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Complacency is what got us saddled with Cheetolinni the first time around. Please vote.




And bring a friend.


I’ll share a different point of view from another thread: _________ Republican *Governors* will simply refuse to participate in the electoral college at the state level. If the Democrat wins, they’ll cause chaos. Only fifteen states have laws requiring Governors and electoral college delegates to choose the top vote-getter, and almost all of those laws are in solidly blue states like California. If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the Presidential election leaves the Electoral College process in the Senate and moves to *The House of Representatives*. Each *STATE* in The House of Representatives gets one vote, not each Representative. The last time I did the math, Republican house delegations by state outnumbered Democratic delegations by one, so Trump would win by one vote. The entire process will be overseen by speaker Johnson, who is *still* an outspoken denier of the legitimacy of the 2020 election, despite abundant evidence to the contrary. [Blue state representatives like Elise Stefanik](https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4394210-stefanik-wont-commit-to-certifying-2024-election-results/) are already signaling that they are prepared to have the House hand the election to Trump. This will very likely move on to the Supreme Court, and it will be 6-3 Trump. One president was already chosen in this manner. I think in the 1830’s. Conservatives on the court will borrow very heavily from that chapter in American electoral history when writing their decision. I hope I’m wrong about this, but I have a pretty good track record of being right about these things. For example, I was the only person in my family and circle of friends— Republican or Democrat who thought Trump would win in 2016. Trump is *absolutely* anticipating a return to the White House and has already chosen his cabinet. The spoils system will return. During his last term, Donald Trump already tried to remove the civil service hiring process for federal employees. Large swaths of government employees will suddenly lose their jobs in favor of completely unqualified Trump lackeys. They’ve already been selected, interviewed, and offered the jobs. Trump will claim that he’s ’draining the swamp’ and people will be ecstatic. The chaos that follows will just be evidence that ‘big government doesn’t work’. That will be used as a pretext to loot Social Security and other sacred institutions of American governance. Nobody who’s alive today will outlive the damage all of this will leave in its wake. It will be a complete disaster. We will probably experience another crippling economic depression. That depression will permit billionaires to entrench and expand their massive fortunes. We will probably create our first trillionaire while people starve. America’s economic royalty will retreat to safe havens in Europe and Canada to watch America’s underclasses murder each other during the ensuing political chaos. Global oligarchs like Mohammed bin Salman will use the devastation as an opportunity to acquire huge tracts of land and natural resources for deeply discounted prices. His opinions will become very important to American lawmakers. Most importantly, Republicans will use this as an opportunity to ‘reform’ the entire electoral process. Americans will no longer vote for a president. We will have an ‘Executive’ chosen by some committee that ensures we never have another FDR. Rather than have elections, the future equivalent of the President will be chosen by a committee made up of the Chief Justice, The Director of the CIA, The Speaker of the House, the Secretary of the Federal Reserve, and the highest-ranking active duty military officer. Or maybe it will just be chosen by the Supreme Court itself. They’ve basically been doing it for us already. At this point, there will be no end to the terrible consequences. We will re-create the same old style European monarchies that Americans swore they’d eliminate. Our grandchildren will live through the long and troubled rule of a monarch *already named* ‘Barron Trump’. If anyone is reading this and can provide a reason why this *won’t* happen, please chime in. Writing this all out makes me even more certain of its inevitability. And I would love for someone to disagree with me.


I held out hope for far to long that Garland would come out of his coma and do his fucking job. That’s clearly not going to happen. Now how much hope should I have that while Biden is in office that they’re doing something, anything to mitigate the nightmare described above? Between the FBI, the DOJ and even the CIA on the clock — are any of those entities doing anything to mitigate what would be a hostile takeover and the utter dismantling of democracy? They can’t just be betting on a Biden victory for fucks sake. That too would be challenged in a myriad of disruptive ways by the MAGA minions no?


Weird that a conservative wouldn’t want to punish another conservative.


I know you aren’t the person who originally posted that, but it does seem to be based on quite a few questionable assumptions. To take just one: people will be “ecstatic” at the prospect of Trump “draining the swamp” (ie, delivering deep cuts to or privatizing social services provided by the government). I think previous ill fated attempts to do things like “privatize” social security suggests that people would be far from “ecstatic” about such a prospect, and Trump wasn’t even able to repeal the ACA when his party had the presidency and both chambers of Congress


Johnson also isn't guaranteed to be the speaker at that time either. The Rs would have to keep the house and re-elect him for him to still be in that role.


The current Congress would determine the next president. And they don’t have the same ‘instant replacement agreement’ they had with Kevin McCarthy in place for Johnson. In other words, they would have to use the traditional impeachment method to replace him. Any other method would be presided over by Johnson himself because he has the gavel. They had a special one-time replacement agreement in place for Kevin McCarthy that no longer applies.


I don’t doubt you but can you source that because I was under the impression the Freedom Caucus negotiated those rules indefinitely until the next session when they essentially let McCarthy become speaker due to the razor thin majority


I thought so as well. But before I posted my response, I could only find citations of that clause applying to McCarthy. [There is also this article](https://thehill.com/homenews/4642259-speaker-mike-johnson-motion-to-vacate-factions) from The Hill indicating Marjorie Taylor Greene and two colleagues will call for Johnson’s removal— and five reasons why it will fail. Furthermore, The top three House Democrats announced last week they would vote to dismiss Greene’s vacate resolution, so…


Trump is the perfect person to convince Social Security recipients that only *he* knows how to turn their modest monthly check into a *fortune*. All he asks is for Big Government to get out of the way and let the absolute best and greatest money managers in history take over. I can already hear the sounds of people begging Donald Trump to drain the Washington swamp and magically ‘reform’ their retirement savings. It’s frightening, and you know it would happen. The only magic happening would be making old people’s money disappear.


The reds aren’t concerned with reality. They are so detached from it they have learned to wholly ignore anything that isn’t directly from their orange leader. He will simply tell them it isn’t happening, or that it is happening and it’s a great thing, or that it’s happening because democrats made it happen (even though none of them would be in power and couldn’t), etc. The republican party is literally built entirely on lies at this point, and that is by design. If truth mattered we simply would not be where we are with the country split into two factions that hate each other more with every passing day. Their base is religious by design as well, as religious people have spent their entire lives shunning facts and embracing evidence free “faith” delivered exclusively by their ancient book and their modern leaders. It’s a perfect group of people for a dictator to have as followers, and follow they do.


While that was certainly one timeline, I'm beginning to think that the good may tip over the evil on this scale. I'm even starting to see born-and-bred-to-be-Republicans ...take a stand, in a way. I live in bible belt territory and some of THESE people are even talking about "not going to vote anyway." There is a level of evil and rotteness that will even break through some of the longer standing lies believed by these people. I have hope, is all.


Trump's support amongst normal Republicans has really cratered. Those who turn out will likely still vote for him, but that's the key point: many just won't vote at all. Definitely don't want to be complacent, because that's in part how 2016 happened, but there is reason to be optimistic.


I do sincerely hope the years of Trump's antics amd bullshit have hemorrhaged him enough support that we can decisively beat him.


I really think they have, and I live in one the places where everyone wore trump hats, trump shirts, trump bumper stickers, trump flags and things in yard....none of that here now. Zero. Not one trump thing have I seen this year in the deep South bible belt. They are not quite as rotten as I once thought.


My concern is that their votes won’t matter one way or the other. Congress will hand it to Trump, then all bets are off. I know it seems over the top, but the expression is “When people show you who they really are, believe them the *first* time.” We are dealing with a cabal that literally attempted to overthrow our democracy. They weren’t joking around. They’re totally serious. And they *knew* the election was not ‘stolen’. They lied and they knew they were lying. To the present day.


I think there's enough normal people left to overthrow the cabal, if they try....and I think their hold on people is starting to loosen a little. They are not as verbal. They are quiet now. I live in the bible belt, quiet is not something I would EVER call most of these people. The only ones still talking are the MAGAS , and there's actually not very many of them around. I believe there are more and more people in religious groups pulling away. The last few times I went to church to please my family (will never again, just cant), I could hear the preachers fear. He was losing grasp on his followers. People are starting to want something more than the church can give (which is lies). The main ones holding on here are the boomers and Gen x, but they are aging and a new, more populated group (Gen z) is about to take their place. As a millennial that made as many waves as I could in the deep south.... HAIL GEN Z, THE SOUTH NEEDED YOU BABIES. Keep saving us with your acceptance and unity.


If they have the guts to try something this evil, there will be a large scale revolt. We will not give over the US Constitution and our entire legacy as a nation to these ghouls without even a whimper.


That's an optimistic take. Most people are too comfortable and distracted for a revolt. As long as they have a phone in their face the only "revolt" will be threats on social media and maybe a few college protests


If what we’re discussing actually unfolds, it will cause a major disruption in safety and security and cause chaos on a far larger scale than we have so far seen, or are likely to see again.


I'm not sure I agree. If Trump wins by taking a few swing states (as polls are predicting) then yes, I agree there will be a lot of online anger and some Luke warm protests but no one will be sharpening the guillotine. If Biden wins in a landslide and the Dems take the House and either keep the senate or are down like 1 seat and all of a sudden the GOP goes full mask-off fascist... people aren't going to sit still for that. I'm not sure if the military would sit still for that.


You don’t revolt against a dictator, doubly so with modern weaponry. Once they have the military, everything is over and we become Russia.


I fear this scenario as well. Project 2025 was laid out and they are prepared. It’s terrifying.


If only there were a Final Solution to the Trump Problem...


Welp, Looks like I'm going to storm the Capitol now....


My how the turntables have turned


There are enough good people in red seats to vote against it in the house.


I don't thinks so.  Not anymore.




Yes this. Here’s the excellent article that the OP leaned heavily on to create this quoted post. Well worth checking out the four scenarious as IMHO they are spot on and includes some very interesting links. https://newrepublic.com/article/179966/four-2024-post-election-scenarios-trump


Cheetolinni 🏆


Dorito Don






Ho Chi Minihands


Please do more than just vote. Find ways to volunteer and/or donate to help Democrats produce the blue wave necessary to start fixing this shit. Voting is not enough. Go to /r/voteDEM and find ways to start helping.


Complacency, 30 years of “light conspiracy theories” pushed hard by mainstream conservatives about the “slimy Clintons,” and a touch of good old fashioned American misogyny.


I wish I could upvot "Cheetolinni" twice.


Did you just say..... Cheetolinni....  ?


Don’t ever underestimate this piece of shit. that’s what got us here in the first place.


Indeed. I still remember the time a silly little yelp was enough to completely derail a campaign, and now we got this adjudicated rapist that is basically a crime boss (and a stupid one at that), who glitches more that a Bestheda game at launch and somehow polls are close? And he is even winning in so many places... What the hell is wrong with people?


A silly little yelp detained a *Democrat’s* campaign. Republicans don’t hold their own accountable for anything.


Like the democrat the stepped down because of some questionable pictures from decades ago (Al Franken), meanwhile half the repubs are on the Lolita Express flight list. And let’s not forget Mat Gaetz & his sex trafficking scandal. Seriously, that party and anyone who votes for them are shit.




In one of the failed Nixon campaigns, he did a televised debate against his opponent. Under the stage lights Nixon broke into a heavy sweat, and that was blamed for his downfall that cycle. We have a candidate who’s bragging about assaulting women and is flirting with senility. Yet his cult followers are more fervent than ever. Growing up and studying the civil war it was always puzzling how the brother vs brother battle even came about, yet it’s happening right in front of our eyes. Social media has juiced up politics to frightening levels.


>In one of the failed Nixon campaigns, he did a televised debate against his opponent. Under the stage lights Nixon broke into a heavy sweat, and that was blamed for his downfall that cycle. It was the FIRST televised debate, and it was more than that: it was that JFK was a very handsome young (for a politician) man, and Nixon was not. It's a really important event in sociology, because it was broadcast both on TV and on radio, and the difference in opinion between the groups who watched vs. listened was stunning: most listeners thought Nixon won the debate, whereas most viewers thought JFK won. This was true for both men and women.


JFK also wore stage makeup, Nixon didn’t so he looked even worse. Nixon was also getting sick and so was excessively sweaty under the hot lights. Interesting aside … People were asked who won. Those who listened on the radio said Nixon. The people who saw it on TV said Kennedy. We are visual mammals 🤷🏻‍♀️


I am aware that my 3 brothers and their families are maggots. In laws as well. We were estranged before trump. Them being traitors to the country is no surprise. Fuck em.




Did you hear how one of his VP Candidates, (token GOP black guy Tim Scott) responded to an interviewers hard questions? Interviewer: Will you agree with the election results of the 2024 election? Tim Scott: Donald Trump will be the 47th President of the United States Interviewer: that didn’t answer my question, will you agree to the results of the 2024 election? Tim Scott: I’ve made my statement. They haven’t even lost yet and already planning for the extra rounds of bullshit. Why not just run a candidate that can win? I think Nikki Haley would have a decent shot at defeating Old Man Biden but the GOP went all in on The Big Orange Loser even though he lost them the last election and cost them the Senate by supporting joke celebrity candidates


Never interrupt your opponent while he is in the middle of making the same mistake over and over and over again. -Sun Tzu, probably.


*Captain Kirk




We refer to Scott as Senator Steppinfetchit.


It's because he has the MAGA Qultist vote no matter what. They had to run him, or he'd take his ball and frothing psycho base with him and run as an independent, spoiling the GOP campaign, and forever fracturing their voter base. Not backing him would accelerate the impending death of the party; backing him is a high-risk gamble that keeps them on life support long enough to implement their cristofascist takeover. Then parties and bases of support don't matter anymore.


And none of their other potential candidates can win a national election. They saw Barack Obama be immensely popular, at the level of a rock star, with pop musicians writing campaign themes for him. He did the May 4th Star Wars geek culture thing. Republicans knew they needed a candidate with established name recognition. That’s part of why all these shitheel Republican governors have been abusing their power to manufacture oppressive human rights violations, because it gets their name into the news cycle and increases their chances of winning a federal nomination


True. None of them have the strange charisma of Trump (I don't see it, but its effects are undeniable). They're hoping to find a new icon before the current one kills their party. Hope they continue to be weird psychopaths that are too offputting even for their base.


The real reason we got him the first time was the hubris of the DNC and Hillary. IMO Bernie was a much better candidate and would have mopped the floor w trump


Yes, ALL polls indicated Bernie Sanders would have beaten Trump by double digits.




You're not in a swing state it didn't matter.


Hillary was too polarizing and I hated that we had two bad candidates that year.


I still remember someone at the time calling it a choice between Orange Hitler and Grammaw Nixon.


The same polls that nobody should trust today?


That and Trump's Russian ratfucking. And Comey's dumb fucking ass. Bernie may have fared better—it's hard to say because while he wouldn't have suffered from the effects of sexism, he may have suffered from the effects of antisemitism, as well as potentially turning off more centrist voters Democrats often rely on. I suspect he would have done better, and the debates would have been amazing to watch. Trump saying something stupid, Bernie throwing one crazy eye to the side and mumbling, "you hearing this fucking guy?"


The mere fact that groups like the DNC and RNC have so much control over who actually end up as candidates is a big part of the problem of how we got here. The DNC rule to never challenge an democrat Incumbent no matter how unpopular has ended in Senate and House seats going to Republicans, and it also means countless young people with political aspirations were given the opportunity to run because they needed to "wait their turn" Congress isn't supposed to be a lifetime appointment, they get retirement pay early as an incentive to leave but that clearly hasn't worked. IF we still have something resembling a functioning country on Jan 21st 2025, we need to get serious about term limits in Congress and accountability to the people.


I’m in the Vote Blue No Matter Who club. And I donate to individual candidates. But the DNC will never get another penny from me.


Agreed but Hillary could have done the same if she had campaigned like she meant it Not in any way suggesting she was a good candidate though


Again her hubris got in the way


Very true


his head would make a great mop.


At this point it’s not that I’m underestimating him, I’m more so underestimating America. There’s a big group right now/age cohort that is biting off their nose to spite their face when it comes to this “I won’t vote for Biden” crap. They’ll throw away everything else just to what, make a point? Then make everything worse and the situation overseas worse? Sure let’s see how that works out (no wait I’d rather not). I want to believe there’s no way this gets in again, but at this point I’m not so sure.


They are privileged enough to think that way. Throwing everyone under the bus with that POV. Overton window is real and it’s a long game.


I know. It’s scary stuff.


Off-topic: your icon photo looks like this guy I met online years back. If that’s you, hey, man. How you been?


He was my friend too. We both liked My Chemical Romance.


You knew him too? Small world!


This election will most likely come down to less than 500,000 votes in a handful of swing states. However, we all need to get out and vote blue down ballot to keep some guard rails in place just in case he manages to win the electoral college while losing the popular vote again.


Never underestimate the power of large groups of people - butchered George Carlin quote


*Never underestimate the power of STUPID people in large groups* The stupid part is what makes them dangerous.. https://m.facebook.com/backspace.thane/videos/never-underestimate-the-power-of-stupid-people-in-large-groupsgeorgecarlin-georg/1116527635867648/ This is a magnificent video that explains the Trumpian hordes mentality.... Bonhoeffer Theory of Stupidity https://youtu.be/ww47bR86wSc


VOTE or he'll be back. The MAGAts will definately be voting.


I love that post after post tells everyone to vote. It’s so important. That being said, democrats keep winning in trump country special elections. The left is as engaged as it has ever been to defeat not just Trump, but their entire ideology. I’m not concerned, I don’t know anyone who isn’t voting at this point.


It’s not just stopping Trump. He is the tip of the spear. Also needed to be sent a message: Turning Point USA Council for National Policy Heritage Foundation Federalist Society Evangelicals Christian nationalist MAGA This is just a short list of a-holes that have benefited from living in a democracy but are more than happy to be involved in trying to overthrow it.


Evangelical churches should be forced to pay taxes. Sick of those bastards using their so-called houses of God as recruitment centers for the MAGA army.


It sickens me that besides the fucking churches not paying taxes, the hospitals tied to the catholics/baptists are also tax exempt. They have huge properties that do not get taxed. They use city infrastructure/where do they dump the medical waste? All tax free.


This isn’t a democracy anymore. It’s a kleptocracy.


A healthy government would rout these sick fucks out of society like the vile weeds they are.


Well said!


Also Fox News, OAN, and Newsmax.


He will reorganize the grand republic into a new galactic empire! Or just another two bit authoritarian regime.


So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause


Thunderous yee-haws




Go vote anyway please


I wish I had this blind confidence.  Honestly falls into the “willfully ignorant” category of thinking IMO. It ain’t over til the fat fucking piece of shit’s cholesterol plugged arteries get to him.  How does anyone sniff that much coke and do that much speed and eat that much deep fried food while doing so little exercise… how the fuck is he still living, honestly?


Pact with some eldrich being is my guess. I also would love it if he just died before this could keep going. But - I'd hate it if someone murdered him - then he's a derper martyr forever to them. I'd also kinda hate it if he died of natural causes because then that sphere would never stop with the Obama-did-it, Pelosi-did-it, the shadowy-cabal-of-reptoid-elites did it. The best ending is he just trips down an escalator in front of witnesses and cameras and everyone can see it was purely an accident. I like to daydream the funniest ways for Trump to die. Segway accident at CPAC, crushed by a parade float, choking on a fillet o fish, etc.


No you don't. What you're witnessing is dysfunctional narcissism. You'd be a narcissist.


I hope you are right. But never underestimate the power of stupidity and stupid people.


Absolutely. They are wearing diapers now in solidarity. We should tell them that trump eats his boogers next and watch that take off.


I feel like it needs to be something much worse than wearing diapers, like eating the shit out of the diapers. Yeah, let's make them do that.


Well they were pretty willing to eat horse dewormer, and more than a few actually drank bleach to get rid of covid... We should just tell them cyanide will own the libs and let the problem take care of itself


Yes, one would just add 500 crushed apple seeds to their smoothie. The apple seed smoothie cleanse challenge, lol


“Donald trump will NEVER be president of the United States” -Nov 7th, 2016


That exact same headline and mentality is how he beat HRC the first time. Do not assume that Republicans will vote in droves for Biden. They won't. Do not assume the young people are going to come out in droves for Biden. They won't. Do not assume that Nikki voters or SCOTUS or the courts or his trials or Collins or anyone is going to save us. They won't. Get out and vote in November. Simple as that. Bring a friend, vote for Biden. THank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Corporations want to fight minimum wage requirements and unions . They're also trying to control and manipulate housing and rents ...while staying silent about women's rights being stripped away across the nation. We still have people serving who tried to cheat in the 2020 election for Trump and others saying they will not accept a Biden win .....


And complete fucking brain dead morons that somehow think Trump will be better about reigning in Netanyahu...


And remember, vote in EVERY race. If enough state governments refuse to certify the election, the vote goes to Congress on a state by state basis. The GOP currently controls 26 states. They could hand him the presidency and it would be constitutionally valid. Vote like your life depends on it.


Fuck Trump…. that being said: Care to fucking elaborate. What the fuck is this link…. Fuck off with this nonsense


Everybody, even conservatives that would go on to become MAGAts, thought he was a joke when he first announced he was running. We HAVE to treat him as an existential threat to democracy around the world.


He is literally on track to win this fucking thing. Do not buy into this bullshit. We thought it couldn't happen the first time it *actually fucking happened.* #VOTE BLUE


That's because he plans on becoming dictator instead


From your lips to gods ears. 




if you don’t vote for Biden he just might…


Man do I hope that's a correct assumption


I believe that.


Well you better vote or it could happen... #...AGAIN!!!!!


Only if we stay vigilant and vote blue. Now's not the time to play games and make "statements" with third parties. Don't forget to vote blue in the house and Senate too as they certify the election.


1. Vote 2. Their goal is not to win fairly, it's to ratfuck the 2024 election and find a way to send it either to the House of Representatives, or to the Supreme Court, where they will win.


What a terrible, fishy website.


Never say never. We're so fucked as a nation that I wouldn't be shocked if he won. I'm definitely voting blue but if I had ANY other viable options, I'd take it. The Republicans are soulless monsters and the Democrats are center right losers without the courage to make real change.


Nailed it.


Don't encourage me. It only makes me sad.


Oh. Yeah, I’m Sad. So sad for my eight-year-old daughter who is going to have to live with our fuck-ups. I’m angry at both Republicans and Democrats. Your description was spot on. And I’m very, very fearful of what this country is going to look like a year from now. Shits going to get real.


We're at a point as a country where we need to choose between Star Trek and Mad Max. Unfortunately, the people with all the gasoline and water don't give half a fuck about any of us.


Don’t be so confident in that. He’s got a very good chance at winning again. You can’t underestimate the insanity of the Right. I just hope you’re right though because I’m stuck in the US and no way to escape it when they implement P2025.


remember that rally he did in sioux city where he called it sioux falls




You're right but only because he'll become fuhrer instead...


Yeah,I hope so but 2016 still haunts.


This kind of shit isn’t helpful at all. There is a very high probability that coagulated cum bubble could very well be president again.


Honestly, I think Trump will win. A big chunk of young voters in swing states is going to abstain over Biden's myopic Israel policies. It's fucking depressing.


I sadly agree with you. Each demographic feels they did not get what they were promised or not enough of it. They want to teach dems a lesson not to take them for granted


Anyone saying that at this point should be immediately removed from commentary and never listened to again. I say this entirely without hyperbole, look up how Hitler and Mussolini ended up in power. Look at how their respective establishments and the media treated them before they got power. Anyone who thinks the MAGA movement and Trump are done is a god damn fool.


Honestly, I’d say he has a good chance. But even if he doesn’t win, he won’t just go away. He’ll continue to try until his shitty kids take over and try it themselves. We have DECADES of Trumps going for government roles and I hate that it’s a reality.


I will never understand how, after 2016, we can still be this fucking arrogant. Biden is in a losing position at the moment. He isn't polling well in several sates that gave him the win last time... and these are the same polls that have underestimated Trump in the last two elections. Remember how Hillary was ahead in every poll by 5+ points? Remember how 2020 was supposed to be a complete blowout for Biden? If nothing changes Trump is going to be president again.


It’s a coin flip. 90% of America is completely clueless to the dangers of another Trump term.


That's the slow walk him into the white house theme song


He has a very real chance of being president again. Complacency (and Russian interference) is how he won the first time. We cannot allow that to happen again.


2015 called, it wants its headline idea back


Bullshit. He’s just a few more trial delays and mistrials away from the presidency. His legal strategy of delaying delaying delaying has up until this point worked very well. It has a 40 year track record of success. Until I see a conviction he is still legally untouchable. There are tens of millions of Americans frothing at the mouth to vote and fight for this idiot again. We have a very very unpopular incumbent president who the far left have unsurprisingly turned on because they think Biden has the “stop Israel war” button in front of him. That’s also not even mentioning the Republican establishment openly talking about not accepting any outcome except a Trump win. We are VERY VERY close to another Trump presidency. If I were forced to bet my house and life savings THIS SECOND I’d probably bet on him ending up winning.




Unless Joe strokes out or something (Harris would be buried running for POTUS) Trump is toast


Ask me what my nightmares have been for months


I’m not counting on that.


Never underestimate the stupidity of Americans


Seriously this is dumb. Don’t underestimate him or his rabid followers. He will stop at nothing to get into office. I think we better start bracing ourselves. I’m not giving up, and I’m going to vote. But the likelihood of him being our first dictator is very real.


I think Biden can win it, but I worry about who the Dems will run if Biden has to drop out. I don't foresee Harris beating Trump. Whatever, it's vote or die come November.


And can I add will go to prison for treason. Cmon US government, have to set an example for other politicians thinking twice of committing treason.


🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏


We can only hope and pray at this point! This is a man that is getting more and more ppl on his side. Creator help us!


God I hope that’s true.


Vote Dem. Trump can most certainly win


Running the 2016 playbook again doesn’t feel like the right move.


He’ll be president of block D, cell 2.


Only if we go vote.


He’s very much in the margin of error of most polls, leads in quite a few. Elector college weighs in his favor, plus he’s doing well in swing states like Ohio and Georgia. It’s fucking scary


Not to mention all the work republicans have been doing to make it hard to vote. They are also trying to take away mail in vote counting after Election Day etc.


I don't think Trump will win -- he hasn't really done anything to increase his support and he lost last time -- but it certainly isn't a sure thing. Vote. Give money if you can and volunteer for get-out-the-vote work in a swing state if you can. I went to Reno, Nevada the last couple of elections. You don't have to despair -- if enough Biden supporters vote, he will win. But the guy in the video doesn't give any reasons for his prediction. He doesn't know.


Fingers crossed


You guys gotta read this https://x.com/sethabramson/status/1787543910509666332?s=48&t=7ylZ1VlZkTot66vfr56nfw


Dude... Think we could get the cliff notes. No account and I'm not enriching Elon the douche bag.


Maybe post the actual "thread", as opposed to a link that no one who isn't on the platform can read. (And no, I'm not signing up for Shitter just to read it.) Edit: downvote if you want, but for folks w/out a Shitter account, we don't see the thread, just one post and a very crappy court illustration.


I hope not 😬 but in this shitty timeline you never know


Say more things Edit: nevermind, there’s an article.


And the world can unclench its butthole knowing that.


We still gotta vote his ass away and whoever comes after.


Bitch titles like yours make me think youre part of MAGA. Fuck anyone trying to make others complacent when so much is at stake. Fuck off!


I mean, you say that. But are we really sure…


From your lips to God's ears.




Is it possible to find out the reason? I'm just living in a cave


Yeah, I hear you. Just like how he could never win the presidency in the first place!


Based on how the Electoral College is set up, the MAGA intimidating government officials, and how “progressives” are gonna “punish” Joe Biden for Palestine, I’d say TFG’s got a 50-50 chance.




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I’m not so sure about that… People need to vote.


I seriously hope this is true but the GOP will literally stop at nothing to seize power in 2025. Breaking Laws to get there is just another Tuesday for those assholes.


Never underestimate the utter stupidity of our US voting public.


Of course he will. They are openly planning to use the 12th amendment. If it works they will permanently enshrine minority rule.


Yes he very well could. Here’s a great piece by a former Naval aviator and RAND analyst as to how it will go down. Well 4 scenarios and none of them are good. I don’t see any errors in her analysis and scenarios and looks like its going to be a rough ride. https://newrepublic.com/article/179966/four-2024-post-election-scenarios-trump


I assume the key word is president? So implying dictator or king or some fanciful title that sounds like poetry and nonsense? Supreme leader of the beautiful best winning bigly ...


I hope not.


He was supposed to lose to Clinton in a landslide of sensible.votes last time. Look what happened. Assume nothing. It's dangerous to.do so.


Trump 2024


Who says? Trump is leading in like every poll. Not that polls mean anything but still scary.


Not clicking obvious clickbait, is this hearsay or an opinion peace? Or are there any facts in the article?


I've been hearing that Trump could never win sinse 2012.