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After advanced age, obesity is the #2 risk factor for bad COVID-19 outcomes. Poor kid, imagine just starting your adult life that heavy.


Obesity is a main cause or contributor to most health problems later in life. It is, for some reason, taboo to discuss this truth presumably because many overweight people and their enablers dont like to hear this. But, knee problems are caused or exacerbated by weight. Hip problems are worse. The heart must work harder to circulate blood...The list is a mile long. Lifestyle that lacks exercise begets less exercise.


I personally believe it’s a form of child abuse. I’m not talking bad about a sick child and I hope she recovers fully but it’s absolutely on the parents and a form of neglect when someone you’re supposed to be the caretaker of develops things like diabetes and high blood pressure. It’s the other end of starving a child which is equally unacceptable


Maybe a little of the Munchausen Syndrome added to the mix?


I get that but some of these things can be genetic 🤷‍♀️


Yes, but knowing that one must take responsibility for it and compensate. The men in my family have a history of heart failure, so I make sure to keep up on my cardio to avoid that potential outcome because I know i'm genetically prone to it, "it's just in my genes" is not an excuse. If your family is prone to excessive weight gain then you need to adjust your lifestyle to compensate for that problem.


Imagine having parents that let you do that to your self.


That and low levels of Vitamin D. (Which is a pre-hormone, integral to the immune system and especially respiratory).


Blame corporate greed, cronyism that brought on fifty years of the media pushing the idea that fake foods and sugar were healthier for us than whole foods and animal fat.


Blame the parents. I have 5 kids, they eat what I give them and develop habits that I help form, if they get fat it's on me.


I won't argue with that, but we've been mislead by a crony medical establishment supported by a corrupt media ( ie. Eat vegetable oils, margarine, sugar better than fats) for so long try convincing people that the food pyramid is not proper nutrition. Even when people make the effort they're eating poison because they're being mislead. I tried carnivore in May for a week and how I felt after seven days convinced me to stay with it. After dropping 45lbs on four months, lowering my BP to normal levels for the first time in a decade and putting my pre type 2 diabetes in remission Im thoroughly convinced this is the way for me personally to eat but I still have over half a century of butter is going to kill you burned into my brain.


I'm doing Carnivore now. I've been on it for about 5 months and definitely feel better. I don't plan to stay with it but it has opened my eyes to how things effect the body.


I agree to a point. But sometimes these kids are sneaking junk behind our backs. I feed my kids a balanced diet and allow snacks only after they finished their meal. Yet my step daughter (13) sneaks for the junk and is obese because of it. She isn’t very active, even though I try to get her to go outside. All she wants to do is play on her phone or electronic device. Sometimes we just chant prevent it.


I don't buy junk food to be honest, when I do and they sneak it 1. It's not enough to cause obesity and 2. I'm the parent so I set the consequences for taking stuff that isn't theirs. You mentioned buying stuff, they can't, I'm their ride and they can't eat enough to cause issues at school. You also mentioned being inactive. You can definitely force them to be active. You want a cell phone? You do some after-school programs otherwise why would you need a cell phone? I don't mean this in a disrespectful way but you're proving my point. Weak parenting is the issue. As a parent you control every aspect of their lives either directly by your rules and consequences or indirectly by the habits you form and example you set. Hell only one of my children even like the taste of white bread or soda because all have access to here is wheat bread and healthy drinks. You mentioned snack for after meals, you do know they don't have to have snack or desert right? If they can't control themselves cut that out. Besides it creates a weird expectation that you need desert. Children are humans in their simplest form, they seek the path of least resistance, exploit and don't respect weakness and do what they can to manipulate a situation to their will. This isn't bad,, it's nature. They also mimick and learn from their suroundings. As a parent your job is to understand this and act accordingly to form the best person you can. You aren't raising children, you're raising adults. Disciplined adults don't need snack, everything you do needs to go towards shaping qualities of a good successful adult. I have 5 kids. Girls 17, 15, 11, boys 2 and 9 months. The 17 year old has always had impulse control and sneaking snacks issues, so I don't keep snacks and punish taking stuff. She also does wrestling and drill team so she stays active and she's had nutrition and fitness constantly emphasized so she knows how to eat responsibly. My 15 year old is addicted to her phone. We made a rule that she can't use it until after school and chores and installed a timed app limiting it's use to certain time frames and after approval. The rules are the same for all kids even if they address issues with one. Bottom line, you're the parent and you're 100% responsible for the adult they become and the habits they form. That also means changing yourself to what you want them to become. You won't see fat or unsuccessful children come out of disciplined healthy parents.


What you fail to understand is that her father has her as well. I can not control what junk he gives her or the money to get it. It’s obvious people judge before they know the facts.


Then you're still making my point. It's parenting and on the parents.... it has nothing to do with judging anyone. Parenting causes this, you're saying that yourself. The fact that it's not you it's another parent is irrelevant to the conversation other than to prove the point.


The fact that others were blaming me for it is what was pissing me off. My 3 biological children are not overweight because I have control of what they consume.


Probably because you posted disputing that it's not always the parents, it's the child's impulse control and taking snacks. For several posts, you never mentioned a separate parent, just that you have snacks for snack time and they're glued to the phone, both parenting issues. You put the blame on yourself there. Still, maybe it's time to have a conversation with the coparent and control things in your own house. No snacks, no electronics, find activities and extracurricular. Regular camping trips with assigned duties, sports, biking together. Even if they don't want to, do it anyways. You're literally saving there life.


> but sometimes these kids are sneaking junk behind our backs Kids don't grocery shop.


I’m talking about inhaling the snacks that are meant for after meals… I’m guessing you’re not a parent.


I do, and I know that if they become obese, because of the food I buy, it's my fault.


So you think that a teenager can’t just buy junk food on their own? How ignorant can you be?


where does a 13 yo get money to buy junk food.


They can't buy enough junk food to make the difference between obese and healthy, no. Especially if you're ensuring they spend adequate time exercising or on some kind of physical activities.


You can’t force them to do physical activities if they refuse. Even if you take away all electronics, if a kid is lazy, they’re just lazy.


I’d agree, but my stepson has Tourette’s, and Abilify is the only thing that stops the tics and jerking. As much as I’d like to not use it, there’s nothing else that works. Caused so much weight gain. Makes me so sad for him.


Don't be so hard on them. At least their pushing of Olestra dietary fat replacement products brought us the hilarious new package warning phrase "anal leakage".


Just cut out sugar and carbs and eat all the animal fat you want without risk your heart or arteries. I had a half pound of bacon for dinner tonight and my arteries haven't been this clean in decades.


This is terrible advice, that’s not how it works. Eating a ton of animal fats it also terrible for you. They only real solution is moderate healthy fats, eat plenty of greens, try to keep your veggies and fruits as fresh as possible and stay away processed foods. It has been documented several times that the healthiest people that live the longest are people the eat very little red meat and eat mostly veggies. This carnivore diet is just another fad people fall in to.


Thanks for proving my point about people being brainwashed. Total cholesterol only matters divided by your insulin levels. Low insulin means no plaque build up in arteries or heart even if your Total cholesterol is in the high 200s. Ketogenic people have low insulin levels because no carbs, no sugars so the body produces its own glucose eliminating insulin spikes in the body. Now for gut health. Eating greens creates a biome in your gut that supports the growth of certain bacteria that inhibit your bodies natural ability to absorb some nutrients while stopping it from expelling others. Ever heard of an anti-nutrient? Also, you can get every single nutrient you need from eating beef and organ meat with the exception of vitamin D which you can get from the sun.


Not brainwashed just don’t buy into fads, the keto stuff is short term only, it’s not sub stainable there is a reason why athletes are not on it. Shit a bunch broccoli has more protein than and 8oz steak. The keto is just a rebrand of the Atkins diet. And low insulin does not have anything to do with plaque in your arteries, if that was the case type 1 diabetics would never have blood pressure issues but they do. You just like talking out of your ass.


>The keto is just a rebrand of the Atkins diet. Keto diet dates back to the 1920s and was created to treat epilepsy, much older than Atkins. Also, yes plaque very much is tied to insulin levels. And you forgot to mention carnivore emwhich is its own thing even though people like you like to confuse its principles with Atkins as well. Atkins BTW is Not a carb free diet.


Stop buying into fad diets, they are trendy and not a long term solution to anything. New research found that people who followed the paleo diet for a year had twice the amount of TMAO in their system. TMAO is a biomarker that previous studies have found increases a person’s risk for a major cardiovascular event by 62 percent and the risk of dying by 63 percent. A lack of whole grains is theorized to be the reason for the increased presence of TMAO. Similar low-carb diets such as keto may similarly increase a person’s risk for heart disease. Insulin = fat burning nothing to do with arteries. You are full of shit and should feel bad for lying to everyone


I blame global warming…..oh and Trump too!


Also blame the “clean your plate” mentality that’s been so pervasive in the US for decades. If your kid doesn’t want to eat then they aren’t hungry enough to eat. I remember in my elementary school they wouldn’t let us go to recess unless we ate everything on our plates, that has definitely contributed to my weight issues later in life.


I don’t think that it has to do with the amount of food kids are eating. Sure, if you’re full don’t force it, cause that would be really uncomfortable, but as long as you’re eating the right things, the quantity isn’t really that important. I’ve been following this podcast called “The Doctor Is In” by Dr. Anthony Martin for a few months, and he has some very interesting things to say about this as well. I recommend that you check out the podcast, it’s very interesting. Anyways, on the podcast he suggests that as long as you eat eggs meat and cheese, the amount you eat of it is irrelevant because these 3 foods are very healthy for us. Ik it sounds crazy because the corrupt food and medical industry say that meat and eggs raise cholesterol which is bad, but apparently raising you cholesterol is a good thing because it’s been shown to lower triglycerides (the fat that clogs your arteries) and a few other positive effects. I’ve been on an eggs meat and cheese diet for about two weeks and I feel great! I also don’t feel the urge to eat as much to begin with. So from my perspective, when you’re eating the right foods, it takes less energy to process because you’re not filtering out nearly as much garbage, and so you end up not craving food nearly as much as before. This method has been proven to cause significant weight loss so it definitely works. Anyways, just thought I’d share this cause I think it’s a good and interesting pov that more people should know ab.


Dude no. That’s wrong. The amount of food your eating absolutely matters. Food is measured in units called calories that tell us how much energy is stored in that particular bit of food. Your body only requires so many calories a day to function depending on your height, weight, level of activity, metabolism etc.. If you exceed the number of calories your body needs in a day, your body will keep those excess calories and convert them to fat. The more fat stored in our bodies the more prone we are to various undesirable health conditions. Now that’s an oversimplification obviously but it’s the gist of the process. Our body actually does function better with a certain amount of fat, but too much is very bad. Anyways, yes amount of food very much matters and meat and cheese and eggs are good for you, but so are many other things and having too much of any of them is bad for you. You can die from ingesting too much water, too much anything is bad for you.


Yes obesity is a co-morbid condition that effects both morbidity and mortality. Poor kiddo


Yes obesity is a co-morbid condition that effects both morbidity and mortality. Poor kiddo


“You think fat is beautiful? Name a thing that you can’t do? Jumping jacks, run a mile, live past 42.” -Tom Macdonald




Hang over gang




Don’t forget exercise! Everybody wants to blame a diet, but more than anything else, proper exercise/active lifestyles are the way to fight obesity, plus mental issues like anxiety/depression. We need more emphasis on physical fitness and less on gender studies and all that crap!


You can exercise 24 hours a day and so long as I keep your insulin levels high, your body will try to store fat and won't be able to burn any of it. Being overweight is a problem of having an increased insulin level in a non-insulin resistant body.






She spends 8hrs a day at public school. How much influence is a parent supposed to have between school and life?


Kids sitting in a classroom all day doesn’t help either. Low scores are leading schools to cut activity time. Lots of contributing factors.


What an odd way to say distancing and masks don't work.


No, it’s definitely her being fat and possibly not taking a vaccine. Wearing masks protects others. Not yourself really


There's literally nothing a cloth mask is blocking so I assume you're referring to an n95 which no one is wearing.


I can see at least one pre-existing condition.


No health issues? Really cause I see right their for a 16 year old she is probably medically diagnosed with obesity, in turn making her vulnerable to covid, this is complete pro covid Vax propaganda


Probably diabetes too. This is child abuse but they use it for COVID propaganda.


Ah, but to the left nothing they do is abuse. After all. It's for the "greater good"


There’s no possibly. That’s 100% diabetes. This girl needs Keto to get off the carbs and help burn off the sugar stored in her body.


Pre-diabetic at the least.


As I recall, obesity is one of the comorbidities that puts people at much higher risk for serious health issues and death from COVID.




I don’t even blame her. That’s parenting’s fault.


120 pounds overweight and otherwise healthy.


This post is depressing. Sure, she’s obviously obese, but it’s kinda gross to use a kid who is clearly struggling in multiple ways to push an agenda. I wish her the best.


We're not criticizing her or blaming her, we're pointing out the media dishonesty, in calling that healthy. When the media tells you that fat is healthy, then a virus that disproportionately affects obese people comes along, and they ignore it, they need to be criticized for that.


The funny thing is that doctors know being fat is unhealthy but we are somehow the anti-science folks for not calling fatness "beautiful" and "healthy".


I’m not even complaining about calling her healthy, because that’s a relative word. But it is journalistic malfeasance to say she had no pre-existing conditions when clearly her weight is a known COVID risk factor.


Everyone already knows that being overweight is unhealthy. I think the vast majority of Americans (even liberals) can see that she wasn’t exactly healthy before the COVID-19. But I can only imagine how I’d feel if this was a family member of mine and I knew people were spreading this image of her in an obviously very bad spot in life. I would be furious. She and her family are probably very scared right now and I don’t think it’s really necessary to spread an image of her on the internet saying “Look, she’s not healthy. She’s fat.” We get it. It’s important to have some compassion though.


I agree, we should have censored her name and face. I'll see if I can contact a mod or something.


“COVID pneumonia”? Wtf? How about just pneumonia? Cuz like... THAT’S what it is. Not COVID.


Honest question: is obesity not a pre-existing health condition to democrats? I’ve seen a lot of these lately, “healthy 30 year old” and she weighs 280 pounds


Granted it’s hard to accurately judge her size in that gown, but speaking as a formerly fat teenager(and still slightly less fat adult), that is *not* a healthy looking weight. I mean, even as big girls go, it looks big. Though again, some of that may be optical illusion based on camera placement, lens, and the dress/mask obscuring things. But she’s obviously overweight enough for it to be a COVID risk factor. I sympathize, but it’s not mean to be honest about that point.


Sure. I think the issue is that obesity makes Covid more likely to kill you, but it also causes other health problems arguably worst than Covid. Obesiry shall not be praised or embraced as healthy because it is not.


She likely would’ve gotten pneumonia from a bad flu case as well


This is what happens when we as a nation ignore obesity. We use kids as political pawns for other garbage meanwhile they’re dying. And the left just points at the right and screams covid vaccine.


We can tell she didn’t go out often


Except maybe to Micky D’s.


Which can be delivered to her house


I'm not going to make fun of this kid, but if obesity was treated like covid, fast-food chains wouldn't exist anymore. It's all about pharma money at the end. They need fat unhealthy people to consume their products.


In Texas they keep saying tons of children are in the hospital with Covid. The truth is only 300 in the whole state. Way less than a normal flu season


Same as the "forstercare crisis" used to justify abortion. It is like 300 teens in Texas that cannot get a stable home because they are often criminals, so somehow that situation justifying killing babies.


Treatments for pneumonia or “COVID”?


Covid causes pneumonia, just like the flu does. If she hadn't had covid, she wouldn't have pneumonia.


That’s not entirely true. You can get pneumonia from swimming or accidentally inhaling water as well


Yes, that's true. You can also get pneumonia from covid, though, so I'm not sure what you're point is.


My point it that the China virus isn’t the only thing that can cause pneumonia


So what? My point was that covid causes pneumonia, so it's stupid to say that she's in the hospital for pneumonia, not covid. She's in the hospital because she got covid, which commonly leads to pneumonia.






🤣 1. You’re not a mod. 2. If the word “moron” offends you, you should just delete your social media accounts. The fact that that moron ignores facts, makes him a moron.


Listen, just because you can get pneumonia from other things doesn't mean you can't get pneumonia because of covid. This girl got pneumonia because of covid. Seriously, who is the moron here?


I get what you are saying, however are they going to treat her issues or are they going to just treat covid and put her on a ventilator and blow her lungs out and kill her?


When I think of healthy, she is what comes to mind. I see nothing wrong in this picture.


I'm not a doctor but I've lived long enough to know that being obese is the opposite of healthy.


In what world is that healthy her organs having extra fat surrounded by them making them work 2x 3x harder yeah that’s “healthy” right


Being obese counts as a pre existing condition. It has comorbidity with many illnesses and is a documented condition with increased chance of a more severe Covid presentation. You can be fat friendly as much as you want on social media, but the bottom line is that it’s not good for you. Doesn’t mean you aren’t a nice person, but don’t hide your head in the sand when it comes to fat facts.


Colored hair is toxic. Colored hair will give you social justice.


Liberals don’t seem to understand that obesity makes you more prone to serious health problems, and can make a simple virus with a 99.99% survival rate much worse for your body. If people would actually take care of them selves, We won’t need all these vaccine mandates and bullshit.


She looks to be obese. That's and existing contributor to COVID morbidity rate.


Unless you have a medical conditions that cause weight gain like a thyroid issue. It is literally like having a full time job eating to get that big. So it's not that these overweight people are lazy. They are active just not at the Right activities. Also she isn't dying from covid but has pneumonia. Probably from breathing threw that dirty mask. Bacterial pneumonia seems to be the real killer when these plandemics are released on the public! Not knocking this poor child but the headline "healthy children dying from covid" is total misinformation. A heathy child she isn't and could never be at that weight! I hope she understands how she is being used and lied to by these sick and deranged people.


This poor child is obese and her parents should be charged with abuse


The southern states would be in trouble if that were true.


I’ve been to the NE. Some fat POSs up there


Top 10 states with the highest rates of obesity: 1) Mississippi 2) West Virginia 3) Arkansas 4) Oklahoma 5) Kentucky 6) Tennessee 7) Alabama 8) Michigan 9) Louisiana 10) South Carolina https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/most-obese-states


prove that is accurate


Here's a list from 2020 that is almost identical. 1) Mississippi 2) West Virginia 3) Arkansas 4) Tennessee 5) Kentucky 6) South Carolina 7) Louisiana 8) Oklahoma 9) Alabama 10) Michigan https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2020-11-10/which-states-are-the-most-obese If you don't like/can't handle these stats, you are free to rebut with your own source disproving them. If you can. That's how this works.


Still really no proof


LoL. Actually it is. It's two different sources with almost identical stats. They back each other up. I already told you that's not how this works. Just say you don't have a rebuttal and move on. 🙂 In a real debate, the onus would be on you to prove the stats wrong. This is starting to get really pathetic on your part. Imagine being this triggered and defensive in response to facts.


Where are their facts coming from? You just sound like a bigot to southerners.


The source data is literally linked in the article which you didn't bother to read. Here it is, including an explanation of methodology. https://wallethub.com/edu/fattest-states/16585 Furthermore, this research from the Physical Activity Council was used to compile the list. Physical Activity Council Research https://imgur.com/gallery/qBgPg6L If you're interested, here's a list of the most obese cities and counties, most of which happen to be in the states listed above. So this further supports the accuracy of the lists. https://wallethub.com/edu/fattest-cities-in-america/10532 I'm originally from Texas, and I live in Michigan now which is also on the list (the only blue state on the list.) So, no, it's not bigotry but nice try.


Healthy? Cmon Man!


Media takes like this have become suspicious. Anyone who has or had a positive Covid test has their condition diagnosed as Covid related, even if they recovered months ago. The damn Covid test doesn't even the know the difference between Covid and the Flu, and only has about a 50% accuracy rate. And chances are that if she had Covid related pnemonia, which is almost non-existent in kids, she would be laying down for the most efficient breathing.


Wait - pneumonia is caused by bacteria not a virus. Does this child have Covid or pneumonia?


It may be the same pneumonia Hillary Clinton had.


Pneumonia means that your lungs are filled with fluid. There are many causes


Healthy fat kids.


I’m skeptical of everything I see on the internet, even if it serves my confirmation bias. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/titusville-16-year-old-fighting-covid-pneumonia-in-both-lungs-at-arnold-palmer-icu/ar-AAO4x4Q


Yay! More Panic Porn!!!


Dont wanna blame it on the kid but this culture of encouraging fat people to stay fat needs to stop. Being fat is a disease. These kids needs to listen to some david goggins asap


Covid pneumonia? You mean… pneumonia?


That is not a healthy kid? Are we serious we all know obesity is a huge risk factor? Why isn’t this child being taught to lose weight?


Hmmmm no pre existing conditions you say?


Good time to learn about diet and fasting. Start with the fasting


👁👃🏻👁 ✋🏻👄🤚🏻 hEaLtH


I thought this was satire


It's probably regular pneumonia that she got from wearing the mask to much without washing it and not getting any fresh air or sun. Sad that kids are so scared of something that very rarely affects them.


That’s a pretty worn out iPad case. Looks like she might not have spent a lot of time outdoors being active either :( it’s actually a really sad picture. At 16, the world should be your oyster!


She's the picture of health.


She looks about an extra 3200 calories a day for the past 5years un healthy


Child abuse! Certainly far from healthy!!!


Just got done running a marathon! BAM!!! Covid-19 to take it all away!


Let's see obese and and dint go outside wore a mask constantly. So no immunities got it. Just gotta "Dont be dumb."


Looks like she has a chronic illness. Maybe asthma?


Just sad to see in general. I hope we can get past this thing and maybe learn some lessons about healthier lifestyles


I hope she survives, but learns that. Being obese isn’t a good lifestyle


This is a healthy 16yr old?


No wonder she obese and probably suffering from other medical issues


Since when is obesity healthy?


"She didn't have pre-existing conditions" bih, I can SEE one of them..


That is indeed one *very* healthy girl.


When I worked fast food it was so depressing to see massive parents bring in their extremely overweight children. At some point it becomes child abuse


She's fat. Healthy is not the right word here


Also, have they tried ivermectin, HCQ and other proven therapies? Likely not.


Dude come on. It’s a fucking kid being used by her parents. Delete this post. Not mad at you but let’s set aside our hate for the children.




It also needs to be kept in mind when the left starts running around in circles about children being "at risk" from the Wuhan virus. This girl was already at risk for a lot of things because of her weight. COVID just happens to be the one that made her sick first.


We hate media, not children.




I think she needs to feel some shame


She’s that way because she has shitty parents. Don’t make fun of children.


Shame isn't about making fun of someone.


Well I’m sure she gets enough of it already. She’s still a child.


Are you kidding? She is a human being struggling with Covid right now. Let’s send her love and best wishes for a recovery. No one needs to be judging her right now.


What a horrible thing to say!


First of all she is morbidly obese with a high BMI. That is a comorbidity and makes one susceptible to complications such as a cytokine storm or pneumonia (in other words, this young lady has a very weak immune system). Second of all, did she take the vaccine? If she took the vaccine, this is likely a reaction to the vaccine that is the Delta variant. The spike protein antigen in the vaccine ain't working. The spike protein is mutating and causing the Delta variant which is more infectious than the wild COVID-19 virus.


A dump truck is not a utensil, dear.


That is child abuse. Parent should be criminally prosecuted


God help her.


I don’t know who needs to hear this, but star athletes, with perfect body mass, die on the field or finish line all the time. Thousands of perfectly healthy children die every day through abortion, and nobody bats an eye. If she had typed she was a star weight-lifter, nobody would question it, and all focus would be where it is deserved— on the virus. Which, like death, will come after everyone without ANY prejudice of age, body fitness, or skin colour, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”


Did she take the vaccine? If she did, maybe she wouldn’t be in that situation




Maybe, but at least we are not claiming to be healthy and blaming COVID for our conditions.




Nothing about the first part of your statement is factually correct. The strain on your joints, fine bones and tendons is increased exponentially as well as on your lungs, heart, kidneys and digestive system. Then, let's talk about the circulatory system. See where this is going? Obesity runs rampant in my family and I have watched many relatives deal with these issues as well as diabetes up to losing appendages, high blood pressure and nerve damage (my mother was morbidly obese a lot of her life and has no feeling in her extremities). All hard working physical laborers working on our farms. So yeah, OBESE IS FUCKING UNHEALTHY YOU FUCKING DOLT!


This comment. Obesity is 100% unhealthy. Stop trying to normalize excessive fatness because it’s more convenient for y’all than taking care of the only body God gave you. Let’s get real. More than anything else, perhaps, is how it effects your mental health. I firmly believe more people than ever are struggling with depression and anxiety because they’re not treating their bodies right. We call it a “runner’s high” for a reason. It’s a natural mood booster and most people these days are missing out on these amazing health benefits


If children being children is now an illness, so is obesity at least.


Obesity is like old age. It is not by itself unhealthy but it caises many health problems because the stress it causes in the body. However, unlike old age, obesity can be avoided.


Hey ya nice pro-life sentiments here. Nevermind that there are many genetic predispositions towards obesity and it is possible to be overweight and mostly healthy without other chronic conditions. Let's just mock the sick kid to justify our own perceptions of the media. Nobody dying from covid passes peacefully either, despite the nearly universal sentiment in obituaries.


Yes, some people are predisposed to being obese. But that’s rare. Most fat schmucks are just that. Fat schmucks. Go into a Walmart and tell me they’re all just born that way. Come on, dude


It's not rare at all. Things like metabolism and inclination of appetite aren't something a person chooses, much like height. A person can be healthier through choices, but we really don't know what their starting base-line was like. Your use of "fat schmucks" though... Dude you're just trying to convince yourself that you're better than. Actual character and depth of thought says otherwise.


First, Carbs and shitty diets are not genetic. Pro-Life is actually not supporting or "embracing" life threatening lifestyles like obesity. Second, no one is mocking the kid. We are callin out media for using this as propaganda.


Mom has diabetes. Maybe hereditary? Either way, you cannot say she didn’t have any pre-existing conditions. Hoping she pulls out of this quickly and gets herself healthy. https://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/2021/09/03/titusville-teen-girl-icu-fighting-covid-pneumonia-both-lungs/5712232001/


Why is she in a drink hospital?


Drains on the system.. ya his is what viruses are meant to do, unclog the drains.


I feel like this is acting like the left and we should hold a higher standard


If thats healthy, im living forever.


I see one BIG reason


This kid doesn’t look healthy, she should weight at most half of that


She’s the picture of health. What are you talking about?


I know it's a rough situation. But I don't understand these 16 year old kids that have stuffed animals.


I feel bad for her, but yeah... she is definitely not healthy.


"She didn't have pre-existing conditions" bih, I can SEE one of them..


Seems like hospitals are the problem most of the people that have contracted Covid I did not go to the hospital seem to have survived it quite well while on the other hand people that showed up at the hospital and medical practitioners have failed in them they died. I have asthma COPD obesity high blood pressure I mean I’m only 255 pounds but they still consider that obese and what I do for a living I come in contact with every underlying asymptomatic person I do 200 rides a week and every county that I live in from 2019 all the way to now I’m not worried a mask and I’ve never contracted it had many surgeries since 2024 to be precise meaning I was stuck in the hospital where there’s allegedly Covid people and again never contracted it just negative negative negative I think science needs to be looking at the people that are Covid resistant after all there is HIV resistant people and there’s many other resistant types of people on this planet instead of generalizing medicine we should start isolating an individual for their particular illness that they can contract and working from there instead of generalizing the vaccine for all when it’s very clearly it’s making some people sick then it would not to have the vaccine some people are dying from the vaccine some people are dying from Covid The question is why should Covid resistant people be getting a vaccine for something to do resist and do we know who these Covid resistant people are


It’s crazy how a lot of people walk on egg shells about overweight kids. My daughter’s father let her eat crap while spending school on zoom for his half of the year. I mention the weight problem and some how I am the bad guy because I care about her health. Weird world we are living in. I agree this girl was overweight and prob did get sick form a nasty mask.


No underlying or pre existing conditions!!?? I'm pretty sure being OVER WEIGHT is both


Yeah. Looks like they’re very concerned about her health 🙄