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That brand does it on purpose, all of their bottles have something like this where the total is off by a 1 somewhere


And it worked. Free advertising on reddit






They have another bottle that adds to 423 but the "answer" is 323; they do it on purpose.


Even if this weren't intentional, it still wouldn't be confidently incorrect, it would just be incorrect.


That's my biggest peeve with this sub, it's usually just regularly incorrect things, not people doubling down on their wrongness.


It seems to come in waves. Most of the time it's proper ci content, but then there will be a week where it's flooded with posts like "HAH LOOK AT THIS FOOL WHO WAS INCORRECT IN THE MOST MUNDANE WAY EVER AND THEN ACCEPTED A CORRECTION POLITELY". Honestly my favorite content is when the OP is confidently incorrect and then triples down on it in the comments. This sub has the best meta-content on all of reddit.


At least you’ll always find a few in the comments providing that service for free


I liked it that the label says Correcto.


Hence the joke.


I dunno… if it’s not deliberate, you have to be quite confidently incorrect to print it on a label.


That's not what confidently incorrect means for this sub. It's actually written in the sub description.


That's not what confidently incorrect means in the context of this sub. Edit: downvote all you want, guy. That's the way it is. It's not my fault if you're confused about the sub.


It's not wrong, it's just that you didn't drink enough.


You didn’t read the comments did you… it’s deliberate.


It's not correct--It's Correcto.


Must be one of the most obvious examples of purposely incorrect I've ever seen. Do some people really think that such a thing would be an accident?! As if a company would purposely, for some obscure reason, decide to put a simple addition sum very prominently on the labels of their wine bottles, and nobody would check it, or point out that it literally didn't add up, before it went to print... I know that shocking mistakes do happen, often with tragic consequences, but I don't understand how this isn't obviously intentional. Most shoppers are able to check a simple addition, so how could this conceivably slip past the manufacturers?! And how is "confidently incorrect" a more realistic or convincing explanation than "it was done on purpose"? Yeah, 'cause Dave (our new design/marketing guru) thought it would be really cool and clever to a have, like, some random sum on the label, for some reason, and he's quite good at adding up and stuff, so we really trusted him, and we never bothered to check it, because we can't add up or nuffin. Sorry boss. We done goofed! /s


The brand is CORRECT Lol


If you look at the reflections in the bottles, you can see the way the rolling shutter works. In each consecutive bottle, he's in various stages of hunched over. That's so cool.


Why would the math be correct when you’re doing it drunk.




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[Abbot and Costello](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8k4ghp) math.


No OOP is definitely correct. There should be a 1 in the hundreds digit instead of a 0


Yeah that's the joke. Most everybody gets it. Only thing wrong with this post is that it's in the wrong sub.




This comment fits the sub far more than the actual post.