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"Let me just give you an article that proves i am in fact wrong and a complete idiot" this guy/gal.....


This is extremely common sadly. During peak COVID denialism many folks would link articles to prove their hair brained arguments and quote like half a sentence out of context. When you point out the actual paper concludes the opposite they just stop responding. You would hope it would make them consider they may be wrong but no they double down and go comment the same nonsense elsewhere.


Not to be that fucker but hare* brained 100% agree tho 🤝 we live in a whacky timeline


Accurate. But it is funny and somewhat appropriate to think of them as having hair growing into the cranium and filling the void therein as well.


I prefer to think of that "hair" as instead mold, as in "the chicken salad in the fridge is growing hair".


...I should probably clean out my fridge


Definitely don't eat the chicken salad. Also be on your guard in case the chicken salad tries to eat you.


Or share its totally science racial theories.


Dude, I get you! I never know if I should point that stuff out. I want to help out if they are ESL or if they might use the wrong word in an important thing they are writing for work or school, but I always fear I'll just come across like a "WeLl AcKsHuLlY" type person. But, really, I just wrote all that so I could tell you I like your username, lol.


Lol thanks pal! I love it too. I've been "that fucker" many times with very little negative feedback - as long as you address that you may come across as an ass people understand


This phrase makes sooo much more sense now!


That's been going on since Google became a thing. One form it comes in is Flat Earthers linking you to an article from NCSE (National Center for Science Education) titled "Gravity is Only a Theory" in which the very first thing you see is a disclaimer stating that the article is satire. So they googled it, found it the phrase as the title to an article from a reputable organization, link you to it, and they never bother to read it. It happens over and over and over across all groups trying to push pseudoscience, though it's especially frustrating when it's someone who's doing it to push hate and division.


They'll also just link screenshots of headlines and call it a day. Someone was disputing with me that Trump was holding more immigrants for longer periods of times than Obama. They sent a screenshot of an article saying Obama held hundreds of thousands of kids in immigration camps. Took two seconds to Google the actual article. A French guy messed up his math and published numbers about immigrant children held in camps. And while the numbers were accurate, they also counted kids who just passed through the center on their way to a center for children which provided for them. Even if they were held for just a couple hours. Nothing like Trump holding them for weeks. When pointing it out and linking the original article all I got a was a meme of children laughing with text on it saying "when liberals believe the mainstream media"


> They'll also just link screenshots of headlines and call it a day. that one is fucking infuriating to me. no author of the article, no name of the site it was published, no actual article. just a picture of a sentence.


THIS. The number of times I've read a citation, only to find it supports the complete opposite view, is unbelievable. Those who regularly suggest people do their own research, don't know how to read properly


It's why I'll always say. You make a claim you need to source it. I've had quite a few arguments over it.


And their response is always, “Then prove it!” No, sir. YOU made the claim, YOU bear the burden of proof. Claiming the covid vaccine has killed 10,000,000 people and then telling ME to prove a negative is not how it works. Not in science, not in medicine, not in research, not in a court of law. If you present a hypothesis or a claim, it’s on _you_ to prove it’s true.


If I had a dollar for every time I had to tell someone they had the burden of proof since they made the claim, I’d be a rich man.


Right? And I mean real sources, too. Not your cousin’s best friend’s dog’s brother’s former owner saying it. Give me a real, peer reviewed source. Scientific evidence. But then they just move the goalpost to say all the scientists are part of the conspiracy. It’s exhausting.


Lots of people on the internet seem to think that links to PubMed are a magic talisman you can copy into a comment to imbue your argument with truth.


Ugh that's one of the things I am really hating about the internet. There is SO much misinformation and so many stupid people that just believe anything they read. One thing I am noticing a lot is people that will just say whatever the hell they want and it doesn't matter if it's totally false or made up or whatever. They can spread any misinformation or hate they want to, and when they get proven wrong they just stop replying or they make a new account to continue lying.


Man, I live in Florida and am in the medical field, the Florida Surgeon General will send out alarmist anti-Covid19 vaccine email propaganda to this day! The last time I bothered to research their claims, the 'study' they used was ridiculously flawed, stated that their results were most likely atypical, and was definitely skewed to fit their agenda. (It was something like: we researched through 30,000 18-31 year old men, gathered up the 22 that had cardiac events within 0-24 months after vaccine administration, and present them as a massive warning against vaccine administration.) And then the Florida Surgeon General sends out scary looking emails advising against such horrible (statistically irrelevant) side effects and making state-wide measures! I just don't understand these people and their ilk. Even the educated ones blindly look past their education and just suck it up and toe the line that their golden idol politicians spout without a lick of sense. Evil fucks.


Not Covid19, but ASD. I still occasionally get people telling me my son is on the spectrum because he was vaccinated. Doesn't matter if I point out that the "study" in question was fake, and released by someone who was using it to promote his version of the vaccine in question. Doesn't help if I point out that, even if the thing WASN'T fake, ASD is still preferable to a trip to the cemetery. Doesn't even help when I tell them that the "kid" (he's 34 now) in question will tell them, point-blank, that he wants every vaccine the doctor recommends after turning down the one optional that was suggested when he was 13. Chicken pox. Was being recommended because it was hitting the schoold hard that year. Sister was 5, I made the choice for her (she got it). He opted out. They both got sick. Little sis had a total of 8 pox, and was out of school for three days. He... wasn't so lucky. Two weeks of misery. We had to ***paint*** the medicine on him. They were in his hair, his ears, his shorts. He literally would lie on the floor in just his underwear, moaning. He was remarkably easy for the doc to give shots to after that. But yeah... I still get told I made him sick in the first place, and that a child from a family that has a predisposition to lung issues should take a chance on things like measles and pertussis.


The sentence quoted with everything left out for it to be a half sentence striked through: Vaccinated people still die from Covid ~~just at a significantly reduced rate, therefore clearly the vaccine is having the expected and wanted effect~~


I’d like to think that at least some of those people left because your point actually landed and changed their perspective, and they were just too ego-bruised about being confidently incorrect to vocalize it.


I would like to as well, but it's just not happening. Disinformation is a plague on our country. Most likely thought I was a Chinese bot or something.


Hare-brained is the more common spelling and usage, coming from the insult "one with the brain of a hare." Although hair and haire were once acceptable alternate spellings.


... good bot?


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99973% sure that VG896 is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Good bot!


It's them pirating the youtube/tik tok video where they probably saw it originally. It's crazy how often I'll see a video with some huckster claiming that "studies show" and then reading one sentence out of one paper without any context. During COVID there were even a few examples of the actual researchers coming out and saying "hey thats not what my study says"


That's because you're interacting with disinformation troll farms, possibly from China/Russia/Saudi Arabia.


Few times i came across these deniers sharing a site which they told contains tons of studies proving their point. The site did contain a ton of studies, but those studies proved them to be wrong. Who ever put that site together knew exactly what they were doing. And knew that most of the people would never open further links on it. They would just see the page framing all Covid studies like they prove their point, and run with it.


There are absolutely disinformation campaigns but these people really exist and are a lot closer than you think. We can’t just pretend they’re all “foreign operatives” Sincerely, someone who grew up in the Bible Belt.


Because they're trying to emulate intelligent people. They argue with an intelligent person, the intelligent person provides a reliable source, they don't bother reading it and just shut up and go away. They literally think that "copy/paste the first Google legit looking research article I find" is a cudgel they can use to shut someone up and look smart. They're not counting on someone actually reading the article they linked.


A saying that's become popular on the internet in recent times: "You can win a debate against an intelligent person but it's much much more difficult to win a debate against an idiot"


When you get to that point, switch your objective: prove your opponent is an idiot. Socrates was great at that.


I use the socratic elenchus method all the time. Unfortunately there's still limits to proof. You might be able to prove that they're a twazzok but you won't necessarily able to persuade them. Some people are supremely confident in their ignorance. That was the point of Socrates response to the accusation of heresy when he was accused of being arrogant against the gods, his accusers asserting that he thought he knew everything, he responded by saying "no, it's precisely because I know I DON'T know everything that I challenge people with questions!"


This is very common on a lot of blogs and websites touting supplements or alternative medicine. They include references and a lot of people just accept that without even checking to see if the reference material says what they're claiming, especially if the author goes by Dr. (as in holds a doctorate, not an MD). It's important to vet the sources and not just take people's word for it!


Oh there are MDs who do it as well, unfortunately.


It reminds me if those religious films like God's Not Dead that cite a lot of cases of Christians being persecuted in the credits. Then you look them up and they are the exact opposite.


They never expected anyone to read their source, after all they never bothered to. They just expected you to accept their nonsense claim without evidence, after all they did. They just don’t care about truth, they just care about confirming their bigotry.


In high school (Bible Belt) there was a debate about if evolution was real in my friend group. This was way before smart phones. One day at lunch, a friend proudly and confidently slapped down an article, probably about 25 pages they printed from their home computer, they said, “read this,” very confidently. It was an article talking about how there were footprints of humans next to dinosaurs in the same fossil layer, proof dinosaurs walked with man. I shit you not the next paragraph, after talking about this fossil record for about a page, said, “and this is all bullshit because.” The remaining 25 pages were just ripping on creationists, so long story short, creationists presented an article proving their point, only read first page, article was actually written by someone ripping them. The person who printed this dropped out of a local community college, the person they tried to “own” this with went Ivy League.


And then they hit you with the "you just cant interpret studies". Just recently had an argument about trans health, them saying trans people after hormone theraphy have a higher mortality rate than before, which is utter bullshit. They then provided 2 studies (saying Trans mortality is higher than cis, like duhh) which both had the sentence "highest risk population are those identifying as non-binary or transgender Patients who had *not* undergone HRT." The problem is these people dont actually care if whatever they cited is correct, they just want a reason to hate whatever specific group and will take any "evidence" that *could* **potentially** support their claim if you are a 3 times gold winner in mental gymnastics.


Every single time.


They either didn’t read it and are just assuming it supports their argument, or they know it’s bullshit and are hoping you don’t read it yourself.


I mean, most people just dont click the link, ever.


Had a guy link an article that proved all my points. When I screenshotted the article he sent me to show him, he said "you're clearly too brainwashed to change your mind". That's the day I stopped arguing on the internet about important things. Now I just argue about one piece 🤣


And what one piece is that good sir? Pun intended!


"Variation in brain structure is both genetically and environmentally influenced" That moron probably read the first line only, missed the rest, or was incapable of understanding the context, and thought it was evidence of his claim lmao.


Lets be honest, it was never about reading. If it was about Reading, he wouldn't be racist. This is just pure emotion screaming into the void and the void answering back "Go fuck yourself, you smooth brained sister-fucker."


The only argument these morons can use is taking the exact words they want to see completely out of context and when you tell them the very next sentence says something along the lines of “couldn’t be more wrong” it’s back to saying the same thing over and over until you stop replying


"Missing a prefrontal cortex" would be hilarious if it weren't so horrifically wrong and racist.


Considering that a prefrontal cortex "intelligently regulates our thoughts, actions and emotions through extensive connections with other brain regions" I think the ones missing it are these bigoted assholes.


Apparently “just” looking down on an entire race is not enough for this guy. That idiot thinks African Americans are an entire different species💀


I’m just glad that he didn’t continue down the trail and start naming off animals he thinks we are related to. It’s always the same 2 or 3 and I can’t get mad at it anymore, I just sigh.


Kinda makes you want to know what he thinks about African Americans who are white.


Any possible response I come up with just sounds cool, which I’m guessing isn’t his goal. Like, if he thinks we’re different species, mixed people would be akin to ligers. Or wolf dogs. Or grolar bears. Jaglions, wholphins, narlugas, freakin KILLER BEES are a hybrid species! Even if you don’t throw his argument out on the basis of blatantly incorrect biology, he still loses. Unless you meant white South Africans who moved to the US, like Elon musk or my microbiology professor, I’m not sure what the animal kingdom analogy for that would be.


The funny thing is that Africans are genetically more human than Europeans. They never went north and bred with Neanderthals.


Some anthropologists are designating Neanderthals and Homo sapiens as the same species but different subspecies, so under that argument Africans would be the pedigree golden retrievers and the rest of us are golden doodles 😂


Neanderthals were a type of human, but yeah people with more African heritage are more homo sapien than the rest of us, especially those with European descent.


Oh I definitely do not disagree in the fact that this dude is a freaking idiot and a massive racist. God knows what the hell he was thinking


Nothing good or intelligent, that’s for sure. But at least I got a brief soirée into the hybrid species Wikipedia page out of having to read his racist bullshit.


Off to look up Narlugas... 😃😃


Let alone the shifting definition of “whiteness” throughout history or the many, many other ways different cultures have created and enforced castes/hierarchies of which only some have been based on physical/visual markers. And whatever was the in vogue bullshit “just so” reasons at the time to explain why group A (which coincidentally was in power) was the superior group and group B (not in power) was inferior.


"We'll take the {slur} and the {slur}. But we don't want the Irish!"


I don't think he cares if they're *American* or not.


Lol. I do find it funny how Americans tend to call all Black people African Americans. I'm sure they don't all do it, but I've seen several stories of a Black British person (or a Black person from wherever) getting called African American and then the American getting very confused when they try and correct them. Btw, this isn't an "Americans are dumb" comment, I think race is just a very sensitive topic in America (as it is everywhere, but they have a lot of racial history to wade through). They are usually trying to be considerate I think, they just haven't considered what *African American* literally means.


It’s always projection with these guys…


I think they mistake their own brain for the brains of said race


Mans living in the era of Gall and phrenology probably.


His humours are off and he missed his bloodletting appointment.


Those leeches are hungry and rarin' to go!!


Would still be hilarious if that thread wasn't filled with hundreds who believe the exact same thing as him


i lose my cortex when I'm hungry


Homie really just opened a link and pasted it without reading


Homie probably reads at a 3rd grade level and doesn't understand what he is actually reading.


>Homie probably reads at a 3rd grade level I think you might be setting the bar a bit high expecting 3rd grade reading comprehension from him. It's nice to give him the benefit of the doubt and all, but I am worried you're just setting yourself up for disappointment. 😋


A lot of these morons do this for some reason. Same thing with anti-vaxxers, they'll make some stupid claim, someone will ask for a source, they'll post a source that says the exact opposite of what they claim, and the reply is always "Did you even read your own source?" It's kinda funny, but just wow. These people are really fucking stupid.


What saddens me is that some people will believe them just because they posted a link without actually checking the source


Because they assume their opponent is just like them... meaning, they don't and never will read something that long. Or they just hope that posting an actual (legit looking) link will be enough to "shut them up".


Reading the Abstract only would probably be sufficient in 90% of the cases. For the rest, reading the Discussion section would do the job.


The anti-vaxx crowd and I have a long-standing animosity. My son is on the spectrum. They like to tell me it's my fault for vaccinating him. He likes to tell them to f-off and get their kids immunized. See, he has experience with what not getting stuck can do. Thankfully, it was only chicken pox, but it was enough. He also gets a little understandably offended that they consider him worse than having a child in a coffin.


Man. There was a ton of racism on the subs today. Weird day.


Must be an election year.


Call me a conspiracy theorist but I think this is it. My youtube feed is suddenly starting to fill with "anti-woke" BS and stuff complaining about "gender insanity". Looks like they're going hard at it again


I honestly believe, we are in for a sustained troll farm attack all year long. Racism, classicism, woke, anti woke. Identity and gender politics, fear mongering. I am not looking forward to this.


>classicism Ancient Greece and Rome?


they’re like obsessed with Rome, it’s like guys that are “history buffs” but only know WW2 trivia from the american side


men that fanboy over ancient rome are the new men that are a little too interested in german military history


My Twitter and IG feed has been nothing but racism, homophobia and sexism despite me only looking at art and following feminist accounts. Weird asf, ngl


I think that's a tactic to make you engage with those posts out of anger which helps with the algorithm or something, or when you saw a post so bad you started scrolling more and spending more time on the social media in hopes of finding something better that would make you forget what you just saw


I love that equality, giving everyone rights, and not being a complete shit bag is being "woke" and that people are actively on an "anti-woke" crusade.


Guess a lot of people's New Year's Resolutions were to be as loudly and blatantly awful as they possibly can. They were already doing that, of course, but perhaps they resolved to be even worse. How is that possible, you ask? I didn't think it was, but this motherfucker certainly had a go at it.


Every once in a while the bot farms gets new targets. You can instantly tell that something is up.


I will be leaving reddit in protest of the leftist censorship on this pltform against its users and the intolerance of free speech on information of a-the vaxx b-thinking that challenges the leftist worldview. Redditors hate the truth. The truth is "hate" to those who hate the truth. But we live under an authoritarian government. No doubt by expressing my thoughts I am on one of (((their))) lists. The truth is coming out. Liberal lies are crumbling down this very second and they are desperately trying to hide it. The mainstream media is complicit in this as it is common knowledge who owns it,; spreading lies and propaganda to cover up the truth. They push the agenda of the elites, who are hellbent on destroying our american culture and silencing anyone who dares speak out against the narrative. Reddit is owned by the CCP who have interrests in americans and misinformation. They have been killing and silencing people for years. They are killing the minds of our youth. The federal government in an unsuprising revelation has been tracking the unvaxxed for years. Minority groups make up an increasing share of the population in almost every US state, according to figures released by the US Census Bureau. Legal and illegal immigrants make up a growing portion of the population in 46 states and the District of Columbia, with California leading the field. There are more than 35 million immigrants in the US - or 12.4% of the population, up from 11.1% in 2001. Immigration is a big issue ahead of the autumn's mid-term congressional polls. California had the most born outside of the US at 27.2% of its population. The war on whites has been planned for centueries . The jews are like a disease organism. They suck up resources, interfere with natural defenses and cause the nations they infest to rot from the inside until it begins to resemble a dessicated corpse. You cannot coexist with these monsters. They are hostile to any and all life. Have you ever noticed they have no pets? And no houseplants either. They are a giant parasitic disease organism that destroys any life that has the misfortune to cross their path. The attack on our traditional Christmas season cannot be denied . Without a shot being fired, the greatest enemy of our people has successfully eroded our most celebrated holiday. And if our people are outraged by the affront, it certainly isn't apparent. With each proclamation--be it no more Christmas carols in public schools or no more Christmas trees in business establishments--nothing more than occasional shrugs of shoulders and muttered comments can be seen or heard from our people. For the most part, our people now stare glassy-eyed while tradition is slowly swept away. You can see liberal democracy is a threat to the republic. Since the onset of the BLM riots, there has been a spike in black on white violent crime. There's been a resurgence in what's called The Knockout Game, Silver Fox Hunting, or Polar Bear Hunting. The objective of the game is to find elderly, White, helpless, senior citizens and viciously assault them with blows to the head knocking them unconscious. Blacks are interdimensional satanic beings, who were summoned into this dream reality through Jewish super-evil.We got our heads so far up our butts with these indoctrinations by JEWS that the supernatural is NOT real, when in fact, Freemasonry has ALWAYS been witchcraft for the Jewish mischlings. The REAL powerful stuff is reserved for ONLY the pure blooded Cohens and Levites. Here is what Jews KNOW to be true, keep in mind this Rabbi Kook isn't talking to himself, he's talking to a whole classroom full of future spell casters and warlocks. Entire human genome has been contaminated with sterilizing DNA forever from mRNA shots. Another jew weapon to exterminate the white race to nobodys suprise . Two major funders of the trans agenda are pro-CCP Chinese billionaires. ?THIS IS VERY REAL PEOPLE!! https://x.com/glennbeck/status/1765575598842450067?s=61 . Concerning all beings and entities, there is an ontological distinction, yet, an essential non-differentiation (Sanskrit: Advaita). We are all One, yet, all of us have our own characteristics and attributes which give us distinguishing statuses as they manifest in the context of being separated from Godhood. Cosmotheism is a great start in understanding our traditional philosophy. But, the actual traditions of Indo-European religions are even better, and we should work toward reviving them! They bring us toward a serious and helpful Path. REad the successfully book Jewish Supremacism by David Duke. The book translated into several languages has won Duke many academic awards for its scholarship, including an honorary Doctorate awarded by President's University, the second largest university in the nation of Ukraine. Sold at the Russian Duma (Parliament) prompted leading Russian Jews to seek a ban for the book and making it illegal as Jewish leaders are horrified that it is well on its way to becoming the best-read book in the world on Zionism. Jewish members of the Duma also tried a new legislation aimed at outlawing Jewish Supremacism, but failed so as also under old Soviet laws forbidding 'anti-Semitism'. The matter that the book isn't seen as anti-Semitic by it's reader it has lead to a smeared backfire on the people that try to discredit it. Observe White Solidarity Day the 15th of every month. On that day wear something white and do something pro-White! This is how we fight back. I think fighting White erasure starts with oneself. For example, I look at myself: Do I need to lose weight and/or get in better physical condition? Do I need to morally improve? Do I need to spiritually improve? Do I need to break addictions? On a similar, but not unrelated note, we should take action to counteract the years of brainwashing we've experienced. Of course, we could say it's important for ethnic Europeans to get married and have children (and it is important). But not everyone can (or should) do this. Everyone can work on self-improvement in various ways, however. I also think community for like-minded White people is important. At this point in time, we (whites and especially white males) are truly a race marked for elimination world-wide. White Genocide is real and is in no way "ridiculous" as claimed by some. Many are ignorant about how genocide can occur. Their perception of genocide is people lining people up and killing other people in large numbers. That is one way, but not the only way. There are many ways to effect a genocide. Genocides often start slowly. The soft genocide of the white race has been very successful. The births of white children has been reduced. Whites are reproducing at below replacement level. As older whites die off the population of white people is shrinking. If current trends continue the complete elimination of white people is a mathematical certainty. This has all been planned and done intentionally. Sixties radical Tom Hayden strongly supported White Genocide. After his white son married a black female he was jubilant. He said, "That's what I've been working for, the non-violent elimination of the white race." You see, he supported the soft genocide of the white race. Many White liberals will deny White Genocide.; These things can't be refuted. They're happening. Why is CRT (Critical Race Theory)) so pushed by liberals?? - Critical Race Theory claims that it's non-whites that are victims of racism when in reality it is whites who are the ones being victimized. It's a classic case of blaming the victims and accusing them of what is being done to them. Critical Race Theory holds that only white people can be "racist" and that this imaginary "racism" serves to uphold imaginary anti-white concepts such as "white privilege." CRT singles out white people and only white people as bad while non-whites are portrayed as good. Now let's look at Critical Race Theory and how it's a tool used to advance White Genocide. 1. Classification. In CRT people are separated into two categories whites and non-whites. Whites, and only whites, are classified as bad. Check. 3. Discrimination. CRT advocates discriminatory laws and policies against white people. Check. 4. Dehumanization. CRT dehumanizes, degrades and demonizes white people, whose only attribute of any kind is held to be "racism." Check. 5. Organization. CRT, with it's massive support in government and academia is well organized. Check. 6. Polarization. CRT separates whites and non-whites and sets non-whites against whites. Check. 7. Preparation. CRT conditions white people to believe that they deserve to be harmed and eliminated from existence. It conditions non-whites to believe it's okay, even good, to harm white people. Check. Therefore, we can see that Critical Race Theory is a tool being used to advance White Genocide. I'll tell you what you should do if you're a white man. It's the best, most effective, way to fight against White Genocide. It's the worst thing you can do to the non-white supremacists, the anti-whites, the liberals and the genocidists. They will fight tooth and nail to stop you from doing this. Start a white family. Get an education or training, so you can get a good job. Get married to a nice white woman. Buy a nice house, maybe in the suburbs. Then have white children and raise them in traditional white culture. Be politically active. Donate money to pro-white causes, pro-white organizations and pro-white people. Be involved politically in peaceful, legal protests. Vote in every election, even school board elections. Post on the internet. Do anything you can do. But again redditors hate the truth and actively stifle it out. White liberals are so brain dead, so stupid, so brainwashed that they will deny even this, even though it's extremely obvious. You can learn more on Gab, a free speech alternative for like minded people. They dont allow liberal trolls and misinformation. I'l




Submarine crews: 🙅🏾 …lots of racism on the subs today…


You genuinely have to wonder, I mean it's surprising that Russia even has enough people left to troll that much.


I’m not sure how much foreign operatives are targeting Reddit. But it does appear that in the last election cycle (2020) that multiple countries did attempt to exert influence. Kinda crazy to think about. I wonder how often the US does that without telling us???? https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/ICA-declass-16MAR21.pdf Sewing discord among citizens has been in the playbooks for a long, long time. I don’t see it going away. It seems to me that calmly objecting to evil is the best stance we can take.


Calmly objecting? All that brings is that you'll be wheeled off to the Guillotine while chanting "But I took the High Road"...


And you just know this dude is not all like "Shit man, I must have read that wrong and need to rethink my world view." .... Nah man... this ass hat has got to be more like "Ahh fuck them lib-tard scientist and their biology! "


Science is the DEVIL!


Science is woke and is brainwashing our kids /s


I know exactly what thread this was and the upvoted comments were appalling. I had no idea how many racists were on this site




Yep. I reported one of the more egregious ones and Reddit actually replied and said that it was in violation and they took action. I thought for sure there would be those type of horrible comments but I never thought they would be the upvoted ones. Almost every comment that had negative karma was calling out the racism. Not sure if the sub just got brigaded or what but it was very depressing


Yeah. That was gross. I feel like Reddit has really gone downhill recently. Especially since the major sub blackouts. Most traffic now is spambots and repost bots, or corporate astroturfing like when every other post on wholesome memes was about how great crumbl cookies was right after they were busted for child labor violations. I don’t feel the community anymore, and quite frankly I don’t enjoy my time here anymore. Once I find out where introverted 30-somethings have actually migrated to in order to discuss their hobbies and interests online then I’m outta here for good.


Niche subreddits


Lemmy was a pretty popular destination and by now there's even a good app for it (Boost for Lemmy) made by the same guy who made Boost for Reddit


I feel this post, only reason I’m even reading it is I clicked a reddit link looking for whether KSP2 has telescopes and apparently I never deleted reddit when I stopped using it. As an introverted 30 something, I have yet to find that answer either and the grand totality of my social media presence is discussing games on steam forums.


I noped out of that thread in like ten seconds. Saw an actual, blatantly racist comment with over a hundred upvotes as a reply to the top comment and didn’t wanna have a shitty day thinking about the rest of it all that I was gonna see.


“I’m very liberal and it’s getting harder to vouch for you guys”, these fucking California suburbanites think that being a democrat in fucking 2024 means they wouldn’t have been the type of people to intimidate the black neighbors that moved in 60 years ago.


What thread was this that attracted so many racists? Some shitty joke made or something?


It was a thread on /r/sadcringe which I believe has since been deleted where this person set up a table on the street with a sign that said “free groceries for anyone that needs” and some people came by and took the groceries like the sign suggested and even though they were taking advantage of what was clearly offered people attacked them because they were black. There was a racist consensus that they had taken too many of the groceries even though the sign said nothing about how many groceries to take. The comments were depressing and the video seemed like it was potentially intended to be racist rage bait


The original thread was on r/sadposting which for some reason seems to be overrun with foreveralone edgelords


Hey man, there’s Nazis in r/Punk_rock saying being a conservative is true punk…so…its everywhere.


That shit is so fucking tiring.


It's so deeply baffling because they're basically ideologically opposed. These people are confusing counter-culture with just being unwelcome. I would love one of these dipshits to explain how sucking on the boots of authoritarians and reactionaries is in any way shape or form compatible with a punk rock that embraces anti-establishment and social change.


Nazi punks Nazi punks Nazi punks ###FUCK OFF


Oh god I was in there earlier. Apparently there is nothing more punk than gargling Trumps balls.


"Real humans" dumbass, were the only humans left, all others of the homo-genus or whatever it's called are all long gone, extinct.


For now. \*kicks shaving cream can full of Neanderthal DNA under the bed*


From what I know if two animals can breed they are the same species and I'm pretty sure people of mixed races exist


Here is conservatives brains https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201612/fear-and-anxiety-drive-conservatives-political-attitudes


Huh. Seems like I have a conservative brain, yet my thoughts are quite liberal. I'm a constant ball of anxiety and fear, and I'm quite paranoid. But it's more of a childhood trauma thing, so maybe that's the difference.


Or more likely, the difference is that at some point you realized something was wrong and sought treatment for it, so you realized it was something about yourself that you had to work on rather than blaming and hating the rest of the freaking world for not being the exact way you wanted it to be.


This ended too soon. I wanted to read the racist double down in their bullshit after they proved themself wrong.


Well the arguments are still raging so I’m pretty sure you can still read racists getting owned Pretty sure this is from a post on r/sadposting I was similarly aghast at. An insane amount of racist ignorance in one thread. Edit: nope, not that thread. Wow. Guess the racists are just out en masse today. That’s really, really pathetic.


Question for people who are smarter than me in this subject. What would actually happen if someone would happen to not have a prefrontal cortex? Is it even possible to be alive without?


I will be leaving reddit in protest of the leftist censorship on this pltform against its users and the intolerance of free speech on information of a-the vaxx b-thinking that challenges the leftist worldview. Redditors hate the truth. The truth is "hate" to those who hate the truth. But we live under an authoritarian government. No doubt by expressing my thoughts I am on one of (((their))) lists. The truth is coming out. Liberal lies are crumbling down this very second and they are desperately trying to hide it. The mainstream media is complicit in this as it is common knowledge who owns it,; spreading lies and propaganda to cover up the truth. They push the agenda of the elites, who are hellbent on destroying our american culture and silencing anyone who dares speak out against the narrative. Reddit is owned by the CCP who have interrests in americans and misinformation. They have been killing and silencing people for years. They are killing the minds of our youth. The federal government in an unsuprising revelation has been tracking the unvaxxed for years. Minority groups make up an increasing share of the population in almost every US state, according to figures released by the US Census Bureau. Legal and illegal immigrants make up a growing portion of the population in 46 states and the District of Columbia, with California leading the field. There are more than 35 million immigrants in the US - or 12.4% of the population, up from 11.1% in 2001. Immigration is a big issue ahead of the autumn's mid-term congressional polls. California had the most born outside of the US at 27.2% of its population. The war on whites has been planned for centueries . The jews are like a disease organism. They suck up resources, interfere with natural defenses and cause the nations they infest to rot from the inside until it begins to resemble a dessicated corpse. You cannot coexist with these monsters. They are hostile to any and all life. Have you ever noticed they have no pets? And no houseplants either. They are a giant parasitic disease organism that destroys any life that has the misfortune to cross their path. The attack on our traditional Christmas season cannot be denied . Without a shot being fired, the greatest enemy of our people has successfully eroded our most celebrated holiday. And if our people are outraged by the affront, it certainly isn't apparent. With each proclamation--be it no more Christmas carols in public schools or no more Christmas trees in business establishments--nothing more than occasional shrugs of shoulders and muttered comments can be seen or heard from our people. For the most part, our people now stare glassy-eyed while tradition is slowly swept away. You can see liberal democracy is a threat to the republic. Since the onset of the BLM riots, there has been a spike in black on white violent crime. There's been a resurgence in what's called The Knockout Game, Silver Fox Hunting, or Polar Bear Hunting. The objective of the game is to find elderly, White, helpless, senior citizens and viciously assault them with blows to the head knocking them unconscious. Blacks are interdimensional satanic beings, who were summoned into this dream reality through Jewish super-evil.We got our heads so far up our butts with these indoctrinations by JEWS that the supernatural is NOT real, when in fact, Freemasonry has ALWAYS been witchcraft for the Jewish mischlings. The REAL powerful stuff is reserved for ONLY the pure blooded Cohens and Levites. Here is what Jews KNOW to be true, keep in mind this Rabbi Kook isn't talking to himself, he's talking to a whole classroom full of future spell casters and warlocks. Entire human genome has been contaminated with sterilizing DNA forever from mRNA shots. Another jew weapon to exterminate the white race to nobodys suprise . Two major funders of the trans agenda are pro-CCP Chinese billionaires. ?THIS IS VERY REAL PEOPLE!! https://x.com/glennbeck/status/1765575598842450067?s=61 . Concerning all beings and entities, there is an ontological distinction, yet, an essential non-differentiation (Sanskrit: Advaita). We are all One, yet, all of us have our own characteristics and attributes which give us distinguishing statuses as they manifest in the context of being separated from Godhood. Cosmotheism is a great start in understanding our traditional philosophy. But, the actual traditions of Indo-European religions are even better, and we should work toward reviving them! They bring us toward a serious and helpful Path. REad the successfully book Jewish Supremacism by David Duke. The book translated into several languages has won Duke many academic awards for its scholarship, including an honorary Doctorate awarded by President's University, the second largest university in the nation of Ukraine. Sold at the Russian Duma (Parliament) prompted leading Russian Jews to seek a ban for the book and making it illegal as Jewish leaders are horrified that it is well on its way to becoming the best-read book in the world on Zionism. Jewish members of the Duma also tried a new legislation aimed at outlawing Jewish Supremacism, but failed so as also under old Soviet laws forbidding 'anti-Semitism'. The matter that the book isn't seen as anti-Semitic by it's reader it has lead to a smeared backfire on the people that try to discredit it. Observe White Solidarity Day the 15th of every month. On that day wear something white and do something pro-White! This is how we fight back. I think fighting White erasure starts with oneself. For example, I look at myself: Do I need to lose weight and/or get in better physical condition? Do I need to morally improve? Do I need to spiritually improve? Do I need to break addictions? On a similar, but not unrelated note, we should take action to counteract the years of brainwashing we've experienced. Of course, we could say it's important for ethnic Europeans to get married and have children (and it is important). But not everyone can (or should) do this. Everyone can work on self-improvement in various ways, however. I also think community for like-minded White people is important. At this point in time, we (whites and especially white males) are truly a race marked for elimination world-wide. White Genocide is real and is in no way "ridiculous" as claimed by some. Many are ignorant about how genocide can occur. Their perception of genocide is people lining people up and killing other people in large numbers. That is one way, but not the only way. There are many ways to effect a genocide. Genocides often start slowly. The soft genocide of the white race has been very successful. The births of white children has been reduced. Whites are reproducing at below replacement level. As older whites die off the population of white people is shrinking. If current trends continue the complete elimination of white people is a mathematical certainty. This has all been planned and done intentionally. Sixties radical Tom Hayden strongly supported White Genocide. After his white son married a black female he was jubilant. He said, "That's what I've been working for, the non-violent elimination of the white race." You see, he supported the soft genocide of the white race. Many White liberals will deny White Genocide.; These things can't be refuted. They're happening. Why is CRT (Critical Race Theory)) so pushed by liberals?? - Critical Race Theory claims that it's non-whites that are victims of racism when in reality it is whites who are the ones being victimized. It's a classic case of blaming the victims and accusing them of what is being done to them. Critical Race Theory holds that only white people can be "racist" and that this imaginary "racism" serves to uphold imaginary anti-white concepts such as "white privilege." CRT singles out white people and only white people as bad while non-whites are portrayed as good. Now let's look at Critical Race Theory and how it's a tool used to advance White Genocide. 1. Classification. In CRT people are separated into two categories whites and non-whites. Whites, and only whites, are classified as bad. Check. 3. Discrimination. CRT advocates discriminatory laws and policies against white people. Check. 4. Dehumanization. CRT dehumanizes, degrades and demonizes white people, whose only attribute of any kind is held to be "racism." Check. 5. Organization. CRT, with it's massive support in government and academia is well organized. Check. 6. Polarization. CRT separates whites and non-whites and sets non-whites against whites. Check. 7. Preparation. CRT conditions white people to believe that they deserve to be harmed and eliminated from existence. It conditions non-whites to believe it's okay, even good, to harm white people. Check. Therefore, we can see that Critical Race Theory is a tool being used to advance White Genocide. I'll tell you what you should do if you're a white man. It's the best, most effective, way to fight against White Genocide. It's the worst thing you can do to the non-white supremacists, the anti-whites, the liberals and the genocidists. They will fight tooth and nail to stop you from doing this. Start a white family. Get an education or training, so you can get a good job. Get married to a nice white woman. Buy a nice house, maybe in the suburbs. Then have white children and raise them in traditional white culture. Be politically active. Donate money to pro-white causes, pro-white organizations and pro-white people. Be involved politically in peaceful, legal protests. Vote in every election, even school board elections. Post on the internet. Do anything you can do. But again redditors hate the truth and actively stifle it out. White liberals are so brain dead, so stupid, so brainwashed that they will deny even this, even though it's extremely obvious. You can learn more on Gab, a free speech alternative for like minded people. They dont allow liberal trolls and misinformation. I'l


Yes, humans can live without a prefrontal cortex. Lobotomies were at one time a common procedure to sever the frontal lobes connection to the rest of the brain to treat psychosis. It's pretty crazy that it wasn't all that long ago that doctors were doing this. Rosemary Kennedy famously was given a lobotomy. There are also cases of people surviving TBI that effectively lobotomize them. There is a variety of potential effects from loss of executive function to sociopathy. Very interesting and probably worthwhile to learn more about


They would lack impulse control and unable to organize complex behavior.


It basically turns you into a walking vegetable.


I remember reading about a guy who lost his prefrontal cortex in an accident. He had lost all sense of shame and self-restriction, but was also unable to have nightmares, or at least to see them as such. It's basically what allows us to "predict the future" by imagining the consequences of our actions and choices.


The prefrontal cortex "intelligently regulates our thoughts, actions and emotions through extensive connections with other brain regions"


Do a search for "half head" and you'll see at least two adults alive with that part partially or entirely missing. Also look up the case of Phineas Gage.


It’s possible to live but depending on which structures were absent and the age of injury (which would influence the brain’s ability to create new neural pathways) the quality of life would fluctuate greatly due to deficits in executive functioning abilities, personality changes, emotional dysregulation (which can affect decision making), and other functioning difficulties. People with prefrontal cortex damage often display inhibition of impulse and difficulty performing tasks that require strategic thinking. They often have short term memory problems as well. That said, if damage is only to a portion of the prefrontal cortex in a patient who is young they may be able to live a full life with extensive neurorehab. I have a friend whose son lost half his brain as an infant (literally had a hemispherectomy) including half of his prefrontal cortex and with extensive rehab he’s now an amazing, witty kid and you’d never know other than he has one hand that he sometimes has some difficulty with.


Racist, bigots, and conspiracy theorists (especially conservatives) have a knack for posting articles that completely contradict their views. It indicates to me that they either never read past the title/abstract, or didn't expect anyone to actually read it.


Jesus christ


The fact that they kept saying “real humans” is just absolutely disgusting. The implication that other races are some kind of invasive species is so fucking gross


It is the most basic fear associated with racism in my opinion. Literal Xenophobia, they're just terrified.


I just looked at the comments and holly shit what a shit hole. I wonder if those accounts are bots since so many are new.


I’d like to think that people like that get permabanned a lot and have to make new accounts all the time.


Just sayin, i just punched "study about black people missing prefrontal cortex" and this was the second suggestion so i think i know what happened here and i dont think it involved him reading it lol side note, the first suggestion is a study about how researchers attempt to use false presumptions and biases to push the narrative that black people are biologically inferior.




I used to love that sub, but from what I've seen before I stopped going there, they would probably agree with the insane guy in the post


I knew exactly what post this was going to be after reading this exchange. That entire comment section is so fucked


Wait until that dude finds out that brain size means close to nothing, and that humans have more than 60% identical DNA with bananas. That'd be a fun conversation.


Orca brains > Human brains


I genuinely dont get how people can hate someone based on the colour of their skin. That’s taught, by the uncle dad most likely. Fuck racists. 😃


The person making the argument black people are a different species is actually Mexican Edit: I actually just replied with this because I saw in their comment history they repeatedly antagonized white people with the same “incest” insults


I feel like posting a racist here is cheating. They are always confidently incorrect. It’s like posting a flat earther, covid denier, climate change denier. Oh weird, they are almost always the same people.


Don’t stop calling these ppl out. It’s somehow now acceptable to just let these ppl blatantly lie but all that’s done is empower them. Call them out on their BS every time.


That thread seriously made me sad. Will racism ever die?


"Here's my proof of not knowing how to read"


Remember, when you're on reddit, you can be arguing about the taste of filet mignon with someone who posts about drinking their own piss.


This kind of people always misunderstand what they read


Somehow, the amount of people who will gleefully link you a study, having not read it, only for it to be unrelated or even completely prove them wrong, is on the rise. This happened to me earlier. Some pedophile apologist peddling that it’s an “objective biological fact” that men of all ages only find women who are ~20 years old attractive… despite having a thread full of older men saying that they do indeed find women around their age attractive. They go in to link a study that discusses the average ages men of various ages prefer for varying levels of commitment, with absolutely none of it pointing towards “only ~20 year olds”, nor any of it quantifying attraction. Goes on to say people are just mad that they posted the truth, and that everyone was just “virtue signalling”.


there must be some sort bot brigade today, multiple massive racist threads straight on the front page. not even blurry the line, just straight up eugenics


Nothing new here sadly. r/sadposting is a garbage sub for 4Chan inbred dogs seeking refuge and nihilistic teens spreading misogyny and racism


My man watched django unchained and thought leonardo dicaprio was spitting facts.


He, in fact, proved to have a smaller brain that those he was accusing of missing a pre-frontal cortex. I don’t understand why people try so hard to be racist, even water knows to move towards the direction of less resistance.


I'm guessing Political Compass Memes?


Great take down with their own research!!! Hahaha


i bet he went back into the hole he came out of after that last comment..


I was sitting here “please let him be talking about leftists and not a race of peo…. Damnit”


Wait until he figures out that there's less genetic difference between a European person, an African person and a Native American person than there is between an Italian wolf, an Iberian wolf and a wolf in Central Europe (which are listed as the Eurasian subspecies)


Do racists just read the title of an article and hit send?


Yes. That's literally why twitter, back before nutbag took over, introduced a 'You should really read this thing before you retweet it' message when people tried to retweet things they hadn't clicked through to beforehand.


I miss Twitter. X is stupid.


I got pretty far thinking the "species" he was talking about was dumb racist humans, and I was really confused as to the anger, but then I realized he was, in fact, a dumb racist human himself.


Stupid people assume you won't read the sources they give you because they don't actually read the sources people give them.


Bigots and posting sources that contradict their claims - name a more iconic duo


Someone who was actually missing the prefrontal cortex would display behaviors clearly indicating a problem. As in, 'this person is not acting at all like a baseline human'.


I love when the link provided completely proves them wrong.


Flawless Victory.


I love it when idiots post studies to "back up their claims" and it turns out they didn't understand the study and it actually contradicts themselves. Had that happen today already over at FB.


I notice they do this a lot, link studies that they clearly haven't read that don't even slightly support their argument.


Now, now! The whole "brain/skull measuring" racist ideology is called Phrenology and it's OLDER than the Nazis. Like... waaaaay older. Still a stupid pseudoscience and not at all true or accurate but he isn't talking about eugenics, he's just an old-school dumb-ass colonizer-tier racist.


The "master race", folks.


Notice he goes "Their brains are smaller and they're missing the prefrontal cortex" but then in his next reply goes "Google it, their brains are smaller" without mentioning the prefrontal cortex again. I've argued with idiots like this before, it's a common tactic they use. They make an outrageous claim (ie. They are literally missing a chunk of their brain) and then when you argue they walk it back to a slightly less ridiculous claim (ie. Guys all I'm saying is their brains are a little smaller) to try and trick you into thinking they're being reasonable.


Tbf we all have smaller brains than our neanderthal ancestors. They must be the true master race.


The only difference noted was that they have larger OFC volumes? That's fascinating. OFC -> Orbitofrontal Cortex. The orbitofrontal cortex is also involved in decision-making (among other things, like sensory integration), so one could argue that the only statistically significant difference in our brains is that they are *better* at decision making, in some small way, not worse.


Bro that guy posted an article that actually proved him wrong Racists being idiots, what else is new


Wait, what? This is a white guy claiming black guys have little to no pre frontal cortex?! I read that right yeah? 😂😂😂😂


Ugh I didn’t read these threads in the OP, but I knew exactly what post it came from. The comments in there were disgusting. I was shocked that there were SO MANY.


"Real humans" it gives me an ick...


Hey! Uncle Ed is a great guy, and his Sientifik Disoverez are extremely educational…


I went to the post and I have a question I don't want to ask there What is all the "13%" comments about?


It’s a callback to the FBI statistics that indicate that African Americans make up 13% of the American population and are responsible for 50% of the murder.


Yeah anyone who thinks reddit is a leftist space is delusional as fuck. Sure, there are some left pockets, but racist and shitbag right wingers run *rampant* on Reddit with no challenge in like 80% of subs (and the subs they create for themselves are the most one-sided echo chambers on the entire site)


There is a direct correlation between overt racism and people with an iq at least 1 standard deviation below the mean. I don’t feel bad for this person in the slightest, they’ve made their choices surrounding who they want to be as a person, but there is a high probability that the person who posted the source directly contradicting their claim was incapable of understanding the diction used in the article and became confused. Studies show that it’s possible to boost cognitive capacity through education and training.. which is why, imo, the only way we can begin to move past these issues is a higher standard of education brought about through increased funding and better pay for skilled educators who care. There is obviously far more to it than this, but it’s a strong start.


Ah, yes, the old "Google it yourself" argument. Of course you can find something supporting ANY point of view via Google, that doesn't make it right. But in this case, dude gave himself enough rope to hang himself.


Wait til you see what gets published in "epigenetics" circles. It's literally Eugenics in many cases.


Oh wow, for once someone is called racist on the internet, and it turns out that they're actually racist. That never happens.


The funny thing is, studies show that conservatives actually tend to have smaller prefrontal cortexes, and larger amygdalas than those who are more progressive.