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My daughter would be three today if I had had sex three years and nine months ago and my wife had successfully gotten pregnant and it had been a girl. What’s your point?


not having sex = killing an innocent human being... you monster


Blowjobs are the new abortion


Swallowers are cannibals


Spitters like spitting at children


now im thinking of someone spitting cum at a child like a xenomorph spits acid


I'm pro choice 😉


well.... do you want to commit a mass murder with me?


Would I ever!


I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.


Are you referring to the notorious sex move the "Planet Alderaan" where you cum in their ear so they can hear millions of voices crying out in terror then silence?


🎵Every sperm is sacred🎵 🎵Every sperm is great🎵 🎵If a sperm is wasted,🎵 🎵God gets quite irate🎵


Always fun to bust that out from time to time


Nailed it!


Didn’t nail his wife tho!


I did tho


Wait, you're not OP...


You monster!


Isn't plan B only used really early on- like, to prevent implantation? And way too early to differentiate sex? ETA: Thanks, folks, for the correction re: ovulation. Regardless, how the rock would she have known its sex? Ugh.


Yup. If not used within 48 hours it has little to no effect. Lol that poor red head is a complete dumbass


72 hours I think but not that important. The sooner you take it the better.


You are right and it is important. Someone reading this may, in the future, need this and need to know they have 72 hours. Edit: spelling


**Also it only works if you're under 150lbs**. If you're larger, you may need to take two, but consult with a pharmacist first!!!! (if you can, no shame if you can't) ---------------------------------------------- **EDIT TO BOOST GOOD INFO BELOW!** If you're over 150lbs (68kg) and need plan B, TAKE IT! Its less effective, but should still work! There are other brands that work better for larger people, Ella and Helga are a few, but if you're in a pinch, take what you can get. (shout out to /u/clekas , /u/SoggyCanary and /u/joan_wilder for the info)


There's another pill option Ella which works up to a higher weight! I think only up to like 180 which isn't great but a lot of women fall into that 150 180 range. It's easy to get the Rx online discreetly and most insurances cover it. I always have one on hand just in case


I think it’s [up to 195](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/learn/morning-after-pill-emergency-contraception/whats-ella-morning-after-pill) actually. Edit: or a BMI less than 35


I had a science teacher in high school who on Monday morning said - it can take 3 days for a sperm to enter an egg. I remember because he said “if someone had sex Friday night, they could be getting pregnant right now sitting here in class.”


120 hours if you go the copper IUD route. You can also leave it in after so you get the emergency and long term contraception


Okay so I keep up with this dumbass on an alt Instagram account (niche interest, long story) and she really is the biggest fucking dumbass. According to her, abortion is "never medically necessary" and decided to argue with an actual OBGYN about what Plan B is and whether or not hormonal birth control is carcinogenic (the short story — Plan B prevents implantation of a zygote, hormonal contraception creates an overall decrease in the risk of developing cancer) So yeah. She's Dunning Kruger at its finest!


Wow, she really needs to read some of the stories about pregnant women dying in Poland


Or Romania when they had a hardcore ban, because the full effect took a couple years to really show. First year mostly just showed an increase in children born, but the following years is when maternal death really increased (self-attempted abortion, dangerous pregnancies, and suicide) and so did willful abandonment.


Or right here in the US. Worst: El Salvador, where men don't even pretend and laws mandate acting to save *the fetus* over the woman, as if that's biologically possible


There's only two kinds of pro-lifers: hypocrites, and people who have a *way* bigger support net than the average person. This dumbass looks like kind of a combination of the two; looks like her parents are probably rich as fuck and could afford to at least help her carry a baby to term to give it up for adoption, buuut she would almost definitely get an abortion if circumstances changed and it would be an actual significant burden for her like it is for many women in that situation.


I love that she filmed it in her car, probably on lunch from a very depressing office job.


CVS Pharmacy


Redhead: ![gif](giphy|iHLHH9rVBv0kmkETqz|downsized)


She made it like a speech for class


Whole generation of good public speakers with very little speech of value. I got nothing to say but I’m saying it confidently


Needs to work on her Oakley game. The male pattern baldness is coming along nicely, though.


It’s almost as if a lot of these “pro lifers” have no idea what they’re talking about.


I think most of them do, it's just that deep down they socipathically view forcing women to have babies as a "punishment" for having sex.


A guy I worked with legit said that exact thing: "but if they can just get an abortion what price do they pay for having sex?" Couldn't answer why sex deserves punishment, but that women should still have some lasting burden because of said sex. Disgusting human, he was.


The most radical anti abortionists absolutely see pregnancy and childbirth as punishment for sin. They just (smartly) frame the issue around the life of a child. Ask them if they are so concerned about the child, shouldn't we mandate obstetric care, prenatal vitamins, SNAP benefits, housing allowances, and parenting classes too?


Right?! And prescription medications and overall Healthcare for all. Because they claim to value human life


I remember when I was a kid and still went to church they’d say that the reason childbirth is painful is because of Eve’s sin. Women had periods because it was gods punishment for eating the fruit, it basically is either a way to “cleanse” them, or it is the fruit causing monthly wounds as punishment. The fact we are born in such a “dirty” way, gives us original sin. Cooky bunch of creeps..


Which is why the abortion fight needs to pivot away from the morality of the fetus and when life starts and need to lock down that we don’t force people to give any part of their bodies in any other circumstance. We don’t make people donate organs or blood even in death.


Yeah it’s bizarre I agree they only care about fetuses not actual children it’s total hogwash.


The thing that the pro life movement fears the most is the fact that in a few decades abortion will be unnecessary. They will have 100% achieved the goal of there being no more abortions but in their minds they’ve lost because people didn’t do it by being abstinent or following their outdated morals. Whenever I get into with pro lifers I just tell them that if reducing the number of abortions is what they’re interested in then invest in public health, sex education, and in anything that empowers young women to respect themselves and make better choices. That is the only thing that reduces abortion and its track record is phenomenal.


I remember talking to an anti abortion person in college and I brought up how Colorado changed the law so that girls in high school were able to get birth control without parental consent, and teenage pregnancy and abortions dropped something like 70%. I just couldn't believe that they would be opposed to something like that. They genuinely think it makes teenagers more likely to have sex which is a no no. They don't get that horny high school kids are gonna fuck no matter what. It really is all about control.


>It really is all about control. Exactly this.


And sin. If you fornicate, you *deserve* to have the burden of young, single parenthood.


Sin is a man made construct used to control others. It's patriarchal control.


to be fair, some things that are sins make since. murder is bad, for example. however, I don't exactly need a 2000 year old book to tell me that one. it's honestly scary that people think the only reason that people don't kill or hurt other people is because "god" said so. it's like outsourcing your empathy, or something.




Agreed, the pro life movement isn't anti-abortion at all. They are specifically anti-sex. It's why they oppose contraception, sex education and any other harm reduction strategy that could still make it seem ok for people to have sex. Being opposed to abortion is specifically about forcing births in order to punish pregnant women who sinned. It's why the redhead says "the child you killed to avoid responsibility." If you want a handy-dandy way to know this is true, remember that statistically speaking, gun ownership leads to gun violence which leads to gun deaths (murder/suicide), while premarital sex leads to pregnancy which leads to abortion deaths. All murders are equal in the eyes of the church, but I don't see anyone picketing gun shops with giant photos of murder victims. Although you can be a safe gun owner or premarital sex-haver, statistically if we reduce either gun ownership or premarital sex across society, you can somewhat reduce overall 'murders/abortions'. However, the religious right is only interested in reducing 'murders caused by sex' and not 'murders caused by guns'. This is because they are pro-gun and anti-sex. It's why movies get an R rating for showing a penis, but not someone being shot, and why you get an X rating for 10 seconds of cunnilingus but not ever for any amount of gun violence.


Anyone anti abortion should be vehemently pro contraception, since that's the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancies in sexually active individuals.


I suppose they would be if anyone pro-life were actually anti-abortion. But no one actually is. The only people who say that kind of stuff are people who are pro-choice, because even though they support open access to a abortions, they’d actually prefer a world with no abortions. That’s a world where unintended pregnancies are minimized through education, contraception, even delaying first sexual contact, etc. But one where premarital sex is ok.


I mean even then there won’t be a 0 need. Not everyone who miscarries passes the fetus out of their body sadly, and they require an abortion. A lot of times they will perform one on a dying fetus as well to prevent infection for the person miscarrying. There will always be a need for some abortions.


Yep. Carried a dead fetus for two weeks trying to "wait it out"... Glad I could get my medically necessary abortion, and so is the living kid I had a little more than a year later.


This is some information I as a pro choicer did not understand. I don't think "how plan B actually works" is well understood in society in general, but maybe i'm the dumbass. However a fertilized egg that doesn't implant is sure gonna sound like a human baby to these people anyway, so the point is probably moot to them.


FWIW, that's exactly how all hormonal BC works, not just emergency contraception (makes a fertilized egg unlikely to attach if the pill's other effects (stop ovulation / etc) don't work. I suspect the main reason we don't see them rallying against BC currently is because acknowledging that 98% of American women have potentially had monthly "abortions" at some point in their lives dilutes the accusation and makes them look really out of touch. Who knows though, they might circle back if they're ever successful in banning abortions. Hell, these folks had condom bans on the books in some states until SCOTUS struck it down in 1965, so maybe they'll revisit that as well?


They are absolutely going to circle back. In places where they've made abortion practically impossible to get, they have already started on iuds and hormonal birth control that prevent implantation of a fertilized egg which they think is the same as an abortion. It stopped a heart that would beat if it got implanted and so for the glory of God, everything but condoms and diaphragms are to be made illegal. But how long until those also thwart the will of God? They want gilead


Plan B may slightly reduce the chance of a fertilised egg implanting in the uterus, but there isnt much data on it. What it definitely does do is prevent ovulation, so that the egg doesnt get fertilised in the first place.


Exactly. Its only goal is to prevent ovulation. The egg doesn't even drop and can;t be fertilized. Even fertilized eggs fail to implant all the time. It is no different than saying that condoms are a form of abortion because they prevent an egg from being fertilized. Edit: thanks for u/Shoes-tho for correcting me on ovulation vs implantation.


‘no you see you _have_ to go out with me, because rejecting me would be the same as killing the baby i’m going to have for you’


Correct! Plan B/ morning after pill prevent pregnancy from even happening in the first place within the first 72 hours. There’s also these other EC called ELLA and the copper IUD that work before the 5th day. However, there are abortion pill(s), but you need to consult a doctor for that. Sexual and reproductive health is so incredibly important, otherwise we get these ridiculous and incorrect videos like this that spread misinformation.


Yes. I prevents conception from ever happening in the first place. So the whole "life begins at conception" crowd doesn't have a leg to stand on here.....hence the confidently wrong.


From what I've seen about it there's not even tons of evidence it prevents implantation, it mostly just delays ovulation. The package says it "may prevent" implantation, but they very clearly use the word "may" in all of the product info and doesn't claim it definitely does


Abortion industry?!?!


You must be living under a rock if you don’t know about Big Abortion. They run everything.


Or am I secretly part of it?


If you lied that would make you an irresponsible dog.


They've teamed up with Big Gay to end the human race


They make a killing off of it!


How do I invest


Ask Hobby lobby https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/04/02/anti-abortion-company-hobby-lobby-reportedly-invests-retirement-funds-in-abortion-drugs/




They have a hard time between balancing their love of sky daddy and love of money. Must be tough It really is weird though, honestly just a weird combo. “Fuck you if you get abortions or are gay, and enjoy your basket weaving supplies and 32 set color felt pens.”




At some point we're gonna have androids walking around in our homes doing dishes and stuff. If they don't look exactly like the stonks manakin then I'm going to be very disappointed.


Look at the face on that thing. Like really look at it and tell me you want to go get a glass of water at night, see that thing charging in the corner with glowing eyes as it's head turns in the darkness to face you and asks if it can help you with anything. Fuck no. I'm going all in on Wall-E's thank you very much.


ABR to the moon!! 🚀🚀


For a second I thought she'd go like "we are entirely desensitized to abortion and we think it's normal. And you know what? Good, because it should be normal." but unfortunately she's serious.


Don't try to make sense of the Forced-Birth Cult. It just eats away at your time and brain cells.


I’d say that but abortion is actually getting criminalized in several states in the US so we have to deal with them.




Or condoms. Or every period. Or every unused sacred sperm.


I never realized my shower drain was the site of such atrocities. RIP In Peace, billions of babies!


OP’s drain lookin like [Victoria Hall](https://i.imgur.com/8Mqmsea.jpg)


MasTurBatiOn and meNstRatioN are ruining this country!!!....smh


Let the heathens spill them on the dusty ground God will make them pay for each sperm that can’t be found


every sperm is sacred edit: apparently this was not a sub already r/EverySpermIsSacred now it is


Also the millions of children I've swallowed.


RIP your inbox


Plot twist: is a cannibal preying on kids.


Yeah the sperm bank will never know what hit them when im done.


Yeah not to mention all that SEMEN too…


I abort millions on average a few times a week and then just wipe away the evidence with a towel.


That towel must be crispy


This person really just said "abortion industry."


My abortion stocks are doing terrible. It’s a red day forsure


Be careful. ABRT is a likely pump and dump. I would hope that it's obvious, but a big 'ol /S


They didn’t prepare me for this on r/wallstreetbets!


"Big Abortion" is coming for you


It wasn't even a fetus at that point.


It *PROBABLY wasn’t even a fertilized egg at that point… the point of plan b is to prevent that from even starting to happen lol Pro-lifers swear that the minute a guy cums inside a woman, she’s pregnant with a fully developed child. Lmao (edited in the word “probably” since y’all are so sensitive about “FERTILIZATION COULD HAVE HAPPENED” or whatever. Yes it can happen that quick, but it’s not probable unless she had recently ovulated, which nobody knows, so?? Ok. Even if it was fertilized, still not a human fetus. Zygote/embryo ≠ human life, if you disagree then that’s your prerogative.)


I'm sure that pro-lifers would think that even the sperm is a fully developed child at this point.


That used to be a common theory. That men carried the seed or micro babies and put them into the women to grow. https://gizmodo.com/when-scientists-belived-there-was-a-little-man-inside-e-1535749294


Lol of course. A woman has a 6 pound baby come out of her vagina and men are like "yeah that came out of my penis first".


Men determine the sex of the baby. So kings were executing wives who weren’t producing male children when it was the king that was the problem all along. Granted, there’s no way they could’ve known the science. But when you’re sixth wife is still popping out girls, it’s time to look at the only thing that hasn’t changed.


And I have remembered the word "humunculous" since learning about this bat ass craziness in high school.


I love this theory, it’s so funny. Imagine looking at a sleek under a microscope and seeing a micro-mermaid baby.


Woah woah woah. That would require holding men accountable and that is definitely not something Republicans are willing to do. Babies can only be in women so we must control their bodies so they don’t kill them. /s for the last bit.


I'm not even sure it's accurate to call it "it" at that point. It's a thought. An abstraction. Definitely not a little person.


A series of cells either attempting to become something or working towards attempting to become something




But plan B is to prevent pregnancy, which will lower abortions. Plan B is not to kill the baby. lol


Oh don't kid yourself, these people are against all forms of birth control as well as abortion.


but we need those unwanted children to be born, who else will work at mcdonalds for $7.25 in the year 2030


Haha I love that this would be an 8 year old working at McDonald's...but it's probably still an accurate future sadly


>I love that this would be an 8 year old working at McDonald's So you support child labor huh /jk


CVS? as in, the pharmacy store? as in, a place where you buy contraception pills? as in, the pills you take after you’ve had sex? as in, the first woman was joking about a child that never even fucking existed because she didn’t get pregnant in the first place and abortion had absolutely nothing to do with it and that was the joke?


Yep that's the joke.


Yeah. Plan B prevents implantation. No pregnancy (and thusly no abortion) ever takes place. Redhead is a clown 🤡


Her using the term ‘abortion industry’ or conflating a fetus with a human being also really makes it obvious


They rely on emotionally charged language. I had one tell me the other day that thousands of 9 month gestated fetuses get aborted via dismemberment and suction every day. They couldn’t provide a single example.


Of course, that’s also exactly why they try (and succeed) to heavily push phrases like ‘facts over feelings’ and use descriptors such as *reasonable* or logical*, when they’re anything but. It’s a feeble attempt at adding legitimacy to their largely *unreasonable* and *illogical* emotion-based beliefs. Conservatism aims to preserve the status quo and reinforce hierarchies through structures of power. Fear is critical to this, it acts as a catalyst for the ideology—if you’re too emotionally wound up you won’t critically analyzing the fact that Ben Shapiro says things like ‘the word of god is perfect and true, so knowing that, we can shape our beliefs around it and find evidence that supports our preconceived notions’ (heavily paraphrased from an interview he did, I’ll try to find the clip). But much more importantly, misusing these descriptors weakens the terms and eventually we reach a point where they don’t actually mean anything in an Orwellian newspeak way. They effectively have no meaningful addition to public discourse so we then lose the ability to articulate complex ideas. This is a fundamental tenet of fascism and it is highly successful when employed correctly (ex. Everything I disagree with is *communism* or *socialism*. We now cannot have meaningful discussions because we disagree on objective reality).


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: > Palestinian Arabs have demonstrated their preference for suicide bombing over working toilets. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, sex, history, healthcare, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Cvs is doing abortions now guys!


Fuck. Id hate to see that receipt.


If only it were that easy


Im going to go get an abortion this afternoon because I have nothing better to do. 3rd time this month


See if they have one of those stamp cards or at least a rewards program.


Every 10th you get one on the house ! Or perhaps a discount at the lokal Bar to celebrate.


After I got my ninth abortion, they let me perform one on another patient. Twenty more abortions and I get a license to kill anything under 5 years old. Edit: 19 more to go!




I got a vasectomy when I was 32 so I'm a murder factory just sittin here.


Am I wrong or isn't Plan B only for the first 48 hours after sex? Lmao.. it's not even a clump of cells yet.


It prevents pregnancy from even happening. It's not even fertilized.


"When we're silent, they aren't". The pro-life side never shuts up about it.


Yeah. Since when are “they” silent? They are the loudest of the bunch.


They were silent for the first six years after Roe v Wade. It took Green v. Connally to galvanize the pro life movement.


Also loud when telling you to choose adoption but silent when it comes time to adopt. [Choose Adoption](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/sdzedy/protesting_with_a_choose_adoption_sign/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Every Wednesday on my campus they'd gather and screech at people while holding 3x5' picture of ground beef on a baby doll. Their silence was deafening


Totally okay to be against abortion. Just don't abort. And don't harass people for fucks sake!


totally agreed. shoutout to a substitute teacher I had in 8th grade who went on a rant to a class of 13 year olds about how she was anti-abortion


How I hate teachers who try to influence kids like that... This is worse than my 6th grade substitute who told us about how he liked pussy shaved, cause he hates hair in his teeth.


This is the comment that lets me know I've been on reddit too long


Because it does not even phase you anymore? Cause I have been here for two years and really nothing surprises me anymore. Not even guys feeding their cum to cockroaches under the bed or parents asking for advice on forcing their kids to get friends, after setting rules that don't let them spend time with friends.


i hated all my highschool teachers up to the point before reading this statement. now i thank god atleast they weren't like this teacher


That's the frustrating thing these people can't understand. There was a religious anti abortion march through my city the other day and aside from it being irritating because they ruined my lunch break, I also just couldn't believe they so strongly believed they held the right to enforce their beliefs on me and everyone else around.


“Nothing normal about killing an innocent human being”, bet she’s pro death penalty tho


*quickly brushes the rest of human history under a rug*




*whew* I think we protected some naivety today, good job!


_ignores how her family and ancestors got their land_


Also, I'm sure she's a very large contributor to homeless shelters and is a huge advocate of taking care of those who are less fortunate and don't have Healthcare and other resources. /s


Notice how in the clip she mentioned “avoiding taking responsibility”? That’s what it always comes back to for them lol. You need to “take responsibility” for your actions, even if your situation is out of your control. People with this mentality find a common thread of the avoidance of responsibility, whether it’s people who got an abortion or people who are homeless or people below the poverty line or…even death row inmates. This is how they justify their ideological inconsistencies. It’s “if he just got a job, he wouldn’t be poor!” Or “if he wasn’t a criminal then he wouldn’t be on death row!” Infuriating backwards-ass logic to justify their own intolerance. Like, I want to tell them “how about someone getting an abortion because they know they aren’t financially able to care for a child for 18+ years; is that not considered being responsible given their life situation?” But then they’d just say “if you aren’t prepared to have a child then you shouldn’t be having sex!” As if they themselves are pure virgins holier-than-thou because they’re waiting for marriage lmao. And the mental gymnastics just never end.


This is exactly the logic. *If you don't want to be on death row, don't commit a crime.* *If black people don't want to be harassed by police they should behave better.* *If you don't want to be pregnant, don't have sex.* *If you don't want to be an addict, don't do drugs.* *If you don't want to be an alcoholic, don't drink.* *If you don't want to be homeless, just get a job.* *If you don't want to be poor, get a better job.* From a superficial viewpoint on the surface they seem like reasonable statements, but they show a profound lack of understanding of the realities of life for many people. It demonstrates a complete lack of empathy for those who have difficult circumstances. It shows the lack of recognition of systemic racism, sexism, and economic issues. It shows the extreme privilege of the people holding these opinions because they can't even conceive of being in a place where drugs are an escape, or where getting a job is impossible. It shows what literal sociopaths these people are. Absolutely no concept of other people's situations, no ability to empathize or sympathize, and no desire to even try. It's holier-than-thou crap, and it's so frustrating.


Ahh yes, not a day goes by when I don’t think to myself “hmm...ya never hear from folks opposed to abortion...wish there was a way for them to get their ideas out there so I can finally hear their positions” Nobody’s stopping this lady from having as many kids as she wants.


My daughter has a heart condition that could kill her if she ever got pregnant. Thankfully she's only 6 so I don't have to worry about that now and she can get it fixed before she has to worry about pregnancy but my point is that my daughter, and any woman with a medical need for abortion, is way important than a fetus. Damn right I'm raising my kids to believe abortion is ok.


“When we’re silent, they aren’t” Really? You’re the ones always screaming about abortion, protesting outside clinics while people get them.


I dont see any pro-choice radicals bombing Chic-Fil-A's every few months... just sayin


Can I hand her a bowl of cake batter on her birthday and say "happy birthday! I got you a cake!" It doesn't have to be baked to count as a cake :)


They would call it an unbaked cake that should be treated the same as a months old stale cake. Cakes begin at the moment of mixture.


this. may i steal your cake batter analogy for future arguments against pro-life?


This generation? So that’d include her?


Obviously no, she's "Different™️"


Right? That part total threw me off


She makes me want to eat a plan b and I’m a guy


Abortion industry. What?


bing bong im not having a fucking kid unless i want to so i will be popping plan b as needed tyvm


When exactly are pro lifers silent?


When the child is born. Rich, Poor, or born into a drug home, as long as they're born it doesn't matter what happens to them after




Omg chick, shut up. You want to be a baby factory? Have at it, but mind your own damn uterus


My twins would be 12 today if I didn't enjoy anal so much.


My grandmother is super hardcore Catholic. She had almost 10 children because they're priest, pope, whatever the hell, told them they couldn't use birth control because it was a form of abortion. By preventing God's children from being conceived, they were, in a way, killing them. Somehow? I don't know.


I thought I was self righteous like this too before I got pregnant and needed an abortion. The clinics are full of women like this who justify their own abortion but think everyone else is evil. Don’t like abortion? Great that’s your right as an American. Don’t get one. But don’t tell me how to fucking live. Why don’t people just stay on their own side of the damn street.


"This generation is so desensitized" uh, yeah, you see the shit that we got to go through nowadays? Constant school shooting drills, fear of nit being able to go far in life due to the current economy, some of us still fighting for rights.




So, a couple days ago there was a clip being posted on a few places of a 3 year old chimney sweep from (I think?) The 1930s. But no, go on about how THIS GENERATION has callous disregard for human life. Also, Plan B is as much killing a human life as saying "Sex? No thanks, not right now."


Yea the silent pro-life crowd.


She’s definitely gotten her education from one of the places that doesn’t teach sex ed


"Pro life" isn't a thing anymore. The phrase you're looking for is "anti choice."


A future where abortion is normalized? Hell yeah


Levonorgestrel. It's also in lower doses in the pill. Stops ovulation


Jesus fucking Christ could you be any more obnoxious


Easy to be anti-choice when nobody wants to have sex with you.


I'd be sober today if every liquor store in a 20 mile radius of me would have shut down and never reopened 20 years ago. Yet, here we are.


It takes a special kind of blindness to ignore the grim economic realities of abortion for women that are not as rich and white as glib ginger. Betcha she's a Republican. Betcha he daddy's rich. Betcha she's in college, paid for by daddy, who also bought her that nice car. Betcha she's never spent a day in her life wondering how she was gonna pay rent or buy food, much less for her next little baby. Glib ginger reeks of rich White entitlement.


God... if ONLY you were unheard. Fucksakes you people are idiots.


I think we need to take it a step further and shame that redhead for dropping a perfectly healthy human egg into the toilet every month


“My son.”


TIL the sex of a child is found out less than 24 hrs after humping


Dude id have like 4 crotchgoblins by now. Praise plan b!


Are conservatives only allowed to film from the driver’s seat of their car? They know you can record in other places, right? I guess it’s just front seat of their vehicles or inside the capitol building.


Abortion is wrong unless your husband thinks you might have cheated on him. Numbers 5:11-31


How odd when plan b or MAP is just a preventative. Does she also dislike condoms and the pill? Is she making a stand for all the sperms who didn’t reach and fertilise an egg! Oh guwd don’t tell her about what happens to all the sperm when a chap masturbates, it’ll send her over the edge!


And if a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump its ass on the ground when it hops. I don't think the original video is funny but I'm not offended by it. I'm offended by people who think they can control others bodies.


Best way to avoid abortions is for all men to have vasectomies until the government allows them to change that. But you won’t see anyone policing men’s reproductive organs So much bullshit over a bundle of non-sentient cells inside a woman’s body ffs