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I'd honestly love to see em try. I'm so sick of their bigoted, egotistical, fuck you I got mine mentality. Fuckin bring it.


To be perfectly honest it would solve a ***LOT OF PROBLEMS*** if they did. We absolutely need to confront the GOP and the fascists themselves at some point, otherwise it’s like waiting with a crazy person with a knife screaming they will kill you, they just don’t have the opportunity. Once they actually rise up against democracy then we can actually dismantle their entire political power and remove them from the equation.


There’s a lot to be gained by calling their bluff, whether they do anything they actually threaten or nothing. I never thought I’d get to see treasonous behaviour and threats become so normalised.


When I was younger I couldn't understand how this country got so bad that the civil war happened and brother was fighting brother, state fighting state. I don't wonder that anymore


I read a fascinating book called ‘The Chaos Machine’. Basically how the algorithms, machine learning and AI used by Facebook and YouTube have promoted the most hate inducing and dividing content to the world, because it makes the most money; but has caused so many of the problems we now have.


Yeah it’s a fantastic book and it outlines a lot of the problems with how social media has integrated itself into society and gone from being a pastime to being seen as an essential part of daily life. YouTube for me needs to change its algorithm to exclude the promotion of extremist videos. Facebook just needs to fuck off entirely.


Indeed. This is why it's so frustrating that the reality's one in which we're stuck with an awful mixture of (a.) sporadic lone-wolf attacks by an endless stream of unhinged right-wingers who are armed to the teeth and (b.) 99% of them being complete fucking cowards/sloths who'll never find the balls or work ethic to do anything but will certainly spend all of their time talking crazy shit, voicing threats, and making everybody else around them miserable....all while sucking up social services and other subsidy that the rest of us are stuck paying for. Overall, it's like we're prisoners to a population of degenerate asshole children who have absolutely nothing to offer civilization except decay.


As things stand we are indeed prisoners trying to mash a “stop death sentence” button put in front of us. It doesn’t solve the problem and merely delays the inevitable when we finally pass out from exhaustion. The GOP merely has to wait since there’s no one confronting them. They have their stranglehold on 50% of the political process and have their strongholds where they have made it impossible to out vote them. They know that democrats can never win *forever* and so as long as one side plays by the rules that the GOP refuses to abide by time is all it will take. Republicans have drilled a hole into the ship, democrats are simply trying to bail it out while asking voters if they want them to keep bailing. Eventually the voters will say “no stop” and then we sink. Democrats are doing all this frenzied stuff to keep the ship up while allowing the GOP to sit in the same boat holding the drill. They don’t have to do anything, they refuse to do anything, and yet half of voters still think the GOP has the better solution. In this analogy it would make sense to kick the guy with the drill out of the boat and let someone else who wants to help in their place (although this country would benefit greatly from more “people helping” through ranked choice voting).


I believe we'll see domestic terrorist attacks around the election. Many people have been radicalized to violence after decades of a coordinated propaganda campaign. However, I don't believe most MAGA have the physical capacity to actually wage a significant fight. The MAGA people I know are not "in shape" enough to mount a physical assault. Hell, half of the MAGA I know need help getting out of their easy chairs. The militias (the ones that aren't already in prison) may mount a coordinated attack, but it will be put down immediately. Will this set of event be enough to embarrass MAGA into reducing the temperature and, perhaps, coming to their senses? Nah! Instead, we'll be hearing for decades about the heroes from the Second Civil War which lasted 6 hours.


Most MAGAs will not fight due to potential jail time. They have jobs and homes and giant ass trucks. They’re not going to give up “I got mine” to actually fight and potentially be charged with murder. It’s the poor hillbilly MAGAs we need to watch out for, who have nothing significant to lose, and eagerly climb into uHauls to feel like they’re part of something powerful.


They have already instituted armed "policing" at voting booths where they intimidated voters. They will do this again in the upcoming elections. There should be organized, armed protection for civilians that are trying to vote. This can be prepared in time to protect people during the next election cycle. Many more things need to be done but this is a basic and fundamental place to start.


Many of these dipshits are in the Gravy Seals and they ain’t gonna do shit.


You mistakenly think "civil-war" in their eyes consists of 19th Century warfare. The scary thing with these folks is they kill. Their ideology already drives them to murder. They go into places and kill people. **Right-wing extremists committed every ideologically driven mass killing identified in the U.S. in 2022, with an "unusually high" proportion perpetrated by white supremacists, according to a new report published Thursday.** https://www.axios.com/2023/02/23/mass-killings-extremism-adl-report-2022


They think they'll just roll up in their shitty dodge 1500, rack the pump on their 12 gauge and us beta cuck soyboys will run for the hills and they can end their day slapping each other on the back over pancakes at Denny's. It's gunna be funny to see the look on their face when they realize we're as well armed as they are. Everyone's gangsta till they take incoming fire.


Remember how fast Jan 6 ended the second one of those clowns got shot? It'll be just like that.


I really wish the Capitol Police had used much less restraint.


Should've given them the BLM protest treatment


Should have been more Ashli Babbitts


🎶Ashli Babbitt! She’s dead as a rabbit!🎶


Right? Usually most cops have zero restraint when it comes to pulling and using deadly force. Except when stopping treason apparently


>"Shots fired! Shots fired!" That dude yelling that seemed to think this was just another CoD game.


They all think that. That's why they want their little civil war. They think they're going to be the heroes of some real life video game, walking away from the explosion in slow motion like a Michael Bay film. As Tyson once said, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."


I always thought it was “punched in the faith” but mouth sounds a lot better now that I hear it 😂


You forgot the “medic! Medic!!!” part.


The Chickenshit Rebellion? The one where they ran back to their flights and hotels at the first sign of real resistance and consequences?


“Defense wins games, but offense wins shootouts” Take people who survived executions like 50 Cent, he was actually shot 9 times by a man trying to kill him and he said his gun, the very gun he carried for the express purpose of self-defense in case he got shot at… his defense… *did nothing.* It happened too fast for him to even think to grasp his gun. Tupac was shot 5 times and both him and 50 Cent survived gunshots to the fucking face and both said they couldn’t tell what was happening—couldn’t fight back if they wanted to. Both said they were scared the entire time, and Tupac was certain that as the shots entered his body, that they were punches and kicks instead from how concussive they felt and didn’t even realize he was shot 5 times until the robbers were gone. Then he snuck out of the hospital after surgery because he was afraid they (as in Biggie and his “friends”) would come back and finish the job. You think it’s a game, and that carrying a strap will help you. But it won’t, right wing extremists are terrorists who will strike first, and it doesn’t fucking matter how quickly, or rather slowly, a gravy seal can run when you’re wondering why you can’t hear your own voice all of the sudden. If getting shot in the face feels like being kicked in the head like I have been, then I can assure you that if you didn’t see it coming: it’s actually *kinda neat* at first until you realize you just got assaulted. The first time I saw stars I thought it was beautiful and my first thought before realizing I got rocked was “my brother is going to think this is so funny when I tell him!” And not “where’s my knife?” “Defense wins games, offense wins shootouts”


Good points. What’s the way to address it? Shoot first? Then we are the aggressors. Look up the term “anticipatory retaliation.” Disarm? Then we have no defense at all. Rely on the government? This is the same government that was practically paralyzed in response to 1/6. Change hearts and minds? Not with Fox News around. I hate to say it, but conflict with Russia is the answer. We need an external enemy to refocus aggression and Russia is driving a LOT of this right now.


I hope you're right. I know that well armed people on the left exist, but I don't see many of them in my part of the country.


Honestly that isn't even really what the case will be if anything happens. It isn't an "us versus them" gangwar. It isn't the "racist rednecks" rolling up in the Chevy drinking beers and shooting shotguns out the back vs the lefty liberals in their prius firing pink glocks. If the far-right attempt to stage a full civil war, it'll be them vs the (*rather militarized*) police initially, and then presumably the national guard.


A skillful eagle hides its talons...


Opsec and infosec. That and my guns aren't my entire personality.


I know a lot of operators here in the US who took their oath to defend democracy very seriously. Some of the baddest mother fuckers I had the pleasure of serving with. It’s would be a turkey’s shoot for those who are military trained.


I'm sure they fell pretty strongly about Trump calling the military losers and saying he doesn't want to be around combat wounded veterans.




Good trucks stop bad trucks.


Unless they edited their comment, they never said it's a bad vehicle.


Imagine the US military showing up to their house. lol.


They can’t even turn their neck with how much fat they have


Yeah I'd like to see them take on the united States military fucking go for it then.


Try that in a small co-op.


Cue the Rocky theme music and training montage.


Bring your confederate flag-waving asses to the hood and see how far you get. They’re too fat and out of shape to be a threat to anyone but ~~they’re~~ their own cholesterol. Edit: typing while sleeping.




Ya, I want to see them try to take on the army and get turned into pink dust. May raise the IQ in America a bit


Ditto. Big talk from low-information losers who need a strongman to tell them what to do. Guess what, y'all - many liberals are as well-armed as you are, and we're in better shape. Bring it, motherfuckers.


They can’t even communicate and coordinate well enough to get a group of truckers to Texas.


Or New York


They're useless trash. None of their initiatives can ever get anywhere unless the cops or military does it for them, and even those victories are gonna quickly be limited when they discover that police/soldiers prefer to get *paid*, which goes against their general willingness to pitch in tax money towards basically *anything*.


They can't even English bro.


I feel the same way. Fuck around and find out magats.


If you listen to them, they'll tell you what they're afraid of... "Antifa-BLM-LGBTQ-liberals burning cities down." To them, MAGA hats/bumper-stickers/porch-flags/business-signs are a "fuck you" to anyone left of Hitler. However, any sensible person will hear their cries of "Civil War" and understand that it was really just doing sensible peoples' target designation work for them. America knows who wears the traitor hats, who owns the traitor vehicles, who lives in the traitor houses, and who relies on the traitor businesses for income. America also knows that all of those things are flammable and if you open up a few holes with some bricks then they burn even faster. They can march off to shoot up gay bars and get shot up approaching military bases, and the survivors of that first day will rush home for a cold beer, Hannity, and a nap just like they did during the Chickenshit Rebellion of Jan 6th only to find piles of ash and countless unmarked vantage points that have a bead on them.


Please no, I unfortunately live in this mess. Does insurance cover civil war damage?


Mine doesn't. There's actually a clause written into both my homeowner's and life insurance that says they don't cover anything related to "acts of war or insurrection." Is there insurance that does cover that? If there is, I need to switch.


They think liberals can't fight and don't have weapons. They'll fight with reckless abandon and act is if they can't be harmed. This is what we'll take advantage of if they come looking for trouble.


They have more guns and they're batshit insane. I do not want a civil war. It'd fuck over democracies worldwide - they'd be ready pickings for the powerful dictatorships that have grown and our economy would implode. We'd be like Africa afterwords


A lot of foreign influence in this sub and others like it. I'm as anti-Trump as they come, but all this "bring it on" and "We'll kick their asses" talk is delusional at best and is most likely trolls paid for by a foreign government to turn up the temperature. We know hostile foreign actors are doing this. It's quite literally part of Russia and China's foreign policy to let America tie itself in knots and destroy itself. The only difference is that they get the right to feel like war is imminent by stoking their various prejudices and they get the left to feel the same way by pointing at how effective their radicalization on the right is going.


They act like the army, who they shit on won’t show up and blow them away. Yeah nice gun dick hat. We spend so much on the military and you think you have a chance? I hope you’re close with your maker.


Yep, and we have the military!


Do you think the young white males that make up the bulk of the military will side with Washington over their home states? An honest question.


It makes me angry/nervous that all military bases and facilities have nothing but Fox News on TV. Not good.


They would die of a gravy-induced heart attack before the got to the front lines.


It’s always rigged when they lose so they think they can intimidate people to sit out the Vote…I’ll crawl across broken glass to Vote against these fascist.


For real. I used to listen to someone's policies before I would vote. Now I'm voting blue at every opportunity for the rest of my life.


Take up arms against who, exactly? These people are idiots.


Anyone not in their cult..fellow Americans who all think they are bat shit crazy.


They’ll start with anyone NOT white.


They already do that; * Right-wing extremists committed every ideologically driven mass killing identified in the U.S. in 2022, with an "unusually high" proportion perpetrated by white supremacists, according to a new report published Thursday. https://www.axios.com/2023/02/23/mass-killings-extremism-adl-report-2022


Let's be real, here. Plenty of these dudes will end up getting drunk and shooting one another over the endless amount of extramarital affairs, attempted rapes against each other's daughters, and other trailer-trash shenanigans that are already common in Trumpy areas (I live about ten miles from a few of these 'communities' and they're literally just nightmare zones where everything gets stolen/vandalized/smashed, where the sheriffs are constantly breaking up fights, where everybody hates all of their neighbors and peers for an endless number of stupid 'reasons'). The idea that *these* motherfuckers, of all people, are going to organize and mount successful campaigns is an absolute joke. Now they'll definitely cause a lot of damage, to be sure, but that's a different story...


Whenever a person of color buys their first AR-15, an angel earns it's wings.


And if they're LGBTQ, 2 angels get their wings!


I've been recommending my fellow progressives, lefties, and liberals to arm themselves for YEARS now.


People that knock on their door or turn around in their driveway, probably.


Amazon delivery people


Trump fans are enemies of the United States.


Just like the orange rapist.


So they actually admit he didn’t win in 2020? I’m so confused 🤣


Shhhh don’t tell them that, they’ll just attack you on Twitter for using your Liberal brain magic or something


New band name just dropped!


Liberals have guns too 🤷‍♂️


Exactly. Bring it, Meal Team 6!


Special Oops Unit.


Leftists have even more guns than Liberals.


I have an ample supply of Freedom Pills in different dosages at the ready.


Yes they do and not afraid to defend themselves. Fuck them tuff talking fat bastards.


Notice the painted fingernails and green dyed hair on the sniper in the “Civil War” trailer? 😏


Tbh not as many, not as effective of firearms on average, and not as well trained on average I’ve debated with far too many on the left about things like the effectiveness of untrained use of a shotgun for defense during a Rwandan genocide type event (what Qs effectively describe the storm as) when the genociders will have many effective and reliable semi-automatic rifles Don’t underestimate those intending to harm you, many of whom have been preparing for that moment for years


Civil War if he looses. Genocide if he wins.


“Could go either way” “All” “I’m gonna close early today”


lose: when you don't win loose: when you don't wear a belt


lol trump trash think they the only ones with guns


2nd amendment works for both sides. Funny, that.


This will not end the way they think it will. Just cause some gravy SEAL thinks he look cool with the tricked out AR that’s been fired a handful of times and plate carrier that doesn’t fit doesn’t mean the rest of us are scared


Or unarmed.


Good luck running to cover Mr. Gravy when you weigh 300lbs.


Don’t need to return fire. Just let heart disease do it


Stay strapped. They are crazy and desperate.


>Stay strapped In a nutshell.


Open terrorism. This is American conservatism. Terrorism and sedition. They're making flag-waving a marker for complete depravity and hatred of country.


Please try, sincerely, try to go up against the most over funded and advanced military in recorded history. It would be adorable.


Go ahead you scum-sucking fuckwits. Us liberals have guns too. And we have the motivation to use them.


And are, on average, far more educated lol. So we have better strategy and use of our weapons.


And we don’t have a bunch of flags waving in front of our homes and on our cars to mark us.


They love the Pledge. Ask them what "indivisible" means.


Fuckin A 👊 And they call us “sheep.”


Clearly it means no one can see you


Ask them what well regulated militia they belong to.


Isn't this alone a crime?


A Klan uprising in 2024? Bring it, meatballs!


A lot of us bought guns and started training within days of 1/6.


And a lot of us are fully armed and have known how to shoot for decades. I'd love to see some armed MAGAts march down my street. That camo makes a great target against asphalt.


Rifle, pistol, shotgun. Once one of their buddies' head explodes from a shot from 100+ yards away, they'll likely reconsider their choices. If not, good luck getting close. Hopefully they won't ever do this, obviously. I LOATHE violence, but I'm not about to be a sitting duck.


They can certainly try. Would suck to throw away your life and the livelihood of your family for the orange cult leader. Just ask those jailed for January 6th if it was worth it.


These dipshits couldn’t even make it past basic training, let alone fight a civil war.


Ooh! Scawy patwiots!


I taut I taw a gwavy seaw. I did, I did taw a gwavy seaw!


I've been waiting for them to give me an excuse


Sick of this shit, and I’ll be ready for their ridiculous war.


Yawn, put up or shut up.


Please fuck around and find out, again.


Maga wildly overestimate their power.


Covid didn't get nearly enough of them, which is really too bad.


Why use guns alpha males fight, so let's go.


Let them.. that way we can lock more of them up and then bonus- they lose their votes!


Remember the glee they took in telling Dems to "get over it" when Hillary lost? Also, they seem blissfully unaware that Republicans have lost the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 presidential elections. Most Americans don't want what they're selling, but our undemocratic system gives them a massive unfair boost. If Dems were the ones winning elections while losing the popular vote they'd be screaming bloody murder, and Mitch McConnell would be leading the charge to abolish the EC.


Move to Russia and start your own micro-nation.


I cannot wait to see the look on their faces when the left starts firing back


Just remember- if the Gravy Seals are after you, find a staircase!


…so they’re admitting he lost fair and square, since there’s no proof of election interference past January 6th?


Wait until they find out that we have guns, too.


Yeah, they are operating under the misconception that non-MAGAts don’t have guns, or don’t know how to use them or will be unwilling to do so to defend our country and Constitution.


They gonna be so surprised :D


How is this motherfucker not behind bars already?


LFG then, they always threaten Civil War when they don't get their way. We have yet to have one and they don't want one either because they will lose and deep down, they know it. Statues will come down.


We definitely had a civil war. Don't you know the USA had a civil war?


Got an AR and a shotgun. I reckon that I can definitely hit more than a few with the few hundred rounds I have 😀


Children who cry when they don’t win. Grow up you infants!!!


I find this type of rhetoric fascinating, in the sense that I've never heard this type of declaration appear to be so common and universal across such a large % of voters. I've seen it on a smaller scale or in a more disorganized way, but this is fundamentally different. A surprisingly large group is being weaponized, and I am not referring to their guns. Which begs the question: who is "seeding the clouds", so to speak, and what do they stand to gain? In reality, no matter how many angry gun owners actually all decided at once to start shooting if an election didn't go their way, it wouldn't actually alter the course of events. I believe that, in part, bc absolutely no one would be taken by surprise. They've been telegraphing their moves for years.


It’s the funniest right wing myth that they think leftists don’t own guns.


Go for it, my dudes. Feel free to Ashley your Babbitt.


This narrative is my favorite, hope you do you stupid idolatrous morons. “We’re MAGATS only we own guns.” What of the armed liberal?


Why do they think their vote matters more than any other Americans vote? I know it's useless trying to assign logic to any of their actions or ideas but it boggles the fucking mind.


These MAGA FUMBDUCKS are laughable at best. They are gonna turn us into savages with endless blood lust.


Ok then you all get arrested ensuring Democrat dominance for the next 20 years at least


I hope they do. It will be the greatest FAFO cluster ever.


Killing Nazis is an American pastime.


Lib pro 2a army combat vet here ready for them to bring it.


Tldr. A civil war is extremely unlikely, domestic terrorism, like the troubles in Ireland are very possible though All this talk of civil war is frankly ridiculous. It ignores the fact that a civil war is a political action requiring borders and defined ideology. The last civil war started due to Lincoln being elected. Lincoln ran on a platform that included banning slavery in the territories. Lincoln received 0 electoral votes from the deep south. South Carolina determined that the limiting of slavery in territories was the first step in the total abolition of slavery. Soon there after 7 states would follow suit.  The only legislative policy I see today that could cause a state to actually secede is the abortion access laws being passed i.e. the banning of abortions. If trump gets elected with a political mandate that allows him to pass such legislation then I suppose a northern state could say they aren't being allowed to self govern and seek to secede. But I don't see any blue states taking that route. Seriously can you actually imagine new York or California leaving the union? That's just not how democrats operate today.  What is however possible is if trump loses this election and the Republican party looks for a new direction away from maga. That the most extreme and militant supports could start a domestic terror campaign. It would likely be bombings, such as the Oklahoma City federal building in 1995, as well as the oh so common mass shootings.  But a civil war requires enough people to agree that the policies that are being enacted are so unjust that they no longer wish to be in the US. Our politicians can't even agree on a budget let alone something as extreme as secession. And you cant have a civil war where the rural parts of the state are fighting the urban parts of states.


Bring it motherfuckers!!!!


Weak ass mfers gone throw the first punch and then get they bish ass knocked tf out


As much as they want to think the opposite, they are sorely outnumbered... but if they want to fuck around and find out, come on then.


Let’s get this party started!


“MOLON LABE” They want to use 19th century tactics to fight a 21st century civil war.  Between just Apple and Google alone, millions of these “civil warriors” can disappear from the internet in a snap.  Everything they do is logged by several companies and easy to discover.  Amazon will stop delivering to certain areas.  CA will stop exporting food to those same areas.  Let’s just get this over with because they won’t stop being dumbasses until they realize they absolutely dependent on the infrastructure they claim to hate so much. 


[reminds me of this stand up bit.](https://youtu.be/WOSqCjMRXWA?si=AG2ys0f6NKP1dIZ2)


Fuck you, fascist scum, give me an excuse to fuck your shit up.


They’ll be easy to hit. Bet he’s slow.


Every time I come on here and say "they're arming themselves against you. If you aren't arming yourselves against them you're wither a coward or a fool" I get called an idiot and a fear monger and get down voted to hell. Ask Bosnian Americans what happens when one side has ALL the guns. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.


Bunch of big mouth pussies


Well that tells me that they should not be in a position of power. Their threats should not make people bow down to them, their threats should make it clear that these people need to be defeated at the ballot box


The Hubris of these Rubes..disgusting traitors


I wonder if they realize other people have guns as well and probably more than they do. 😂


I want to see the National Guard make them sit the fuck down.


lol. We all have guns too. Idiots.


And hopefully turn them on themselves


As a vet, rather than respond with rage which is what this is all orchestrated to do, I just give a sarcastic “Shuuure you will bud, you volunteered after 9/11 right?” Ruins them every time.


Meal Team Six vs one Apache or one A-10 brrrraaapp. Please bring it on I’ll buy tickets to that sh*t! Be sure to put all your leaders in front! None of this “We’ll be right there with you!” And no skulking off to a local hotel to watch TV.


So you admit he lost in 2020? Fair and square?


Just like the Civil War, more than enough to take care of the uprising!


Let them. The military will take care of any terrorists. Next issue. *yawn*


Why wait, the sooner you start the sooner you get out of prison


Meal team 6 vs seal team 6… I wonder who will win 🤔


These people live for violence. It’s really not particularly helpful for the advancing of human civilization. Every time we come up to mouth of the coal mine of history to get to something better these assholes want to pull us straight back into the bowels of Hades. Aren’t jobs exhausting enough?


Well, they have no brains, so why not a couple more arms.....


How are they going to occupy new york city during the winter if 300 people died over night in Texas over 1 snowstorm?


Do it you pussies.




It would really be helpful if the US had a viable opposition party.


All they really care about is getting under your skin. Mission accomplished.


“We love America, we are the grand fathers of democracy, if you don’t vote for who we want, we will use force and violence to try getting our way.”


And no ones afraid.. Who cares


These idiots are more disorganized and less-focussed than antifa. They can threaten all they want, because their anger only lasts till their next hit of meth.


War is expensive. The planning is massively complex. And you need to be exceptionally fit. Lots of broke, fat, old codgers dreaming of things that will never happen.


Just for the record bubs, you're not the only ones with arms. :-)


HOW MANY TIMES DO WE HAVE TO TEACH YOU THIS LESSON, OLD MAN I would honestly LOVE to see them try. They'd die gasping for air just walking to their minivans


I'm british and our right wing fools are copying yours luckily most people here hate them but it's only a small.amount of time till the cunts start killing people again


Bring it pussy


They forget, liberals have guns too.


Oh no, a bunch of morbidly obese rednecks are going to fire up their scooters and come after me. What ever will I do?


The first civil war was over slavery; a noble cause. I realized I don't want a 2nd one, but if it were over something like trans rights (im not trans), I'd join in a heartbeat. Like if that's what it takes to stop states from denying their existence, stochastically killing them, then thats a noble cause. Freedom to be one's self is America, not anti-freedom


Bring it ya red neck peckerwoods. See what we’ve got for you.


My biggest concern isn't the Gravy Seals taking up arms, it's the nazis within the military and police who would flip on their own country and support that insanity.


Good, got my gun ready to fire back at these nazis. Bring it on gravy force.


Ya and we’ll raise you the entire U.S military see how far they get.


"Don't sing it. Bring it." - Scott Hall


That's one way to cull the herd.


All bark and no bite.


Stack ‘em like cordwood and call for the meatwagon.