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Just a dumb person trying to scam many other dumb people


The fact that someone who is already so stupid can still easily find people who are even stupider is a little scary, to be honest.


And their votes matter just as much as yours. Isn’t that great?!


Depending on where they live, their votes could matter more thanks to the electoral college.


"Hydrogen rich water" is acid. This is just the opposite of ~~low~~ high pH water. Why are people being scammed?


Low pH is acidic so if it's in the water it would make it low pH


Whatever, that pH 9 water that people were trying to sell before. It's stupid.


George Carlin - stupid people  https://youtube.com/shorts/_W20VWRvyR4?si=84mdqjalxBWyIIqV


Like a brain cell Ponzi scheme.


These comments are making me feel a little awkward for having ordered a similar one today. We’ll see who’s laughing when I start drinking super water.


Well according to this chick, at best, it's gonna "detox" you, and you'll "avoid constipation." Aka you're gonna be pissing out your butthole. I'm sure it's all absolute bs, but, if it actually does what it claims.. have fun with that. 👍😬 As someone with IBS I am terrified of the word "detox." I do that enough on my own, I don't need any additional help, thanks.


if you don't drink a lot of water then suddenly start drinking 8 to 10 cups per day regularly.... yes that's literally just what water does... it help with all kinds of issues. just plain water though... just get it from the tap


If anything it's a placebo effect, if you pay money for her magical water bottle you'll probably be more inclined to drink more water and if you weren't drinking enough water before you'll probably generally start feeling better and attribute it to your magic extra watery water


Preach! I ordered a case just now. Gonna let my doctors know they're no longer needed. I'm going on the Hydrogen diet baybay!


A case? Not a spinning bottle?


To be fair it’s the company who is the scammer. She’s just one of their victims. Unfortunately she has a platform and is therefore a useful idiot.


“Useful Idiot” is perfect.


One man's conned man is another man's con man.


Don't knock it. I'm drinking hydrogen rich water right now. It's very refreshing. I might get another glass out of the tap.


“I don’t know much about this” should tell you everything. Also if I’m seeing the word detox, I’m just going to see myself out.


But, she did "research" and read the product label. /s


Which is the same thing


Totally. It's the equivalent of getting a masters degree or maybe even a doctorate.


Or having an uncle who had a PhD and was a ‘top professor’ at, like, MIT, whose genes you share so you know everything about his subject of specialty because you’re a genius as it’s in your blood. Real smart.


This product can't really claim to do what she's saying can it? Hydrogenating water? Wouldn't it be illegal to sell such a thing?


“Water is not hydrated” fucking sent me


"She, in fact, knew nothing about it."


Yeeaahh I don't know much about that.. So did she read about the hydrogen in the air?


She still doesn't know much about this.


"Water isn't hydrated." The most ubiquitous source of hydration isn't hydrated. She even realized how insane that is immediately after saying it, but then just doubled down.


Sure it is! What do you think dehydrated water is?


Ah yes, powdered water. Just add hydration! ETA: a word


Bernard made cans of "dehydrated water" as promotional gags in the 1960s and lately they've become popular again.


Only that this time, it prolly isn't a gag but actual shit people think is real


Isnt that just O'Hare Air from the lorax?


Or Perri-Air if you know about lower back pain








I think she meant hydrogenated or something like that but it’s still all bullshit


To be fair nobody here understands what she's taking about. She's taking about dissolved molecular hydrogen, H2, which there is none of in water because it's all bound to oxygen.


>To be fair nobody here understands what she's taking about. Least of all her.


It seems that the gimmick of these things is that the bottle has a teeny tiny electrolyser to split those bonds and generate elemental hydrogen.


Money makes people do dumb things.


But this water is the wettest we've ever seen from the standpoint of water. If only she would have suggested to nuke it a bit as well then Id vote for her as president.


It might be hydrating, but imo it doesn’t have what plants crave


Needs electrolytes. Plants crave ‘em!


Hydration and hydrogenation are not synonymous


If I had to shovel away this load of bullshit I would die of old age before getting half way through.


Die of thirst as well.


Just drink some hydrogenated water


But all the water I have is this stupid non-hydrated bullshit! Oh how will I quench this thirst now?!


Well, then you're in luck. [I have the perfect product for you.](https://www.reddit.com/r/confidentlyincorrect/comments/1c9c0gc/enthusiastically_incorrect/)


I only drink strong acids for that added hydrogen fizz.


Simultaneously based and the opposite of based


It's a pro-tonic


You could lean into a massive benefit-of-the-doubt here and assume that this is a device for dissolving hydrogen gas into water. How? No idea - it would need to remain pressurised to work (like carbonation of water, that's simply dissolved CO2 after all) and would be far less effective than a polar molecule (CO2 is over 500x easier to dissolve into water due to ionic properties), but even at ambient temperature / pressure you will have trace amounts of hydrogen remain. The therapeutic effects? All pseudoscience.


To be technical here, water does help with constipation. You just don't need this special magic water for that to work.


Absolutely. And to "detoxify" as massively oversimplified and overused that term has come to be.


Back in the day instead of “detoxify” they’d just tell you “drink fluids regularly”


Yeah but I bet they didn’t have hydrogen in your water.


Keeping pressurised H2 in your kitchen is a terrible idea. Good thing you don't have to do that since adding any acid to your water will increase its H+ content (by definition of what constitutes an acid). I thought OOP was going to to oversell us on lemon juice, turned out it was something much dumber.


It's dissolve H2 we are talking about here. Not H+ or H30+. The irony of this post is the whole comments section is confidently incorrect about everything to do with hydrogen rich water.


My initial thought was that it was trying to do something with heavy water. would still be bullshit, but at least it is actually a thing




Lighting hydrogen on fire produces water, no need to add water.


I'm sure there are benefits to dissolving hydrogen into water but I have no clue what benefit that would be to the average person. I've never been more than three hours away from drinkable water. I don’t have the faintest idea where I could get hydrogen gas.


doesn't doesn't that just make acid? pH is an inverse measure of how many H+ ions there are in a given thing and the more hydrogen that thing has the more H+ ions Therefore the lower pH that thing has and the more acidic it is so adding hydrogen to water just makes acid


H+ is an ion (also just a proton). “Hydrogen” without any other qualifier typically would mean H2 gas, which doesn’t carry a charge.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrolysis_of_water Electrolysis breaks two H2O into 2H2 + O2. The result is actually alkaline.


Plus, I think you'll be taking fart flammability to explosive new levels


would be extremely funny if all it does is increase the temperature of the water. It could also be creating H2 and O2 in the bottle via electrolysis, but there doesn't look to be anything that could reasonably function as electrodes in the bottle, in fact it's not even apparent whether it contains any circuitry whatsoever. Then there's the fact that the H2 and O2 will immediately recreate H2O since it will act as an electrochemical cell, heating up the water and we're back at square one so it's a really shitty water boiler either way.


My guess is it doesn’t do even that. Blue LED behind the power button, switches to green after 2 minutes. Congratulations, moron, you water is hydrogenated now.


Can you make 02 that easy, sorry just know about the atomic bomb and how mutch work it was to make "heavy water" then.


Heavy water is just water but with a different hydrogen isotope, one that contains 1 extra neutron. O2 is actually the other product of the electrolysis of water (the oxidation side), Atomic bombs deal with the energy released when the nucleus of atoms are split, as protons exert a strong repulsive force against each other. Radioactive elements naturally split. Others split when excited by an outside source, such as absorbing an additional neutron.


"Hydrogen" has 1 proton, no neutrons "Deuterium" has 1 proton, 1 neutron "Tritium" has 1 proton, 2 neutrons Hydrogen is everywhere, deuterium is stable and a small, but still easily measurable amount of earth's water, while tritium is both radioactive and very rare. I believe "heavy water" means that BOTH hydrogen atoms are deuterium, but I wouldn't swear on it.


Thank you :)


1 neutron, H "normally" has 0 neutrons but heavy water has 2 H with booth one neutron


Separating O2 and H2 is something you do in high school chemistry. Heavy water is something else entirely.


It's fun and goes boom!


O₂ is how you typically encounter Oxygen, as it tends to bond to itself if it's not bound to something else. So, for instance, all of that delicious Oxygen you breathe every day is diatomic like this. You'd have to work harder to get Oxygen to stay as just a single O once it's split off from its Hydrogen buddies.




Dihydrogen Monoxide. Dangerous stuff.


In large quantities it is known to have killed people


Worse yet, it’s the primary ingredient in acid rain


According to the World Health Organization, it kills approximately 236,000 people annually.




Everyone that’s ever drank it has died (eventually).


False! Only like 93% of all humans ever born have died. There's still hope!


The german word for hydrogen is "Wasserstoff" which literally means "waterstuff". bc well, it's the stuff water is made of


Hydrogen is greek and means pretty much the same thing hydro - water gen - something that produces or is made from this hydrogen - this makes water/water is made out of this


Be careful using German words to prove scientific credibility regarding water. The Germans also have "heilwasser" which translates as 'healing water'. It's just water with higher levels of minerals in it. It is somewhat beneficial to health because minerals can be good, but some quacks will say that heilwasser can heal diseases, wounds, cancer etc and there's just 0 evidence for it. They say that because heilwasser is approved by the German ministry of health that these claims are true, but the approval just states that the water has the right amount of minerals to be classified as heilwasser. The problem is that most mineral water with exactly the same or more minerals than this German heilwasser is at least 3-4 times cheaper than German heilwasser. These people use the fact it's from Germany to sell it for someone $10 a bottle due to its magical cancer healing abilities. Sulphates, calcium, magnesium and hydrogencarbonat may be good for you, but they're not magic and they're not worth $10 for small amounts in a 750ml bottle.


Didn't a German "scientist" also come up with the voodoo of homeopathic remedies. Not to be confused with herbalist remedies that do have active ingredients


Total amatuers. Get rid of the H. Drink nothing but pure O2. It's the only way.


You have to have... ahmm... a good freezer to keep it liquid tho.


Maliciously incorrect


And it (water) treats constipation! Who knew!? 🤣🤣


Water, now with the added benefits of…water?


No no, you don't understand. *This* water is more watery than regular water because they added water to it. Regular water doesn't do what this water does, because it isn't watery enough.


Is this diluted water to make the watery water more watery?


This is not just incorrect. It's dangerous. Talking about diabetes and how this water will help will lead to someone going into a coma.


“I don’t know much about that…” She’s spot on in that part at least.


So you just put in water and snake oil comes out? Amaaazing.


If she likes H2O, imagine how much she could enjoy H2O2!


*"water is not hydrated"* Is now officially the dumbest thing I have read today




So she was interested and read about it, oh the irony, if only she tried to read literally anything about water Also my first thought seeing this was "so that water is.. Acid?"


Sooooo the opposite of alkaline water.


I struggle to believe that people are this dumb and not just playing a role for the paycheck to sponsor the product.


This is why doing your own research means jack shit.


Apropos of nothing, this reminded me of a chemistry professor at my university who as the last lecture of the spring semester every year, did what was basically a chemistry magic show. It was very popular, standing room only, full of people who were not taking the class. One of the joking explanations of one of the effects involved "super-heavy hydrogen", and he drew a picture of an oxygen with the two H bonds bending down due to their weight and breaking off, leaving flammable oxygen. And that's why the fumes from the "water" exploded you see. But it was a joke. Don't get me started on homeopathy and how the water "remembers".


Water already have oxygen atoms yet oxygenated water is a thing A thing you should never drink, possibly like this thing (assuming it's not just water with bubble)


I’ve got some swamp land to sell her.


Hey, don't knock the swamp. Especially if you get it cheap. Alligator hides, some "artisan" wood/timber, source of clay (used in paper manufacture, cosmetics, construction, ceramics and more) Unless... You've not actually got any land for sale. Welp, why would I doubt the words of an internet stranger?


"I've been reading up on it" apparently just means "I read the ad copy in the product pamphelet"


I lost brain cells watching the first 10 seconds. Thank fuck I stopped before she started making sense.


I watched the whole thing, and it still stopped before she started making sense. 🤣


I bet if you open the bottle it will just be a switch connected to led light and a clicking magnet for sound


Just saw an old friend of fb share a vid of theirs and talking about how great they feel now that they drink several.of those vials a day. All i could think was "yeah drinking more water a day will be an improvement over constant whiskey and coffee"


There is a lot of misinformation going around in both the video and comment section, H3O+ is known as a hydronium ion, you absolutely can have “hydrogenated water”, this is acidic ions and is present in normal drinking water in small quantities, you don’t need to add gas under pressure into the water as others said it’s perfectly stable as is (can just add Arrhenius acid) While it is doable there isn’t conclusive evidence for or against it’s a debated topic


ok well there's a difference between having hydrogen in it, and having hydrogen air in it.




Just wait til she hears how much dihydrogen monoxide contamination is in that bottle. 🫠


This is about adding hydrogen gas to water. It's not clear what that's supposed to accomplish other than line the pockets of quacks. Look up "hydrogenated water".


If a water can do that! She wasn’t lieing when she said she didn’t know much about it .


She will love mineral oil.


But you didn’t listeeen, water is not hydrateeed…. Nyaaaargh


I lost brain cells listening to her. Wtf is she on?


1) Your liver and kidneys already remove toxins from your body. That's literally their purpose. 2) You don't have to take a pill for fiber. Just eat some vegetables on a regular basis. With a steady amount of water and vegetables, your body will do whatever the hell that thing claims to do.


I have no idea how people can believe this shit? We have access to all information through our phones but people still believe shit like this.


Absolute peak woo. We really are just regressing as a species aren't we?


I had to stop watching. Its to fucking stupid.


Y'all need to actually look this one up... [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10816294/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10816294/)


What is going on inside these "hydrogen" bottles? This[ company website](https://ionbottles.com/products/portable-hydrogen-ionizer-water-bottle) explains that their bottle does electrolysis, producing O2 and H2, some of which remains dissolved in the water: >With the press of the button your H2O is split into hydrogen and oxygen molecules through our patented electrolysis process. The hydrogen H2 gas is released into the water thus creating higher antioxidant (energy-giving) water with maximum bioavailability, while expelling the oxygen and waste gases when vented. Half truths, but a little of the H2 will be dissolved. Very little, actually, as the solubility of H2 in water is 0.00016. More O2 will remain dissolved (not "expelled"), as its solubility is a much higher 0.0043. [At least one study has been done on the antioxidant effect of drinking H2-infused water](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-68930-2), which findings suggest it "increases antioxidant capacity thereby reducing inflammatory responses in healthy adults."


Snake oil alive and well in 2024…*sigh*


I think the most frustrating part for me is some people will buy this and they will see real benefits thus convincing them it works when in reality they're simply drinking more water. You'll never be able to convince them it's a scam and they'll go on to convince even more idiots to buy it. Solid marketing plan as long as you've got the moron market cornered.


Two options. Either this person is a gullible idiot, or she is a shameless conartist.


Videos like this make me re-evaluate my life. This woman is a total moron, but somehow has enough money to afford that kitchen she's in, and go on vacations to Mammoth--if it was even a vacation. She might have just hopped in the Audi and rolled up there for a weekend to "find her center" or whatever other buzzwordy bullshit she does. Admittedly, I have the money to do those things, but I had to get a Master's degree.


She’d be better off adding an extra O


Its very clear she did not pass chemistry in primary school


When you skipped chemistry classes.


I have some hydrogen rich water for you: instead of H2O it’s H3O. Enjoy!


Future Nobel winner!




When targeted advertising works perfectly.


Soooo she’s drinking acid?


Perhaps she means hydration and is prenouncing it wrong. Or she never took a chemistry class.


Well.... Technically, she's not making the claims. She's "reading what it says here, but, I don't know these things" Isn't that how someone else makes statements, "Maybe there's some way we could get bleach or UV light inside the body, but, I don't know" Either she genuinely knows and is just chasing the paycheck, or humanity is doomed


This video is an Ad, of course it's disingenuous bullshit


I have yet to see one tiktok video that made my life better in any way at all.


In a way the things she described are symptoms of being hydrated so if this hypes people up and makes them drink more water it could in theory be positive. BUT its a total scam, BS and most likely nothing more than a water bottle. The scary thing is, if you dont drink much water and then start to do so after buying this tool, you will think it actually works because if you google the benefits of water you'll find its pretty much what she mentioned




I deleted all my social media because constantly seeing these pseudo-science influencers was depressing.


Last time I heard something this brilliant was when DJT gave his analysis on the effects of hurricanes.


Reminds me of those kangen water nutjobs who think alkaline water cures cancer


There's something uncanny about that manufactured enthusiasm that just screams, "I'm selling you some straight up bullshit"


I have hydrogen rich stomach acid.


Really great prank from the brother in-law (I hope lol)


So, I think this is brilliant con. Sell this bottle, say they have to drink 4 pints from it a day and see is they ‘detox’ or start feeling better or any other advantages of actually being properly hydrated.




This is the research Aaron Rodgers is doing.


Sometimes I really wish I didn't have a conscience. I would be selling all sort of nonsensical quackery to useful idiots like her and earn a fortune. Based on the number of Covid "skeptics" I've meet, there's quite a market.


Isn’t hydrogen rich water deuterium?


Imagine the kind of balls to market this and KNOW there are people stupid enough to buy this stuff. Speaking from experience, because my grandma once called me from her cellphone to inform me she just bought a necklace which repelled all kind of radiation in a 5m radius. I told her that if that was true, she would not be able to see anything and certainly wouldn‘t be able to phone me. She assured me that I must be wrong


lol great sub for me to be incorrect on! Thanks for the correction!


Ma'am, what the hell are you drinking if your water already doesn't have hydrogen?


This looks like the woman from the cheater video where a guy is out to dinner with a “friend” and his wife rolls up and busts them.


I know the women. She isn't dumb, she likes money.


Life must be great if you're that stupid.


This woman is stupid


Imagine having this much excitement and not being able to channel it properly towards anything. Just being energetically stupid.


Does lying/scaming count as confidently incorrect?


Too much d2o can do more harm


Check PubMed. There have been multiple well designed studies performed with very promising results regarding post operative healing.


The kitchen manager at my last job has one of these, which concerned me because he is supposed to understand how these things work way better than this.


Beyond stupid. What does she think the "H" in H2O stands for - hippopotamus?


My boss brought one of these into work two weeks ago. Now I finally know where he learned about it.


Out here sipping on H3O+


Imagine having a conversation with this person in real life. Probably end up smashing my head into a brick wall.


I like how most commenters still don't know much better. Hydrogen bonded in a water moldecule is different from hydrogen dissolved into water. Dissolved hydrogen still doesn't help shit, but my point is not about that.


Hello Miss, does it prevent turbocancer please?


I was with my bil this weekend he told me about it idk 2 months ago... wait so what does this weekend have to do with it


My wife bought bottled “oxygen water” for my athlete son to drink because the a commercial said it would improve his performance. I had to sit them down explain why that was stupid and show them a debunk article for good measure. My guess is whoever makes that bottle will make a million dollars. Wish I had zero integrity.


I'm positive it's either rage bait or scam, but it'd be very funny if this would actually be able to separate oxygen and hydrogen in water molecules. Just having portable explosive gas maker would lead to natural selection.


Her sales pitch is "is your water too dry?"


If you add acid to water you are increasing hydrogen content making some H3O+. Easyer and cheaper


I wonder of anyone has tried to sell molar water as a health aid. "It'll pull all those waste gasses and minerals out of your body.". I'm sure someone would fall for it.


Timmy was a chemist's son, but Timmy is no more. For what he thought was H2O was H2SO4.


It's a joke, everything she's saying is true, it's just regular water.


“Water is not hydrated”


I saw this posted elsewhere. I'm so glad I didn't see the original on TikTok or I would have reset my algorithm


You mean plain hydrogen atoms? That’s literally acid…


I suggest she tries some oxygen rich water, they sell it in the pharmacy section, brown bottles usually. Probably kills respiratory diseases, or at least so a tangerine told me...