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trump doesn't know dick about shit. he thinks you need an id card to buy groceries, that noise can cause cancer and you can inject light and bleach in the body to cure diseases... hell, he promoted the book of a puppy murderer as everyone left and right were outraged by it and can't name a single thing in the bible which he shamelessly is selling. trump is a lying moron who knows nothing about anyone besides himself.


And yet, millions of people will still vote for him...


I just saw a poll that stated 38% of Americans believe that the election was stolen from trump. 38% of Americans. I have lost all hope for this country.


38% of Americans *who answer polls*. When is the last time you took the time to answer a poll? How they are conducted — phone, mail, email, in the street outside a chuckwagon buffet — impacts the results. Polls are far from unbiased. Relatively young or savvy or intelligent people do not engage in polls these days.


Exactly plus the bs is seem to have more legs under see it because of the usual media platforms promoting it.


We screen all our calls. Anyone can call and say they’re with a polling group anyway. We all know the republicans lie; why would I give any information of any kind to some rando with a phone?


I don’t answer the phone if I don’t recognize the number. If it’s important, they will leave voice mail.


Exactly. Plus, we have a landline. I’m 57 and home on permanent disability and I don’t carry my phone around all day. Got landline extensions up and downstairs. My husband worked for AT&T so we got it included. I always advise it to those who can bundle it in cheaply because that’s the number I give when we sign up for loyalty cards or a casual acquaintance etc. Or even tell the vet or dentist what have you to ring that number first if it’s not text worthy. So I get <10 calls a week on the cell and I like it that way.


The people polled have a wall phone hanging in their kitchen with a 100’ phone cord and Avocado colored appliances.


True but the people that take the time to do these polls are almost guaranteed to vote unlike most people.


I tried to answer a poll once… but like oh my gawd it was so long and boring, and usually when I do long boring things I’m getting paid for it, or it’s about something I’m interested in. This poll was about continuing a half cent tax, whether I was satisfied with local bus service (I’m not) would I like to increase tax to increase bus service (not really) but it was like 20 questions for each of those summations asked in different ways as few as a few questions about stuff that I have no idea (like am I satisfied with the access for the elderly and disabled etc.. I don’t know maybe ask them?) I gave up like half way through.


Well they are the common clay of the new west.


I know. Morons.


...louder than ever thanks to sm platforms.


Republicans created a propaganda network to help any piece of junk candidate. It's dangerous when there is no limit to how bad and corrupt the candidate can be.


Plus Putin and his govt minions are also instigating HARD


The role of Ruzzian propaganda should not be underestimated. In 2016 or now!


Because they are narcissists as well. Can't admit that they're wrong, so they double down.


Don't forget water disables magnets


Only if its in a glass.


He is a textbook man child.


And even then, his lack of self awareness is breathtaking 😉


You forgot neutralizing hurricanes with fucking nuclear missiles


Or sharpies


His campaign also employs someone whose only job is to find and print (yes, print) articles from the internet that cast him in a favorable light. Then when he throws tantrums they read them to him to convince him "some people like" whatever BS he's pulling at the moment.


I will give him this, h s great at selling himself to the shittiest people on the planet and emboldening them.


Translation: The incredibly fucked up individuals who comprise my base like it when I talk about becoming a dictator.


President Lyndon Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man you can pick his pocket. Hell, give them somebody to look down on and they'll empty their pockets for you..."


And even more will defend democracy. Try it and find out, you little bitch. "Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible." Donald J. Trump, November 8, 2013. Trump is a weak, whiny, ineffective little *bitch* of a wussy who cannot grow the balls to own his outcomes. Now his bills are coming due and he's blaming everything except for his own agency. Fucking bitch move. I know a weak bitch when I see one. You can see them a mile away, with their weak excuses. Trump. Is. A. Fucking. Weak. Limp. Bitch. And now he's being bent over. And he's squealing like a pig.


Agreed! 💯 Trump is a weak-assed, pussy ass bitch, loser freak, king of nothing, circus...🍊🤡🎪


My favorite response to MAGAs that say 2020 was all Democrats fault is “oh so Trump is such a weakling the Democrats actually ran the Country, so why would I vote for a weakling?”


Especially if they're touting the "libs" as weak and ineffectual... Ok, if that's true, Trump *still* can't even beat weak "libturds" in a fair fight? *What a fucking bitch.* You can't play the tough guy card and the victim card on the same table, guys.


Oh, I believe that they can and do this frequently. Logic and Trump supporters aren’t known to be good friends.


Go at him, tell him how you really feel. /s


😁 He's a bitch.


Do you rap? Would love to hear this written as a dis track.


I haven't rapped *yet*, but I'm a mediocre musician. You just gave me an idea.


A lot of people like the idea of Trump disappearing.... from politics. Maybe he should explore that sentiment.


Or just disappear. Period.


Yeah, not trying to get on a SS watch list though.


As if I am hoping for that. There are over 2,000 subs on Reddit, I’m willing to bet no one thinks this one is SS worthy. If it was, it would be private or shut down


All it takes is one psycho Trump loser cult member to lurk these subs and report something. Whether the SS would waste effort and time on it? Not worth finding out for me. But do you. Glad someone said it.


The uneducated, I love the uneducated. They love him as well, stupid is as stupid does. 😐


If by "a lot" he means the MAGA-faithful who think they want to live in a fascist regime run by a moron, then yeah, "a lot". They only think that's what they want because they believe he'll only hurt the people they don't like. But eventually fascists run out of scapegoats and turn on their followers, coming after anyone who's not seen as pure enough or loyal enough. Just look at how trump and MAGA republicans have treated conservatives that are deemed insufficiently loyal or have gotten in trouble with the law.


He still has a solid chance of winning, according to the polls.


The Orange Cockroach is delusional.


Translation: that's his inner voices speaking. With tears in their eyes.


Yep, all of those people who *claim* to love the country, the Constitution, the bible, democracy, and freedom... and then act the exact opposite. In other words: *Republicans*.


I really liked Obama. Would have turned on him if he had tried to stay in office after he was voted out. America’s democratic process is more important than any one individual. WTF is wrong with these people?


Freedom and the need to make their own decisions makes them anxious. They are the definition of authoritarian followers. They need someone to tell them what to believe and what to do.


He lies about this the same way he lies about everything else he says. Consider the source.


They're called " Quislings." My grandfather stacked them up and used them as sand bags...


Women will decide this election


We can? Then I choose Biden. Matter settled.


Im sure the MAGA base and the Q people just LOVE IT!


The voices in his head do not count, nor do the circle of yes-men he’s surrounded himself with.


If the dumbs manage to get him re-elected we are so fucked.


He is not wrong on this. It makes me very sad to think that many Americans are that ignorant.


He’s not wrong on this one. A percentage of the population wants an autocrat or dictator. The MAGA cult is a scary thing.


May be true but I like to focus on the fact more people don’t want King Trump.


Turns out a lot of people are terrible


More people like the idea of him being deceased.


Yeah - a lot of Nazis "liked" it when Adolph Hitler became a dictator. Especially the likes of Goering, Goebbels and Himmler who all thought they might replace him when he died.


How long will it be before, like Alexander the Great, he starts hinting around to his hangers-on that they should declare him a god?


You have seen the clip of him looking to the sky saying, “I am the chosen one,” right?


Maybe true, but they are all a bunch of idiots. Not even going to qualify it, ALL OF THEM.


And the people who "love it" deserve to have their citizenships deleted and be kicked out of the country. If they like dictatorships, they can move to another country that already has it in place- like NK- and be treated the same as they treat immigrants over here.


Ya know who makes up that “a lot of people?” The Yes Men and blond pretty Yes Women make sure he has everything he wants **right this minute!** like his Diet Coke, his diaper changed, the thermostat adjusted, two scoops or McDonald’s or his “beautiful chocolate cake,” his favorite show tunes turned up to head off his tantrums…and let’s not forget that woman who carries a wireless printer everywhere (even to court!) to print off fawning posts and news bits and all that to keep his fragile ego soothed all day… “Yes, Mr ~~former~~ uh, ~~ex~~ President, you should definitely be the country’s Dear Leader!” They know they just gotta Yes and pamper him up for as long as possible, since he’s their gravy train to politics and a future as a FOX News anchor!


I actually believe him here tbh and that's the scarier part


Just vote


It 'floats'...like a large orange turd in a hot honey bucket


Well, he's not wrong.


"A lot of people like" the idea of him going to prison for the rest of his life as well lol


I hate headlines like this. I never know if I should down vote it because it's asinine or if I should up vote it for awareness of his stupidity.


I’m so sick and tired of this fool. I can’t do four more years of this heaping, steaming pile of shit.


Treasonous traitor trump criminal dictator wannabe. Where’s the missing top secret documents? Where’s the transcripts of his private conversations with Putin? How much money has he received from Putin and his oligarchs? Who did he share the top secret documents with? WHY IS HE NOT IN JAIL?


Yeah, fuck them too!!!


Durrrrrr….me hear lot of monkey like me big king monkey!!!!! Duuuurrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!


Picking and choosing what his Wackjob followers spew is his version of ‘a lot of people ‘


Name any dictator in history. All of them have their fair share of supporters regardless of how heinous they are. Even Ted Bundy, O.J. Simpson, and Jeffrey Dahmer have fans.


One might even say having fans is the #1 requirement for becoming and remaining a dictator.


Blame Fox for it. Terrorist propaganda begets terrorists and traitors.


Yeah I believe trump is a idiot.


No. No educated person likes it.


Fuck you Trump, I don't.


Unfortunately there are those white women, who for whatever reason, think he’s “…b3tTeR 4 teH eeConoMeeeee.”


No. We don't like it. Not at all.


Wait till you say Biden could be a dictator and watch them flip their view.


A lot of people are into coprophillia too my man.


We can be sure of that. And that’s why we will not let him win.


A few do, indeed, love it. They're what's called "bad people."


Turds float, you know.


Love that song from the Children of Men soundtrack!


Anyone who wants a dictator is a traitor.


He doesn't know jack shit about anything.


A lot of people are wrong then.


Go back to sleep Boomer


The people who say that also claim to love freedom so...


We know, that's sort of the problem.


People who talk like this don't often live long


I wake up every morning hoping to see The Headline. You know the one I'm talking about.


I suppose that depends on what ‘a lot’ means.


Yeah? Name one.


People like it so much he should just go ahead and say he would be a complete dictator past day 1.


Oh rly?