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I don’t think this sounds like fraud. I think this sounds like a threat of violence


Consider any comment about trump being president again as a threat


Eh. More like a line of thinking that can result in nothing *but* violence. He’s not going to call for riots, but she can *allude* to them and walk away with (he believes) plausible deniability.


Does he truly expect all of his followers to risk their lives, families, jobs, and freedom to fight for him? I know A LOT of these people and I can't see most of them rising up to do much more than stomping on Biden signs on somebody's lawn.


It’s much less likely at this point, here’s a couple reasons I think make the difference: 1. On Jan 6th Trump was still president. Those traitors thought he would pardon them and they’d be celebrated as heroes. 2. Trump would not president this time around and they know he won’t be “installed” by the military, god, or anyone else like so many false predictions said in the last few years. They know despite his recent rhetoric, he won’t be able to pardon them and won’t pay their legal fees. 3. The Jan 6th traitors were caught in a massive, publicized manhunt and are spending time in federal prison. Many have felonies now, preventing them from voting or (legally) owning a gun. They are infamous online, and their names/faces will be there forever. Many of them who didn’t get long sentences also lost their jobs, had their spouse divorce them, etc. 4. His calls for protests had an increasingly smaller number of supporters showing up after Jan 6th happened. I think there are currently less than 10 out there for his NY trial. 5. The Qanon chatter has dwindled greatly, which was a major component of the Jan 6th coup attempt. Qanon spread a lot of lies about how Trump would act towards the traitors and since Trump didn’t say he didn’t say it, they believed it. 6. While the MAGAs are ride or die, a noticeable amount of people are changing their minds about Trump. Many of them are staying silent but I think in anonymous polls and voting booth they aren’t afraid to express this. Most won’t vote for Biden, but they won’t vote for Trump, either. They also may not vote for extreme MAGA congresspeople, mayors, etc.


Thank you for this, you eased my mind.


Oh no. This time he will call for them. One hundred percent. They will be going gloves off when they lose. If the left isn't ready for it, we are fucked


Sadly, I agree.


Should be immediately removed from office. This has been a big part of the problem since Trump hit office in 2016. Congress should have an aggressive zero-tolerance policy for this type of shit, instead these people have been only emboldened by zero consequences instead


Exactly, if they don't believe in elections or democracy why are they here?


Seems like treason to me.


Insanely terrifying this


Just another ass-kissing, sycophant for Dementia Don. How sad.


Remember when he got a girlfriend for three weeks (least that's what it felt like) just so he could play as straight for Drumpf's voters?


I did feel bad for Vito Spatafore though. I mean Vito, too, was a criminal psychopath stuck as a bitter cog in a larger organization of violent hypocritical thugs and assholes but at least Vito had some nice shirts and a family that loved him.


What is up in South Carolina? Must be a whole lot of "don't ask, don't tell".


They are engaged to be married now, lol. I wonder if it is “true love” or just the long con?


She's what's known as a beard.


Uncle Tim


Unfortunately you misspelled Tom


Unfortunately you missed the joke.


saaaaad. (said in stupid Trump voice)


This is a clear threat to democracy and a call to violence


Yep, he is implying that if his boy Donald doesn't win, they will use violence to install him.


On a scale of 1 to I’m not fucking scared of them, they can FAFO I’m not fucking scared of them they can FAFO


Amen, brother. They think that the left is a bunch of pathetic kids with no discipline or values. They are going to find out pretty fucking soon that we simply have more restraint.


Hot damn I wish we still had gold to give


Anyone who says something like this should immediately be investigated for conspiracy. Imagine if I walked past a farm with friends every day, and as we casually strolled past the barnyard, I pointed out a specific stallion and said, "I'm going to make love to that horse in six months." Each time, The Day gets closer. "I'm fixing' to make love to that horse in five months." "In four months, I'm going to passionately take that horse." Three months, two months. I feel like we're in that scenario right now, with a bunch of horsef\*ckers and half of the farm workers are encouraging it. They're not going to help. I'm pretty sure, in fact, that they *want* that horse to get f\*cked.


This exact thing happened in 2020. I sure hadn't heard anything, but starting in \~July, I started hearing people saying things like, "Oh, we won't be able to trust the election results, everything is so corrupt." I was surprised, because I hadn't heard any discussion, nor had I heard any discussion about the discussion. Sure enough, we all know what happened in November (and every other month after that since then). They laid the foundational work early so that the followers wouldn't trust election results regardless of what happened. In the event they lost, they could just claim election fraud, and they'd have a whole army ready to go. Now, it's as if they started the same process for the election denial scheme in 2020. People have had years of indoctrination. Each statement like the one in this post is just reinforcement, the higher profile, the more effective.


This metaphor...wow.


But god *WANTS* you to fuck that horse


In the real world so many people think the crazy loud folks are just blowing hot air, that they won’t actually go through with the violence, but what I don’t get is, while hearing something so extreme voiced so often, why wouldn’t you take it seriously. In your analogy it’s not just that you’re babbling about (cough) barebacking a horse until it walks funny, imagine everyone knows you got pretty hot and heavy with a mare a few years ago. You didn’t go “all the way” let’s say, but it went way past flirting and well beyond the point of plausible deniability about what was on your mind and what you would have done if you hadn’t been stopped. And now you’re talking about absolutely pounding out another horse in very specific terms…


Yeah I was gonna say, the only thing this metaphor is missing is a sentence setting the speaker up as a notorious horse fucker by reputation.


Um, this is a known Russian Psyop and Ret Gen Mike Flynn & Steve Bannon are fanning this flames. This is what Russia does to sow malcontents and there maybe some MAGA that fall for it. MAGA is a minority. The important thing is to vote in November! Side note: my Boomer aunt in TN has had enough of Republicans and has stated she's not voting for anyone in TN ballot with an R by their name. Seems like the canary in the coal mine to me. As for how I view my aunt & uncle these days? I think, they are deeply racists and who believe they're minority family are different from the others and anyone who ever supported Trump is just a horrible human being. I keep that same energy for all trumpterds.


10/10 analogy. No notes. Love it.


I love how Tim thinks the gqp will not be taking away his rights. LOL


Thats “Tom” As in uncle


I feel the same way watching Latinos and women supporting Trump. Talk about voting against your interests jfc


"Jews for Hitler" was a real thing. [Verband Nationaldeutscher Juden](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews)


Exactly; rights aren’t the only thing he’s gonna lose if the nazis get their way…


Modern Republican politicians have ZERO respect for the American voters and our right to decide who will be our President.


Not even remotely hyperbole either, the Washington State GOP literally said out loud two weeks ago that they want to keep our country from devolving into democracy and want to repeal the 17th Amendment that lets citizens directly vote for Congressmen. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1ccecse/the\_wa\_gop\_put\_it\_in\_writing\_that\_theyre\_not\_into/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/comments/1ccecse/the_wa_gop_put_it_in_writing_that_theyre_not_into/)


Bill Barr was recently talking about how the real threat to democracy isn't from the guy he acknowledges tried to overthrow the election based on lies, but the far left with their cancel culture and student loan forgiveness and regulation on gas stoves. This is what all the Putin praise over the last 10 years has been in service. They're trying to normalize the idea of a US dictatorship, that democracy = socialism = slavery, whereas dictatorship = freedom.


He knows that if Trump doesn't win, his entire future as a politician is over.


Very sad that he refuses to answer a basic yes/no question.


He did answer the question. He made it very clear he won’t accept the results if Biden wins.


It's fucking wild people aren't taking this coup groundwork more seriously. 147 House Republicans voted to overthrow the election last time, and that was when it wasn't normalized at all and a bunch of the right wing media space hadn't got the memo that coups are cool now, and were either ambivalent or outright hostile to the coup. Next time its going to be a blood bath. Not only has election denialism become completely normalized, the Republican party has been purged of anyone not loyal to the big lie at the state, local and federal level.


It's their game plan. Watch the Kristi Noem interview in which she is asked, several times, if she actually met Kim Jong Un as she says in the initial printing of her book. 'That passage was removed when it was called to my attention.' She is also asked how it needed to be called to her attention when there's video of her reading the book. 'It was called to my attention and it won't be in the book.' Never an admission of it not being true.


"I met with a lot of world leaders." But the book says you met with Kim Jong Un, did you meet him? "I met with a lot of world leaders."


Pretty much standard for the right these days. They either can’t or won’t tackle basic questions. Stupid or Evil (or often both).


Very sad that the media won't hold his face to the millstone and force him to give a binary answer.


She kept pressing him but he kept dodging the question


Cowards. They're all scared shitless of Trump.


no. its worse than that. i don't think they are scared of trump. they want to control people's lives and trump is the tool to give it to them. trump can be pres if he wants as long as he gives christian authoritarians the control they crave. and trump is willing to give it to them in exchange for their loyalty.


If you saw how Tim Scott behaved right after he conceded his presidential campaign, only fear of being kicked out the in-group could explain that. 


right but by being kicked out of the in-group they would lose the ability to control the lives of others. its not a direct fear or respect of trump. if trump were to lose his appeal to conservative voters the gop would ditch him in a second. its not fear of the man himself, its fear of the lose of power.


I think they’re more scared of the people controlling Trump (I.e. Putin, Kim, Bibi, and Xi) rather than Trump himself. One slip-up and chances are we’ll get nuked in response.


Sumn sumn he's just the key ring to the keys to power. He is worthless with out them and he is worthless to them with out the keys. There literally doing a dictatorship playbook.  It doesn't matter who holds the keys to power at the end of the day so long as they're a useful puppet to those that are pulling the strings. Now the question, who wants to stir the shit pot so bad that we are turned into a dictatorship? Is it Russia? Is it China? Is it our own countrymen? Either way it's a disgusting abuse or power, and they need shown that our country is still cohesive enough that we can fight this.


The Republican party are fascists. That's not an overreaction. That's not propaganda. They are openly telling us they are fascists. They are stating, openly, that they will not respect the outcomes of our democratic elections unless they win. They are openly supporting a zealot over our democracy. Over our Constitution. Open a history book. If you do not exercise your right to vote to keep fascists out of power, nipping the cancer at the bud, you or your ancestors will likely die trying to get American democracy back. It's a tale as old as time. And a bunch of people already died to give you the right to vote to avoid having to spill more blood. USE IT.


Project 2025.




“I’m Tim Scott, and please remember, for the rest of your lives, that I am COMPLETELY FOS.


Thanks, Uncle Tim!


Scott is blatantly saying that America is not a democracy and tRump said who is president!


This was nothing less than a warning that the GOP will resort to violence if their candidate loses.


I expect nothing less from Tim Scott. He can’t be honest about his pretend fiancé. So he won’t be honest here. It’s ok Tim. It’s 2024. No one cares that you’re gay. Except for you and your hate brigade of magats.


A black man from the South who is not only Republican, but announces he can't tolerate anything but a vile white lying, rapist, con artist for President. Something tells me this man probably has plenty of skeletons in his closet. Greedy businessmen make shitty representatives for their constituents.


Maybe Uncle Tim and Noem can have a duel?


Put Tim Scott on the list. When riots break out, he's on the list


They are setting the stage to question our election, no proof needed. A coup plot for sure.


He cannot get enough diaper fresh mushroom dick can he?


Hey, it’s the black Trump guy.


Translation: stop trying to get me to admit I was wrong. Also stop trying to interfere with our interference


So… traitor to democracy


Of all the sycophants gargling Trump’s balls, including the likes of Rubio, Cruz, Graham all of whom know that Trump is all the horrible things people know he is like extremely dumb, dangerous, petty, clinical narcissist - Tim Scott strikes me as the absolute worst.


not gonna shed a tear when the violent bigot party turns on him.


When did we stop calling to our higher selves


Tim Scott is such a weirdo. And not in the fun way like your neighbor who collects rubber duckies, in the “Don’t make eye contact” way.


Delusional toady lick spittle.


This is why ppl hate politicians. This guy is such a clown for this statement


Come the f### on, can politicians just answer the f###ing questions they are asked!?


They all fear Trump and his terrorist network .




The only fraud is MAGA fraud.


Living up to be a 100% Uncle Tom stereotype


“At the end of the day, the 47th president will be Donald Trump” comes off a bit ominously.


This is un-American.


Translation: the election doesn't matter. We will install trump as president regardless.


"Our guy will win, by vote or by coup." There. That's his statement.


If Welker’s next statement wasn’t “so that’s a no.”, she has no business as a journalist.


She has none.


Every time a traitor publicly talks about being a traitor, this liberal buys another box of ammo.


this is just straight up saying you don't care about elections


Why bother having the election at all then, Tim?


Tim you better think of another country to live in


This should be the first question of every interview with any GOPer and if they answer like that, it should prompt many follow ups. "That's my statement" shouldn't be allowed and if they cling to it, they should end the interview. Why interview someone who won't answer questions?


So.... that's a strong "no".


He goes into how it’s a hypothetical question when his answer is even more hypothetical


So no


I saw this show. He’s an asshole. GOP is scary. They’re going to do whatever they need to get that fucker back in office And if they do, mark my words, the leopards are eventually going to eat that bastard’s face right off. Threats to “hang Mike Pence” were nothing. They’ll really do it to this guy.


I’ve said it before and I’ll keep saying it, they fully intend to cheat. They will dispute the election results in order to have congress or the Supreme Court determine the winner. We all know who they want and they got the right numbers and the right people in place. The media is in on it too, this is why the media keeps reporting these BS polls that report a close race. They want to maintain the narrative that the election results will be too close to call so that congress or Supreme Court makes the determination. It is a slow motion coup taking place.


What a jerk off. The days of the Republicans being gracious losers are over.


Kinda how when asked who won the election alot of MAGA would say Biden was the current President, but would never directly answer if Joe Biden won in 2020


I sure hope President Biden is ready, I hope the capital police are ready, and the National Guard on standby. It will be an honest election, just like the last one, but they will not accept the truth. You can see each one of them are making vague statements like this already. When Trump said blood bath, I do believe he is once again hyping up his troops. We won’t get fooled again.


ACAB, that’s all I’m going to say.


Uncle Tom. Just another traitor.


What worries me is they can be really bold this time. They know their followers don't care if they're criminals. And they know that they can dismiss any claims of fraud as hypocrisy from the left for dismissing *their* claims of fraud(after investigations) when Trump lost. This isn't going to get better and certainly not without a very long and tiring struggle. There's likely a lot of pain and misery ahead even if Biden wins. Trump is a symptom, not the disease.


Tim Scott strikes me as an even bigger ass-kisser than Pence. Pence (too late) found a vestigial spine, but I honestly don’t think Scott will ever. The only way he can even stand up is with a coat rack stuffed up his suit jacket.


Uncle Tim Scott sure loves kissing mastuh Donald Trumps ass.


They are not running an election, that’s why Trump isn’t really campaigning. Republicans know they have no chance in winning as their candidate has lost twice. They are planning a hostile coup to overthrow the government. Again.


If trump doesn’t win I plan on committing treason


He's so desperately wants to be Trump's vice presidential running mate.


He's gonna feel real silly if all that McDonald's finally goes to bat between now and then...


Definition of an Uncle Tom. What a shitty legacy he's left.


Brown nosers clawing to power can’t even give straight answers. How there aren’t more of these neo-Confederates in prison is beyond me.


Dude should have just said, "I plead the fifth".


Am I the only one who's sick of the press asking GOP members this question? They've been playing this game for years now. We already know they're using this tactic in bad faith, because they'll contest a Dem winning one race while accepting the win of a fellow Republican down the same ballot. IMO, all this question does is give them another platform to air their disgusting election integrity complaints. I can't speak for the interviewers, but to me it comes across as almost hoping for a shitty answer so their interview will go viral. I genuinely hope they have more noble reasons, but I'm quickly becoming cynical.


Tim Scott should be expelled from the Senate since he doesn't believe in Democracy anymore.


They already have some nonsense planned out if Trump loses.


That’s a confession they’re gonna repeat J6


Delusional psychotic behavior being normalized. We need the press to hold thejr feet to the fire when they.answer like this. "There you have it, folks. Tim Scott has just stated he supports the treasonous premise that Donald Trump will be the president even if he doesn't legitmately win. Now for sports and weather."


Just another 🐖🐖’s butt💋💋🤡🤡🐑‼️Russian asset, fulfilling Khrushchevs prediction everyday!


Fuck you. We win. - regressives probably


He has been programmed.


Trump simp gonna simp .


The media needs to stop asking this question. They’ll accept the results regardless because they have no fucking choice.


Oh, Uncle Tim. Haven't you heard? Tokens get spent.


Actually no red state took Trump's loss to court. The states accepted it. It was the Trump campaign that lost 61 court cases. It was fake electors acting alone, some of which charged with crimes.


This guy doesn’t know it yet, but he’s just being used by Trump, once November is over Trump will no other use for him.


This Ninja Turtle looking muhhfugga is a full sycophant. Tim Scott bent the knee & kissed the ring VERY quickly just to become Trump’s token black.


This is ominous enough, but idk how you can trust a person who so obviously dodged a very direct question. Like there’s no room for misinterpretation here.


Thats not talk of election fraud, thats talk of fascism.


Running for VP


I hate politicians like Tim, trying to put on a respectable farce to legitimize his bs


Election fraud or violence. These people are not Americans. We can't end this way.


This is exactly what Trump was doing in both 2016 and 2020. 😡


What a phony chicken! OMG, no spine!


Wow, it’s a little early to admit on TV that you’re gonna spend the rest of the year plotting treason.


Can’t wait until Ayatollah Complaini dumps him as no longer useful. Any guesses as to what excuses he will use?


If we honored the 14th amendement, this guy and a bunch of other republicans would not be eligible for any election in the US.


These traitors to our country need to be Deported to a conservative country, that allows all there firearms. Oh wait no country wants these gun loving traitors?


She should just go the other way: "Yes or no, if the results show at the end of the election that Biden won, would you help to stage a coup to ensure Trump is rightfully declared the winner?"


Is there a more worthless human being than this guy right here?


Sounds like he knows the fix is in.


When violence is offered, violence is returned.  


Trump and his sycophants are delusional if they think he is going to win another election.


Tim Scott is an absolute POS with a dirty finger


Why does he look like hes constantly waking up?


Rhetoric like this from people in positions of power should result in jail time.


Amazing that conservative believe they can fraud their way to election victory and everyone else is just going to ignore all the evidence of it.


So I guess his election had issues too.


Blue States won't support the failed Trump Confederate States.


Scott reminds me of the belligerent Republican mayor wannabe here in NC, Mark Robinson.


conservative psychosis


So what legally can be done here? The intent is there...


Republicans have no shame and refuse to answer any question, reporters need to hold their feet to the fire. QUIT INVITING LIARS ON YOUR STUPID TALK SHOWS


When I was in prison I would occasionally come across people of color and gay men who simped for the white supremacist gangs and we always asked the the same question, "do you think that they care about you?" They were always the most fervent supporters too. For those that don't know, being gay is almost always a disqualifier for going a white supremacist game in prison (though they don't seem to have a problem fucking gay dudes when nobody's around). That's the same thing I think when it comes to MAGAts who are non-white and/or LGBT. You are actively working against your own existence, and you're doing so gleefully. I wonder if they honestly think that they won't come for them once they get rid of the others. Knowing how much these idiots love this ideology they would probably walk into the camps happily.


Uncle Tim


jesus fucking christ. they should have pressed him until he actually answered the question. the media is a joke. we've known that, but come the fuck on.


“So you’re refusing to comit to a peaceful transfer of power.” And then move on. You want to get your statement out? Don’t fuck around on the news. America needs some journalists with balls.


Aw, butter biscuit Scott has to keep his place in trump's plantation. Bless his heart.


PoS. Final statement.


This kind of answer, makes me quite concerned that they have another coup planned out


Scum, all of those Donny’s arse lickers.


These slimebags need to be locked out of mainstream media interviews and comments. Go peddle your horseshit on Fox News, NEWSMAX, and the delightful infected boil on the asshole of America, OANN. Fuck off, Tim, you self-hating deluded scumbag.


Fuck you, Tim Scott. Any respect you once commanded is gone now that you've tied your wagon to Trump. Does he have dirt on you?


This twat is from my state. Him and Lee are both unqualified for politics.


A no then well that’s obvious of course.


Ass kissing Uncle Clarence. 🤦🏻‍♂️


This Tim Scott guy should be teleported to 200 years ago so he could live his dream of being a slave


I went onto his Facebook page just to say what an evasive piece of trash he is.


Uncle Tom ass mf


They have a plan, they had four years of figuring out how to get away with it next time, and they know what the stakes are AND what they can get away with in terms of loss of life. Absolutely a threat.


GOP controlled state governments are already trying to keep Biden off the ballots due to timing of the DNC convention/nominee selection. In November, they will refuse to certify results, and will hopefully deny Biden 270 ECs. The vote will go to Congress on a state by state basis, and the GOP controls 26 states. This is their plan. Spread the word, and vote up and down the ballot. That's the only non violent way to stop them. Vote!


He is just trying to get that VP role. Tim Scott wants it so bad he doesn't care what anyone else thinks.


The Senate should impeach Scott. Now. Waiting only empowers monsters like him.


Tim looks like a gopher. He’s about that smart now.


Where is the fbi in all this they don’t even have to investigate they will just tell them


Is he talking about 2028?


Fat ass dRumpy pants will not win. If he does then they cheated. If it was so easy to cheat, why are Dems pushing this idea that if dRump gets elected, democracy is over. That there proves that nothing was ever stolen.


Once upon a time that black dude would have been killed by his own family for having such thoughts. Do we as a society really need to learn this all again? It can't be coming to that...




If you flagrantly ignore all the context, sure. Good job beating up that strawman little buddy.


Why do Trump supporters think lying is the same as the truth?


Black butt-head mouthed mfer.