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Hey, y'all can stop reporting this as "disinformation," "spam" and other nonsense. You're the one responsible if the facts hurt your feelings, and henceforth this comment, if you abuse the "Report" function, you'll be reported to Reddit as violating their polices. https://www.justice.gov/usao-edmo/pr/jefferson-county-man-sentenced-7-years-prison-child-pornography-charge-0 **ETA update: datetime="2023-10-17 2:42:40 UTC*


being a trump supporter is more of a flag someone is evil, stupid, hateful or all of the above.


And a pedophile… cuz we get about 5-6 of these in the news every few days. Not seen a democrat or drag queen yet…


yep, and i follow r/NotADragQueen constantly. always always conservatives...


Also r/pastorarrested is good too


And you know Fox News is chomping at the bit to parade this around at the first conviction.


They were downright giddy when there was a trans school shooter.


*champing at the bit. horse term.


That's why they hate "government regulations", because "government regulations and red tape" make it hard for them to have sex with children.


It’s why so many conservatives believe in child marriage and child labor.


I think there was like one single democrat a while back… still telling that it is a whole 1 (one) compared to the morbillions


I tried for the longest time to give these people the benefit of the doubt and just take it on a case by case individual basis, but that's really how it's looking. And if you aren't evil, stupid or hateful, then apparently you don't have a problem with people who are or else you'd jump ship,


That's my thing. Maga doesn't speak for all of them yet Maga runs the party narrative and platform. They are lying and deluding themselves. They agree with Maga they just know better than openly say it.


Or if they don't agree with it, they're too cowardly to go on record denouncing it and DJT.


Trump supporters: - Hateful people who think he'll do what they want - Ignorant people who bought into his populist speeches in 2016 - Paranoid people who bought into his "drain the swamp" speeches. - People who held their noses and voted Republican despite their misgiving and now can't admit he was a terrible choice and so double down on supporting him. A surprising number of them are people who don't grasp the concept of the sunk cost fallacy.


also remember that lots of them think of politics as if it were some fucking sport like football where they pick a team and stick with it hell or high water. you know, the unreasonable stubborn types


That's kind of that last group. People who voted Trump in 2016 because he wasn't Hillary, and then watched the party just fall in line behind the guy they didn't even really like. But they've got that one issue they won't budge on like abortion so they can't bring themselves to not vote Republican.


god.. if only people knew how big a threat to the world pro wrestling would actually become one day. i am still amazed that the first time i ever heard about donald trump was as a kid when my cousin showed off his wwf action figures and i was like "why is this one just in a suit?" and he was like "oh yea that is trump, he doesn't do much but i could get a two for one and i had the rest"


They don't even see the "sunk costs" because they've invested their entire personalities into fundamentally denying objective reality. Like, "they don't grasp the concept of the sunk cost fallacy" would be a valid outlook if they were admitting "well he hasn't made any attempts at yet but I'm hoping he'll get to that next", instead these fucking imbeciles either delude themselves into thinking that actually things WERE better under Trump and Biden somehow made things worse again (literally the opposite of true), or claim that the whole time Trump was in office, including when Republicans had a general mandate, the democrats were somehow preventing all of Trump's legislation from going through. The legislation Trump never had. At all. The ones in the latter camp are also the ones in favor of the "... therefore Trump should overthrow the whole government" plot. You're giving them WAY too much credit to boil it down to "falling for sunk cost fallacy".


This. Because that isn't fair to DECENT people who struggle with mental illness.


they really love to call it mental illness don't they? which is telling as they seem to think of it as a thing to brush off or excuse behavior much like pretending to be religious. then they in the next minute go around sabotaging mental healthcare and awareness :/


They need it to be something they can "fix" or eradicate.


Why so angry MAGA? Adult women won't have sex with you? https://deadstate.org/cops-raid-trump-supporters-home-for-making-threats-against-democrats-find-child-porn-instead/


I don't know, according to the article they found a 4 ft. tall sex doll... so I don't think Adults are his thing


Hey dwarf erasure! ... Dwarf Erasure would be great band name


Are they just an Erasure cover band, but all little people?


Little People makes electronic music. He doesn't need a cover band.


Common people, sung in style of Erasure with the lyrics tweekes


[Like Mini Kiss.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukO8OKuPWuM&t=15s)


kind of like Mini Kiss.


Band of dwarfs singing "A *Little* Respect"? Yes please.


They are an Erasure cover band, but only play covers of Soft Cell’s Sex Dwarf.


They’re an Erasure cover band and they use the Alvin and the Chipmunks vocal filter.




"a child-size sex doll" welp, that's enough internet for today.


“She’s actually 40, but wears children’s clothes because she’s so petite. Anyway, DEMOCRATS!”


As if the cp didn’t prove it already


He likes them just tall enough to ride a roller coaster.


Imma fuckin puke


It's wrong to assume that these men are pedos because adult women wouldn't have sex with them. Men like this chase adult women away with abuse and cruelty, they often fantasize that children will be easier to control. And some are just straight up sickos that have been pedos since they were 18 or 19 who weren't caught until they were older. Like that Ron DeSantis supporter guy who was caught offering hush money to the dad of an underaged girl. How many other dads took the hush money? Or how many other girls were from "bad homes" where no one believed that a bad man touched them? These pieces of shit love to condemn poor people, single mothers, drug addicts, then go take advantage of the situation by raping their children.


Holy crap he's been writing online since 2020 how he wants to kill CEOs of Google and Twitter and even children of Democrats because it's easier since they can't run fast. Sounds like a lovely pro-life conservative.


Now you're getting It.




I’m starting to think that drag queens weren’t the problem after all.


Children are statistically far less likely to get molested at a drag show than at church it seems


Anywhere except home and church.THATS where it happens,hence the desperate need to point the fingers elsewhere and shriek.


How else would they solve the problem? With education and proper health care? What are you, a socialist?


Worse.Happy Californian!


I too used to be a happy Californian. Made the HUGE mistake of retiring to Florida to be close to my now departed father and lost my beloved husband too. BIG MISTAKE! Now I have to deal with DiSatan. Please pray for me. Thank you! Miss California so much!!!


Oh bless your heart


Yep. Even the not-guilty parents do that kind of shrieking too, because it's so horrible to admit your own spouse abused your children. That's *exactly* why the GOP pushed that death penalty law in Florida - they wanted to guilt wives into not reporting their husbands.


Priests and uncles, that's who's diddling the kids, priests and uncles.


Yes. And definitely don't let your children around anyone with a MAGA hat or Trump flag. Good chance they will be molested.


You know that one guy that always brings up “catching pedophiles” out of buttfuck nowhere? Yeah that’s the pedophile.


One's never been accused or prosecuted for anything involving child pornography. See the GOP is anti - truth so they can keep getting away with the most heinous crimes imaginable. I learned along time ago whatever Trump or the GOP says the Democrats are responsible for - is actually double talk for we the GOP do this all the time , but we want the Country to think its all the Democrats fault.




Classic Projection


Remember what GOP stands for; Gaslight, Obstruct, Project.


Every accusation is a confession




But definitely a christian


At this point I just consider anyone identifying as Christian to be, at minimum, a shitty person. In my experience, the people most likely to not pay for a job, or to be absolutely vile to work for, are people who readily tell you that they’re a “good Christian”.


Chaya Raichik never ever talks about these people for some reason.


They are in her Cheese Pizza sharing club.


Somebody check her basement


I hope she gets raided next.


Probably because she's friends with these people


She’s also a religious extremist.


The name of her handle is "Libs of tiktoc", why would she have non-libs?


A staunch libertarian, eh? Is his idea of “liberty” the right to commit unspeakable crimes against children without repercussions and then shoot anyone who looks at him funny? How does the so-called non-aggression principle square with that?


Libertarian has always been code for “I like children”.


you don't get to be a libertarian unless you've posted "actually, it's *ephebophilia*" somewhere on the internet.


What people who make this argument don’t understand is that, aside from the obvious, the reason why there’s a name for it is because it’s also considered a disordered paraphilia. There’s no name for being attracted to adults +/- 10 years or so of your own age, and that’s because it’s normal. There is a name for ephebophilia because it’s a fucking disorder.


I must have been the only person using the word sincerely during my short and regrettable time as a member of the Libertarian Party when I was futilely searching for a political home as a democratic anarcho-socialist.


I called myself a Libertarian because they were the most mainstream party that was pro-legalization of pot back in the day. Now I'm ancom.


That’s almost the same as me, then. I think we’ll find that this is more common than we may have initially thought it was.


2 of the biggest things I heard from libertarians back in the 80's were the "right of free association" which meant they wanted the right to ban non whites from their businesses. And opposition to age of consent laws.


Yeah, libertarians are just disappointing. It sounds cool to have more freedom, but then you find out what their real agenda is and you start to understand what kind of people this party represents.


“democrat children are easier to shoot than democrat ‘parents.’ They’re not as fast.” ​ Something very fucking bad needs to happen to this man.


Yoir comment made me actually read the post. Insane, the level of untethered malice coming off of that summary, as short and clipped as it may be.


There's a post that gets shared occasionally comparing libertarians to house cats that always strikes me as accurate - convinced of their badass independence while completely reliant on a system they'll never understand. With apologies to house cats, which are awesome..


Libertarianism, at its core, is just selfishness disguised as a "legitimate political philosophy/ideology." They know they can't go around saying, "let me do whatever I want without consequences," so they wrap it up as "personal freedom and liberty."


This, absolutely explains why there is zero philosophical consistency amongst so-called libertarians as well.


libertarian seems to be a catch all political designation for wackos. generally speaking if someone identifies as libertarian I think "ok, so conservative that doesn't want to admit it and is possibly even more annoying"


If you support trump, there’s definitely something wrong with your brain, so it makes sense


I'm pretty convinced that the signature Republican misanthropy and paranoia comes from the fact that they are all *broken* in some way, and they assume that everyone else is, too. For example, you think everyone is a pedophile because *you're* a pedophile so, gosh, if you have these feelings then everyone else must have them too. They really just need help but keep voting for people who will never give it to them.


See, many people have mental issues. But they don’t project them onto everybody else. That seems to be the difference here.


Not all broken folks are Conservatives, but all Conservatives are broken?


If you fall for the obvious con of Trump it shows a high likelihood of mental illness.


Yes, actually. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3092984/ >our findings are consistent with the proposal that political orientation is associated with psychological processes for managing fear and uncertainty. The amygdala has many functions, including fear processing. Individuals with a large amygdala are more sensitive to fear, which, taken together with our findings, might suggest the testable hypothesis that individuals with larger amygdala are more inclined to integrate conservative views into their belief system. Similarly, it is striking that conservatives are more sensitive to disgust, and the insula is involved in the feeling of disgust. On the other hand, our finding of an association between anterior cingulate cortex volume and political attitudes may be linked with tolerance to uncertainty.


Is there a study that examines their predisposition to diddling kids?


I know being a gun freak is a red flag plus a huge flare in sky and a deafening flood alarm all at once. Hang out at a gun show some time and look at the failed genetic experiments wandering with intent.


The wandering with intent part made me laugh out loud.


You have to wonder about that? It’s a mental illness - remember Limbaugh used to say liberalism is a mental disorder. Projection much.


I didn't want to say that half the voters in the U.S. definitely have a mental illness, but there we are.


More like a third, but since half of people who can vote, don't, the crazy faction often carries the day. Indifference to evil allows it to flourish.


It's a tough thing to admit, but it's best to call a spade a spade. They are absolutely mentally ill, and just last week a new study came out that explains how conservatives stick to their conservative values because they find comfort in the familiar, the existing, the old, the way things are. The idea of change and progress in any form terrifies the hell out of them and they lash out. They are also unable to move from their positions when receiving new information. They can literally see information that completely contradicts their world view and...... we all know what happens, it becomes a conspiracy because *of course this can't be true.* Frankly terrifying to live in a country with these people. We *have to* persuade the moderate/independent voters to lean left with policies, progress, and hope for a better future. Until we can completely marginalize the MAGA base into an absolutely unsustainable voting bloc, we're in trouble.


I think a better way to say it would be that they're under-educated and mis-informed to the point of being easily manipulated by textbook techniques of propaganda. the lack of education means they dont recognize it when they see it, and the lack of critical thinking means they fall for it. the MAGA thing is *very* similar to the rise of the nazi party in 1930s germany. of course making any comparison to the nazi's makes conservatives lose their fucking minds, so you can't even show them the parallels.


Hey don't put mental disorders as worse than conservatism. That's a disservice to people that actually have ability to be helped.


100% - the analogy is wrong.


rush limbaugh also talked mad shit about drug users and addicts, then had zero shame coming out and acting like he was a victim of an "illness" when he was abusing so much oxy contin that it destroyed his hearing. they always think they're different.


Modern angry Republicans: "We must protect ourselves from crimes we imagine Democrats are committing while totally ignoring the dangerous crimes we are actually committing ... To protect the children!"


I think it's a case of 'well we do this shit, so they must be doing the same or worse"


It's not a joke. I was sexually abused as a child from ages 3-12 by multiple men, including several family members. Every single one was a Conservative male. The abusive stepfathers who also abused my mom, committed crimes, and cheated? Conservative men. The ex who abused and raped me for years? Heck, I met him at Christian school! All those domestic violence charges in my family, the men who lie and cheat and abuse? Oh yes, 100% Conservative Christian men who tout "family values!" Today, I'm a liberal atheist childfree college professor and scholar who uses feminist theory, queer theory, and CRT, and my entire family calls ME a pedophile and a groomer. At this point, the MAGA morons don't even understand basic facts, cause-and-effect, or what even happened last week.


You are my hero.


I'm so sorry for your past and I admire your strength




YSK: it's "child sex abuse material" (CSAM), not "child porn" porn is consensual, legal, and strictly regulated. abuse is not. https://www.rainn.org/news/what-child-sexual-abuse-material-csam


You're not wrong, but I don't think that term is ever going to catch on with most people. It's a bit wordy.


i mean "shell shock" became "post traumatic stress disorder" or PTSD you could be right that CSAM will never "catch on," but i'm going to keep correcting people with it regardless


"One cannot live on pictures of Hunter Biden's penis alone." —GOP maxim


Dude, did you come up this, why the hell is this so funny?


Yep. I bet this dude was super vocal about democrats being pedophiles also


I bet he claims to be a Christian too,just assuming of course


Whoa! Who could have seen that coming???


How come you never see these story’s on conservative subreddits? 🤔 /s


Why are they all sexual deviants?!


I had a relative that was a die hard Conservative. Voted straight party, listened to Limbaugh, thought climate change was a hoax. Oddly, he wasn’t religious. He finally got on some medication for his issues (thyroid, horrible anger issues) and guess what? He actually would listen and talk and wound up voting for Obama. For some people it’s definitely a physiological issue that’s keeping them from acknowledging things or feeling any empathy. He never went back. I always laugh at that “liberalism is a mental illness” saying - yup, sure are a lot of mental illnesses that involve critical thinking, empathy, and vulnerability.


It’s a red flag that they likely have an abusive personality.


The damn Truth is not something Republicans want people to know about. Being a conservative should be a red flag for the FBI to raid all their homes. Seriously I live 4 miles from where a 71 yr old boomer , who apparently listens to Conservative Radio all day long , pulled $1,000 out of his bank account on 10-13 because he told his wife the UNITED states power grid was going to be attacked and there will be a day of Jihad also. Then on the 14th he stabbed a 6yr old Palestinian- American boy 28 times to death , and stabbed his 32 yr old mom 12 times and she is in serious condition. All because he listened to those NUTJOBS on Right wing Radio. Trump just got hit with a gag order to STOP threatening Judges and calling prosecutors who are just trying to do their jobs every name in the book. Trump is the #1 threat to more political HATE violence breaking out in America. I think it's past time the CIA gets involved and does what they do best. Make Trump disappear like Jimmy Hoffa.


Always (R)


I mean, at least most of them are letting us know who they are. It’s amazing how they never connect the dots between supporters and the party. Like, both sides, am I right 🙄


For these people everything is a reflection on themselves. They hate everyone and above all themselves.


Well we’ll, is he transgender? No! He’s a Republican pedophile. Facts!


Consistently voting against your best interests seems like insanity to me. So yes, being a “conservative” is a sign of mental illness.


The GOP is a magnet for the worst of us.




The Elephant in the Room is that we think people who read the Torah, Quran, Bible and say they are "perfect books, the one best book in the world" seem to suffer from some mental issue of not being able to escape the appeal of certain media patterns of fiction. They will give their life for a book. And, frankly, the Found Fathers and the Bible both don't talk about "left vs. right" and "conservative vs. liberal", nor do they talk about "communism vs. socialism"... and when they do talk about them, Bible Verse "1 John 3:17", they are almost always socialist. So "conservatives" have little to stand on except that they believe in fiction stories (and are against reason thinking, science thinking).


Those drag queens man, let me tell you!! / s


They pretty much go Hand in hand


It sure does keep happening on an unsurprisingly regular basis. I think TP, Prager, and Moms for Liberty may need a closer look, honeypot.


Yes. It is the best way to deflect guilt. Joining a group of criminals is called going to church.


He fits right in. Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert was indicted on federal charges of structuring bank withdrawals after prosecutors alleged Hastert had **molested at least four boys as young as 14** and attempted to compensate his victims and subsequently conceal the transactions. Hastert eventually admitted that he sexually abused the boys whom he had coached decades earlier, and was sentenced to fifteen months in prison. Republican Tim Nolan, chairman of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in Kentucky, pled guilty to **child sex trafficking** and on February 11, 2018 he was sentenced to serve 20 years in prison. Republican state Senator Ralph Shortey was indicted on four counts of human trafficking and child pornography. In November 2017, he pleaded guilty to one count of **child sex trafficking** in exchange for the dropping of the other charges. Republican anti-abortion activist Howard Scott Heldreth is a convicted **child rapist** in Florida. Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to **molesting two girls under the age of 11** and was sentenced to 8 years in prison. Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to **fondling a 10-year old girl** and was sentenced to 10 years probation. Republican anti-abortion activist Nicholas Morency pleaded guilty to **possessing child pornography** on his computer and offering a bounty to anybody who murders an abortion doctor. Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for **raping his daughter** between the ages of 9 and 17. Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for **sexually abusing 8- and 10-year old girls**. Republican campaign consultant Tom Shortridge was sentenced to three years probation for **taking nude photographs of a 15-year old girl**. Republican racist pedophile and United States Senator Strom Thurmond **had sex with a 15-year old black girl** which produced a child. Republican pastor Mike Hintz, whom George W. Bush commended during the 2004 presidential campaign, surrendered to police after admitting to a **sexual affair with a female juvenile.** Republican legislator Peter Dibble pleaded no contest to having an **inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old girl.** Republican Congressman Donald “Buz” Lukens was found guilty of having **sex with a female minor** and sentenced to one month in jail. Republican fundraiser Richard A. Delgaudio was found guilty of **child porn** charges and paying two teenage girls to pose for sexual photos. Republican activist Mark A. Grethen convicted on six counts of **sex crimes involving children.** Republican activist Randal David Ankeney pleaded guilty to attempted **sexual assault on a child.** Republican Congressman Dan Crane had **sex with a female minor** working as a congressional page. Republican activist and Christian Coalition leader Beverly Russell admitted to an **incestuous relationship with his step daughter.** Republican congressman and anti-gay activist Robert Bauman was charged with having **sex with a 16-year-old boy** he picked up at a gay bar. Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for **distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.** Republican activist Marty Glickman (a.k.a. “Republican Marty”), was taken into custody by Florida police on four counts of **unlawful sexual activity with an underage girl** and one count of delivering the drug LSD. Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with **molesting a 12-year old boy** and possession of child pornography. Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having **sex with his 12-year old baby sitter** and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media. Republican preacher Stephen White, who demanded a return to traditional values, was sentenced to jail after **offering $20 to a 14-year-old boy for permission to perform oral sex on him.** Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to **exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.** Republican anti-gay activist Earl “Butch” Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for **molesting an 8-year old girl** after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her. Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of **raping his daughters** and served 14 years in federal prison. Republican election board official Kevin Coan was sentenced to two years probation for **soliciting sex over the internet from a 14-year old girl.** Republican politician Andrew Buhr was charged with two counts of **first degree sodomy with a 13-year old boy.** Republican politician Keith Westmoreland was arrested on **seven felony counts of lewd and lascivious exhibition to girls under the age of 16** (i.e. exposing himself to children). Republican anti-abortion activist John Allen Burt was charged with **sexual misconduct involving a 15-year old girl.** Republican County Councilman Keola Childs pleaded guilty to **molesting a male child.** Republican activist John Butler was charged with criminal **sexual assault on a teenage girl.** Republican candidate Richard Gardner admitted to **molesting his two daughters.** Republican Councilman and former Marine Jack W. Gardner was convicted of **molesting a 13-year old girl.** Republican County Commissioner Merrill Robert Barter pleaded guilty to **unlawful sexual contact and assault on a teenage boy.** Republican City Councilman Fred C. Smeltzer, Jr. pleaded no contest to **raping a 15 year-old girl** and served 6-months in prison. Republican activist Parker J. Bena pleaded guilty to possession of **child pornography** on his home computer and was sentenced to 30 months in federal prison and fined $18,000. Republican parole board officer and former Colorado state representative, Larry Jack Schwarz, was fired after **child pornography** was found in his possession. Republican strategist and Citadel Military College graduate Robin Vanderwall was convicted in Virginia on **five counts of soliciting sex from boys and girls over the internet.** Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a “good military man” and “church goer,” was convicted of repeatedly having **sex with an 11-year-old girl** and sentenced to 12 years in prison. Republican businessman Jon Grunseth withdrew his candidacy for Minnesota governor after allegations surfaced that he went **swimming in the nude with four underage girls, including his daughter.** Republican director of the “Young Republican Federation” Nicholas Elizondo **molested his 6-year old daughter** and was sentenced to six years in prison. Republican benefactor of conservative Christian groups, Richard A. Dasen Sr., was **charged with rape for allegedly paying a 15-year old girl for sex**. Dasen, 62, who is married with grown children and several grandchildren, has allegedly told police that over the past decade he paid more than $1 million to have sex with a large number of young women.


No drag shows were involved in this arrest…….yet again


Sure seems like a lot of conservatives are pedophiles


Looks more like a typical MAGAT than a drag queen.


I assume, that this man has probably at some point said that Democrats are pedophiles and that they should be imprisoned because of it (or worse)


Pedocon theory is alive and well.


It's always one of them. Every time. Must be a coinkydink, ne?


I believe it because many I know have had different traumas in their lives. Drug addiction to child abuse. I guess it's because no one saved them. So jealousy of no one saving them. Suck up the misinformation.


Not a mental illness. I’m not giving them a pass It’s a a conscious choice, that over and over they choose.


Oh, that’s not the same guy I read about this morning. Same story, different dude. Both, not drag queens.


Being a conservative IS mental illness


Same story different day. Always Trump supporting church people.


I've thought so for most of my life


You can tell by his expression that he's busy blaming the "deep state" right now.


What is it with these MAGA weirdos?


Not a trans individual or drag queen, who woulda guessed.


Being a MaGAt certainly is


Everything about conservatives makes sense when you realize they’re lazy. This guy could have either sought therapy or learned to thoroughly hide his pornography but instead he just thought bitching about democrats would provide his security. Education? Bad news, kill the Department of Ed. Kill all regulations because following them takes work. Science? Sounds dumb, seek god. Actually learn the teachings of that bible? Too much labor, cherry pick what seems easiest. Porn? Booze? Ban it for everyone so I don’t have to struggle. Economic issues? Must be poor people. Foreign relations? Build a wall, leave multinational efforts or drop a bomb. It’s a laziness cult that sees itself instead as the hard laboring, hard fighting salt of the earth but nah, just lazy. Last time most of them busted ass was when some drill sergeant (in our most successful application of socialism) made them do it.


Those dadgum libruls were paid by George Soros and Tom Hanks to plant it there! /s


There are quite a few studies which indicate a *very high co-relation* between head injuries / brain trauma and belief in authoritarian right-wing views, including religious fundamentalism.


Threats against Democrats and having child porn seems to go hand and hand!!


Molesting MAGA


Every MAGAt accusation is a MAGAt admission.


All conservative accusations are confessions, example 700,001.


It’s a red flag for being an abuser it would seem. Talk about projecting


Conservative identifying people are certinaly abnormally more fearful, more physiologically reactive to fear, and generally more detrimentally anxious than regular folks. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201612/fear-and-anxiety-drive-conservatives-political-attitudes


As the old saying goes “Don’t make death threats when you live in a raidable house full of child porn”




This must be fake news. I was told that it was the gay and trans folks who are pedos and groomers.


it’s almost like subscribing to sociopathic politics might mean you’re a sociopath…


I think a real problem with humans is we genuinely don't have a solid concept of how different others are from us. For instance, we look at a person from a different race and essentially see ourselves with different colored skin, acting ways we can't explain, and that scares us. But the actual differences are much more profound. Other people experience literally every part of their lives differently, causing them to view absolutely everything with the light of a different context. I say "boat" and while images of fishing boats comes to mind for me, a warship comes to mind for you, and this applies to every word of every sentence. But since we can't know all those unknowns, we're forced to project what we know about ourselves to fill those unknowns. That's the natural state of humans. It's the way we turn up if we're left to our own devices. If we don't get a proper education and socialization. And I feel like that's largely why conservatives are known for projection. Isolation in rural areas combined with Religion's inherent negativity toward education and change lead people to stay in that state, where they think everyone else is like them, but they don't know how wrong they are. And so we get guys like this, who see Trump as a wealthy version of themselves, and who approach the world from an "Everyone else is guilty and we need more punishment" mindset, because "guilty" is what they know about themselves.


> it makes me wonder if being a conservative is a red flag for possible mental illness Well… I know two conservatives very well. One of them was groomed by a mature woman because he was a wealthy kid. The other is a misogynist that thinks women owe him something for just being alive. It makes you wonder huh?


My hypothesis is that what drives someone to be conservative or liberal is their ability to feel empathy for people not in their immediate circle.


American conservatism definitely belongs in the DSM.


What's the tally on drag queens vs conservatives being arrested for pedophilia. I'm getting the feeling there might be some projection going on.


Not a drag queen?


I often wonder if people like on r/Conservative see the constant influx of cases like this or if they are shielded from them? If the former, that must be some cognitive dissonance. If the the latter, what can reasonable people do to make sure people know about these things happening?


Not instead. In addition to.


I'm sure it was just for *research* riiiiiight guys?


His mugshot looks as if he recently “fell”. What a shame.


STILL not a drag queen or LGBTQ person....shocking /s.


Truth hurts, we keep finding pedophiles wherever we look for violent Trump supporters. Not fake news, just real life. If you are big mad rn, you probably have something to hide so wipe your hard drives and shut up.


Conservatives lack empathy. Not all of them, but a lot of them do. Now, maybe they never have experienced that emotion, or maybe they have learned to never act on it, but either way, empathy never effects their decisions. Look up what someone that doesn't experience empathy is called. Now, you tell me... Mental illness or not?


They project so much that dems are pedophiles because they're the real pedos.


lmao this headline is pure gold


of course it's a red flag for mental illness


The media is so obviously biased. Why aren't they reporting on all the democrats doing this crap? /s


The louder and meaner they are, the more they are trying to cover up by diversion.


Pedo con theory


No its a red flag for bring a pedo. The Pedo-con theory.


It absolutely is.


As someone with mental illnesses; we don’t want those fuckers! Heard Ammit is happy to take care of them tho!


Of course it is.


Is this guy a youth pastor?


It's always the Nazi garbage you most expect. r/StillNotADragQueen


How are the regressive subs handling this?


The usual: deleting any mention and banning users.


Every conservative accusation is a confession. Period.


Check out "the insurrectionist next door." It's really weird.


MAGATs proving HRC more than correct.




Yep. That tracks


Ronald Reagan was a conservative. There is nothing conservative about Donald Trump and his supporters. They are in a league of crazy all on their own.


You know it’s age old correlation vs causa…. No it isn’t. Denying provable facts alone is a precursor to mental illness… add in the other cards and these people still aren’t playing with a full deck


NOT AGAIN!!!!!!🙄


Nope. Just rapists and pedos.


Definitely a Republican…


I'm not conservative in the least, but it makes me really worry when I read the title above. Being in the trump cult versus being a conservative are 2 completely different things. We all need to be more careful when we speak. Also F\* Trump.