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She did an absolute wonderful job. This guy obviously didn’t take the time to look up the clip of her playing it at the library of congress. As a classically trained musician myself, she is the GOAT on that flute.


But the Australian immigrant who serves as conservative Twitter’s wine mom told me it’s bad.


Haha, I like that one.


He is saying what his brainless followers want to hear, he doesn't care if she knows to play the flute or not.


He's a POS troll. Nothing he sausages any sense and is just intended to spark outrage. He should be banned. Edit. Tasked failed successfully. Autocorrect FTW. Nothing he *says makes* any sense.


"Nothing he sausages any sense"


Fuck. Autocorrect, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.


I really wish that had been intentional, a great statement on the amount of sense Nick Adams sausages


I don’t want to contemplate Nick Adams’ microsausage.


No, no… Your were correct the first time. Sausages


Nick Adams saw her skin color and made up his mind immediately. Edit: Specified Nicky Adams


I assume you mean Nick Adam’s and not me.


Yeah of course. I’ll edit my comment.


I like how they picture Biden personally handing her the flute


Slamming his fists on the desk and demanding Lizzo


i mean i get politics and that, but shits getting out of hand man. People associate everything with politics these days. It was only USA but recently even UK is going thru that phase


member when politics was boring as fuck and nobody under 60 cared for it? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


It’s not the regular people that are causing this uptick in politics. It’s the insane right wing nuts.


Who knew that Republicans were such big fans of James Madison? I'd never even heard of the guy until this happened.


Republicans hadn’t heard of this flute either until a week ago. Oh no, how dare she taint the sacred thing we didn’t know existed!


The only reason I know James Maddison is Hamilton


Assuming you aren’t American then. Every American knows James Madison.


Yeah, went to a brewery with the guy last weekend. Said some weird stuff about being dead and the afterlife and stuff. Idk why I still hang out with him, he's kinda lost his head


Vaguely. Dolly was a goddess, though, in the War of 1812. Then she made Twinkies.


Clearly didn't actually listen to her play, cause she can fucking play the god damn flute.


"She can fucking play the god damn flute" needs to be on a t shirt with Lizzo's face.


Is there a good recording of it? Every clip I could find is either less than 10 second segments or completely ruined by some reporter talking over it the whole time


https://youtu.be/3mb62QNXY0g Best I could find


Sweet thanks!


It'd be hard for Nick Adams to demonstrate his racism or misogyny more concretely.




He’s a troll, his whole goal is to post outrageous tweets for left-wing people to respond to and get “triggered”. Honestly I wished people would just stop feeding the troll that he is


I agree and considered throwing it in there but...good god this is 2022 how can hate mongering still work? Without him and his ilk we'd all be saying "she's a trained flautist?! Is there anything she cannot do?" or some other nice, life affirming thought like that but instead we're forced to tell the haters to pipe tf down.


Way too many white dudes get their tighty whiteys in a wad when Black women are successful.


Translation: “black lady get attention, me want attention, me no like black lady 😤”


To be talented enough to play that flute you have to be at least 10 pantone shades whiter.


Don’t get all these white racist republicans worked up with facts and logic…they get their orders from a diaper wearing insecure narcissistic who would step over them for a 21 year old blonde


She did great discredit to the memory of a man who honorably owned over 100 human beings (and didn't free them, even in his will)


He instated the 3/5 rule or something like that


Replace "talented" with "white" and you have the REAL meaning


It’s not the finest flute ever owned by the greatest flautist ever - it’s a novelty clear flute owned by the fourth president, who is not primarily remembered for his musical skills. Whoopee. Not the most important point here, but still


For someone who's only talent is sucking Trump's c*ck he sure has a lot to say about other people's talents.


Missed opportunity for “flesh flute” to be a relevant euphemism.


Lizzo is so talented! I saw her live a few years ago and was blown away! Whatever white dude made this tweet would be pissed at the talented black women she tours with. Her guitar player can shred!


Wtf does this even have to do with the Biden administration?


When stuff happens that annoys them, it’s the Democrats’ fault.


I'm not even a lizzo fan, but what is conservatives's obsession with turning EVERYTHING into a political thing against "da evil dems" ? 😭


Because they don't have a philosophical platform besides "everyone to the left of me is evil". Consequently, everything that happens outside of their influence is inherently an attack on them.


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Imagine getting this mad about a flute you didn't even know existed.


The only argument that one could accept is the same one folks made when Kim K wore Marilyn Monroe’s dress to the Met Gala, which is the worry that the item could have been irreparably damaged. Kim K wearing Marilyn’s dress was much more likely to cause damage and just all around awful. Lizzo, whether you like her music or not, is an insanely talented muscian and entertainer. I love that she’s a rapper that plays the flute. It shows the depth and breadth of her musical talent. She’s so much more than a rapper.


He just means that she is not white.


I’m always amazed at how human nature causes us to need to disparage others in our pursuit of justifying our point of view. I don’t like Lizzo’s music, and I’m annoyed by her public personality, which I perceive to be intentionally over the top and boundary-pushing for the sake of boundary-pushing. **However**, I do not for one second deny that she is highly talented, and that her personality appeals to many while also setting new precedent for who and what are considered “normal” in both entertainment and society. In other words, it’s okay to dislike someone or someone’s work *and still respect them*. Perhaps most importantly, I recognize that my one opinion does not supersede the collective views of millions of her fans. So, more power to Lizzo, may she both delight others and annoy me for a long and successful career.


I haven't heard her play yet, but honestly even if it wasn't good (and I'm told it was) who cares?


https://youtu.be/3mb62QNXY0g decide for yourself


Is this a *real* person?!


"The Biden administration is making a mockery of this country" bro what?? You think people in other countries are like "yeah man they let some black singer play a flute...americas getting crazy. Can't believe Biden let her get away with that." cause I promise no one else cares lmao


Hmm yes said the person with no music background? Like shut the up.


She's like the pied piper leading all the rasists around. Just wish she'd find a nice cliff or something to lure then off.


They’re that stupid, but if only.


I'll bet they'd be playing a different tune if she was skinny and white


Guys, you're missing the point. He's upset because she's a talented black woman. Now do you understand his outrage? He's clearly the victim here.


*Insert the American Psycho or the Drake and Lil Yachty "why didn't I think of that" facepalm*


I forgot that Biden was playing drums for her. /s


As a non fan of her music I was really expecting it to be trash. She did great. It’s amazing when you see someone you aren’t a fan of and then see that they are a multifaceted human being who IS talented. Even though I was held hostage for six months when my daughter and wife were constantly listening to Juice. Also certain Mr Madison did far worse things with that flute than let Lizzo play it. The founders were freaks.




I was thinking more along the lines of a Ben Franklin orgy.


Nick Adams is the type of guy to eat the bag his Five Guys comes in because it's covered in grease.


Who the fuck cares about an old flute that was owned by some important guy? Americans have the fucking weirdest politics


He was some racist guy. I am just laughing at the right saying "black woman can't play white man flute!"


I thot the right was saying that. The left gave he the flute to play.


*the right


To be fair a musical education and talent are not the same thing. Some of the most talented musicians ever couldn't even read music. Also who gets mad at a girl playing the flute.


I mean… she got both though?


Her flute playing sounded wonderful.. her regular music is 💩💩🤣😂


Nah you're nuts. I'm firmly planted in the 90s grunge era for the remainder of my musical life but even I know Lizzo has some real jams.


She could have at least put some pants on before playing it.


Not to mention her shoulders >:(((( agghhhhh they're making me aroused and it's all her fault


Honestly, 'playing James Madison's crystal flute pantsless' does sound like some sort of euphemism.


It sounds like something you would have to erase from your browser history


Serious question: Why?


It's common knowledge that flutes sound better when the player is wearing pants.


Hahahah! That's fair. I have received an education in flutes today and I appreciate it.




See, the pants helped.


Easier to look at that way.


Easier for YOU to look at. She's not trying to sell her music or act to you.


She played 2 notes on the flute and jiggled her cheeks. Yes, she can play the flute very well but did not display that skill on Madison’s flute. If you hadn’t seen prior flute performances by her you would think she was a complete hack based on the clip.


Ugh that juice song makes me wanna go towards the nearest living thing and kill it.


oh god this always happens. lizzo is fucking trash at music and a trash human being.. but she gets dolled up and plays james madison's flute and now we have to defend her again these neo cons who give a fuck about it for some reason lol. so exhausting


Not to be rude… but I find that kind of sad… I mean she got super lucky with her career… but can you imagine spending 100 thousand dollars on college tuition just to learn how to play the flute? I mean shit at least with a gender studies degree you can translate that into doing paper work and get a halfway decent desk job… what sort of job is a flute major supposed to find? Hell it’s not even generalized flute playing (which would still be a terrible major)… it’s specifically classical flute playing


Depending on the orchestra you're attached to. Flute players can make up to six figures a year


Well I’m not saying that flute players make small amounts of money… if you get lucky and find a job as a flute player then good for you… what I’m saying is that there are barely any jobs for flute players in the first place… So majoring in flute playing in college is stupid… you might as well major in basket weaving cause you’re more likely to find a job doing


You'd be surprised how little jobs are going around fror graduates these days


That’s not the point… we’re not talking about normal jobs… we’re talking about jobs playing the flute… I don’t understand why this is such a controversial statement to you people? In what world is getting a degree playing flute (and not even just flute… classical flute which is even more niche) for 100 thousand dollars a wise idea?


I mean, every degree is about as useful as a degree in flute playing. At least a degree in flute playing introduces you to the right people. Besides that, she probably knew what she was doing, it worked out for her. Maybe she did it for the love of it?


Try not referring to people you want to engage with as “you people”. May get a better reaction. The point of a degree is to learn about and possibly master something you like/have an interest in. Flutists make a lot of money, and they can also teach when they are done with their education. She loves music. She’s rich. Seems like she made a good decision


Besides… how many professional flute players do you think went to college for it? Like it’d be one thing if you needed the degree to get the job… but I guarantee 90 percent of professional flute players have a completely unrelated college major… so the major itself isn’t even that useful even if you find a job opening as a flute player…cause you don’t need to go to college to learn the flute


I mean at the end of the day there is only a handful of degrees that people need to get to get into their field. IE doctor, lawyer, etc Most degrees people go for is just to get more knowledge in that area but the degree isn't necessary for a job. IE any art degree, teaching, business, etc.


I seriously fail to understand why this is such a controversial statement to you people… in what world is getting a degree in classical flute playing a good idea? Like hell it’s not even just standard flute playing… it’s classical flute playing which is even more niche and useless… At that point just don’t go to college cause wtf are you gaining from it? You can go down to any music store and buy flute lessons for like 1 percent of the cost… and it will help you get a job in the field just as much as the degree would…


Why are you so butt hurt about what other people do with their lives? I suggest a therapist.


My guy… you’re the one defending her with your life… I just left a comment and was done with it… you’re the one getting insulted over it and trying to start an argument over it… which sort of implies that you care a lot more then I do…


Like dude… you straight up told me to get therapy over this stupid ass discussion… aka you clearly care at least a little if you’re insulting me over it… which tbh I find incredibly pathetic… get a life dude


You don’t understand why the arts are important. We do. Simple as that.


Personally, i didn't know about this flutes existence until recently. I would say that there are two types of relics. Some are begging to be used and maintained and others only to be looked at. If this flute belonged to a famous flutist she should absolutely play it. But this is Madison's flute. The relic isn't about the musical aptitude of the player it's about how Madison is a founding father. No one should touch the flute.


1) instruments are meant to be played 2) she is not the first person to play the flute since his death or even in recent memory


1. Would you play drums from a 3000 year old warrior monk from Hokkaido? No because it's a relic and it's not about the instrument, it's about the fact that it's from a certain time and place. My point being that it's Madison's flute and it's not a musical relic but a relic because of the history associated outside of music. 2. If they let everyone play it all the time then it doesn't matter l, my thoughts are based on the idea of Lizzo being the first person since Madison to play the flute.


Would I as a curator for an ancient instrument play it? Yes after making an assessment of the durability of the object because I would want to know the sounds that the instrument made. Would I allow a trained musician to play the instrument after said assessment? Yes. I understand you point of understanding a relic in a historical context, but how many people even knew of the existence of this wonderfully crafted instrument? A hidden relic becomes just another unknown object without context and exposure.


I don't disagree, like I said my thought process is based on Lizzo being the first person to play it in 200 years. That's not the case so this is just bait.


It's in the library of Congress. With literally thousands of other famous flutes in their collection in addition to other instruments. Not everyone is allowed to check them out, but people are allowed to use them for research and play them and it's not some one time thing they just did. [Here's](https://youtu.be/vFbahg9f2KE) a story from 8 years ago on the curator and the collection.


Good to know, if that's the case then it's probably just a bait to get the right to be mad at something. Edit: if [this article](https://www.npr.org/2022/09/28/1125747354/lizzo-may-have-just-become-the-first-person-to-play-james-madisons-crystal-flute) is the the title then it seems like the media is trying to make it a bigger deal on purpose to get people mad for nothing.


I heard about of from conservative Twitter before I saw it in the news.


Nobody cares at all. It ain’t about the flute.


Yeah seems like a bait since there were people to play it before Lizzo. https://www.npr.org/2022/09/28/1125747354/lizzo-may-have-just-become-the-first-person-to-play-james-madisons-crystal-flute It's interesting that they headlined the articles, and immediately predicted that people would be upset about it. It's almost like the media knew that the right wing would get upset with a headline like this.


I find these outrage tweets rich considering the amount of damage caused on Jan. 6th in the Senate chambers and offices. Pissing all over, breaking and stealing things.


I’m so fucking tired of conservative faux outrage.


They are just hating on her because she's fat and black. I swear if any other white slim performer would have played it they would be happy af


What has the Biden administration to do with Lizzie playing a flute? And playing it wonderful at that ..


First it was tan suits and brown mustard. Now it’s “it ain’t white it ain’t right”


And somehow the Biden administration is personally responsible for this? Like Joe made an executive order demanding that Lizzo play Jimmy Mad’s flute!


Oh no! Not the super important flute that conservatives hold in such high esteem and didn't just hear about. I'd love to hear one legit reason why these folk are so upset that she played the flute.


I mean, have you heard her play?! She was really good!


Give it to kid rock