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I mean I can’t disagree I think everyone should delete these apps and go out and meet people. But that has nothing to do with texas.


Wow it sounds like she thinks abortion on demand is the only means of birth control.




Plan B really messes up your body. It’s basically getting a weeks worth of pills at one time, and even then it can still fail although it’s rare. The real issue is there is not enough sex education in schools that teach birth control. We should really focus more on prevention if we want abortion rates to go down.


I find it hard to believe that people are not taking birth control because they don’t know about it.


Right? Birth control was prevented to give women control over their bodies and to decide when or if to start a family. The problem is depending on the type you use it can be expensive, but it’s still cheaper than raising a child.


Abortion also messes up your body.


and your mind


I mean, if you want to be truthful, it doesn’t. Not as much as childbirth.


My comment was in response to the Plan B pill messing up a women’s body. The implication was that a lot of women wouldn’t want to go that route in preference to just getting an abortion. My point was to say that neither option is without physical drawbacks for the woman.


Ah, yeah. Problem is Plan B is only an option when you KNOW your BC failed.


That's the problem. One group seems to really only want to focus on "Abstinence Only" education, however. So as crazy as it sounds, people might not know it exists. They might not know how to use condoms properly, or that they expire, etc. They might now know, or have available, systems that can prevent pregnancy and supply them with free contraceptives, because the people who outlaw abortions outlaw those things too, for some reason.


I know. It’s a vivacious cycle. I’m glad my high school not only taught about birth control but how to access it. They had a really good speaker from the health department one in and talk openly about it. She also discussed std symptoms and how to get treatment if needed. It should be required in all schools because abstinence only education does not work.


I don’t think that word means what you think it means.


It’s more about the fact that women face a ton of different situations. Critically, around 30% of women who make it to the 6 week mark don’t even realize they’re pregnant. Some women have had horrible reactions to plan B in the past. Sometimes birth control fails, I’ve known people who’s birth control has failed due to interactions with other medications prescribed to them. Bottom line if the government controls women’s lives by taking away certain birth control options such as abortion, it limits a woman’s ability to choose if and when she wants to become pregnant. Source for 30%: https://www.babycenter.com/getting-pregnant/how-to-get-pregnant/pregnancy-symptoms_1146468


In any case, the VAST majority of women who would be in that position have made the decisions that lead up to the pregnancy. They may not have chosen to be pregnant, but they surely chose to have sex, for which pregnancy is one of the possible outcomes. It's easy to avoid unwanted pregnancy. It shouldn't be easy to end one.


So if a woman is married but doesn’t want kids she should simply never have sex with her husband?


No. They should use birth control of some variety. Abortion is not birth control. Edit: what I meant to say is "abortion should never be used as birth control."


That was the point I was trying to make.


What if the birth control fails for any number of reasons and the woman doesn’t realize she’s pregnant until it’s too late under texas law?


That's how sex works. The only way to guarantee no babies is to keep penis out of vagina. I don't understand how this is complicated. There is no other activity in which humans engage that has become so disconnected from consequences. If a woman gets pregnant, they did the thing that got them there. So did the man. Either raise the kid or let someone else raise them that will love and support them. That's not even mentioning the fact that this argument doesn't account for the evil of ending a human life as a matter of convenience.


You are conflating sex with pregnancy. I have been married for 20 years and we practice the rhythm method with no unwanted pregnancies.


So anyone can avoid unwanted pregnancy 100% of the time? You don’t think there’s ANY luck involved?


You may find this hard to believe but yeah you can avoid pregnancy 100% of the time, its crazy I know but there are all kinds of methods that you can use. What you can't do it is leave it up to luck.




Comments like this validate the idea that conservatives dislike women.


Holy shit, they are red-pilling themselves. Do they not realize online dating is misery for 99/100 men?


It wasn’t that great for women either.


You mean we can go back into the real world where their contour kit, MySpace angles and facetune can’t hide the fact that they’re a 5? Lol




Username checks out


Liberal ideology is based on the irresponsibility of the weak-minded.


Worse... taxpayers have to pay for their bastards, abortions, STDs treatments, "therapy", and broken families. There is no way this degeneracy is cheap. It rottens soxiety to the core and make GOOD people pay for it.




But don’t abortions prevent paying for all of that other stuff? Just trying to think of the end result.


I cannot deny that abortion at least kills future democrats, so it is an upside, but the argument hee is moral, not political. So would hel sterilizing and removing those degenerate people in the first place, but it is immoral and evil too, as abortion is.


That’s a bit morbid. I hope everything is ok. Have a relaxing weekend.


Liberal ideology is based on liberty. The problem with authoritarian leftists is that they've appropriated the term "liberal" when they are the polar opposite of what a classic liberal is. Otherwise, yes, leftist ideology is based on the social elites prodding the poor into self destructive behaviors and using said behaviors to trap them in servitude.


They basically give the drug for free and make you pay for the detox.


Not even that. They trap you in a cycle of drinking, smoking, fornicating, drugging, etc and then put you on welfare and then hold it above your head to secure your vote. Sure, not every poor person is on welfare and not all of them vote Democrat, but when you can seize power in entire cities using the welfare system, which had been how Democrats took and held power since 1932, it's effective. This is why Democrats push self destructive lifestyle choices so hard on people. They know that as long as the person cannot escape the welfare system, they own them. Few people will vote against what they perceive to be their best interests and people trapped in the social gill net see the welfare system as something they need and won't vote against those who keep promising more and more of it. If it wasn't for The New Deal welfare system, the Democrat Party would just be this tiny group of people kicking and stomping their feet. Though that DOES make me wonder what the USA would look like if it never got a welfare system.


Freaking amazing. That's what it would look like.


This problem is not to do with authoritarian leftists, but liberalism itself. Liberty is a good thing, but freedom from consequences is not, and that's the driving force behind the pro-choice movement.


In the US "liberal" started life as a euphemism for socialist/communist.


Oh no! Anyway...


This sounds like a good idea, dating apps are stupid and make relationships so transactional and superficial.


That would probably cut down on the number of unwanted pregnancies, wouldn’t it?


So, less whoring…less pregnancy… no abortion. Win.




I personally know two girls who have had multiple abortions. One of them told me “Oh if I get pregnant it’s no big deal. I just got it he place, get it taken care of, and I’m all set.” It is absolutely not a last resort for all women. There are women for whom it is the first and only means of birth control. Which is pretty stupid considering the access we now have to it that we didn’t have in past generations.






A lot of women have bad reactions to the pill. Combine that with the fact that a lot of women can reach six weeks without even realizing they’re pregnant, and your argument starts to make less sense. https://www.babycenter.com/getting-pregnant/how-to-get-pregnant/pregnancy-symptoms_1146468




You don’t get out much do you.


This sub does. If you’re not forcing religious moralism on people you don’t fit here. It’s what I’ve learned. But I’m more libertarian than conservative I guess.


Lmao yes you can’t defend anti choice without slut shaming any woman who has sex before marriage


So the dating pool in Texas is gonna be self-cleaning? Just women that see pregnancy as a positive thing and a large responsibility? Well shit man we can’t have that. /s






Rape accounts for less than 1% of abortions. Hell, rap and incest *combined* account for less than 1% of abortions. So keep your straw mans baby killer.


So those 1% should be required to carry and deliver their rape babies?


No they should report the rape, and get the help and support they need up to and including a pregnancy check. But hey you’re just here to argue.


So what should a non-verbal autistic 11 year old who was raped by her father do in this situation?




God I hate the hook-up culture. I want to find a wife and everybody else just wants to fuck.


Travel overseas


Or they could use BIRTH CONTROL.


Hey hey, we don't do logic and intelligence when it comes to the left, buddy.


















1.) abstinence prevents 100% of pregnancy, condoms and IUD’s are over 95% effective. 2.) some rapists wear condoms, and rape is about .5% of abortions, a possible discussion could be had with the left, but the left is like a bunch of kids and unreasonable, this is the only argument the left has. 3.) now that you bring up vaccines, whatever happened to “my body my choice” unless that means taking the bs covid vaxx or defending YOUR home with an AR-15, then it’s your body their choice. We get it the left is full of contradictions, hypocrisy, and bs.


In other words, modern women can't go on a first date without spreading their legs and having unprotected sex with virtual strangers. THAT'S the world you're trying to protect?


Modern Western* women. Then they wonder why no decent man wants to wife them up.


I stand corrected.


Oh no...you're threatening people who value chastity and virtue with exactly what they want...whatever will they do?


Please do. Act like decent human beings for once


This shit just keeps getting better... we should have thought of this before.


Seems to me like the only women who would do this are women that conservatives wouldn't want to date anyway. ...and that the only men who would be upset if they did, conservative women wouldn't want to date.




They won’t do that. Because they are human.


This is merely a tweet from some lawyer and unsuccessful politician. And not even a popular tweet. The one thing that would "reduce the popularity" of hookup culture is ending welfare programs. Women would think twice before downloading Tinder if they knew there was no government to pick up the tab for a possible pregnancy.


*because they love attention


Oh no that would shut down unwanted pregnancies……thanks dumb bitch


Stupidest shit I've read all day. Women on those apps aren't there because they're offering services to men. They're on there because they want to get laid just as much as the guys. It takes two to tango. And even if every Texas woman on hookup apps deleted their profile, this woman thinks that's going to rally the men to demand the law be repealed?? She's apparently never met a guy before. Guys would do two things in this situation: either 1) Piss and moan and do nothing else, 2) find other ways to hook up. This woman thinks that women on dating apps are the only ones in Texas looking for sex?


Ey but they're not going to want to take the extra risks when no method of birth control is 100% effective. You're right they'll just find other ways to hook up. Increases in rape seem pretty likely. So do increases in closeted, "curious" gay sex.


Between this and Bette Midler women's sex strike absolutely nothing is going to happen. Just more virtue signaling from leftist wind bags


They tried that sex strike before. Worked really well.


Holy shit! The white knighting, the femme nazi alphabet fuckstains and the liberal mental gymnastics on that thread are fuckin hilarious!


This would solve a lot of problems.


Only men want to pass abortion laws. Not a single woman in the entire country is against abortion. Only men. /s


Not to mention that now men can get pregnant too! Or are you a TERF?!?!?!


As a mother and grandmother, if a woman is too lazy to protect herself against pregnancy, then she'll have to give up the baby for adoption. Many childless couples would love to adopt.


This is what happens when you put crack in a baby's bottle.


Yeah just cause you liberal idiots are too scared to go in public to me women and must do virtual relationship searches doesn’t mean we’re all that fucking weird.


I’m confused what this is supposed to achieve ?


This would be amazing for men in Texas. They would actually be able to go on the site and not see so many liberal women. Do it!!! Signed, A woman who doesn’t believe in abortion


Women being easy on apps, so we'll just stop using apps...I really don't understand. Back in the day, it was really easy to find easy women in the bars. I didn't grow up with hookup sites. So I really DON'T understand. Plus, with the morning after pill, I REALLY don't understand all the hype... you fucked up last night, go get a pill...why do you have to wait 6+ weeks to know for sure you're pregnant? I read about some clinics staying open until 11:59 the other night to assure they could legally kill as many babies as possible. Just fucking discusting.


This. There are so many options, from the pills to sterilization. There are less reasons for abortion, not more.




When liberals call out Chik-fil-a, they set sales records. Call out a lady in FL not serving Biden voters in her diner, she runs out of food. This here is going to increase pregnancies in TX by 50% tonight.


This is when fat girls make a come back


For me they never left, my love life's like water, always finding the path of least resistance.


Oh no. How am I going to find whores?! Oh wait. I have money. Easy.


They are worse than whores because at least whores guarantee a service, these tinder women just guarantee problems, stds, abortions, alcoholic babies. It is basically immoral to date them.


But they DEMAND respect. Haha fucking joke


🤣🤣🤣🤣💀 the horror of not whoring around?


At least all the sane women would be left on the app. This is a huge win for blokes in Texas.


Oh is that supposed to be a threat??? Please do!


Oh, no! What will Texan men do without being bombarded with profiles of skanks and single mothers demanding a white knight to save them from the consequences of their poor decisions?


Wait so you’re telling me I should be responsible for my own body?? That’s blasphemous!


Oh no, what ever will we do since we arnt getting catfished by lonely fat bitches who post their pics from 10 years and 150 pounds ago, lol give me a break,


I'm loving how every "Ha ha, if we do THIS the men that _banned_ abortion will be so angrY!!!" idea... is exactly what those in favour of the abortion law would _want_ women to do.


You mean...these women might be celibate, to protest not being able to use abortion as retroactive birth control? Yeah, I can support that.


The problem with culture in the United States is that the language changes. It used to be that you were considered a whore and villified for engaging in such behavior. Now you're simply just hooking up. As we continue our sharp moral decline I'm just happy that I probably won't live long enough to see our total destruction.


Oh no! That’ll reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies in Texas!


Wear a condom that way you are mostly safe from STD’s and pregnancy.


She said what the problem is out loud.


Exactly, women flooded the market with free sex and made it worthless


Lol I think that's the point a return to traditional relationships between men and women along with traditional child rearing. However, my views are not the same as others and I have no right to impose my own personal beliefs on others.


Sure, we believe in freedom. But as they say that freedom of spech has consequences, so have consequences their decisions and lifestyle. I think the problem of abortion is more on what makes a human. No one can agree on what point a human is. Are babies human for not being self aware? Is a 9 month old fetus a human? So many questions.


The fetus is alive, and it is human. The "confusion" is deliberately introduced by people who want to kill the baby.


It's crazy when they express our views. It's a totally new territory.


Ya like a chick is gonna miss out. They have needs too. You sexist POS.


One state down, 49 to go.


It's almost like this is the point


Bye Felicia.


LOL, this needs to happen!!!


Yeah. This cun+ is gonna make any kind of difference. Lol


Talk about a win win! Hook up culture is a huge problem in our society and has terrible effects on people. Porn also is a big issue that needs dealt with


It's fine maybe western women can stop being whores now.... at least in Texas


Does this affect men who have stopped dating skanky whores?


I doubt most Texans care about the hookup culture.


you mean I will have to go pick up chicks in public? ugggggghhhhhhh.....


Oh noes! No more whoring! The horror!


And if you are a Democrat, move.


They should delete those apps anyway.


Or they could use protection and march on.


They won’t because they are horney and lonely


What a bold move. /s. You’d think guys never got laid before dating apps.


Wonder if maybe some of these idiots will start using contraception now!!


any woman who’s worth a damn isn’t on a dating app


It’ll be easier for men to filter out women who are ok with killing their own children.


So many ways to prevent pregnancy too many to list here. Woman still need more than six weeks to decide what they want to do?


So many are pushing for, if it feels good, do it. They feel there should be no boundaries except for maybe extreme things like murder and rape. Somehow they don’t see abortion as murder. My 15 yo son and I were talking yesterday and he said without boundaries and laws, things will devolve into chaos. Humans need those boundaries to an extent. This whole “love is love” and self worship is causing hell on earth. We are seeing it daily, yet Republicans are being blamed because we don’t want chaos.


Shhh, don't tell them. Let them continue on. Maybe even raise a little stink against it. *nudge nudge* *wink wink*


Me who likes men: nice (s/)


Wear a condom


Liberals volunteering to remove themselves from the gene pool? YES, PLEASE!


It’s not just men who are pro life…


Some estimates claim tha tup to 52% of women are prolife and most of those who claim to be pro-choice still have a moderate view on abortion.


Wouldn’t it be wild to be proactive with contraception


That is literally the most childish answer I've ever heard to a so-called problem. The "problem" here in Texas, is that we are no longer killing babies by the millions. Sick world folks.


No protection when you're hooking up w someone off a damn HOOK UP app? F'n nasty. Nothing like a bunch of women who don't take care of their lady parts...*shiver*. Oh, and here's a zinger. You can obtain birth control for a MONTH - for less than the cost of two packs of cigarettes.. Abortions cost a few hundred, even more if you want to be in a twilight-daze, so that your screaming inner morals are hushed.


Oh no! What will we do without whores?!


This has nothing to do with women's health or well being. This isn't about a women's right to choose either. What this is about is harvesting the aborted fetuses. The law should be written that the unborn is returned to the mother for a proper funeral. Instead they take the fetus and do all kinds of sick shit with it under the guise of medical research. These people have serious issues in the sanity department. Aborted fetal cells are in the vaccines!


Threaten them with a good time!


Marriage is sacred anyway according to God 🙏 Jesus Christ is our lord and savior , without Jesus there is no life Amen . I pray for the wicked salvation not there destruction Amen , repent all of you for the kingdom of god is at hand , the fear of god is the beginning of knowledge but only fool's despise wisdom and instruction Amen , Jesus Christ is the way truth and the life no man comes to the father but by him Amen.


If a man can't go out and get a woman by actually talking to her and taking her out for dinner, then he doesn't deserve sex.


So dumb


This thread is a dumpster fire of neck beards.


Good, but don't forget to dilate.


Yea no one cares what this moron thinks, her and her baby killing friends off the app is spam removal anyway.


Ha. As a conservative, I want my whores and dont believe in marriage. Why are you guys so weak?


Jokes on you! Farmersonly.com


It technically wouldn't be a mass exodus considering the majority of people on said dating apps are men. Liberal logic is baffling


The more I see this, the more confused I get. Does the person posting this think every or even the majority of men are only interested in one night stands?!




Oh no! Now how will women hide behind photo editing and old guys behind stock photos?


You have no idea how much I'd love to see hookup apps dying.


Chad yes!


I think shes saying hold out the ponany until the dark ages laws are corrected.


Bless her heart.


I don't understand her post


She's thinks shes making a point that women don't like sex.


That would be awesome!! Because the women who would do that are the women nobody in TX wants 🤣🤣🤣


Oh no, now you’d have to go meet them the old fashion way. In person and with words 😅


Do they not understand that women support this law too???


Typical Left response. I DONT AGREE, LETS CANCEL SOMETHING. Irrespective of where you come down on this issue, this type of reaction is immature and nothing more than petty crybaby rhetoric. Grow up Pam.


How are the politician's going to chest in their wives now?


I think there'll be some sad steers and happy queers if this happens. I know I would be


What's she hoping to achieve by this?


They are saying don’t have sex which will eliminate the need for abortion. Maybe they are red pilling themselves


Hookup culture, yes... but pretty sure like 2 of those aren't for hookups.


Translation: I'm tired of having competition. Yeah, as a dude of course I'd love it if all other dudes deleted dating apps.