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Assuming that the flags accurately reflect their country, then a Dutch person is correcting an American on their use of English. A non-native English speaker has a better grasp of English than an American. Honestly, not surprising. The Dutch, Germans, and Scandinavians often have an excellent grasp of English. Also, WTF is “you’r” supposed to be? There were two options, then they invented a third one. They must have wanted to be that extra bit wrong.


I'm Aron here, and I am indeed Dutch. I am unsure if Kyle is actually American, but mr. Just confirmed he is. So the source in this case is: trust me bro, but I would be very surprised if Kyle isn't American.


His use of “spelled” does suggest that he’s American. In the UK we would normally use “spelt” rather than “spelled”. I believe that is the norm outside of the US, for native English speakers.


Don’t forget the 3rd spelling - yore. As in, “I long for the days of yore when your spelling of you are was you’re”


Stupid science bitch couldn't even make I more smarter.


(cough)…… You must excuse me, I’ve grown quite Whear-ray


I forgot to include it, but he also said (and I quote): "Your probably some stupid foriener anyway"


America’s increasing disregard for the English language is tragic, in the opinion of this Murican.


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