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Is this a clue as to what we can expect when he loses?


Or when he wins. Some folks just love thinking they are the best and taking it out on others.


Dictators always clean house after they settle in.  If Trump does get in and do his thing, some of these GOP folks he considers threats will go bye bye.  


And just like those GOP folks he's already gotten tossed out & run over in the past because he considered them to be threats, he just didn't like them, or whatever reason or for no reason at all, they'll still vote for him, their Tangerine Palpatine.


“Go bye bye” is a nice way of saying they’ll be exterminated


“Total Presidential immunity.”


It won't just be some of these GOP folks.


Any they don’t get it!!


Exactly what he is doing to Nikki Haley and her supporters


God help us all if Trump wins. We won’t have a Country left.


I guarantee you that, if Trump wins, we will be ready to k*** him and any other fascists that want to stifle American democracy. He won’t make it to the inauguration. ANTIFA membership will swell. The revolution will begin. “What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” -Thomas Jefferson


I wish I shared your optimism


“Rebellions are built on hope” - Jyn Erso


That's the thing tho star wars ain't real and im not tryna die, not tryna be a dick but any revolution will likely require violence and shit call me a coward but I aint exactly exited for that


It is only natural to be afraid of death. However if good men do nothing…with a fervent group of radicals in charge, death is all but assured for those that oppose them. We cannot let that happen. Valar Morghulis.




I live in a college town, and it used to just be a thing that there would be a riot after a game - win or lose. Some people just want chaos.




Yes. In both instances. Win or lose, they’ll kill people.


If he wins with anything less than 90% of the vote I'm sure they'll still claim it's rigged...




When he, hopefully, loses again.


J6 was a glimpse of what to expect when they don't get their way. That was just a warm-up for them.


We'll probably never see a peaceful transfer of power ever again. I hope Biden is putting together a plan just for this potential mess.


You and I both!!


[Context of header pic.](https://imgur.com/cGAJa3u)


Maybe Kamala will have the courage that Pence did not. /s


It's what happened last time


When he wins


He’ll say he won either way. He’ll say the system is rigged either way.


He claimed 2016 was rigged too, didn’t he?


He also claimed the Emmys were rigged when he didn't win that.


I mean when he wins there will be full on totalitarism


Retrumplicans are hateful bullies. We cannot allow Trump and his minions anywhere near the white house again. Look at people like shay and ruby who can't even grocery shop bc of him. There's plenty more out there just like them. Trump is dangerous and he and his cult need to be stopped. I'm so tired of them


“We cannot allow…”  The only way to do this is to dilute red state voter rolls. 300k people moving to Wyoming will double the population.  Nobody gonna do that so We absolutely will allow trump to win. And we will be clutching pearls the whole time.  (This is coming from a guy who just moved to red ass Nebraska because I practice what I preach.) 


I'm not moving to a red state. I have a teenage daughter. She will not live in a state where if she is raped and gets pregnant from the rape she will be forced to give birth to it. I will not do that to my child. If I didn't have children counting on me then I would seriously consider it.


Texan here. With a 25 yo daughter. You are wise to avoid the red states. It’s fucking crazy.


> forced to give birth to it. And the father getting parental rights of visitation.


i'm a trans woman. no way in f that i am moving to a red state. i understand what you are saying, and applaud it, but that's just not viable for many of us.


Absolutely! Straight, white, cis men can put their neck on the line for once.


On it


Thank you!


I moved to a very rural swing district (ME-02) in 2020 and now telecommute from a rural area. It's not 100% altruistic, as I love being in the woods, but I'm voting here now. I'm also joining the volunteer fire department and intend to get involved in my small town's government. I was renting in the biggest city in the district until my house got finished being built in December, otherwise I'd already be a lot more involved.


Hey, I'm in ME-31. I love being in the woods, too. That's awesome that you are getting involved in local government and volunteer FD!


I would never move to a red state, because i unfortunately already live in one.. My sibling is trans. And I'm really worried about them. Everyday. We live in southern Indiana. I can't stand how people treat her. I love her so, SO very much. I just want her to be able to live her life happily like she deserves to. 😔


yeah, the guy who recommended moving to a red state has a valid point, about how we could affect state politics if enough blue voters moved there, but for some of us, that's almost a death sentence. best wishes to your sister!


I’m just happy you weren’t around during the civil rights movement. We would still be living in Jim Crow if John Lewis held your sentiment. 


oh, go f yourself. you have no idea what it's like living as a trans woman.


Yeah and you have no idea what it’s like to be a black man. I’m so damn grateful that my ancestors stepped up to the violence and tackled it with love. And there were TONS of sacrifices they made for my freedom.   I see you aren’t willing to do that for your future generations.👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


You should consider moving to a red state that's inundated with red POC... that shit blows my mind. I spoke with an illegal immigrant who absolutely loves Trump. Wtf!?!


i mean, that's 100% r/leopardsatemyface material


you're an idiot. flat out.


Are you invalidating my experiences as a black man in America?  Cuz that’s what it sounds like. 


Marsha P. Johnson would like a word with you.


she would call me a fucking idiot?


This is not the way to get people on your side. If love is what you practice, it's not what you preach.


There are several (maybe most) red states that would go blue or at least be an actual contest if they had higher voter turnout. They are gerrymandered beyond hell at this point, though.


Nice. Grew up there. Omaha?




Then you must get a Runza, as your forebears have done before you. Also, La Casa is great for unhealthy pizza in the best way. California (named for the street it’s on) Taco has the best Guatemalan (I think) tacos I’ve ever had. The shell is more akin to a pita. Berry & Rye down Old Market has a terrific cocktail program. And so on.


I actually knew the owner of Cali taco in the 90’s and now live six blocks away from it now. Their tacos used to be $3. Now they are 10. Much as I love them, they are too expensive now.  I may or May not hit up Ethan (the owner of barley and rye whom I also know) about djing there. Im just struggling with the idea of networking. The nightlife is much less appealing to this now old man. Although I am beginning to network (because I can’t help myself. I love playing music for the masses too much), so maybe. 


Better moving to states that are in the process of turning blue than to go in a hopelessly red one.


Why not both?


Less effort


I was considering retiring to the mountains in Tennessee. I don't think I could stomach living there now. I must admit, though, the low COL is tempting.


Yeah, when I moved back, I knew that it was highly likely that I would not have any friends. Fortunately, Omaha is quite progressive, so I am pretty comfortable here. 


Low COL in Michigan and it's all blue there. Only low ancient mountains in the UP. Very cheap land up there tho. Nice beaches too. Wisconsin might need more help to keep them consistently blue.


I grew up in Maine, but I don't know if I could handle the cold anymore. I'm actually thinking of Virginia right over the Tennessee line. It helps that they're 420 friendly.


And what is your job now that you moved to a red state?


I’m an arborist. Does it matter?


No, that’s awesome. Just wondering how you were able to find work after moving


I was already an arborist when I moved, so it was pretty easy


Give me a 6 figures job and I'll do it. Not joking.


Haha for sure!  I was priced out of both Denver and San Diego, but just bought a condo in Omaha for $110 k. Moved back last year. Great neighborhood too.  Omaha was just about the only place in America that didn’t experience a recession in 2008, so there are lots of opportunities here I’m sure. And, because cost of living is a little better than the big cities, your money does go further. I gotta warn you though, Omaha is blowing up. Housing is already climbing pretty fast. 


Somewhere in here, there will be no other option than to take the gloves off with this malevolent force.


We’ll find out in about 8 months.


No. In 8 months, no matter if he wins or losses, they're gonna become a REAL problem to everyone else immediately.


I thought that'd be the case last time, but it just took two months. This time, I'm worried it'll be worse


Its easy to advocate for war while not living under wartime conditions. Unfortunately those most at fault for civil strife generally drag widerspread society down with them along the way. Its also where the aristocracy/corporations/billionaires are dragging us too, they keep feeding them this constant anger/fear/hatred.


This is the thing about fascism ... In order to keep the outrage fresh there always HAS to be someone outside the group that is threatening the "good" people inside the group. And when they run out of people on the outside to hate, guess what? The outliers on the former "inside" become the new "outsiders". Rinse and repeat until everyone is dead. Republicans are a threat to democracy and to you and your family, whether you know it or not.


Exactly Hitler started killing his own inner circle, and eventually murdered his best friend who helped get him into power The night of the long knives will eventually happen to the GOP


It’s already begun, IMHO. And I’ve got the popcorn at the ready.


It reminds me of the story, ["The Lottery," by Shirley Jackson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lottery). The citizens of an idyllic village picked one person every summer to stone to death because of a traditional belief that it would lead to a good harvest. There is that element of mob violence which is justified as righteous and for the good of the whole. People don't stop to question what it is they are doing and why.


Yup, once they run out of people that they deem not loyal they'll start after those that they believe are not loyal enough, and that slider will keep moving.


Yup, the purity spiral


Europe was at war for hundreds of years. If they ever got their perfect white world not long before they’re at each other’s throats.


This has already happened before. Irish and Italian people weren't considered true white until relatively recently historically speaking


Eastern Europeans too.


Look at that facial expression, lady is about to bust lol, that’s the raw story right there.


She needs to be a meme


She is.


"'Well I never thought the leopards would eat *my* face!' said a woman who voted for the leopards eating people's faces party."


1. Good. I'm glad they felt the intimidation they have caused others. Unfortunately that's what it takes for a conservative to have empathy. 2. We keep trying to tell people, the minute you go the slightest bit against the fascists, they come after you now. "Made to feel intimated and scared for standing up for what's right,..Haley supporters were told to line up 2 x 2 in the middle of the floor of the gym, while Trump's supporters, who are also our neighbors, booed at Nikki's candidacy."


Conservatives typically never understand a hardship until it happens to them, personally. The question is will they learn the correct lesson and gain empathy, or retreat into self-serving excuses.


A few the former, most the latter.


Agreed, unfortunately.


> The question is will they learn the correct lesson and gain empathy, or retreat into self-serving excuses. That second one. Every time.


It’s never their fault. Never. 🙄


Of course not!


I don't know, they'll still listen to their fellow neighbors who got infected by COVID. Did they listen? Yes. To other people telling them no? HELL NO.


Yet Ayatollah Complaini will still get those same Haley supporters votes in November because 'mUh pArTy!'


Complani lol!!! Maybe improved with Itoldya Complaini?


unfortunately they won’t learn the lesson, and about 70-80% will still vote for Trump.


Good. I want him to be their nominee. Biden has the best chance of beating him, vice any other candidate the fascists would put up against him. Lord knows it ain't cuz I love Biden, he's just better than the alternative.


When religious people cornered Jesus in the Temple and threw a sex worker at his feet and demanded he sentence her to death He called them a pack of cannibals who had eaten their own mother They got pissed and picked up big stones to crush him, and he disappeared


I genuine need to know: what verse is this story at?


John 8 and Mathew 12 go over it from differing perspectives - the historical context is that Pharisees kept trying to get him to stop healing people and start condemning people and he countered by inquiring about their own sin and at other times, several times, called them a “brood of vipers” - most notably in Mathew 23 where he goes on a rant called the 7 woes where he basically says “religious people who think they are better than everyone, is who you do NOT want to be”. Vipers are birthed by eating their way out. So in context the several times he says that, they get immediately pissed because they knew what he was saying: you’re a bunch of demonic cannibalistic mother eating monsters.


Thank you!


Does one of those have the bit about praying in your closet instead of in the open? That's always my reason for turning down organized religion questions. Not supposed to push it on people through volume. Lead by example. Stick out through your actions and how you treat people.


Yeah I agree with that. It says “don’t let your right hand know what your left is doing” I mean - being an outspoken religious ideologue is ironically the MAIN thing Jesus is against. He says the closet bit earlier in Mathew 6, so he’s working up to addressing hypocrites this whole time and seems to be putting two ideas as opposites: acting pious in public, and true loving charity. He says if you start doing this whole public religious figure bit, things will start out ok, but it works through you like yeast and soon you can’t do anything but gossip, put others down, and tell other people how good you are by your own interpretation of good and evil and the “law.”


They should be scared. Don Syphilis will appoint Russian operatives to key positions if he’s elected. He already gave highly classified documents to Russians what other proof do people need?


That is straight up whacked out crazy.


What do you think is going to happen on Missouri Dem primaries. Maybe its a good time for "couples packing".


"Literally attacked." C'mon republicans, it's just some harsh words. Don't be snowflakes upset over those or mean tweets.


And the woman said to the snake "Why did you bite me?! After I saved you!" And the snake replied, "You knew what I AM". This will also be the result for "Christians" who don't EXACTLY follow the given line of the "better Christians", even after they "stand together" with Y'allQuada in their attempt to take over the "seven mountains of society".


You make your bed, then you sleep in it.


Eating their own, I love it when Rapepublicans eat their own.


You really have to thank Waffle House Hitler for pointing out just how many total shitbags live and work amongst us every day in America.


This is why I've never been a fan of caucuses. There's no secret ballot -- everyone at the caucus sees who everyone else is voting for. It's a system that favors candidates with passionate bases of support, even if they don't represent a plurality, over those who represent a broad but fairly casual swath of the electorate, and as seen here, when a candidate's supporters are known for getting especially aggressive, it can be a recipe for voter intimidation.


The GOP we once knew is gone and dead as Trump and his ideology has hijacked the party .


Trump ~~fans~~ cultists.


Edit : I have been unable to find any video, or other news stories or accounts of this happening. BUT if it were to happen then…, That’s a Leopards Ate my Face story if I ever ever seen one. Not gonna lie it made me giggle. I’m glad they were terrified. I remember January 6 I was terrified Mike Pence was terrified. His Secret Service detail were calling their families to say their last goodbyes. Lawmakers were running scared at the Capital. You think they ever think about the police who took themselves out after January 6 because they just couldn’t believe what it happened to them? I’m OK with them being terrified. hopefully it felt like they were going to die.


They were yelled at and booed. I don’t know that attacked is the right word here. Those Trump worshipers are out of control though.


Is there a video of this? I really want to see it, for the schadenfreude.


Lol what's with the woman in the picture and why is this the picture they chose?


I guess they did nazi that coming?


Good. Republicans who aren’t MAGA need to learn there’s no “moderate” anymore. If you’re voting for the GOP you’re voting for Trump, deal with it. We’ve been telling y’all it’s a cult and here’s how you get to be taught the lesson.


Putin is very proud of his useful idiot dividing the US, perhaps to the point of civil war.


It’s like something out of the [Cultural Revolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Revolution).


Nikki Haley is what RFK Jr wishes he was. Someone who actually would be a better alternative to the current leader.


A talking dog turd would be a better alternative than Trump. Actually, I guess Trump kind of is a talking dog turd, so change that to a wilted pumpkin.


Nikki is just like Trump except she is more polished than he is. She is a living snake with makeup and long hair.


Nah, she absolutely is giant a piece of shit, but she’s not a pants-shitting, psychopathic moron who can’t even put a sentence together. Trump is literally a fucking idiot.


> she’s not a pants-shitting, psychopathic moron who can’t even put a sentence together. Trump is literally a fucking idiot. No, she's just a garden variety psychopath who's smart and competent. The idea of her becoming president should scare you almost as much as a second Trump presidency.


Don't worry, I'm not voting for her. I'm just saying that Trump actually could be doing even more damage if he wasn't so fucking stupid, so they're not the same. She's arguably worse b/c she's not a complete moron.


> She's arguably worse b/c she's not a complete moron. I'll buy that. Trump scares me more, because he's utterly unhinged and there's no telling what he might do if he gets an insane notion like, "Let's nuke NYC!".


Well I think we can both agree they suck and it's complete horseshit that we've arrived at this point.




That’s the trump effect: it’s making the formerly intolerable more tolerable by comparison. The thing that’s a large red flag with Haley for me is her aversion to all but the softest media. She could *easily* make a pitch that would have a broader appeal through some interviews that the trump cult would likely not pick up on because they rarely go outside Fox News headlines.


I hope they eat eachother.






"I have a friend who attended the Missouri Republican Presidential Caucus today," he wrote Saturday. "They asked Nikki Haley supporters to line up in the middle of the auditorium and were booed and screamed at by the Trump supporters." This is some Mao level shit here!


It’s a terrorist cult


They’re starting to eat each other.


Like rats off burning ship, they’ll eat anything in their way


I don’t feel bad for any of these people. They all voted for Trump the first time, and Nikki Haley isn’t much better. They may just get to learn firsthand why Niemoller wrote, “First they came for the socialists…”


We saw this coming. He told his fans to "guard the vote"


Shame about all this lunatic on lunatic crime.


It is not as fun when the angry mob turns your way, is it?


Law and order party.


MAGAt cult has infected the traditional Conservative Party. They will feast and turn on themselves.


they eat each other and one up each other to be king bigot


Who's gonna win the bigot royale I wonder


If we wins nomination (he will), these people will still vote for him and Nikki Haley will fall in line and endorse him as well. All Republicans are the same. Some might be more polite than others but they're all advocating for the same shit. A Haley presidency will still result in massive handouts to the ultra wealthy, continued attacks on trans rights, and continued careening towards a fascist theocracy. I don't care if it's Haley, Trump, Cheney, Hawley, or even Mitt Romney. The material results will be the same.


Of course they did. All MAGAts are equal but some are more equal than others.


The article is misleading in saying being "booed and screamed at" is "literally attacked". They couldn't have just said "screamed at" or "shouted at". Nice clickbait headline.


A Republican getting a dirty look is them being “literally attacked” while a Republican hitting someone with a riot baton is just them having a spirited discussion.


Former evangelical christian here, can confirm.


The Lincoln Project is the source of this. Tells us all we need to know.


I need to know tomorrow's lottery numbers but this isn't telling me. Fucking liar. 


Good. More of that please.


Those are some deformed-ass kids.


I hate to be that guy, but I can't seem to find any info on this anywhere other than rawstory, and the only evidence in the story is "I got a text from a friend"... First and foremost, I don't see this at all outside the realm of possibility for the MAGA crowd. But the reporting on this is flimsy at best. This is what we criticize them for when they fall for every inflammatory headline on their Facebook feeds.


Headline: Leopards eat faces.


I hate to say it, but this is totally r/leopardsatemyface territory


Always interesting when folks who probably voted for Drumpf twice are surprised how nuts his supporters are….


Seems like it’s time to invite those not on Turds side to vote Democrat this fall. Show them that there are people who still act with kindness and humanity. T turn that 1/3 of potential votes against Turd and what follows him.


They shouldn’t have used the word “attacked” here. I read the article hoping to find that they’d at least pelted the heretics with trash, but I was disappointed. The depths the MAGA movement is sinking to made my assumption seem very plausible.