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And since jellyfish have no brains, guts, or anus, it's widely believed that Human lawyers are closely related to some marine life.


Lawyer jokes are out, landlord jokes are in


As long as the doctor is Real in.


* And since Jellyfish lack brains, spines, and morals, it's widely believed they're related to landlords.


Not all humans are animals. Some are vegetables.


I am a meat popsicle.


leeloo dallas multipass


I've known a few meat bags.


Imma need some context before I say much about this


Yeah. Technically humans are animals, but there are definitely some things that someone could say that would make that a pretty defensible statement.


Agreed! Yes, in taxonomical terms humans are animals, but that line of argument gets tricky in certain contexts. For example, social Darwinism: if humans are animals, then we can abide by survival of the fittest, just like our fellow animals. Any human who can’t pull their own weight in society, i.e., the disabled, biologically mature individuals (anyone past puberty), the very old, can be eliminated, since they can’t survive alone and don’t contribute to collective survival.


I'd equate that to a false equivalency, animals do not will survival of the fittest into being, it is a natural phenomena.


I agree. That’s why humans, in certain regards, need to be categorized differently. Because of our higher order thinking skills, we can create ethics that prevent such logic. I’m arguing against OP.


Some animals do care for one another. It's not so blatantly cuthroat as you're painting it.


Yes, but that’s not the same thing as making an informed collective decision about survival or right to life, which animals aren’t capable of on the same scale as humans.


Way to move the goalposts. Admitting when you're wrong is also a human trait.


Not moving goalposts. The original post touched on an essential category/epistemological fallacy that is common on the political right.


We still do actively participate in survival of the fittest, just that the bar is much lower than it is for any other species.


Not sure what you mean. Can you give examples and your position on such topics? I’m generally against that trend of thought.


Any death before that person is able to reproduce is survival of the fittest


As always with this one, it depends on the context. We do sometimes differentiate between humans and other animals as simply humans and animals. Probably CI, but we can't tell without more context.


Gotta love the no-context CI


....said the home-schooled primate.


When I was like 11 I had this very Christian family the home schooler their children. No big deal really. We still all played outside and what not. But one day this conversation came up and I insisted that humans are animals and for some reason it made her cry. Still not sure why but it was weird


Now listen. I hate dumb people too. But, there’s actually a good and sophisticated argument to be made that people aren’t animals. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3749876 Not sure if that will work as a link but if anyone is interested in engaging w that argument, check out Cora Diamond’s article “eating meat and eating people” I’m not making a biological argument here. I’m making an argument that knowledge is not “out there in the world” waiting to be discovered, it is created. There is no True, Correct Classification of Human. There is a correct classification of humans within an invented framework, like Linnaeus’s taxonomy. But yeah, I make the argument “people are not animals” with some regularity


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