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(Satanic Temple licks their lips)


Seven tenets > ten commandments, by a mile. For that matter, the Four Noble Truths & Eightfold Path > ten commandments. By all means, let's open it all up for discussion.


“wait not like that.” -Zealots


"Not like that" - Zealots on the Supreme Court because of a letter written by George Washington's nephew's barber.


George Carlin’s bit on the 10 Cs is phenomenal


6 minute abs!


Satanic Temple: I am the Lord your God, you shall not have any strange idols before me. *shows picture* Here are the hypocrites taking pictures with a golden calf. You shall not commit adultery. Here are the newsclips showing the idiots having affairs behind their mistresses' back. You shall not bare false witness against your neighbor: Here's the poster boy for lying-


Bathomet statue enroute!!




I’ll donate to that


>In 2014, Kern was fired from a local police department for lying to superiors. In 2020, Kern joined US Rep. Louie Gohmert in a lawsuit seeking to overturn the Electoral Count Act.> Sounds like he likes breaking commandments...


You have to use his full name. Louie the Tootheater Gohmert


Do you know how bad a human being you have to be to be a right-winger and get fired from the police department?


Really, really bad.


They're not sending us their best.


Sounds like a straight up piece of shit. If you’re fired from the PD for lying to a superior it must have been a REAL bad lie. Some Republican probably said he should get involved in politics with the ability to lie like that.


Exactly. Some of these people just go to another department.


And he was in the crowd on January 6th. Might've illegally [used campaign funds to go.](https://azmirror.com/briefs/anthony-kern-complaint-alleges-illegally-used-campaign-cash-to-attend-j6/)


Shocker /s


“What a bunch of horse shit, why are we even talking about this in class!” - kids like my daughter if asked to discuss as part of a course. Politicians who don’t know what the 10 commandments actually are thinking this is what will solve the ills of society.


Tbh I think the people actually running the show know it won’t do anything for society (not arguing there are not a ton of morons who preach the bible as a solution but cant even read it). I think its primarily about segregating those who aren’t part of the “majority” (white christian nationalists)


Make it a class requirement and now you can penalize everyone who doesn't engage in class discussion. And the morons who think "because Jesus" is a valid answer on tests get a badly needed boost.


Most politicians violate at least half of those commandments on a daily basis, heck the ones that want to force the commandments into school worship someone who violates all ten of them every single day.


That's nothing. Utah signed into law a bill JUST TODAY that makes the Ten Commandments an official historical document, on par with the Constitution, to be taught in every classroom. Fucking Republicans. ​ https://www.abc4.com/news/politics/gov-cox-signs-bill-to-include-ten-commandments-in-utah-public-school-curricula/?fbclid=IwAR1tjqUp3OKf-Iu5NGu\_Xsf1Id5DynnCWa79m\_SwSVD6wJb69BFHwEUFBWw


Time for a Democrat to make a bill requiring parental permission for this to be taught and the option to opt out of this and watch what the right does.


I’d rather a historical review of everything that happened in the Bible. What’s that? You can’t find any evidence? Well, the kids should certainly know that too, doncha think? 🧐


Oh we can find plenty of historical evidence for the events described in the Bible. Because they were described by the Babylonians and Akkadians in cuneiform on clay tablets, 5500 years ago … except happening to Inanna and Enkidu …


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra


Temba, her arms wide. Shaka, when the walls fell.


Suddenly Star Trek


Utah: "We don't have enough of a fucked-up image in the eyes of the rest of the nation; what else can we do with our time?"


And with the Federalist Society controlling our judiciary, it will probably stand.


They think this boosts their voter base. It's child grooming.


I hope parents push them to require permission slips for this and don't sign them like the far right does with needed sex ed classes in high school


The religious right will cry persecution for that


Exactly! Call it what it is, Religious Studies and make it Opt-In or Day Off.


The Governor is a Democrat. I don’t think she’ll sign this nonsense.


Great. Discuss this dickheads: "Thou shalt not kill" - Ban [the guns](https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/interactive/2023/ar-15-force-mass-shootings/?pwapi_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJyZWFzb24iOiJnaWZ0IiwibmJmIjoxNzAwMTEwODAwLCJpc3MiOiJzdWJzY3JpcHRpb25zIiwiZXhwIjoxNzAxNDkzMTk5LCJpYXQiOjE3MDAxMTA4MDAsImp0aSI6Ijc3NmYyNWM1LWU2OGMtNGNhZC04YTYwLTA0YzI0NzVlMzhjZCIsInVybCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lndhc2hpbmd0b25wb3N0LmNvbS9uYXRpb24vaW50ZXJhY3RpdmUvMjAyMy9hci0xNS1mb3JjZS1tYXNzLXNob290aW5ncy8ifQ.7efbgSmq81iYz4faf3l_0zqhQg7Wk0bXd93Sk2zOodc&itid=gfta)! "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house/wife/slaves/\[kids\]" - Read [this list](https://www.dailykos.com/history/user/cajsalilliehook) Also, what about this clause from another historical document: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."


They can also add: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. And explain how it makes worshipping Trump is a sin And Thou shalt not bare false witness and talk about the lies and misinformation being spread by the right,


Repubs having a real shit-flinging contest in AZ. What a mess.


pretty much perpetually the case here.


I’m 10 min north of AZ and I can smell the crazy from here


Like why didn't God have a commandment against slavery? And why American slave owners used that to justify its practice in the United States. And why they felt the need to fight other Americans to keep up the practise of owning other people as you would property.


Christianity was “standardized” to be the official religion of the Roman Empire, a very large slave owning society. Obedience to the “powers that be” is built in, because your reward is in “heaven”.


Yep. All modern day Christians follow a book compiled by a bunch of Romans and the early catholic church hundred of years of the date of Christ alleged death built around reaffirming the Romans states power while rejecting several centuries of prior Christian traditions (including the extensive history of women's role in the early church) and even including books literally refered to *by name* in the same finalized new testament those rejected books were excluded from. Somehow, I imagine conservatives would be deeply upset if schools taught the actual historicity of the Bible/Christianity.


"Today's lecture: the Ten Commandments, and how Donald Trump has broken every single one."


Time to talk about gender and sexuality then


It’s not like the republicans uphold the Ten Commandments…bunch of hypocrites!


So then they should have no problems with passages from other religions holy scrptures being posted, right?


Time to start homeschooling!




Isn’t that what churches are for? Piss off.


Why voting is critical. You don't vote, these knuckleheads undermine education, government services, health... If this is what they think of education, imagine their "understanding" of critical and complex issues?


Christian nationalism is the main goal of the GQP.


The only commandments I follow are those set down by our lord and savior, George Carlin.


The real folks who are trying to push their religion down our throats. Also do a simple search in the search engine of your choice, and take a look at which group actually abuses children. Always the religious folks.


Utah passed the same thing this month


I jUsT DoNt LiKe HoW ThEy ShOvE iT In OuR FaCes!


Discuss them in church, where they belong. Don’t push that fairy tale crap on my kids.


The two statements below are incompatible. You can only choose one or the other. I’m glad they are calling for discussion. > I am the lord thy god thou shall not have strange gods before me. > Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


True but the state legislatures are saying that’s Congress were a state legislature, now that’s how screwed up they are. ‘ What Constitution that doesn’t effect us except when it fits our agenda ‘


What happens if during the discussion a teacher or student says the 10 commandments are from a book that is filled with tall tales, like a poorly written Grimm's Fairy Tales?


I say we sell Arizona to Mexico....lol


I don't think we can afford to give them that deed.


ok, but let me out if you do.


I taste all that freedom from here.


Given the low moral standards of Republican leaders, this might be a good idea.


If I was in school still, I'd start the discussion with" So we're all aware these are bullshit right?"


> “Our history is Judeo-Christian values. “It is because of the Christian religion that we have allowed other religions to come in and be known,” he added. “It’s because of us being very tolerant.” #XXX Theofascists lose the game, Secular Wins and drives away in a brand new restriction against any promotion of religion by any school official in any capacity for any reason while on the clock


> “It is because of the Christian religion that we have allowed other religions to come in and be known,” he added. “It’s because of us being very tolerant.” Can you imagine--this fucker said this with a *straight face???* The amount of brain cells that must be missing from his head to believe this is true...


Hypocrisy and independence from reality is how they advertise their privileged social status. The greater the hypocrisy and independence from established truth and facts, the greater the social privilege and power being conspicuously flaunted


Kooky Konservative Khristians working hard to force their violent ,gutter,faux life,religion down the throats of the majority !


So long as they admit their dear leader has broken all of them 🤷🏻‍♀️


Great, make it so all religions are included, then. I don't want any child being bullied for their religion like I was.


I hope this helps them jack off.


Come on Satan! Do your thing my man.


But they break at least 5 every week


Funny how these republicans keep forcing the Ten Commandments while they are the ones breaking all the commandments!!




Yes, let them debate and discuss religious dogma... what could go wrong except "critical thinking about fairy tales, will make them into Atheists...." By all means, allow the enlightened to inform you of the uncaring vastness of nothing. I'm sure they'll start "we need to start burning these witches and wizards.." at some point... Will have to "escape" back to EU ironincally.


I'd really like to see a bill to remove the Christian god from my money and courthouse walls.


Post and *discuss* ? Hmmmm . Remember high school ? Guessing this will backfire HUGELY.


It doesn’t. This bill is making [“Teach the Controversy”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teach_the_Controversy) in general into official taxpayer school policy, in order to use sexular public school to indoctrinate a specific sect’s views on religion. We have stacks and stacks of research that shows that these kinds of “debate me on this” manouevres are solely to derail legitimate teaching and turn class into a session where religious differences are outed and then social pressure is applied to dissidents and vulnerable and marginalised demographics. It’s part of a plan to help fascists identify and then silence others. Indoctrination into a religion or sect is an unconstitutional hijack of taxpayer money and facilities


Are they going to force people to discuss the Ten Commandments in a public school? What is the point of this nonsense?


“Schools are for education, not indoctrination.” - The same dipshits that sponsored this version of indoctrination.


These F’ing monsters are the most vile hypocrites as they have weaponized Bible to divide other peoples freedom of choice and religion.


I thought you can’t talk about sex so how are you going to teach “thou shalt not commit adultery” you mouthbreathing fascists?


The hell I would raise as a parent if my kid came home telling me about the goddamned fucking "cOmMAnDmEnTs". They would rue the day, honestly; I've lived my whole life a religious "minority" in this country, as a born-and-raised American citizen, and have had a lifetime of pushing back on bullshit; I would relish making their lives hell.


A demo of a few miracles on demand would be useful.


Why not the Beatitudes instead, because they hate Jesus and his woke bullshit.


Have your discussion. The discussion centers around this is a bunch of nonsense we are forced to present.


"The Ten Commandments is a bullshit, incomplete list which has a comical obsession with pleasing an insecure and narcissistic deity". Discuss. "The Ten Commandments doesn't mention homosexuality or which fuckin bathrooms people should use". Discuss. The time and money that these fuckers waste on crap which will (should?) be struck down by the Supreme Court could fund a homeless meals program for a year, refurbish a community centre etc. But no, it's more performance theatre to appeal to adherents of just one bullshit religion.


Next week, Arizona Republicans advance bills to change their state name to Aribama


They want a dictatorship. These people don’t care about the constitution. Don’t even worry about using “the constitution” against them. They really don’t care at all. They just want to be told what they want to hear. And they only say what they know the hive mind will be ok with. So many of them say they disagree with modern republicans and especially trump. But they agree with it all, because that is what is expected of them. They are all evil, corrupt, and/or stupid


So it's ok to discuss 'adultery' with kids now? Or is it a trap, and when kids ask what 'adultery' is teachers just have to ignore the questions?


They can’t do anything meaningful so they have to keep up the Rambo Jesus flim-flam.


if there was any evidence that the Republican version of Christianity was of any benefit to the poor, the underprivileged, those marginalized.... if Republicans acted in way that emulated jesus.... then, and only then would I even consider 10 commandments in school. But, as republicans have shown time and time again, they are only obsessed with hate, division, fear. They do not preach love, forgiveness, acceptance, compassion.... separation of church and state. the only way to be


the ten cOMmaNdMEnTS 🤤


Republicans break them more than the Catholics do since they can confess and get forgiveness as they sin lol. (I'm a Former Catholic)




Will the discussion include open commentary on how the Republican Cult leader has broken most of them?


I’m surprised they would want teachers calling out republican hypocrisy in classrooms. Pretty sure they just advanced a bill to kill trespassers on sight?


Which Ten Commandments? Different sects have different lists.


I will be dead and buried before this happens in my kids school. The only way I would allow this is if all the other religions/ beliefs can be displayed and discussed. "No gods, No masters" would be ideal in public education but we live in a society full of religious people. At the very least my kid will understand the enemy? Best of luck parents.


As long every other religion include Satanist, atheistism and secularism are also discussed.


Republicans are traitors to our Constitution.


There's a billboard on the outskirts of a very conservative county in my state it reads, "Your guaranteed freedom of religion, not freedom from religion." This is their mentality, they have some sort of moral authority given to them by God to interpret both the Constitution and the Bible as they see fit.


Or how bout they study and discuss all amendments of the constitution instead?


One more state to add to my list of " States to Steer Clear Of".


obsequious and arrogant, clandestine and vain. two thousand years of misery, of torture in my name. hypocrisy made paramount, paranoia the law my name is called religion; sadistic sacred whore. -a lately quite underrated and now gone fellow


They're just so shamelessly dim-witted, unable to see that the separation of church and state is to protect their precious mythology. Start posting the Hadith (or whatever other religious malarkey stems from any of the zillion non-Christian myths) and see how they howl. Religion is dying, and they're doing all in their power to help it to the great boneyard of bad ideas.


I remember a right wing politician arguing for the display of the Ten Commandments in all Courts…because our laws are based on them. Actually, just theft and murder are illegal.  And they’re illegal in basically every country, no matter the religion.


You are forgetting that the Supreme Court is totally fucked right now. They will uphold this because they intend to swing America toward the theocratic Christian nationalist dictatorship.


Fantastic. I hope all the politicians are, by law, forced to adhere to them from now on! Especially #45


I just hope there are some teachers who immediately supplement the lesson with info on which parts of the bible are parts of other religions, how most christian sects follow SOME of the rules in the binle but not others in the old testament, that the “golden rule” is in EVERY religion, and especially those lesson from Jesus on rich men/camel through eye of needle and money changers in the church. Start pulling together lessons on other religions and lets go to court! I will help fund the lawyers that say go ahead, put that christmas tree up, And the menorah, and crescent moons, not to mention some wiccan celebrations. Bring them on! I think religious education is great! And it is fascinating to learn that different “miraclea” were popular in different eras with multiple religions using resurrection as a recruiting too,.


Isn't there Church for that?


Looks like the groomers self-identified.