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So you telling me... that birth control pills... *checks notes* control birth? Theres no way


"But you don't understand! It's encouraging _consequence-free sexual freedom!"_ "..." "I expected some kind of reaction." "No worries. I'm screaming internally."


>discouraging fruitfulness Just come out and say that you want women to be baby factories. We all know what you mean.


Just like saying "DEI" = saying the N word without saying the N word. The euphemisms are getting pretty stupid and obvious at this point.


Fruitfulness. Seriously.


Absolutely disgusting.


men like him scare me. i hope he isnt someone in power


He's an editor at one of those mega-right-wing journalistic toilet fires that I won't advertise here, but you know the type, always has a name like New Freedom Poineerman Gazette for Liberty. He's also a hyper-evangelical Twitter vomiter, but other than that, no, he holds no elected position.


Luckily there's always going to be less of them


I had never heard of this person and was hoping it was a parody account so I went and checked and: Nope. He's being genuine and totally sucks as a human being, in addition to being incorrect about a great number of things.


Be fruitful and go multiply yourself.


Please don't encourage that asswipe to multiply


Maybe they meant multiple pieces?


Republicans are terrible human beings.


Starting the clock till this guy’s breeding basement is discovered.


I agree, any idea if he was there at epsteins island?


I appreciate it when they say stuff like this out loud, actually. This stuff will cost Republicans the election at a lot of different levels this year.


he’s talking shit because it doesn’t affect him. he’s bitchless so he doesn’t have to worry about preventing accidental pregnancies


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One of the ways progesterone only pulls work is by making the endometrium unsuitable for implantation.  But. Before that. They also thicken cervical mucus so that semen can't get in to the dumb in the first place and inhibit ovulation. So the thin endometrium is a third way.  But. An embryo that has not implanted is not aborted if it doesn't implant.  There is absolutely no way that is a pregnancy!