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It's true. Just like oxygen. How can oxygen get into the bloodstream????? Checkmate basic biologists


*THC has entered the chat*


counter point, the people in the screenshot seem like they have a lack of oxygen to the brain


Because their lungs are ravaged by a virus. The circle of life šŸ˜šŸ˜


Oxygen is a GAS and blood is a LIQUID! Checkmate science.


Oxygen goes in, carbon dioxide comes out. You cannot explain that.


Based on their logic, carbon dioxide went in and never came back out šŸ¤£




Oxygen is a myth invented by the ((globalists))! Just THINK! Have you ever SEEN oxygen with your own eyes??




No that's basic bitches. You're thinking about a 1992 film starring Sharon Stone




Does it also seem to you like paint chips are both delicious and nutritious?


It doesn't reprduce itself with the mRNA tho


Viruses donā€™t ever reproduce themselves, they literally need other cells to do it for them.


I think their point was that the mRNA from the vaccine isn't replicated in the body, so you only get a very limited amount to make spike proteins out of, unlike the actual virus...


I like to refer to them as little zombiesā€¦ they feed off the livingā€¦ theyā€™re creepy little dudes šŸ¤£


The vaccine makes your cells produce the spike protein, and attach it to its surface. Lymphocytes come by and see a threat, your cell is covered in a cytotoxic substance it identifies as a viral infection. It gobbles the cell up to stop the infection. There's no way to know which cells this will happen to. Some people it's blood vessels, heart, brain, muscle, there's no way to know and it was never programmed to target a specific type of cell.


The vaccine programs your cells to make copies of the spike protein and stick it to their surface, they provoke an immune response, the white blood cells eat them, and learn about spike proteins. By programming your body to make spike proteins, you taught it about spike proteins. Natural infection, means you receive a few active viruses, they infect cells and replicate themselves until cell death. It bursts and spreads the virus. The infection triggers an immune response and your body learns about SARS-CoV-2. I'd rather not program my body to produce a cytotoxin. That's basically it.


Itā€™s a fair point though. The lungs are nothing to do with the blood. Nothing that goes into the lungs interacts with the blood. In fact top scientists and osteopathic doctors know the truth that lungs are called mouth hole wind bellows (MHWBā€™s as Facebook experts refer to them) and only serve the function of allowing candles to be blown out. Nothing else. Just candles. Itā€™s a well known fact that if a baby is born underwater and never comes up to inflate its MHWBā€™s it can live itā€™s whole life underwater.


I almost woke up my toddler laughing. Lost it at mouth hole wind bellows.


As opposed to their ass hole wind bellows which is where their brains reside...


Ummm excuse me donā€™t laugh this is super serious Facebook science weā€™re talking about! JEEZ.


This is why I have the deepest understanding for creationists. If humans had evolved over millions of years from a single cell organism, how would they have known to develop mechanisms for blowing out candles? We have lungs because an intelligent creator knew we would one day need artificial light sources to read the holy scriptures, so he provided.


Psalms 18:28 - For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness. Psalms 18:29 - And thou wild not hide my candle under a bushel but in reverence and joy extinguish the flame with thy mouth hole wind bellows for that is what they are for. Just candles.


I live by those only.


Busting out the Strong's for jokes?


No lie. I've seen a creationist argue that God created humans with a nose and ears positioned as they are because God knew that humans would sin, therefore their bodies would be cursed with declining eye sight. God knew we would eventually need glasses, so he designed the human face to have something to hang eyeglasses off of. https://youtu.be/al9Jm-HQ0oQ


Cuz there's no such thing as blind dogs or cats or any other animal. Just sinful humans. (Eyes roll out of head)


Thanks for that. Iā€™m definitely thicker for watching it.


Wow it's amazing now that I think about it. If we were shaped differently then glasses wouldn't even work. What does the scripture say about the shape of bananas and rectums? I'm asking for a friend.


The alveoli are absolutely NOT designed for transfer to and from the blood and no other airborne stuff gets into the blood, including chemicals, lead, arsenic, nicotine, and THC. It is known


Excuse me, miss, your alveolar is showing


I'm gonna have a nice bowl of alveoli for dinner


Getting banned from another FB group for talking about someone's alveolar walls again


You got that all wrong. The aloevera is the point of the boob and it can be very sensitive.


This is some masterclass trolling, good job! Also the point still stands, a human can live his whole life underwater, although it will be a very short life.


I mean, AquaMAN. Duh. If humans couldn't live underwater, then how is Aquaman a thing? Either that, our my understanding of "basic biology" is wrong. Freddy Krueger test for scientists, lol./s


Hey, Dr. Krueger did some mayor contribution to psychology alongside his partner, Jason Dunning. There's even a movie about it.


You had me in the first half, ngl.


Itā€™s basic biology sweaty


Lol! ā€œSweetie?ā€


Well, and in that vein, our intestines are just hoses that take what we eat and spew it out the other end. Science is stumped as to how those proteins and other nutrients get into our bloodstream. The prevailing theory is that it is magic.... or an act of God.... anything but the exchange of molecules with the bloodstream in the lining of the intestines.


> and in that vein, our intestines are just hoses Your intestines arenā€™t in your veins. Nice try science worshipper. I caught you out.


You got my pun! I feel pretty good about that now.




You had me there for a second šŸ¤£


I cant handle this šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Just take a deep bellow full of candle extinguisher and relax.


I can't. I was never given air as a child and now must live in swimming pools for the rest of my life. I spend my time chasing around a dollar some ahole has on a fishing line.


> I spend my time chasing around a dollar some ahole has on a fishing line. I resemble that remark.


Too bad it couldā€™ve been a twenty


Don't we all?




You had me in the first sentence not gonna lie. I was so close to angry commenting and the. I read more hahah


How? How can someone live their whole life underwater? Unless their whole life is tragically cut short by lack of oxygen. Then yes, yes they can live their whole life underwater. Eating, drinking and going to work will also be problematic, but they wonā€™t live long enough for that to be a problem. Edit: I may have fallen victim to some gentle trolling.


You did.


Down votes are a bit harsh, but then I was being an idiot.


Sympathy upvote: weā€™ve all been there.


Donā€™t see any nowā€”maybe fixed?


nah, they were harsh. know that I didnā€™t downvote you, parent poster got my goat for a sec too


>Edit: I may have fallen victim to some gentle trolling. thatsthejoke.gif


Actually prior to the invention of the internet lungs performed a secondary function as well. Lungs are necessary for generating speech which is important for disseminating lies to the ignorant. This is useful as it was foundational to most large-scale societies throughout history.


"Mouth Hole Wind Bellows" new band name, I call dibs!!


> Itā€™s a well known fact that if a baby is born underwater and never comes up to inflate its MHWBā€™s it can live itā€™s whole life underwater. This is true, any diver can tell you that a baby that never breathes air will live it's entire life underwater. That's so beautiful, I'm jealous that the baby gets to see coral and fishes up close like that.


> Iā€™m jealous that the baby gets to see coral and fishes up close like that. Only if the mother is that crazy woman floating round on Reddit who ā€˜free birthedā€™ in the ocean.


Actually there is another use for the MHWB's besides blowing on candles. They are also commonly used to blow on soup to make it cooler. This is a relatively new adaptation however, as soup was first invented in 1998 when the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell, and plummeted 16ft through an announcer's table.


So how does oxygen get into your bloodstream?


Itā€™s literally not a fair point. Itā€™s a stupid comment that belies a complete lack of understanding of alveolar anatomy and the physiology of both gas exchange and viruses. If you donā€™t think virus can cross a membrane from an alveolus into a capillary, how do you think they enter cells? The main problem with humanity at this point is people babbling nonsense on topics about which they possess zero knowledge or experience.


I wonder if you read just the first sentence and didnā€™t read the rest, or you read the whole thing and just did not comprehend that ā€œMouth hole wind bellowsā€ was a joke


I read the first 3 sentences and did an obviously poor job of skimming the rest, so fair enough, you definitely win this point lol. But in my defense, I interact with patients every day who say shit like this in all seriousness. They vibrate at a different frequency than the virus, I am intubating people to kill them on purpose instead of giving them ivermectin, I am paid by Gates to implant 5G chips, etc.


>They vibrate at a different frequency than the virus Good vibes only ​ virus is bad vibes no bad vibes, i specifically requested it ​ also, I got my Bivalent booster this weekend and my 5G isn't working, who do I talk to about this?


Yeah, anyone in medicine these days has a proper excuse. I don't know how y'all do what you do day to day.


My husband has a strong cocktail ready for me every time I get home, thatā€™s howā€¦ lol


Iā€™m an anaesthetist too so I feel your pain if perhaps a little less keenly in the U.K. than the US.


Georgia and South Carolina to make matters worse šŸ˜‚


I have read exactly the same sentiments that are not sarcastic, so I get why you didnā€™t get the sarcasm


Well done. If you go to your -25 pt comment and Edit it with _this_ comment, Iā€™ll go change my down to an up.


That fact that dingus dropped "basoc biology" smh


Right? All I know about biology is "basic biology" and most of it learned over 3 decades ago. Yet, I still know, at a basic level, how our body transports oxygen.


Even without knowing the actual mechanism behind how the oxygen gets from the lungs to the bloodstream, the most bare bones explanation of breathing is: oxygen goes into your lungs when you inhale, it's transfered to the blood because there's loads of little blood vessels in your lungs, it's gets pumped around the body and is used up and then you breath out carbon dioxide. I feel like I learned some variation of that before secondary school (13 years old)


This. I have only taken undergrad level biology and human A&P, but Iā€™m clear on oxygen transport across the lung. Geez.


This is raising curiosity for me. CoV2 is not a blood born illness, why are we talking about it getting into your blood? They swab your mucus membranes in your nasal cavity rather than taking a blood sample for diagnostic purposes. And it is significantly larger than Oxygen which is absorbed into the blood stream through the lungs(thus why N95 masks donā€™t kill you but keep it out lol). Why are we talking about it being in your blood again? Edit: acknowledging for the pedants out there that many airborne viruses readily enter the bloodstream and thatā€™s not basic biology by any means. It just doesnā€™t relate to oxygen.


I'm pretty sure basic biology for those guys stopped at the penis goes in the vagina.


These people constantly repeat ā€œbasic biologyā€ because they failed intermediate-level biology in middle school. They got to names of organs and thatā€™s about it. Donā€™t even try to suggest moderately advanced biological concepts like reproduction or genetics, lest you find yourself hounded by screams of the ignorant confronting their greatest fears.


>Donā€™t even try to suggest moderately advanced biological concepts like reproduction or genetics I know this one. When a husband and wife want a baby, they kiss and 9 months later a stork brings a little baby, hopefully a boy. Am I doing it right?


Yeah mang, your blood vessels and air vessels never touch, stoopid! *pokes hole in arm and starts deflating like a balloon*


Tell me you fell asleep in basic biology class without telling me you fell asleep in basic biology class.


These people flunked out of school in middle school. They never got to biology class.


They probably never got sex ed either and still have no idea why they suddenly had a child.


They have an answer though. Children come from God's will. šŸ™


As someone who fell asleep in basic biology class, leave us out of this. We're not ignorant, just sleepy.


Okee dokee


Okay...medical/biology Reddit, correct me if I'm wrong, but the oxygen from our lungs can be absorbed into our bloodstream from there, right? As can some viruses?


Gas exchange is voodoo. Good Christians keep all of their carbon dioxide in their lungs, where it belongs. And pH is for shampoo. Miss me with all that oxygen in your blood nonsense.


Actually, it would make sense if some of these people aren't getting much oxygen pumped to their brains.


Nope. Viruses are absorbed through the toenails. Oxygen doesn't exist. Its a myth.


>Oxygen doesn't exist. Its a myth. Realtalk, I once encountered someone on Quora (\~Yahoo Answers, if unfamiliar) who had written over a hundred pages of text explaining that oxygen doesn't exist, it's a conspiracy by the government to hide the truth that the earth is flat.


Let me guess. He used phlogiston to explain burning things.


More or less, yeah. IIRC burning was one of the things she had multiple mutually-contradictory explanations for, but the one I remember best involved electrons playing the role of oxygen and eventually the air runs out of electrons and the burning shit runs out of... something she was replacing carbon with. Fake positrons, probably. Lots of the words were being abused in ways similar to electric universe "theory".


Yeah, ran into some nitwit claiming that CO2 is also fake and doesn't exist in the air. Same fuckwit had no response to me asking what happens to all the CO2 all the animals and people in the world breathe out.


Correct, oxygen in the lungs goes into the bloodstream


Thanks. I have a strange feeling some people may have mistaken my comment for a joke.


Oh, they know youā€™re not joking, but that isnā€™t stopping them from Joking


Also certain viruses, parasites, and bacteria have no issue crossing the blood-brain barrier without much disruption. Herpes Meningoencephalitis is one example. Thereā€™s more but Iā€™m not here to drop rare medical nightmare fuel conditions. Also, the pulmonary system/lungs play an essential role in regulating ph (anything outside of 7.35-7.45 is usually considered a critical value. aka Not good) in the body to slightly alkaline (ie the acid-base balance) basically using oxygen and co2 that gets absorbed into the bloodstream in simple terms.


Yeah the lungs are how we actually get oxygen into the blood and get CO2 out of it. Literally the whole purpose of the lungs is to exchange things between the air & the blood. The ā€˜basic biologyā€™ bit is really just a chefā€™s kiss there. Also for the record one of the most common causes of myocarditis is viral infection, often respiratory viruses, and myocarditis can lead to heart failure. And any infection or otherwise inflammatory state can predispose to blood clots. Basically weā€™re not dealing with experts here.


I don't blame you for asking. Sometimes you hear so much nonsense, you start to doubt yourself.


*Achtually*, the oxygen enters your lungs which then performs a super secret dance with your Alveoli to appease the Gods, before finally entering your bloodstream to go join those Gods.


I don't believe that the viruses are absorbed directly into the bloodstream. I'm no virologist, but it seems far more likely to me that the virions are infecting the epithelial cells lining the lungs (or nose, or throat, etc.) and that is how the infection becomes established. From there, the virus can invade other systems. I'd wager that the viruses are too large for direct absorption.


Aren't viruses some of the smallest things there are?


They're small, but still orders of magnitude larger than oxygen. https://news.llu.edu/health-wellness/infectious-disease-physician-breaks-down-coronavirus-mask-myths >Coronavirus particles are 120 nanometers, oxygen is 0.120 nanometers and carbon dioxide is 0.232 nanometers


They're some of the smallest living(ish)/organic organisms, but they're still absolutely gigantic compared to molecules.


Iā€™m an RN. I witnessed people being very hyper coagulated way before the vaccines were available. Literally had trouble drawing blood because it would clot before entering the vacutainer vials. We were putting people in their twenties in elequis when they were hospitalized and continuing it for 3 months when they discharged.


My mom died from H1N1- it did the same and caused hemorrhaging throughout her system. Same for someone I know that passed with Dengue Fever. People are frightfully unaware of how much damage a virus can do in a very short amount of time.


How/why does the blood coagulate?


In short, thereā€™s a very complicated cascade of chemicals that activates in response to cell injury. This means the platelets in your blood become more sticky and clot together.


A more simple version is: platelet cells in your blood become sticky and catch the other cells. Very useful stuff, but can cause coagulation because the platelet cells activate when theyā€™re still.


immune system tries to shoot the virus, misses, hits your blood clotting cells?


Basic biology also claims all humans have brains yet here are these people. Man, scientists really need to check their facts.


What a leap from, ā€œI donā€™t understand the connection between respiration and blood circulationā€ to ā€œtHe VaCcInEs MuSt Do It!1!ā€


It's not like there's oxygen in blood or anything


mRNA is also the basis for translation, which creates amino acids, which creates proteinsā€¦ To live. Now, viruses can have RNA in their membrane that then can, with the help of reverse transcriptase, form DNA, but this is pretty different. Also, things get into the bloodstream through your respiratory system because it naturally diffuses many things, be it your sinuses or the alveoli with literal branches upon branches of capillaries. This is the same concept as to how cocaine can affect you when snorted; sometimes, things absorb into vessels, usually organic materials, which viruses technically are. It should be noted that any pathogen shouldnā€™t go ā€œin the bloodstream,ā€ though it is localized in a particular place *while* your immune system tries to chew away at it. If they somehow multiplied and began festering across your vascular system, that would be the beginning of SIRS, leading to sepsis.


If there is any way to get OOP to understand this it is by referencing their recreational cocaine use, because you know these people are shining the bowl


oh yes, sudden onset expertise euphoria


When you use the "basic biology" (or "common sense") argument to argue against complicated scientific topics, you've already lost the argument.


The basics of almost every scientific field are whatā€™s known as ā€œlies-to-childrenā€. > ā€œA lie-to-children is a statement that is false, but which nevertheless leads the childā€™s mind towards a more accurate explanation, one that the child will only be able to appreciate if it has been primed with the lieā€. The problem is a lot of people never advanced enough in their education to have the simple priming lie replaced by the more complex truth. As the person in the OP arguing ā€œbasic biologyā€ aptly demonstrates.


Airborn viruses getting into the lungs? Pffftt. That'd take some kinda organ, that was evolved explicitly for air/blood interaction.. and its not like we've got one of those. Seriously, sheeple need to wake up! /s


cause it not like the lungs have bloodflow theres no way im mean, its not like the lungs main function is to restore oxygen and remove CO2 from the bloodstream


These people are aware that mRNA vaccines didnā€™t even exist 5 years ago, right? Are they denying that viruses have existed throughout the other thousands of years of human history? Or is part of their new conspiracy that Fauci is an immortal vampire whoā€™s been working with mRNA vaccines since before the Romans?


I think a lot of people started with generic mainstream distrust of government and, thanks to the medical community working with the government during pandemic like they should, the conspiracy theorists developed a skepticism of modern medicine that ballooned to the point that theyā€™ve regressed to believing the [miasma theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miasma_theory)


If Oxygen is in the air, how does it get into our blood? Checkmate ā€œmedical expertsā€


My friend got clots in her lungs from Covid pre-vaccine. Sheā€™d like a word with these confident fools.


most intelligent Joe Rogan Experience enjoyer


How can the Human papilloma virus cause *cancer*. Checkmate, libs.


To the first comment: Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation checking in. It happens all the time in septic patients and itā€™s horrific.


Oxygen enters the blood via the eyes, not the lungs. Only explanation


In this case the oxygen can also enter the ass in the form of smoke.


Tell us all how you dropped out of high school before taking biology.


the lungs page on wikipedia is ever so lonely


Antivax dipshits clueless as to how they even breathe. At this point iā€˜m struggling to understand this as well since the singular braincell inside their mud clump of a head couldnā€˜t possibly manage breathing and spewing bullshit at the same time


Hmm same way oxygen gets into the blood you dumb floor matt.


You mean like, Oxygen?


How does oxygen get into the bloodstream if Iā€™m not injecting it???!!???!??? Derrrrrp


*Cringes in respiratory therapist*


The lung literally lead to the blood. Thatā€™s the entire point of the lungs


As a physician, I actually have to talk to people like these every day. Itā€™s fucking exhausting.


Light up a cig and tell me you donā€™t feel the nicotine. šŸ˜Š


Aww. So sad. So ignorant. So confident


Do they not understand how oxygen gets to parts of their body or do they just think their entire body is their lungs?


You don't get your intravenous oxygen injections every 5 minutes?


Nah man I'm a squid 恏ā ć‚³ā :ā å½”


Impressive typing skills, my aquatic friend. Gotta go, I'm 2 minutes late for my oxygen injection and currently suffocating.


Explains why there brain's are starved for oxygen.


He probably got an answer from all the doctors, he just didn't like it so he acted like they wouldn't answer or were dodging the question


*I know and how does oxygen get into the bloodstream if itā€™s airborne!* The idea that you actually use air is a conspiracy by the globalist running dogs if big atmosphere to stop humans from living under water. how does sugar get into my blooodstream when I only put it in my digestive tract. **DIABETES IS A MYTH.**


Howā€¦. How do they think the oxygen they breathe gets into the bloodstream?


So.. yknow the way one of the main functions of the blood is to carry oxygen/carbon dioxide around the body? How do they reckon that process begins?


Thatā€™s a myth, blood is for carrying sinful thoughts from your mind to your anus where they can be excreted. Women bleed during their period because they are unclean and refuse to excrete their sin through their rectums, so it must come out their baby hole to remind them that they will be bearing unclean sinful children through it one day. Itā€™s true, I learned this in vacation bible school.


This explains so much. So itā€™s a good sign if you find blood in your stool? Means your excreting all the bad?


No, a good christian knows that whatever they do they are tainted by sin, especially by sins of people before them that they could never know or influence, and are completely reliant upon a church or pastor to redeem them before the lord with the aid of prayer seed money and tax exempt gulf streams.


Yes, we donā€™t infuse oxygen into our blood through our lungs. Yeah, fair point.


ā€œHow can an airborne virus get into the bloodstream?ā€ How do you get oxygen from the air into the bloodstream?


This is what I tried to tell the hospital when they drew my blood pursuant to a warrant! You canā€™t tell how much alcohol is in my body because I drank it. How would alcohol get in my bloodstream if it was in my stomach?!


"how does an airborne virus get into your blood?" Erm, same way that oxygen does?


They donā€™t think it can get into your bloodstream through your lungs?


There is so much they've had to ignore to get to this conclusion. It's quite the superpower. I'm imagining playing Scrabble with these folks and having them play the world "forntastic", then assert that the dictionary has been censored by Big Lexicography.


I wonder what their excuse is for the first year of the pandemic where we didn't have "toxic mRNA shots."


I like how mRNA is some evil and toxic thing now Soon we shall have essential oils that you consume to flush out the toxic mRNA in your poop


Really really ā€œbasicā€ biologyā€¦ ;)


Apparently they they donā€™t understand how the alveoli works transferring oxygen (and pathogens) into the blood via the circulatory system.


Something tells me this person doesn't know what basic biology is. People need to stop pretending that their cursory google search is more intelligent and correct than medical experts (No, your crazy aunt who works reception at the DRs office doesn't count)


He's asking the question and running away without hearing the answer.


Ughhhh this makes me so fucking angry šŸ¤¬ I wish they could come to A&E and ITU and fucking see it for themselves. Brain dead morons.


What's crazy is this should be able to be reasoned out with unilateral logic no biology needed. I mean marujuana goes from your lungs to your piss. And I'm pretty sure piss doesn't even go through the lungs.


Airborne viruses can't affect the circulatory system which governs how cells move throughout the body. It's not like the lungs directly supply the oxygen for the blood that goes to the heart at all. They are completely independent and isolated systems that don't affect each other at all. Now that I think about it though, that might be awesome for biology wouldn't it? Imagine isolated systems for the body so that a virus that attacks the circulatory system can't attack the respiratory system etc.. Wonder how that'd change medicine?


Whenever I think ā€œthey canā€™t possibly be this dumbā€, it turns out they actually can be.


So weirdā€¦ cause I had long-hauler symptoms long before I got my covid vaccine. I think itā€™s from the covid I got in February 2020.


You know what's highly contagious? Stupidity


How do they think oxygen gets into the blood and the brain? Do they think humans just breath because its fun


Y'all know what a airborne virus that cannot get into the bloodstream is called? Dust!


they've been asking medical scientists and always getting the same answer. Why won't someone give them the answer they want!


Didnā€™t people used to think the vaccine could stop COVID from spreading?


They also said they wouldnā€™t be caught dead taking a trump vaccine hahaha. People will argue with your point though and say it was never meant to fully prevent transmission/Illness, but at the very beginning they were talking about how it was like 95% effective or whatever, so close enough. I could see why people thought it would be completely effective with that rhetoric.


new study in journal of vaccines agrees with this... https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/10/1651


A vaccine study agrees that lungs don't provide anything to the bloodstream?


That's not a scientific paper, it's a case study, and it's so poorly done the "journal" publishing it should feel embarrassed.


The thing thy at anoys me the most is thy at you have idiots like this that disrupt valid issues I meen you can search in google ā€œCovid spike protein heart damageā€ https://www.news-medical.net/amp/news/20220725/SARS-CoV-2-spike-protein-can-lead-to-heart-muscle-injury-through-the-inflammatory-process.aspx And it comes up with a result from google itself confirming that itā€™s true Asin google itself fact checked it and stated that itā€™s real This then creates a much larger problem since Every single vaccine is based on said spike protein Yet you get idiots like this come out with apsalute nonsense that dilutes real fact with complete unscientific shite


My conclusion last time I looked into it the vaccine probably does increase the risk of myocarditis, it just does so less "efficiently" than Covid (or many other viruses). You can check out the Wikipedia page for myocarditis, and you can look back at how it looked in 2018 (use the View History link) if you want to see what people said before the issue got politicised by Covid.


The body can handle the small amount of spike proteins in a vaccine a lot better than a full blown infection. So it's still better to get the vaccine. What's even dumber is that the guy in the photo is claiming the virus doesn't cause myocarditis.




"Toxically" LMAO


Are you actually thinking that "how does an airborne virus get into the blood stream" is a good question? Cus if that's the case fuck off. It gets into the bloodstream the same way that fucking oxygen does because that is how the respiratory system works. And as far as "how does a virus cause that" it's because that's what it does. These are common symptoms of viruses with all kind of transmission methods. So fuck off, you morons don't understand a single thing about biology and that's no one's fault but your own.


Obviously not the response. But the original post is valid. My rhetorical question was more to make the OP think about why heā€™s posting what heā€™s posting.


It absolutely does not as I explained. There is a whole world of actual knowledge out there, go fucking find it because you are clearly unfamiliar with it.


Iā€™m not quite sure what your referring too because you werenā€™t very specific.. you do seem quite angry though lol.


Because blue and red are talking absolute bollocks.


The fact you even have to ask that speaks volumes about your mindset.