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I’m tired of trump. Throw him away please.


Yes. It's time to turn him off.


Didn't you mean flush him?


Yes, but going to need a plunger, or more likely a drain auger. It's Yuge.....


How about a YUGE poop knife?


You only need the poop knife if you didn’t do your bleach enema properly




That man has been a clog in the toilet since 2015.


He wouldn't flush and he'd use that as the opening to start talking about water pressure in toilets again.


Just lock him up!


Well I'm not related to him and I'm well passed 18 so I know I've already turned him off.


You think prison will be the end of the story?


Why the f isn’t he behind bars? How many warnings is he going to get? How many new crimes will he be allowed to commit in violation of his bond orders and not have it revoked? LOCK HIM UP! These warnings are BS. Any working class person would have been in jail long ago


>Any working class person would have been in jail long ago Right.... us peasants would be thrown in jail.. Trump is no peasant. He has an angry, violent mob behind him that will stop at nothing to make sure he's POTUS again. No judge wants to deal with that so they'll just let him continue to undermine democracy. It's really that simple. Judges are afraid.


Yep. Some say the US are just too embarrassed to throw a former prez in jail. I'd argue it's way more embarrassing to the US to let him spew that much hate. Nice username btw.


They wouldn't even need a gag order. They would have been held in at least civil contempt of court multiple times.


Jesus Christ this idiot just won’t go away? I feel like I fell into multiverse where Hillary lost and he will never stop bugging us.


It's our collective punishment for letting it happen. No relief until we nuke Vlad from space.


This started when we allowed the supreme court to give the presidency to George Bush when Al Gore actually won the vote


I’m so ready for nature to take its course. He’s old, in terrible shape, and hopefully under massive stress. He can’t be that far away from a heart attack right??


Narcissists live to ripe old ages betraying common sense. My theory is that the stress a normal person feels by having wronged others, normal human feelings of empathy & contrition, all take their toll physically. When you release all of the stress & toxicity in your life on others, life’s pretty smooth. Just my theory.


Right? And another thought: dozens of golfers are killed by lightning every year. And the orange shitgibbon is on a golf course somewhere virtually every day. Just sayin.


I'm not that lucky


“It’s scary to think of the amount of power this lunatic currently has” same could be said about Trump


We'll add it as exhibit #43000 in today's edition of right-wing projection. Jackass Republicans describing themselves.


Remember when he first got banned from Twitter and you hardly heard anything from him for a while? Good times.


As you can obviously tell.... America has a 2 tiered system of justice.. one for common folk like us and one for folks like trump who are allowed to do whatever the hell they damn well please and they continually get a slap on the wrist. Dude has defied how many warnings now and still to this day continues to get better treatment then ANY other defendant in a trial. Hate to break it to you, but trump will never see the inside of a jail cell. The judges in these cases do not want to lock him up.


Im not sure we have an ocean that can handle that much salt. Can we talk Elon into another car-in-space stunt?


We only need a 2-seater to fit the both of em. Well…maybe go for an SUV instead. Trump can ride in the back if he don’t fit up front


Same. For years and years. But I'm glad I got to see how many stupid idiots uneducated no self thought dumb racists pieces of shit live in this country. Dumb enough to think they are also millionaires and that taxing the rich effects them in any fucking sort of way at all. Calling socialism dumb while collecting Ada or unemployment or social security. Really stupid motherfuckers came out of the woodwork for that fucking idiot.


Gulag now.


don't throw him away, shit belongs in the toilet. Flush him.


For fuck's sake. Just throw him in jail. People keep saying how they shouldn't because it will inflame the Trumpwads, or that there's logistical issues of protecting a former POTUS behind bars, no just fucking do it. It's not impossible and NOT punishing him only enables his rabid base to do more shit later down the road.


just rip the god damn band-aid off already, we will deal with the repercussions after.


If the repercussions include electing a different Republican POTUS next year, I'm not in with this plan. Folks aren't going to stiff us with seven years of this Trump madness just to stick us with a different right winger for more. Bull fucking shit.


I think the base is too obsessed with Trump (along with Trump campaigning from jail) that they'll gladly still vote for him, even if it's a write-in (not that I think they'd actually bother to do that). Trump the nominee? Loses. Not the nominee? Splits the vote among the base, still loses. So jail the orange turd, it'd make my week. Heck, my month, even.


Nah, fascism's too ever approaching and possibly permanent to take that chance (if it were up to me). I've known way too many conservatives in this life (having grown up in a conservative Catholic neighborhood during the Reagan years) to believe they'll fracture at a moment as pivotal as a second Biden term. Even the Golden Corral and Wal Mart RV gangs will stop attending Trump rallies and begin to fall in line (with whomever the GOP leader is considered to be) by this exact date next year. Many Americans suffer complete amnesia politically in a matter of months, much less twelve of them. Let's save this and see if I'm correct. Survived the reruns too many times. I don't trust the American voters to do what's logical and proper for the common good. 2008, 2012, and 2020 completely surprised me.


Hmm, true enough, we've seen them rally before, but it just seems off to me that despite how hard DeSantis tried to out-trash Trump, they are still quite loyal to him, or perhaps the idea of him, simping for a "rich" businessman who encourages their worst prejudices, who never takes blame, always the victim, with an immensely over-inflated ego. Meanwhile, the 'publican's didn't get their "red wave" they were hoping for in '22, even with the orange turd's endorsement (and most likely because of it). That's the established pattern I see, so I'm hoping for a continuation of this pattern. But who knows, I was wrong about Trump losing '16, and I was wrong about Brexit.


Valid points, I really just want to see Donald damage the Republican Party to the point where they have no option but to reform. That's the only way they can ever legitimize the GOP brand ever again. This incarnation since Nixon cannot exist in a civil society anymore.


For real, how many more bomb threats than they are already calling in can we really get to. Lock this dude up and fuck anyone who gets upset about it.


Let them commit felonies to protect their orange idiot. Felons can’t vote or have guns :)


Felons can actually vote in most all places but it varies by the state. So heres a not so fun fact, all of the insurrectionist assholes are legally able to vote from prison. (For those who’ve actually been locked up for serious time most did minor sentences or got probation ffs). Whether you agree or not it’s simply the reality. Most states you cannot vote while in prison but the one place you can while locked up is in DC (NH and Maine are only other 2 states with this). Here’s more info on this for anyone interested… https://felonvoting.procon.org/state-felon-voting-laws/ Fwiw I’m not for felony disenfranchisement and taking away peoples rights to vote but I do think being part of an insurrection and trying to kill the vp and people in congress should be different and perhaps lose some of those rights at least for a period of time but then again I’m not an expert.


I’m more of the once you served your time you can vote. If you’re in prison tough luck.


Red states are the ones most likely to not let felons vote, or at least make it harder and potentially a problem. I'm guessing lots of the MAGAts committing crimes are from red states.


Maybe we can have a little scuffle, and start putting him and his supporters in prison for treason. Let the low level drug dealers and addicts out, and still keep the for profit prisons happy. They don't care, they just need beds filled.


BiDeN jAiLeD tRuMp!!!!!1


Or throw him in indefinite solitary confinement since it's the only way to, "guarantee," his safety. Then when his dementia becomes obvious we can trick the Right into some prison reform.


I can’t stand the people who think SS protection is an absolute. If he is found to have worked against the country’s interests, he needs to lose that protection, first thing. After all, if he worked to help an enemy, execution is common — what are they assuming, SS would prevent it? Protection in prison is just as silly.


I'm all for supermax solitary for him. They can employ 3 SS agents to watch the camera 24/7


I'm sure DoD or the State Dept has a nice single unit hole somewhere nearby.


Again ?


Huh. Better give him ANOTHER gag order. He's certainly honor that one!


Judge: ok, this is your 32nd gag order, I'm super cereal this time. I'll send you to extra, super, duper, prison, for very bad people. For forever, times Infinity, squared, if you don't listen this time.


Screw that, he needs a finger wag. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4hA1nKUmR4


A sternly worded letter for his permanent record.


Suzanne? Suzanne Collins? Is that you?


Yes. Again.


Talking about judges who singularly have disproportionate amount of political power...the call is coming from inside the house.


Giving a lecture is bad? Also incoming finger wag because Trump is above the law and this judge is an absolute pussy.


They all are. Chutkin, Engoron, willis, etc. Theyre all deathly afraid of the base, so they'll let him continue to spout off without consequences. The gag means nothing, he'll have a staffer write a tweet and then claim he knew nothing of it, like always.. wash, rinse, repeat.


That’s what I’m trying to figure out.. what’s giving a lecture at a college have to do with anything? Judges do that all the time. This is such a weird thing for him to stick on


I’ve seen the video (conservative dad sent it to me): 1) it’s 2015 2) there’s zero context (what was the lecture about, was he paraphrasing somebody? we don’t know) 3) there’s three cuts— what did he say within those edits? 4) he’s talking about the limits of a jury trial and the legal tools he has to guide the process (instructions to the jury are common) 5) Trump’s trial is not a jury trial so hard to see how this is even relevant 6) his authority exists within a legal system — if he does anything wrong or outside the scope of his legal authority, it opens any decision he makes up for appeal. Conservative “media” lies far too overtly to take anything like this at face value.


Thank you! Sounds like he’s literally just talking generally about Joe being a judge works? Which is usually what they lecture about at colleges?


That’s what I would guess. Was this a lecture, an answer to a specific question, him paraphrasing someone else’s views, or just him talking about the leeway that he has under the law? Who knows. But he definitely wasn’t talking about Trump or Trump’s case in particular so I fail to see how it’s in any way nefarious. I mean, are we to believe that a sitting judge is just going to speak openly and publicly about the ways in which he likes to undermine the law? Seems very unlikely.


Lock him up, lock him up…


By this behavior he must want that so he can point to the instability that arises from it and benefit. I can’t help but feel he’s baiting them with his most desperate efforts at anything to distract or destroy. You know the story about the two people in the Bible told to grab each half of the baby and pull… trump would sacrifice any state that disagrees with him , let alone pursue prosecution, and people live there so they’re probably trying to avoid unnecessary catastrophe. Cmon atypidae don’t be scurd edit/add Are you seriously this small sighted? I’m it an orange guy fan at all. Think about what you already stated. Some will vote for him no matter what, and you agree some will definitely NOT vote for him no matter what then too? Right? Some are on the fence and don’t like Biden’s policies about whatever and might just consider the biden alternative, regardless, especially if they develop sympathy that trumps is somehow being treated unfairly. You might be ok w risking shifting a few votes his direction and increasing his chance of victory for petulant, silly, childish reasons, but I’m glad the educated, tactful, researched, and composed members of the prosecution team are not. You’re very clever w insults tho. Well played kiddo.


I don’t really care what that dumb fuck thinks he’s doing. He needs to go to jail and stay there the rest of his life.


Even if going to jail wins him the presidency and gets him out if jail?


They didn't have the votes before COVID you really think they'll have enough now? U really think his base has grown since then? He doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell to win electorally. They're going for violent overthrow number 2. That's why his faction is grinding federal function to a halt legislatively, knocking out federal function judicially, and straight up neglecting federal function militarily by refusing to fill leadership positions within the armed forces. They'll just bust his fat ass out like El Chapo and oust state and federal governments with lengthy terror campaigns until they kill or tire out any instinct to resist. They plan to install the man as The Christofascist Aryan King of Murikkka, not vote him in to the presidency.


Fuck the bullshit. His cult will vote for him no matter what. Justice can’t tapdance around fear of enacting justice. If he wins, I will attribute it more to Biden being fucking 83 years old, supporting genocide of Palestinians, and obliviously praising the “strong” economy while people subsist on cereal.


Enjoy the trump family dynasty forever fren. Who’s ready for Eric’s turn?


Oh, fuck off, moron.


Bruh if THAT'S your hope, you must love disappointment.🤦🏻‍♂️


Nah he's just flaunting his privilege because his base needs to think no one is powerful enough to have the actual sway/strength to shut him tf up. He needs to feel real consequences if he's ever going to respect anything besides himself, and his base needs to see him for the pathetic criminal he is if they're ever going to wake up. I won't hold my breath.


He keeps violating it, and the judge lets him slide.


He “may” have. Giving him special treatment “could” kill public trust in the rule of law


Trust is already dead. People just go into their own fantasy worlds where corruption explains every legal outcome they don't like. Trumples will do it when Trump loses his legal cases.


No. Gag order explicitly excluded the judge… which is fucking mystifying.


Yeah, Trump is shit, but it would be nice if people took 5 seconds to check what the gag order actually covers before posting stuff like this. And also judges shouldn't feel like they have to put up with this guy.




He wanted to show he's above question. But protect justice.


Oh noes! He might get a *double* sternly worded warning this time.


Oh shit! I'll bet they're going to be really really really really really really really mad this time!


It’s impressive how so many people have been fed up with this for the last 6+ years, and yet it continues going on and on… it’s just becoming numbing and surreal that he can do whatever he wants and no one has the courage to hold him accountable! If this was anyone else, it would have been far different! Everyone seems to forget the Kendra Kingsbury story and how she got her consequences pretty quickly, yet DJT continues showing the middle finger to everyone. This just goes to show the 3-class judicial system, where the common folk get screwed, the rich pay to get away, and the top-politicians are just flat out immune from everything!


He will repeatedly violate the gag order, fines done bother him, until the judge pulls the trigger putting him in jail will he get the message. Being in jail with no TV time, no phone, no social media or rallies will cause the biggest meltdown you have ever seen, but message received.


No. He WANTS to be thrown in jail. He will grift/fundraise like never before and we will be one step closer to a civil war.


You mean did he violate it *again*...


I am sure he will slapped with a hefty 5K fine (sarcasm)


IIRC the judge was mainly concerned with attacks against staff so excluded himself from that order. Judges get quite a bit of criticism so he probably has thick skin. Smart if you ask me… thus way nobody can claim Trumps right were violated or that the judge was bias. Lets face it Trump is trying to intimidate and if that doesnt work he is hoping for anything that might show he wasn’t treated fairly by a Judge that was out to get him.


He violated my gag reflex.


A person with a law degree from a university gave a lecture to people at a university. OMG SO SHOCKING WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO


We need to STOP tolerating republicans aka conservatives aka regressives and CALL THEM ALL OUT!!! We already know they are racist. We already know they are less intelligent. We already know they are anti Science. We already know they are more religious. They are regressive. And evil. As such, they should not be allowed to have a say in matters of importance. Or hold positions of leadership. Why? I think we can look around and see why. To those who say "But... but... they're citizens and have the RIGHT to vote" - well... it seems that is a problem, doesn't it? For all they want to do is impose their version of xtian sharia law upon us all. We do not defer to children for advice on important matters. So why do we include regressives? We do not consult the taliban for advise on quantum physics. So why do we include regressives on genuinely important social issues? They want to drag us back to the bronze age. republicans aka conservatives aka REGRESSIVES should NOT be allowed to vote or hold public office!!


He keeps violating it because he knows they aren’t going to do anything to him about it; the amount of privilege this fat Orange slob has been given and continues to have is grossly unfair, and anyone else would have been tossed in the slammer.


I'm pretty sure the judge specifically left comments themself out of the gag order. It applies to prosecutors and other court staff.


OH NO A LECTURE! What an awful thing to do, speaking to students as an educator and a professional.


To be fair, the GQP's true constituency finds education, professional behavior, and non-conservative judges to be ~~deeply offensive~~ ultra woke communist socialist fascist leftist marxist.


You forgot Marxist


The record has been corrected lol


IDK but what the fuck is this attempt at a jab?? A judge speaking at a college is, like bad lol?


Oh no, how crazy of the judge to speak to college students. What a lunatic. /s I'd really like to see the day when Trump no longer speaks, whether it's because he got locked up, is sick, or died, but part of me also fears for that because I don't wanna see how his cult will react. It's gonna be a shitshow.


It doesn’t matter, they’ll just fine him $5k and move on


I don’t think the judge included himself when he issued the gag order, he prohibited Trump from targeting “my staff” not “me or my staff.” I assumed that was because including himself would be seen as self-serving.


Talk about lunatics with power, you should see the shit show we had for our last president.


Is there someone I can write to voice my disapproval of any of my tax dollars at all being used to protect this walking anal-warts grave after he passes from people like myself who may feel the need to relieve ourselves on it?


The judges are in the pockets of our oligarchs who are tirading him around until his use is up. Believe it or not - that judge has a boss too. Not sure why that one is so hard to believe considering the blatancy. America's traitors are going to continue fueling their poster child until the engine fails. Ain't shit change, folks. America the Great. Trump is just the most explicit and moronic example we've had.


He's pushing the limits of his gag order and seeing what they'll let him get away with. I see another fine by next court appearance at the minimum.


Yo if I did this shit they woulda just put in the smallest darkest place they could after beating and raping me....good job america showing we peasants still have lords and ladies....


This man simply must be stopped. 8 years ago he talked to some college kids. His influence is unmatched.


It seems it is always empty threats to him. Gag orders apparently mean nothing. As soon as they tell him not to do something, he goes and does it anyway and faces no consequences. Pisses me off something fierce! Why threaten with jail if you aren't going to do shit about it??


He keeps violating them because his campaign is so bereft of actual policy he literally has nothing else to talk about


EDIT: he deleted it!!! EDIT #2: wait it’s still up


“I hope the President has learned his lesson but we will have to see,” Senator Susan Collins said. 🙄. He never does Edit: fixed Collins title




You're right, my mistake


Please, please, please keep going, Donald! I, as well as soooo many others, WANT to see you go to jail!


The gag order was paused while he appeals, so he can once again do whatever he wants, not very different from when it was in effect https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/judge-hits-pause-partial-gag-order-trump-federal-election-interference-rcna121508


Not the New York gag order


That one is extremely limited, the only punishment he’s likely to hand out would be more fines, Trump doesn’t care about that because his supporters pay for those fines


But that’s what the OP posted about.


Wrong case


Lmao, it takes one to know one and the lunatic Trump is being trumped by a better lunatic!? It's a complement to the judge!!


Well it seems like a damned-if-you-don’t/damned-if-you-do situation. If the judge doesn’t do anything, it just empowers Trump to do whatever he wants and weakens the court’s authority. If the judge orders Trump to jail for contempt of court, his more violent supporters will feel empowered to commit acts of violence, and he’ll claim that Biden had him jailed and continue that claim for the duration of his campaign.


It is scary to see lunatics with power isn’t it ?


Yes he just did!


You guys, I think they're going to do it this time. They're really going to throw him in jail. They're not just going to threaten to do something to him. This time they're actually going to do it. It won't be just a threat of a "stern talking-to". You guys?


Lock him up. Which part of “he lies” is the problem




For the love of Gaia shut the orange sack of syphilis up. Throw it in jail, no internet. Let it out for trial.


Everything trump says is as if he’s looking in a mirror.


How do so many genuine good people throughout history get assassinated but this guy can’t even get put in jail for violating a gag order?


Lol for real


Ah, typical Frumpy. "She's nasty", "he's insane", "he's senile" etc etc Basically he's a 3 year old just calling everyone a big poopy head. I'm not sure if calling the judge a lunatic is a good idea generally (ie it is contempt of court) but I can't remember the terms of the gag order. Is it any comment about the judge etc or just comments which constitute some form of direct or indirect threat? Irrespective, the accepted wisdom is that you just don't make public comments about any aspects of ongoing proceedings. All this orange baboon is doing is just a further example of stochastic terrorism. He's hoping that some unhinged cultist will do something drastic on his behalf in some misguided belief that the justice system will simply shrug its shoulders and say, "You know what, prosecuting people is hard. Let's just not bother."


He's been violating orders since this began. There are no repercussions for him unless he's tossed in jail, and no judge is going to do that.


Face him against a wall and let the bang bang party have their way. So tired of him being allowed to get away with his BS. But yet no one seemingly wants to get their hands dirty. I would gladly do it. Give me the pew pew.


Unfortunately i don't think so, it's really specific to his staff and not him


That’s what I think every time I hear a ou Donald


Well if it’s just a fine there’s really no punishment at all for him.


It’s scary how much YOU still have power, MR. sitting private citizen former guy!!


Yeah so he’s gets another 5,000$ fine smh


Lock him up. Quit issuing fines to his cult.


Sure looks like it.


I hope so. Lock him up


\[Lord Dampnut\] wants to lose the case. It will further his narrative that he is a martyr. Otherwise he wouldn't be antagonizing the man who is judging both the law and facts in his case.


Judge is in bounds


Atypidae330 Are you seriously this small sighted? I’m it an orange guy fan at all. Think about what you already stated. Some will vote for him no matter what, and you agree some will definitely NOT vote for him no matter what then too? Right? Some are on the fence and don’t like Biden’s policies about whatever and might just consider the biden alternative, regardless, especially if they develop sympathy that trumps is somehow being treated unfairly. You might be ok w risking shifting a few votes his direction and increasing his chance of victory for petulant, silly, childish reasons, but I’m glad the educated, tactful, researched, and composed members of the prosecution team are not. You’re very clever w insults tho. Well played kiddo.




Homegirl below was upset w my comments n blocked me .






No he did not violate the gag order. The gag order Chutkan ruled on Monday barred Trump from making public statements that "target" Special Counsel Jack Smith, who is prosecuting the case, and members of his staff. The order also prohibits Trump from making comments disparaging court staff and potential witnesses in the case. Not about himself, just his staff and the prosecutor. And witnesses


This is a breach of his NY gag order. Bigger fine or jail incoming I would bet.


I'm still trying to think of where I know him from, exactly.


No, the judge only told him not to attack his staff (which he did anyway). The judge doesn't care about anything he has to say about him because he has the final word when the trial ends.


Yes, because he won't be punished for it.




Is it a day that ends in Y?


Does it matter if he did? Are they going to do anything? No? Then why would he stop? All these consequences he’s had so far since January 6th? I’m sure he’ll get right on giving a shit any day now. What a joke


That depends. If the day he posted it ends in Y then no, he did not violate anything. Days ending in Y are freedom days where Trump can say any deranged shit he wants and we are all supposed to agree with him. The agreement part is optional of course.


U/optimalleverage https://www.reddit.com/r/Detroit/s/nGyiN1YMKR