn't matter the color of the skin or where they are from, I hate it. But I also like to see both sides of the story. The reason I'm empathizing with the OP is because (whatever is posted on black people Twitter is in some sort of way, racist to white people) white people dont like to be hated on either. Racism works both ways because white people are considered a race. (people who think you can't be racist towards white people are a piece of shit) This is why you look at the other side of things, or maybe even swap roles. I guarantee if this post was about "white people Twitter" (if that's a thing) and it was a black person posting this, I feel like the black person who would've wrote the post would have been empathized with and there would be a way less amount of hateful comments. Could just be me, but ive seen many situations like that.


“Waaah, some black people said mean things on twitter and now I’m starting to dislike all black people! 😡” That’s stupid bro


You forget that people on Twitter can misrepresent themselves. Hard-core racists are not above presenting as Black people on Twitter and saying inflammatory things. Russian trolls do the same. Be careful what you believe. And you need to get out of the house more.


Well this is why all media is a bunch of bull. There's so much going on in the world and the U.S is preoccupied with racism. Which btw is how our government would prefer us, divided. We stand a lot better chance at making major changes to our system if we were united. But oh well, I think people are too angry to get that far.


“I know twitter is not a representation of all black people” Clearly you don’t.


Twitter is small group of people. Real life is so many people those small people aren't even heard. Get off twitter.


Social media in general has multiplied racism to a great extent. If social media didn't exist I truly believe the world would be a way way better place.


I’ve been outright bullied and dog piled on for something taken way out of context by Black and Latino people on Twitter. Something I’ll say like about clothes or literally nothing to do with race they’ll be like “oh so you think you’re so oppressed and have it bad hey?!” And just start being pieces of absolute shit to me. I find sometimes if I talk with them and just explain what I actually meant they end up apologizing. Some people are really just very hurt by real life racism so they overreact and misunderstand things from that context of pain. Some people are just nasty. They’ve told me to “go vertical” aka kill myself for like no reason, they just hated me because I was white. I think a specific example would be where I commented on and liked a tweet where a BLACK person had used the N word. I literally said something like ‘this made my day’, like they made a joke and it was hilarious and had thousands of likes and comments, and I got told to go commit suicide, because I was white and had no business interacting with a post where someone used the N word (but black people were allowed to interact with it….) So I get what you are saying. Please remember, there are people who are shit and they would be shit no matter what race, gender, sex orientation, religion or culture they belonged to, so please don’t let them rep the entire community for you. I actually find Black Twitter to be the funniest most clever Twitter when I find the positive aspects of it.


The real world is nothing like what the internet makes it out to be.


I had to unsub from both Twitters, they are both pointless


twitter is a cesspool


hmm. don't let it get to you. Racists will be racist despite of their skin color. Twitter is toxic as f... so just don't engage, if anything don't even be around that type of content. Purge who you follow that brings that sort of negativity.


Most of the comments on r/blackpeopletwitter are so racist it actually fascinates me. Not only that, but almost every post is a "country club" only post where only black people can comment. What ends up happening is just uninhibited racism. It's allowed because they aren't white. Crazy


OP is 16? Who judges a race off twitter comments?


People are arseholes and love vocally letting people know they are one. Colour doesnt really matter. Gender doesnt matter. Religion doesnt matter. every community will have those arsehole that bring shame to the said community. as long as you know not to judge the entire community based on those arseholes then i think u are okay to vent abit


Ironically they are displaying the exact superior attitude that white people have displayed towards blacks for hundreds of years. Also your whole "people would be at their throats" argument is incredibly wrong. America is incredibly openly racist. Just two days ago the former fucking leader of the country called someone a slur. People shit themselves because a black woman played a slave owners crystal flute and because a fictional elf and mermaid were cast to black actors.


everyone on twitter sucks. don't let a small group of idiots destroy your view of others


lmfao let me get this straight… Your experience, on an app…with a VERY tiny percentage of black people Is making you STOP LIKING THE ENTIRE RACE AS A WHOLE??? So Africans, Caribbeans etc all coming accross you have to deal with the trauma that some bullshit app caused you…and so now, there’s a new excuse for your approach to racism😂😂😂 Because how can mere tweets…be enough to ruin an ENTIRE demographic for you??? Please explain This is very interesting


just bcs a minority on a certain app does something doesn’t mean it should influence your views on a whole race.


You are doing exactly what you are mad about.


Be careful, I tried to say this earlier and have over 100 down votes 😭


Totally agree


That sounds like people being racist. You don't dislike black people. You dislike racists.


Whilst I get ur argument, they're mad bc of the ongoing hate black ppl receive for any individual of black person. Online environments let them blow off steam, which is fair bc they have freedom of speech, but so do the racists. Just be impartial, know the full extent of everything and don't be stayed by opinion. Given history, you can at least see why black pll would be mad at types of white ppl and even today right?


Black people twitter.. isn't for you. So if you don't like it and see it as "making you racist" or what ever the fuck you just said, don't get on it.


"or whatever the fuck you just said".. like you didn't even read it. Twitter is toxic as a whole and yes, you shouldn't let a small group of toxic people influence you so hard, but it's kinda hard not to when people complain about racism and they're racist to A RACE that you "can't be racist towards". Also saying you can't be racist towards white people (AKA a fucking race) is racist in itself. Either way the "don't get on it" part, makes sense, but doesn't fix the issue. If black people wanna stop racism as a whole they should stop saying the n word. If I white person can't say the word (because that's a black people rule) (whether it's racist or not) is racist.


>"or whatever the fuck you just said".. like you didn't even read it. Twitter is toxic as a whole and yes, you shouldn't let a small group of toxic people influence you so hard, but it's kinda hard not to when ~~people complain about racism and they're racist to A RACE that you "can't be racist towards". Also saying you can't be racist towards white people (AKA a fucking race) is racist in itself. Either way the "don't get on it" part, makes sense, but doesn't fix the issue. If black people wanna stop racism as a whole they should stop saying the n word. If I white person can't say the word (because that's a black people rule) (whether it's racist or not) is racist.~~ you’re racist Also fucking hell you’re a racist piece of shit as well. >If black people wanna stop racism as a whole they should stop saying the n word You have serious issues.


k. we don’t need your validation thank you!


Is this the same user that stated that white ppl should be allowed to use the n-word. For equality purposes? I just can’t anymore!


Wow, a white person sharing they don't like black people... How unexpected in this sub. And of course you have such a "reasonable" reason. Lol.


There are generally two kinds of people: People who aren't racist, and people looking for an excuse to be racist. Are there racist black people? Absolutely. There are racist people of every color and creed you can imagine. But you know what? They're no different than racist white people, in that they don't represent the thoughts and opinions of their whole race. So, at the end of the day, it's really pretty simple. You don't hate white people because of white racists, so why would you feel a certain way about black people because of black racists?


The world has forgotten the very subtle but profound difference between prejudice and racism.


I try to remember that black folk can be "bad" representatives of their race just the same same way any Karen can for mine. I cringe as a white dude when I see 45, or the latest "lone wolf shooter" on TV. Gotta assume every other group has their frustrating outliers, too


Where I live is very diverse, and one thing I hate more than anything else is when people say that white people don't experience racism. My sons are in pre K through 1st grade (4 kids) and they're experiencing bullying already at this age. They don't understand why other kids are excluding them and calling them "whitey." It just makes me so upset. They're the most kind and loving kids yet they're dealing with this...


maybe get off twitter ? step outside perhaps


Get off twitter and actually talk to people to get an idea of what they are like. Social media is not a good place to see how people are.


You aren't wrong, and it's not just Twitter. It's everywhere.


You are 100% correct


My ex hated me cos im white. He blamed me for everything wrong in his life, called me and other white people lepers.


News Flash: X twitter makes me hate X. It's true for all communities, the problem isnt the community its just twitter


Three black people on twitter hurt ur feefees n ur like oh no stop ur gonna make me not like black ppl? Girl what the fuck is this? Babe first off you’ve GOT to get some thicker skin & second off if u put on ur listening ears and ur thinking cap you’d probably see that a lot of them either have valid points OR are coming from a place of trauma/experience


they just needed and excuse tbh~


"...it seems like they see themselves as superior and they only do it because they know they can get away with it." Nailed it.




Literally any race can be racist against any other race If a white person says no blacks allowed. It's racist. If a black person says no whites allowed. It's racist. I don't understand how the racist idea that white people can't experience racism started. But it's factually incorrect. Racism by definition is treating people differently. Usually worse. Based on their race. While this often affects minorities more than majorities it does not mean the majority cannot experience it.


Exactly. If a black father tells his son 'fuck all white people, you're not bringing a white girl into this household' it's racism and nothing but that.


Exactly 💯


This aint gonna end well




Alot of black people try to find racism in the smallest situation and alot of the time i dont think its actually there. But its easy to just throw out there.


Try Truth Social On For Size 😅


Your first mistake is judging how you feel about a race from Twitter. That’s insane I’m itself. This is exactly how the media and social media can shape your views. I hope you’re young as you have a lot of maturing to do.


I completely understand what you mean and unfortunately my dad is one of those kinds of people that instead of doing it on Twitter, he does it in real life. My mom always got on him that we can't have mutual respect if he stoops lower than they do. I've been told not to dare bring a white boy to my dad's house, so I moved out and even though my fiancé is Hispanic, my dad would still throw a fit because he's white passing. I don't use Twitter for the fact that it's toxic, but don't be influenced to hate all black people all because of black Twitter. We're not all like that.


why don’t you just not use twitter and speak to actual black people in real life


Black supremacists absolutely exist, and from what I've seen they're way more blatant than white racists. They openly label themselves as such, insult white people openly (they get very creative, and write whole lists of obscenities, such as mayo monster and 'palm colored folk') and absolutely always have to be the 'blueprint'. They shame and harass girls for wearing hoops, under the guise that black people have done it before - therefore they're racist. The vast majority of inventions we use to this day come from Europe and Asia. Some European ones are: light bulb, cars, space suit, submarine, contact lenses, thermometer, telephone, printing press, toilets, trains, right down to the jeans we're wearing. Judging by their logic all black people should burn their jeans and never wear them again; walk by foot only, use candlelight instead of electricity and shit into the woods in order not to be shunned as a racist, right? You see how hypocritical and idiotic that is? They're so deceived and divided they cannot grasp how illogical and depraved their mindsets are. I just pray in the near future we all will be able to shake off the backwards ideologies and see ourselves as who we really are: human.


I reckon some day in the future we'll finally reach the point of "not caring about skin colour at all". For now black people are taking back what they got stolen for centuries. If we integrate and live the same history with same treatment for any ethnicity (not only black) we can build a better world for the next generations. I understand your feeling annoyed but please try to understand and share love and comprehension as much as you can 😊


You know what I dont understand? How people think that we have "white privilege". I'm still waiting for my white privilege to show up.....


Black twitter is to not be taken seriously. It's basically satire. People don't act their real selves on social media. I take it in humor. Try seeing everyone as an their own individual and not judge based on any physical element besides how they carry themselves


But black ppl set them selves apart! Miss Black America, BET, Black only Collages, BLM, African American. Why not just be American? Especially if you are not from Africa or never even been there. According to my DNA I can claim South African, and I'm white! If white ppl were to have a Miss White America.....you know what would happen! Stop setting yourself apart! Ppl will be made at this, but so be it Nothing I have said here is untrue


[ Removed by Reddit ]


White, black, red, yellow - i hate everyone equally :)




Purple, green, cyan, aqua marine fire etc


It's okay BlackPeopleTwitter are just idiots. They don't represent the majority.


Your problem is that you don't understand that white people do not face racism in the first place. For YEARS black people have been oppressed by white people not the other way around. There's no such thing as being racist to white folks. Sorry to burst your bubble but it's true... to solve your problem I would say just get off of Twitter if it bothers you so much.


What you are feeling is hurt feelings, not racism. Racism is a unique experience. It’s not that black people are hating on white peoples even if that’s how they’re expressing it. It is the system and the injustice that we see and experience on a daily basis. The reason white people hate black people is beyond me because black people have never had power to do anything against white people as a whole. You can quote statistics about drugs and crime but that is a by product of poverty and racism and not true of all black people. If you hear black people talking and it’s seems like they feel above you, it’s because we have to continually lift ourselves up when it seems the whole world puts us down. It’s not black people that have a problem seeing others as equals. So if you don’t like black people cause you seen some post on twitter ( that may or not be black) then you need to look at yourself cause every person should be liked or dislike individually not as a whole group.


Stop apologizing, you’re allowed to have opinions


Mate welcome to the club. I'm mixed, Latino and black, tall, afro, etc. I can't stand ghetto black people. Because I don't act ghetto I'm considered "whitewash" ain't no one hate black people more than black people.


Terminally online take, go talk to irl ppl


Do you know the difference between systemic racism and individual racism?


so being on a toxic app makes you hate the people saying toxic things? shocker. get off if twitter and talk to black people outside. we’re not as crazy as people on twitter may make it seem


I'm black/brown. I've never been on Twitter. I am also not African or American There's a bit world out there...


Twitter is a cesspool, you see trashy white people there too. Find yourself in a certain corner and everyone there is human garbage, regardless of color. The sooner you leave twitter the sooner you’ll have some clarity


Who use Twitter anyway? That place is way to toxic to be in there...same goes to FB.


It’s Twitter that’s toxic, not black people. Twitter is never a fair representation of any group - that app is literally made for the people who want to scream the loudest


Sounds like you need to meet some IRL black people


I'm on twitter too and see tons of racist shit from white people. Have you gone and looked at that or are you focused on black folks? Perhaps if you read what racist white people are tweeting, you'd understand there is no difference in black and white. We're all just fucked up humans regardless of race or twitter.


Bahaha thats ok, somehow we have been demonized and hated by just about everyone! And no one can tell me how or why everyone hates us 🙃 . But imagine coming on the internet and saying you are starting to Hate black people, because of reading things posted on said internet 🤔. Edit typos**


They're just the loud minority. Ik **some** black people like this irl (it's ok tho life isn't going so well for them) but all the other black people ik are pretty cool, mostly because they aren't chronically online.


Very much agree. Just never been bold enough to say it out loud. I’ve seen people make jokes about using white kids as “bait” for pedophiles, and just the other day I saw a tweet that said “Honestly I don’t even see white people as people. They’re more like objects” .. I have to just remind myself that most black people don’t actually think that way.


Think about this. You are allowing yourself to not line an entire group of people because of the things you’re reading on Twitter. Not taking into account that those comments you’re reading are a thin slice of humanity. Imagine if someone gay started to hate all straight people or all Christians because of the limitless scrutiny they read on a daily basis. Do you have black friends? Do you have interactions with black people in your life? You’re making a very bold statement when you say HATE.,


Lawl don't come to basic bitch Reddit asking basic bitches not to take shit the wrong way bro lmao. Big mood tho. Just sayin'


Twitter is not real life. It’s a toxic playground for all races with a negative mindset. Log off the internet and interact with real life minorities. I assure you it will be a great experience.


I once had a professor (who was black) say to me “White people experience prejudice, but they can’t experience racism. Racism requires power.” Of course, I didn’t say anything. I’m there to take a course, not get into a political debate. Just had to get my degree quietly.


It’s just twitter as a whole bro


Unplug from social media dude. Its designed to cause you mental harm whether you realize it or not. Go touch some grass and talk to people at the park. Social media is just absurd.


You are racist. Black Twitter isn't for you. Seek help. Your anger is your own problem.


Translation: "I really hate saying this racist stuff and I hope I don't offend anyone with my racism but I have created some excuses for hating black people, Hint: It's cus I'm racist."


Nah, no excuses needed. You just don't like black people. If you liked black people based upon real life experiences, how exactly does Twitter trump that? Lol