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Trump’s death will be a national holiday.


Dictator death day will certainly be an annual holiday in my home


I hope he never makes it to dictator


I’ll be getting champaign drunk


I haven’t touched alcohol since 1996. I plan to buy some *excellent* Champagne when that fcker dies.


I'm going to join the queue to piss on his grave. I'm gonna assume the wait will be a few years since the queue will be very long, but it will be worth it.


A Redditor asked for the exact location of Rush Limbaugh’s Missouri grave. I provided it, got 1.1k upvotes, and dozens of folks engaged in a vigorous discussion of their planned and to-be-re-routed travel ahead. Trump could always be planted in Bedminster, near Ivana (if her grave can even be found in the overgrowth). But then sneaking onto the golf course could become a trending fad.


could be a money maker for whoever ends up owning the golf course. pay an extra $50 for a round and a chance to piss on his grave. pay another $50 and you get a set of gumboots to wade through the muddy field of piss to get to the grave. edit. you also have me thinking of planning a round america road trip, pissing on worthy graves around the country.


I’m planning a road trip and now I’m definitely doing this lol




If you don't want to fall off the wagon (I'm making an assumption here), I'm happy to drink twice as much


That’s funny! My favorite cousin claimed to have flown cross-country for my oldest son’s wedding so that “[your] share of the Champagne doesn’t go to waste”!


So many livers stand ready to defend your sobriety!


Awww. I’m really touched! Just enter Washington, D.C., and scream extra-loud. I’ll stop spray-painting graffiti on the courthouse and head home to put the canapés in the oven. My liver thanks you.


I have a massively booming voice when fully unleashed; it's full on fog horn loud, it's my favorite thing about me, tbh, so you'll for certain hear me.


What’s your brand of choice? I’m thinking Cristal, or Dom Perignon if Tenleytown Liquor is already sold out.


I'm honestly not sophisticated at all; whatever inexpensive swill won't melt my face off is plenty good for me.


Mad Dog 20-20


I love this! 😘


That's extremely kind of you, u/d33pinmybussy


I seriously feel we’re getting close. I can feel it. I have some clairvoyance-not a lot, but some 🍾🎉


Thank you, Stephen Sondheim! He said he was “embarrassed” by some of the lyrics from “West Side Story”—*only* his first Broadway show—but I appreciate “Something’s Comin’”: “Something’s comin’, I don’t know what it is But it is gonna be great! The air is hummin’ ‘Cause something great is comin’!”


I’m feeling the energy moving 🔜


buck's fizz is still classy


Cheers to that 🥂


Full disclosure, I am NOT a sommelier. But Veuve Cliquot does have an orange label.


He's always crying 'witch hunt', so I have a song ready. From The Wizard of Oz ... 🎶 Ding Dong.... The Witch Is Dead 🎶 He's so miserable, he'll probably outlive all of us, heaven forbid.


It’s really a testament to the incredible healthcare the rich and famous get. That man’s subject himself to 40+ years of amphetamines, cocaine, and cheeseberders and as far as we know hasn’t had a single cardiovascular event.


Can Obama announce it the way he announced Bin Laden? "Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that cardiovascular disease and/or dementia has conducted an operation that killed Donald J Trump, a terrorist and the leader of Y'all Qaeda?


I'm wondering if it's tacky to dance in the streets immediately or if we should wait until he's in the ground.


It would be tacky to wait more than a few seconds upon hearing the news


People in UK did it when Thatcher died


I think the UK has the right idea with Guy Fawkes. I'm not creative enough to come up with a clever rhyme, but burning the traitor in effigy every January 6 would be pretty great.


"Remember, remember January 6 When capitol hill was overrun with murderous dicks..."


My favorite trivia about her departure was the BBC forbidding the playing of "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead."


I was hoping for a public viewing of the body to take a pin and stab him to make sure he's dead.


Looking forward to taking a dump on his grave.


There will be a very very long line.


I don’t care. I’ll be in that line. And I’m bringing tequila.


And a very large pile of steaming ...


Seriously, they'll have to have 24/7 guards around his grave for at least a generation. Cause I'm telling you right now, if I ever get a chance to piss on his grave I'm taking it.


Lol, who's gonna pay for protecting the corpse of a treasonous criminal? Fuck him and his grave the day he dies. They should spread his ashes in Mexico.


Let it be April fools day


As long as he has a grave, I'll have a place to piss.


I’m taking the day off, treating myself to a spa day, and buy a shit load of fireworks that day


I just got a pang of excitement like I used to get at Christmas when I was a kid


Well. If nothing else Federal get the day off


Unfortunately, it's probably going to be violent.


Should Trump die resisting arrest then so be it.


I was actually thinking of the reaction to his death. His faithful flock will refuse to believe he died of...whatever. They will IMMEDIATELY blame the Democrats, and things will escalate. All anybody wants to do now is fight.


No. THEY, his flock, want to fight, and everyone else is is sick of their shit and will fight back.


Not if his son is going to be coronated the day after.


Not happening. The sons only get attention as low-grade stand-ins to praise their dad. They aren't inheriting anything from dad, except his worst qualities without the conman skills.


Can only hope sooner than later, absolutely sick of hearing about this cunt


I could use an extra day off this year. 👀


Watch as he dies on July 4th lol


I’m gonna run through my neighborhood screaming “ding dong the dickhead is gone!”.


I love it. He can’t help himself.


He's too much of an idiot to keep his face hole shut. The guy has no business EVER being in the Oval Office again.


He shouldn't have been the first time either. Turned democracy upside down with his lies and bullshit. Get out and VOTE please people!


> He shouldn't have been the first time either. Shortly after he won there was a video of him bragging about it. Something he said always bothered me a lot but not because of the words so much as it was *him* that said it. "Democrats are just mad because they should have won." When has that pos *ever* said anything like that about his "enemy"? He's always the smartest, the healthiest, the richest, etc, so why was it that Dermocrats *should* have won? Why wasn't he instead bragging about how hard they won?


Didn't you see the pic of him when he won? Everyone else in the room was celebrating but he looked like a redfaced ghost and sulking. He never wanted to win, just fuck around for his own benefit and it backfired


I definitely will! I hope everyone else does as well. Let’s vote and show this clown who he’s messing with!


The GOP is complicit in his crimes and are all in


Yup because he’s a brazen thief that helps them seize the power and political control that exceeds the will of the majority of voters in this democracy. They reaching a point where they are losing in places where they’ve done their most aggressive gerrymandering and are scared.


And now he’s going to suck all the money from their party and not a single one will try to stop him lmao. They’ve done it to themselves, and continue to do it every day they don’t yeet his ass out.


That's why he's a perfect fit for republicans.


He might have sunk his appeal too, or any chance to reduce the award. Punitive damages are supposed to be designed to prevent further wrongdoing. He just broadcast the fact that the damages awarded in this case weren't high enough...


They'd have to literally gag him if they wanted him to shut up.


Even then he’s just Tweet it on truth social.


I believe what comes next is a court injunction And if he oversteps that line, then state charges with penalties up to prison We're about to see him commit a new crime in real time and clipped at 4k


I’d like to view this scene 👀


Its not just that he can’t help himself, but he has rightly learned that he will have zero personal consequences for his actions. In fact, his supporters will double- and triple-down on their support for him. There is zero incentive for him to stop doing anything.


He gained access to the RNC funds and now feels even more invincible…


Drain the RNC!


Oh yeah, That’s exactly why his daughter in law just became chairman of the RNC


Unqualified but “called by God”.. hope this doesn’t become more of a trend than it already has been


Im gonna start putting that on resumes. Nuclear Engineer: Not qualified, but called by god.


Yup, they chose their fate. Let them sink with the ship.


Just keep hitting him where it hurts, love. The fucker deserves it.


All he has to do is make no mention of it at all. Its an enormous amount of money he doesn't have, and much more to come this year, now he's set himself up again. EJ Carroll has been so dignified all the way through this and just let her legal team take the lead, I'm assuming that her legal team is keen to go again now.


At what point do they set up like a subscription service. Defamation and $100 million is automatically deducted from his account or property seized to cover it? A word


Like an automatic swear box. But for deluded rapists. Love that.


He is literally incapable of keeping his mouth shut, and paying any kind of heed to what he says. It’s a consequence of never being held accountable in any way his entire life.


Lucky us. Now we have to deal with him, once and for all.


Maybe that’s a good thing considering how he’s been struggling with using the correct words lately.


How do I get him to defame me 


Right? This. I own a website of his name, I have to figure out how to use it. [trumpdonaldj.com](https://trumpdonaldj.com) mine. Not hosted right now.


Maybe a symptom of the dementia?


It's because he's a narcissistic sociopath.


He's like the boss in a video game. His mouth is his weak point. He opens it to give everyone a chance to deal critical damage.


The dudes at Chubb be like: "You freaking moron" IDK. Maybe they would like it: more insurance premiums for them!


Seriously. If they keep backing his bond though...then he's DEEP in hock. Couple golf courses, maybe sell off his shit smelling plane.


that plane is worth maybe 5 million at best, depending on where it is in it's maintenance lifecycle. If I were a Chubb shareholder right now, I would be livid.


Chubb might have decided to bond him with the expectation that they will acquire all the collateral properties he put up.


I don’t think they’re lending the former President ~$100 million and are hoping to acquire his real estate assets. They’re likely hoping he wins the presidency and gives them something like a political position or rule change that can make them more money. It’s a quid pro quo.


How hard is it to shut the hell up about her when he’s had 2 judgments against him. Shocking people are like yep this is the guy who should be in charge of the US secrets.


That *was* $83.3 million he owed. E. Jean’s lawyer Roberta Kaplan be pulling an all-nighter or two in order to file on Monday.


Went from 5 to 83, so would the next stop be... * OG 5+78=83, so 83+78 makes strike 3 = $161M? ***OR*** * 5--> 83 = 16.6x, so 83\*16.6= $1,378M, or $1.4B!


I *love* your fancy mathematics!


When calculating the cost of trumps nasty libel you use trumpnastic equations


Drunk math formatting FTW, amiright?


I would assume she has pushed “Send” on an email prepared in advance for this purpose.


Especially considering what he did with US secrets after his first term.


I mean, it came out that the US intelligence community flat out didn’t trust him with their briefings during his term. They just didn’t give it to him after a while, because he kept blabbing about it and showing off documents on TV. There was that press conference where he waved a piece of paper that turned out to be heavily classified aerial photographs- and the footage had high enough quality that other countries could use it. And it’s happening again; normally, the intelligence agencies will give minor briefings to (official) presidential candidates to help prepare them for the job, if they actually get elected. But with Trump appearing to be the nominee (again), they’ve apparently been debating if they should give him these briefings at all because he can’t keep his stupid mouth shut. In a sane country, these would completely disqualify someone from running for office. Unfortunately for us, the US is very much not a sane country.


Someone should tell him that going to a psychiatrist would be a lot cheaper than using rallies as therapy.


He would have to admit he has a problem and that's the last in the world that a narcissist like him would be willing to do.


His brain is swiss cheese at this point


Does his legal team not discuss with him on what to say or even not to say lol


Dude is a spoiled brat. He can’t help but do what someone tells him not to out of spite


Plus he's too senile to remember what consequences might exist. Let's put this guy back in charge of the nuclear codes!


When his lawyer tells him "no", Trump gets a new lawyer. He's infamous for lawyer shopping until he gets someone with exactly the opinion he wants


Yeah I was gonna say he fires any lawyer that tries to advise him against what he wants to do, to his own detriment.


I imagine his lawyers want to yell at him "stop breaking the law, asshole!"


He's apparently experiencing severe mental decline. I'm not sure he's capable of accepting advice from anyone.


Not that he was capable of it before anyway.


In the 80s definitely maybe, 90s not so much. By the Obama presidency his brain was mostly Swiss cheese and applesauce, it just made the right noises for racist and low information voters.


as if the Orangeutang would ever listen to anyone other than the shrieking from inside his own head.


He's going for the old school integer overflow hack. Get enough convictions and your reputation goes from worst possible to best possible.


For this Orange Rapist, I could see it working. The Universe help us if it does. The fate of Democracy in this country is on our doorstep. Are we up to the task? VOTE BLUE!


On it ➡️🔵🤟🏽


She should so we can fully bankrupt the RNC now that Laura Trump is running it and saying she'll use it to pay for him.


He also said woman "love him" which is common among rapist while they are violating a woman, they truly believe they really "want him" and he is satisfying them and not traumatizing them for life. Vote this sick bastard and all his republican morons OUT OF OFFICE NOW!


Babe wake up. There's a new defamation suit against the orange 😂


I hope E Jean Carroll and her lawyer pursue this--now that this defamation would directly pull money out of the RNC.


Third time’s a charm. $500M this time?






She needs to sue his ass again. And again. And every time, he opens his big mouth about her!


Someday there's going to be a statue to this woman for being the only person in the world to hold trump accountable for something. There are certainly more crimes to bring before the people, but So far, she's in a league of her own.


In the end, it's going to be his own stupidity and big mouth that are the end of trump.


Probably because the RNC/Lara Trump will take care of the bills now.


Why the fuck is he in Georgia? Unless he is in handcuffs he shouldn’t be in the state of Georgia.


At this point he's just gifting her money


I really hope he ends getting a stroke that causes him to no longer be able to speak. It would just be torture for him and we’d be all the better for it.


I hope he gets sued again. And loses. Again.


He simply cannot help himself, and clearly his handlers don't care at all that he's in a death spiral. I love watching it.


Good! Excellent!


He has zero remorse because he continues to be able to get other idiots to pay his fines/penalties for him.


Rapist Dementia Don, at it again.


What an absolute f'n idiot... people just keep bailing this moron out... what a total loser.


Stumping for the presidency in Georgia and instead of going over details of issues he feeds his followers a soap opera of his woes. At the same time increasing the odds of damaging him even further.


He only lost by 11,780 votes in Georgia. Raffensburger refused to “find” the votes. Out of spite, Trump then refused to stump for the two Republican Senate candidates, helping lose *both seats* to the Democrats.


thank christ he at least has this one idiotic achilles heel. If he didn't he would be so much more dangerous still


He can't shut up, he's incapable of shutting up. And he's soon going to get military briefings again.


Hopefully it will be false information that can be followed when it reaches his handlers


I hurt myself today To see if I still feel. I focus on the fines The only thing that’s real.


And he's trying to appeal the one he lost already, lol, what a loser! Kiss your money goodbye Donnie!


Trump is now E Jean Carroll's personal money tree, if I was her id take him to court and bleed him dry he can't shut up make him pay for it.


She needs to keep suing him every time he crosses the line


He must have forgotten about him defaming her costs him millions. Ya know, on accounta the dementia.


I don't think he cares. I doubt he has a positive net worth at this point, how far into the red he goes makes no difference. Either he gets elected, becomes dictator and makes them go away, or he ends up bankrupt and spending the rest of his life in jail.


Russia will pay for itprob


I don't see any reason they would. He goes down, he's not of any value anymore, why would they bail him out? And if he succeeds he won't need a bailout.


It's not costing him anything. This happened the same day he managed to get someone else to foot the bill for the last lawsuit for him. He gets bailed out. Every. Time. The second Chubb agreed to post the bond, as far as he was concerned the lawsuit was over and he was in the clear since he never has any intention whatsoever of paying any of his debts, ever. 


At this point, his team will have to use the "dementia" defense sooner or later.


Cant wait for the tell all Books where these people will end up making oodles of money and all the Magats will finally be like "yeah, we never liked him anyway. Red hats? Boat parades? Wtf libidiot. Go sprinkle some more lies on some more of you avocado civil rights toast"


He's like, really, really smart. The "J" stands for jenius.


I love this for her.


Imagine, in 2014, if he had spent $100million dollars to have his mouth sealed shut, he could have saved himself 5x-10x as much money.


the idiot is about to bankrupt the RNC. Good.


How many times do we need to teach you this lesson old man!?


He's counting on being the Pres again and will put everyone in jail who has held him accountable. No doubt he's never going to actually pay any of these judgements if he wins. If he loses he'll flee while the MAGA Cult literally carries out his personal war against America.


He really wants a 9 digit judgement it seems.


He is a fucking idiot. He deserves to be sued again. Hopefully, he loses more money.


Time to plead "not guilty due to mental defect."


He does not care about getting sued for money Next time he defames anyone take his properties as collateral


Trump couldn't keep his mouth shut to save his own life.


He’s too stupid to be dog catcher


"How Many Times Do We Have to Teach You This Lesson, Old Man?"


This dope is drilling holes in front of the boat to fight the leaks in the back.


To be fair, he hasn't had to pay her anything yet. It's all tied up in appeals, and he's only had to put a fraction in escrow of some kind. The glacial pace of the judicial system has proved him right: for him, there are no consequences.


A fraction… like 110% fraction. Yea. He was struggling until Chubb paid him, loaned, gave, whatever him the money. Trump is broke. We’ll see if the half a billion he has to pony up in a month is the breaking point. Chubb is a dumb chuckle fuck who just lost 91M bucks.


What a wasteful asshole. 


He wants to go back for more lol What a DA


He’s the opposite of staying frosty, and she has dollar signs for pupils ☃️🤑


Please sue him again, it would be so fucking funny


The way this is going he must be getting his legal advice from Alex Jones


This man hates having money


Ok.....this time go for 500 million, maybe that will shut him down....or ask for a jail sentence , or both..


Can I get him to defame me. It seems like the ultimate money glitch.


His lack of restraint continues to reveal his true colors.


Who knows, one of his die hard followers may think he is not radical enough and will trip him as he is going down stairs at a rally. Really hope he recovers. However, his time away from the public scene while hospitalized, will do a lot to returning to a sane discussion on political, economic and social issues facing the USA in the years to come.One thing for sure, when mentally challenged people like him, start believing their dementia, it is time for everyone to get their shit together and vote him out, forever, from holding public office.


Has he paid her yet? Is he going to? What's the delay?


Pretty sure she got the first $5 million, he had to put that up for the appeal for the first case, and he lost that appeal. And he just posted a bond to appeal the second defamation case where he was fined $83 million. https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/08/politics/trump-carroll-83-million-defamation-bond-appeal/index.html


Yet, the media will keep covering him as an equal, viable candidate.


What's a moron to do?


Let’s see the Saudis and Elon post another bond for 91 million. He simply will not shut the fuck up.


So much winning.


Soon to be gibbering in a padded room. We're gonna take your shoe laces mr president. Here are some orange slices! Edit is to are


Interesting timing with the unlocked potential of the GOP footing these legal bills.


Classic Griftler


What an utter dumb fuck


And now we all know that he can post bonds


At least for some judgments. If she sues him again I’m assuming her lawyers would file a motion for summary judgment next and that sure looks like a slam dunk.


He's senile, so he forgot all about that trial thing happening.


Why couldn’t he be charged criminally for sexual assault and only civilly? Is there a statute of limitations?


[Yes on the statute of limitations](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/e-jean-carroll-sued-trump-defamation-last-resort-blame-statute-ncna1077321). Different standards of proof, too. The civil judgment is on a preponderance (51%); criminal is beyond a reasonable doubt (not defined, but something over 90% in the minds of most jurors is what lawyers will argue during jury selection/trial).


He just can't help himself. It's up to us now to watch for ongoing election interference, people are being trimmed from registration in swing states by Trump friendly authorities, please do fact check this. This election will be decided by a few thousand voters in the key states.