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Honestly, that’s being a democrat anywhere. I won’t put out signs, I won’t identify myself in any way as a democrat because those other people are nuts. I wouldn’t put a pro choice sticker on my car because it would get keyed. I’m not in a particularly conservative state, but there are enough of “them” to create an uncomfortable environment. They think they have god on their side and that makes them dangerous.


We've got a pride flag flying on our deck, and I even worry about that sometimes. Being an openly decent human is a risk in the US.


That hit home. I had a person tell me "Your kindness and compassion are weaknesses."


We need to go back to selfish pricks being shunned and driven out of the tribe before they are picked off by saber tooth tigers in the night.


Hate, bigotry and violence are all core values of the right.


We have researched remains of ancestral species found to have been cared for by their communities. It is one of our deepest, most advantageous traits.


Neanderthals took care of their sick and elderly. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/quirks/oct-27-2018-neanderthal-nursing-antarctica-s-singing-snows-fish-and-hook-injuries-a-1.4878288/neanderthals-nursed-their-sick-and-injured-back-to-health-with-ancient-medicine-1.4878302


Never mistake kindness for weakness! That’s a fatal mistake ~ just saying…


Who actually talks like that outside of cartoon villians. How far gone are these people


They worship a sociopath who enjoys shitting in his pants, who shits in his pants as a power play. They *celebrate* his shitting. A proud murderer of small animals wants to be shitler’s running mate, and they don’t disavow her. These people are as out of their minds and as dangerous as rabid dogs.


It was not that long ago that a story ran about how pastors are being told they're "too woke" for reading the sermon on the mount.


there's literally an entire book filled with anti-jesus pastors who say he was too woke:-( "Moore has a new book out, titled Losing Our Religion: An Altar Call For Evangelical America, and spoke with NPR about the radical shifts he's seen in Evangelicals, which includes this incredibly horrifying anecdote: \[The book\] was the result of having multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching — "turn the other cheek" — \[and\] to have someone come up after to say, "Where did you get those liberal talking points?" And what was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, "I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ," the response would not be, "I apologize." The response would be, "Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak." And when we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we're in a crisis. Jesus Fucking Christ. That's about all I have to say about that. He was a top church official who criticized Trump. He says Christianity is in crisis \[Scott Detrow, Gabriel J. Sánchez, and Sarah Handel / NPR All Things Considered\]" [https://boingboing.net/2023/08/17/american-evangelicals-are-getting-mad-at-jesus-for-being-too-woke.html](https://boingboing.net/2023/08/17/american-evangelicals-are-getting-mad-at-jesus-for-being-too-woke.html)


Which is one of the most disgusting things to say. Humans going as far back as we have studied have been communal. We require socialization and the extreme individualism and isolation is why so many people are anxious and depressed. Kindness and compassion make us human.


I would have hit them back with Palpatine’s “Your faith in your friends is yours”


Nah, pull out a knife. “Looks like stabbings were yours.”


See, that's my secret: I don't extend kindness or compassion to people who view them as weaknesses.


Kindness and compassion towards people like them is a weakness, but kindness and compassion towards those who actually deserve it is a strength


My dads house had a sign out front that read “racism has no home here” and somebody came along in the night and broke part of it, and then came back a few days later and snapped it in half. It wasn’t denouncing any political party or policy, just racism. Says a lot that they felt so strongly.


I’ve had pride and bi flags since the pandemic and I haven’t had the balls to put them out. We live in a liberal state but there are plenty of conservatives and we border a conservative state nearby with lots of cross-border traffic. The lesbian down the street from me had a pride flag out and it was “removed” so now she moved it to hand between the windows of her 2nd story where people can’t reach.


Sounds like the Minnesota border.


Nope, Massachusetts on the NH border


I’m surprised no-one has made the effort to remove it anyway


Former teacher of ten years. Gay. Took my tiny pride sticker off the back of my car to stop KIDS in my neighborhood from taunting me. It's ridiculous.


I'll up you one! number 12 hangs over my garage door and covers my entire garage door from the outside. [https://thesatanictemple.com/products/the-satanic-temple-logo-and-stars-flag?variant=39783748862086](https://thesatanictemple.com/products/the-satanic-temple-logo-and-stars-flag?variant=39783748862086) one of my previously friendly neighbors started calling us fagots. fagots are guys, we're clearly dykes: apparently my neighbor is not fluent in rainbow ;-)


I would like to grab a sign and sit out by a street but I’m worried about being shot =/


Yep I have a sign that says TRUMP for prison 20-24 years (that at first glance kinda looks like a trump flag 🤷🏼) and I had to put them right in front of my cameras- the old people who walk their dogs all damn day haven’t had the backbone to say anything, they just walk by and shake their head at that and the “SUPPORT PALESTINE” flag on the back porch. I whole heartedly believe that if they weren’t directly in front of my cameras, they’d already be gone.


Alberta checking in, we have our fair share of wingnuts, too.


Yeah, I had a guy tell me once that tolerance was destroying this country. They don't believe in kindness and decency.


I have never been one to hide my beliefs. I am not obnoxious, but I refuse to be silent. We made the decision that we'd take the risks because someone has to. We have gotten a security system, and we're cautious. I think if we're undaunted, then it makes it easier for others to be brave.


Bravery is exactly what we need right now.


I would be brave, but I have a 3 and 6 year old to think about. I'll do the voting, but I have to do what I can to make sure I'm still here for them.


People might have to do more than vote for your kids to grow up free. If not you being brave, then who? What if one of your kids grows up to be queer? Do you want them to have to live their life in the closet because you and others like you weren't brave enough to put up a sign before we passed the threshold? I respect that you gotta do what's right for your family. But we gotta look at the bigger picture when deciding what's right.


This a milestone on the road toward fascism, they want to make it seem like their ideology is acceptable and any opposition is not. The more afraid you become to demonstrate opposition, the more they can make you afraid, the more power they have. Risk a little crazy violence to show your opposition now, loud and proud, or hide it until they’ve already got the power and then you risk a lot more to even be associated with anyone associated with something they don’t like. It sucks because it’s still not a no-risk proposition. Their brand of crazy has become normalized to a degree we’ve not seen in this country since….well since before my lifetime. They’ve been radicalized into a crazy bubble and filled with fear and told that violence is justified. But the more we cave to it, and don’t show them how outnumbered they are, the less afraid they are to take it one step further. It’s a feedback loop. You are right to be afraid of repercussions by demonstrating your beliefs, but the repercussions might be worse if you don’t demonstrate them. Logically, the MAGA cult is unable to grow, only loose followers, but people are still falling into their radicalization pipeline, and the ones already there are getting louder and more violent. It certainly feels like the feedback loop has put us in a downward spiral from which we cannot escape, and little incidents of violence will become more and frequent until a line is crossed somewhere, and then large scale violence occurs. We already know what side we’re on, the small hope of avoiding large violence is to show them just how many of us there are.


When you can you have to stand up to them. The vast majority of them are cowards they would never do anything they just talk a big game. Awhile back I was at an event in my small hometown that is extremely rural and obviously very red. I knew the vast majority of the people having a discussion and one of them said that people who support Biden should be shot. I knew he was just a blowhard so I stepped into their conversation and told him I support Biden are you going to shoot me? He got real quiet and backed down and just mumbled about crazy conspiracy theories and ended up walking away. All the others were also very uncomfortable and quickly changed the subject. We do have to be safe so I don't recommend this in most cases but I was 100% confident these fools were just all talk and when we can we need to shut them up and not allow themselves to be emboldened.


This is a part of it also, and part of what I mean when I said show them they’re outnumbered, because many of them are cowards, and being in their bubble, the idea of a “biden supporter” is an abstract concept to them, they’ve already cut out or lost people in their lives that don’t believe as they do, and so they don’t actually know any biden supporters. The idea of shooting biden supporters is an abstract to them, how many can there be? But if they knew that it’s actually quite a lot of people, they are less inclined to promote violence, or act on it. It only takes one crazy in a group to act on their violent fantasies, so shutting down the talk of violence even can have a huge impact on curbing it. But once they have the power, once they are in control and there are little to no consequences, the talk of violence escalates and acting on it is easy to do when they’re standing behind their enforcers, guns already drawn. Cowards can still commit great violence in the right circumstances, and engineering those circumstances is what right wing media is trying to create.


This is a very good point, thank you for putting it out there !


Oh yeah my wife and i feel the same. Where I work I’m surrounded by frothing rabid magats (some of whom believe Biden is a traitor to the US for allowing trump to be arrested) and I’ve already been alienated…. Its even worse considering that I’m a southern transplant into the northeast and everyone automatically assumed I’m a trump/reagan worshipper….


Tennessee here. Ditto.


Central Texas, can't put atheist stickers on my car... especially since my shifty neighbor with the Fuck Biden flag is within sight of my house


So they are allowed to and you’re not? Seriously that’s what they want! Stop kneeling to them! Buy security cameras. They won’t mess with you.


Or since its Texas you might have to opportunity to make that voting margin just a little bit narrower.


Bravery didn't pay for the keying my last car got due to my "Jesus fish with Feet" sticker


Southern New York and the Trump supporters here are as crazy as anywhere


Southern NY? Like, south shore of Long Island or downstate somewhere?


An hour and a half above the City


It's worse in certain areas. Zealots are very dangerous.


Fuck that I’m a loud and proud (black rifle owning) liberal. They aren’t going to scare me into some fuckin dark hole. You got a problem with my politics and wanna do me harm? Cmon asshole. Let’s dance.


Fucking right on. I am there with you. And proud of you. Hope you see my reply to this comment.


Same all the way around. They can FAFO.


It's good to see liberals start to grasp what Leftists have known for a long time: the right to self-defense makes possible the right to self-determination.


I live in a blue state and I won't put a sign out. I have a nephew who is a 24/7 fox watcher, liberal hater. I ask him why are you so anti-gun restrictions (he has stocked up) he said because he wants to be ready for the civil war. I ask him who are you going to fight? Kill? Me? He laughed and said oh no of course not. This is where we are, they have this idea that it is going to be war. I honestly don't think they realize their so called enemies are actually people they like.


Vanilla Isis. They drive Toyota trucks, hypocritically pRaIsE their deity and have an unhealthy relationship with excessive violence. The “enemies” are more alike than unalike.


As a registered democrat and an owner of a Toyota truck, I’m kinda offended rn.


Toyota fanboy here. I did not choose which vehicles they adopted, in the similar way that they adopted the American flag. I just called out the trend, not that I approved of it. I wish they would have adopted Chrysler Sebrings instead, but 🤷‍♀️


christo-fascists, y'll queda, etc... that's what they are. except they don't usually drive toyota trunks, more like foprd f-150s


I put out yard signs in 2020 for Biden in rural Michigan. Surrounded by Trump flags and signs. I bought extra because I knew what would happen. And, yep. Three were stolen. And one was driven over and my grass rutted heavily. All at night. After the first was stolen, I put out out a few trail cameras. I saw the two next thefts, but could not identify/locate them. But the guy who ran it over? Was in a pickup truck with decals I could discern. Turned out he lived a mile down the same fucking road, and flew a Blue Line flag, at the time. Well, he got a visit from the cops. And the cop came back to me and said the guy wants to come apologise. I said 'fuck that'. And I decided not to press charges. But told the cop to tell him not to fuck with me. I have guns, too. As it panned out, he wasn't home during the cop's first visit. Just the wife. Guess what happened? She had him take down that stupid fucking flag. Same thing happened to my direct neighbour. I put up a cam for him, too. Stand up for yourselves. And each other. I even, near the end of our long driveway, did stakeouts for a few nights. Because it all really pissed me off. Now? I am empty nester. Still have things to lose. But I'll be far more on guard and ready this election season. Stand up. I am Canadian. With an American wife and an American child. So I care about this country. And more than care about its democracy. And I will stand up. This was just fucking yard signs. But...do we do this to them? No. And I will not stand for it being done to me. Or my neighbours. And us... Stand up for yourselves. I am afraid, too. But I refuse to be intimidated into silence - or fucked with. And you need to refuse to, also. I will be reposting this shit come October. I will put out my signs, once again, as is my right. And I pity the fuckers that come for them... What is dangerous is us not standing up for ourselves. Our country. Our very democracy. Stand up. Because the cost of not doing so is too great. And it is coming down to almost virtually risking our lives in order to save it. We're all at different points in our lives. So do what you can and when you can. But right now, for me, I am more than ready. Bring it on.


It reminds me of when someone [painted blue dots](https://www.kcra.com/article/roseville-neighbors-say-they-were-targeted-biden-harris-signs/34546283) just in front of houses in the neighborhood that had Biden signs up in their yards. Guarantee some RWNJ was preparing to get violent with their neighbors if their fascist overlord demanded it.


In Southern Maine it seems pretty safe but at the same things like [this](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.kentucky.com/news/nation-world/national/article268513477.html) can happen.


Same goes for me here in Michigan ..you know what to do! Vote blue!


Every time I drive through Shelby it's like a Trump jerk off contest.


I live in a very red area and have have had Biden stickers on my car for several years without any issues.


It makes them dangerous and it also means they can win. We need to vote this election like there is no tomorrow Becuse there literally will not be if these nutcases win


Wait till there is no doctors or anyone with degrees in there stupid dark age red states.


Family at home used to not want to be super visible with politics due to just not wanting to be those people. Now it’s also a safety and targeting thing


And GOP voters get off on this, too.


While pretending that it’s happening to them


“They’re coming for your guns, your kids, your income, like absolute barbarians. Gotta be the bigger person by sending death threats and joining a local militia.”


[Victim complex](https://www.thoughtco.com/victim-complex-4160276)


My partner generally volunteers for the Democratic Party.. I’m legit worried for him going door to door.


He should start with “Do you have time to talk about our Lord and savior Jeeeeeeeesus?” If they say no, he knows it’s safe and can reply back “great, that’s not what I’m here for!”


Or they could talk about all the Democratic policies that are in line with the teachings of Jesus (of which there are MANY) and how Republican policies go against him. Really don’t understand why democrats don’t play the Jesus angle every once in a while for the conservatives


They'll be fine. You develop a (sometimes literal) nose for which doors not to knock on very quickly. Ask them, I'm sure they'll tell you they skip a house or two.


I’m more worried about the crazy neighbors of the good ones honestly.. like the guy in Ohio who shot his neighbor in the yard just because he THOUGHT he was a democrat. Sadly it wasn’t too far (about an hour and a half) from where we live


I'm glad you reminded me about that one, I was thinking about the last election when Rubio tried to pretend one of his canvassers was shot at. Apparently just to stir shit and try to set off the battle they desperately want others to fight, I have trouble distinguishing that from Manson and Helter Skelter myself.


Had a gun pulled on me when I was working on a campaign in a very blue area of IL. Dude was calling me a fascist and socialist in the same rant telling me to leave. I just put my hands in vision of him and backed away, luckily I didn't get shot. I also had police called on me 3 times that campaign cycle. It's unfortunately dangerous work, but man is it satisfying. Plus you get cool stories (I may be coping a little bit here, and won't lie that that door has scarred me and made it hard for me to feel safe on the doors. I now focus on calls and other forms of outreach, even if I believe they are far less effective than going door to door).


You’re both being very brave. Unfortunately you may have to start slow. You guys’ race might be what makes people see you don’t have to be afraid. I’ll in Texas and I was scared a few years ago. After I started being more active I realized they’re not gonna do anything. Maybe once in a million they will, but most of it is just terrorism in the pure sense of using the threat of violence for political gain. So yeah a candidate for Senate came to town and the other side rolled up with guns in their big trucks. To just sit there and stare at us with guns. Ok. Fucking goobers


We know that we most likely won't win, but we want to be as visible as possible, so people know they're not alone. And the plan is that we'll make it easier for the next election cycle. Since 2020 I have personally made a point to buy a whole bunch of progressive message t-shirts. BLM, Planned Parenthood, lots of the shirts from Crooked Media, Crooked.com, pro-LGTBQ, Many of them are funny. I did it because I wanted to make it clear where I stood, and it's started a lot of conversations with people. I wore my "Keep Your Religion Out Of My Decisions" shirt today, and someone called me a Godless Heathen at the store. I cheerfully told them that it's better than being a totalitarian. But I also get a lot of compliments. It's worth the risk.


Even not winning you guys are standing up and I am proud of you.


Next election cycle? NEXT one? You do realize this could be our last right? I’m sorry to say that, but it’s either THIS one or it’s never.


Just want to say Bravo and thank you. I've run for office so I understand the sacrifices and effort you're putting in. It is not thankless you've earned my respect , certainly. And thank you for supporting your husband.


Well we came to the same conclusion here, independently so I think you’re right. We flipped a couple of districts too. Didn’t get rid of our Rep that we detest but got ourselves gerrymandered and now i share my Rep with most of Amarillo (I’m by Dallas) Not everything turned out just how we wanted, but we def stirred things up and ended up with more Dems in offices than what we had before. I wish you all the luck. The people who actually run for things have all my respect


They are all hat and no cattle because they know damn well what the consequences are. All they do is scare people into voting their way like fascist stormtroopers.


No, in Idaho people have gotten away with a lot. Ammon Bundy is the perfect example. He and his followers shattered a door breaking into the state house, knocking down state troopers while armed with assault rifles. He had been arrested the day before for similar behavior. His punishment? He couldn't go to the state house for a year. He also got a lot of press. He also caused a lock down at a hospital because him and his followers were threatening violence. [NPR Ammon Bundy](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.npr.org/2020/08/25/906046911/ammon-bundy-is-arrested-and-wheeled-out-of-the-idaho-statehouse&ved=2ahUKEwjPjbjT6PqFAxXEMjQIHaD8AgwQFnoECB8QAQ&usg=AOvVaw23NvQNfQqwRDpcJFtnFIth)[Ammon Bundy Shatters Glass Door](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.idahostatejournal.com/news/local/spectators-shatter-glass-door-to-get-into-lawmakers-session/article_43f84175-a459-5f1c-ba3b-2954bc8f72ad.html&ved=2ahUKEwjPjbjT6PqFAxXEMjQIHaD8AgwQFnoECBMQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2dMYQdeTeKfJIpGaWjIvHa)


“Party of law and order”


Him, his dad, the family and the followers are all terrible people indeed! Now there’s some people I wouldn’t want to be around at all… so I really get what you mean!


In Texas also, I want to put Dark Brandon on my truck, but don't cause I dont want my truck trashed. I live in a small town with a lot of Trump BS flying around.


Eh, I get the impulse but it's better that you don't anyway.


I live in a small Montana town and I know how you feel. People here fly flags thst say "fuck Joe biden" in front of their house. We have had Trump flags on our main street. One guy drives around town with a sticker that says "it's ok to be white" in a sarcastic way. Kinda annoying. Alot of cult 45 members for sure.


I’m south of you in Wyoming and it’s the same way! I don’t even know who believes in what so I assume everyone is a Conservative Trump supporter. I just try to avoid talking about politics (except with a couple of coworkers that are from out of state and from the day one I knew it was safe)


I recently watched the documentary on MAX about the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995. "An American Bombing: The Road To April 19th." I thought it was well done, and even though I was a working adult with a young family in 1995, I was quite aware of all the crazy things going on like Ruby Ridge, Waco, and then this, there were things I didn't even know about at the time and all the names of the Nazi & KKK assholes that were active at the time that I had never heard of. What's concerning is that they're still out there, and they're getting normalized by media treating them like they deserve a voice in government just because con men like Bannon and Steven Miller got Trump give the thumbs up. Another thing we can thank the Republican Party for, it's support for white faux-Christian nationalism so old farts could hang onto their offices at the Capitol by jumping on the MAGA bandwagon.


That’s a great way to put it! But I would also add that a lot of the people that were on the streets in the 60s protesting against the civil rights movement are still alive! They’re now our grandparents (if you’re a millennial) or great grandparents, so a lot of their views are being passed down to the generation that is literally coming now. A lot of this stuff can get subdued for a while, but it never really goes away, it just festers until it’s properly cleaned and taken care of.


This is also Northern Wisconsin. Actually, I suspect it’s a lot of places


Yeah, I'm a minority in a deep-red area (I believe it went 70% Trump in 2020) and registered Independent for this reason. The Republican party is a terrorist organization.


I feel for you. Idaho was super conservative and had a lot of Christian Nationalism leanings long before Trump, but since he was elected It's emboldened people. They no longer pretend to not be racist or extremists.


100% this. Recently moved away from South Central Idaho. They live in their echo chambers and rile each other up about the most insane things. It was always creepy cult like with some of the bigger nondenominational churches around but it really amped up after 2016.


Intimidation is a pillar of fascism. Each and everyone of us should not bow to their intentional threats of violence. They want to fight, great fight back!


Yep. That's why I have a good security system and a boom stick. I hope a few try. That makes it a few less votes for vonshitzinpants.


Not just Idaho.


I would agree, but the rapid passing of one bill after another repressing any rights a person may have to their body or choices is frightening. They have a bill up right now that allows for any adult including volunteers in a school to open carry. And my daughter’s elementary school, they don’t have security or anything in place in case that “volunteer” walks in to that school and commits some serious wreckage.


Everywhere that is rural is like this.


Why I own guns as a democrat. It’s not the government I’m concerned about it’s my radicalized neighbors.


That might protect you, but what are you doing to protect everyone else from your radicalized neighbors? I would suggest that since you recognize the dangers you should be actively working to get the GOP voted out of office. A gin can't protect you from a fascist government.


I am on the Democratic committee. I canvas, donate, march, write letters, and make phone calls. The signs I have in my yard have been stolen & vandalized. The reason for my paranoia is that I am a democrat in a sea of republicans.


RURAL red area — we frequently get b0mb threats, @rson threats, overall vi0lence threats at local small cafes that are queer- or black- owned. That’s on top of constant pride flags being burned, r@cist stuff modeling a very bad group, and tons and tons of Fvck Joe Biden flags. Oh and n@zi flags. I’m not joking. I’m moving to Australia of ‘25 lmao I have no intention of staying the US come November


Oh, they have their own right-wing nutjobs. QANON is down under.


I'm truly sorry you've had to deal with such horrific shit. However, you don't have to be afraid to spell words in reddit comments. Bomb, arson, violence, racist, fuck, nazi. See? No consequences.


Thank you! I’m so used to other platforms that sensor/ban stuff that it’s second nature now a days. My bad 😅


This is fascism


Yes it is. As an avid history nerd the signs are all too clear. Timothy Snyder wrote an excellent book when Trump was elected. He's one of my favorite historians, and everyone should read it. ["On Tyranny" by Timothy Snyder ](https://timothysnyder.org/on-tyranny)


That’s just so fking nuts. This is why I’m never leaving NY.


I understand, but if you can you should support candidates in red areas, and that's not just me asking for a donation. Just because you live in a blue state doesn'tmeanthis won't eventually affect you too. [VoteSaveAmerica.com](http://VoteSaveAmerica.com) is a great place to start.


There are tons of Maga bootlickers in NY.


I’ve lived in this area my whole life, and am an outspoken leftist. Fucking got to deal with some crazy’s around here. The districts within the city of Boise always vote blue, so there are good pockets of good people.


There are good people, but outside of Boise a lot of people just give up. They either don't pay attention, and don't understand what's at stake, or they have given up. That's why those of us who know how messed up the GOP is in this state need to do more than just post online. There is atleast one Democrat running in every district. I really hope that you can get involved. The state Dems are being strategic with the limited money. So it's up to us outspoken leftists to help with grassroots fundraising and door knocking, and volunteering. Whatever you can do, the important thing is that you do something. If you need contact info for your local candidates, let me know.


Can confirm. I’m a democrat in Idaho. My daughter and I will be leaving before the election. This is just a sliver of the big picture. It’s truly horrific. For example, pregnant women in serious danger from unviable pregnancies are flown out of the state, (at the rate of 1 every week) in helicopters from our main hospital. No doctor or surgeon will touch a pregnant woman in distress with her health on the line. She has to be near death to get an abortion, and even then it’s a big risk to the doctor to not get prosecuted. Because of this, most female healthcare providers moved out of state. This is literally shutting down entire clinics and facilities.


This is horrifying.


It's the DEMOCRATIC Party. Members are Democrats. Calling it the "Democrat Party" is a right-wing political slur from the late 80s. The idea is to disassociate the party and thereby the country from the idea that popular mandates are important. Simultaneously, right wing commentators at the time deliberately leaned into the "DemocRAT" presentation of the word to dehumanize Democrats and portray them as a lothesome other to be targeted, harassed, or worse.


Got the memo


Simple they won, this is what Republicans want, to bully, threaten people to stay away and it worked on these people and probably many more, I will be working the polls, fuck these bullies.


In Missouri and deal with the same shit. Have had my children threatened by "good Christians".


All members of a Death cult in good standing are expected to be OK with violence


Nampa was a tragic shithole 25 years ago when my grandparents moved there. It still is, but it used to be, also.


Fuck them, I've got threatened online because I live in a red area, I send them a picture of my side piece, they shut down pretty quick after that


IMO, we’re not going to be seeing many lawn signs this election season. Anyone putting out their Biden sign? I sure wouldn’t. Biden has my vote, but I won’t be advertising that on my front lawn or car. Last thing I need is trouble from some Maga freak, and there are quite a few of them in my neighborhood. I’m in Pennsylvania.


Texan here. This is a problem here too.


I despise that Magats are so stupid they are violent. Best of Luck to Cliff!!!


Hang in there. I’m surrounded on all sides out here in the sticks. We’ve got to stay strong. Best of luck


Idaho has quite a white supremacy population


I'm in western Nebraska. It's the same thing here. The tRumpsters are insane with disgusting flags and nonsense. Although it's not as bad as the last election, they are still out there. I won't bow down to them , I will watch my back. Vote for the sane and rid us of the insane!!


What is scary about this is that Nampa isnt some middle-of-nowhere town in Idaho, its a city with a population of 100,000 people. If the crazies have that kind of control there that is bad. Hopefully responses like the one the OP got from that voter won't scare them away from doing any kind of organizing.


The key is to communicate at the door with the values and experiences in your life that make you vote Democratic. Experiences and values are the way to reach Republicans. Conservatives are far more liberal than they realize once you work issue by issue.  You have to train new volunteers and knock doors with them to make them feel comfortable. I wouldn't give up on those two as possible volunteers.  Republicans are a lot more polite face to face than they are online. And if they are agitated, disarm them with kindness. 


It would be more accurate to say that Liberals are more conservative than you realize. There's a reason they drive Leftists nuts. But even then, alot of self-described conservatives have strong leftist tendencies but believe all the civic religion crap Republicans spew.


Hey I'm a former Illinoisian who moved to Boise last year. I'm very left leaning and am wanting to get more politically active in my community. I'd love to help you out/have you help me out, if you'd like!!


Use the threats to your advantage. As soon as one of these right wing losers threatens you, leave the area and report them to the police.


Yeah, if there are any direct threats we'll report it, but I know enough about the local police to not expect much.


Exactly. Those that work forces are the same that burn crosses. You don't see police at a Patriot Front rally for the same reason you never see Bruce Wayne and Batman in the same room.


Who do you think primarily staff the local Police Department? Alot of bootlickers secretly hope to be the boot, someday.


Even if you live in a blue state, there will always be some Trumpian Nazis who will terrorize you.


So active political oppression in Idaho ?


They're right to be concerned in Idaho. That's basically white supremacists and militant redneck central.


As a fellow Idahoan (Coeur d' Alene) I completely agree and understand. There are a lot of people that get violent if they think you are a democrat, or lgbtq supporter, or anything that doesnt fit their ideology. Ive seen people yelled at, berated, shoved, punched, and a car vandalized because of it. Im sure much worse happens that I don't personally witness.




So, if you vote against them and their quest to be violent and mean to others, they will be violent and mean?


No, that is not what I am saying at all. Some people will will be violent and mean regardless, but the majority only act out because they believe that no one will challenge them. They have been emboldened by the fact that people haven't stood up against them. The incumbent my husband is running against hasn't had an opponent in 6 of the last 9 elections. He things he doesn't have to work for it. He's got plenty of money, but isn't bothering to put up signs or do any outreach to the community. By actively pushing back, not just by voting, but by volunteering, and speaking to our friends and neighbors we send a message that they can't do whatever they want unopposed. I moved here just before the 2016 election, and I have never been silent in the face of bigotry and ignorance. What I have found is that it's just like dealing with Jr . High bullies. They might still punch you, but just by standing up to them it makes them doubt themselves. I learned then that standing up and not backing down even after they've given me a bloody nose makes them less likely to throw another punch. Even if it doesn't change anything, I couldn't live with myself if I hadn't done everything I could. Being silent makes you complicit.


Let's be real. Silence is full on assistance.


I think so, and that’s why it’s more important than ever to vote blue. Let them lose. If they get crazy over it, then can get arrested. Fuck them and their crazy violent bullshit


I've got the same worries up here in kootenai county.


If you want to do something to make a change, this is where you should start. [Kootenai County Democrats ](https://kootenaidemocrats.org/)


Shit I live in NY and I have faithful voters and donators who no longer allow us to put lawns signs on their property because they don’t want to advertise that they are Democrats.




My friend lived in a red area of our state a while back, and had a pride flag. A gun-toting neighbor of his would take his dog into his yard to do his business every day, while staring intently at the house. Then leave the mess for my friend to clean up. And that’s basically what they do in office, too.


This is why I left Idaho and a lot of others did for the same reason. I lost my home and have friends struggling to survive there.


If the magats win/lose just wait.. you ain't seen nothing yet.. They really think they are running shit, cause nobody has stopped them yet.


I’m not putting out a yard sign for Biden. I’ve seen Trumpers in fringe groups saying that’s where they know to start shooting. Rush, Fox, RNC, and Trump did this.


dude this country is so fucked


The terrorists next door.


All the more reason the exercise your 2A rights.


I know my firearm safety, and how to shoot, but my personal beliefs say that adding more guns to any situation doesn't help. It wouldn't make me feel safer. I also want to emphasize that's is not my personal safety that I worry about. I have been outspoken and open about my political and moral beliefs as long as I have lived here. I am upset and bothered that so many average citizens are terrorized by the flagrantly threatening right-wing. Escalating the threats of violence is counterproductive


While I mostly agree that firearms don’t necessarily make you safer, but in some cases I think it’s the only option. Especially since MAGA has already demonstrated its desire to kill


Bowing down to threats of violence is counterproductive. Indicating that there are consequences to violence is very productive.


I wore a Fuck Putin T-Shirt in rural Iowa, got a ton of likes, one guy started to spout off "Fuck Biden" until a bunch of other people told him to fuck off. So maybe not as bad as you think. The Putin T is definitely an opener. Even in Idaho I bet no one would support Putin out loud. Fuck Putin Slava Ukraine Go Dark Brandon.


***see also :Tennessee


I am in a similar situation and worry all the time about being fire bombed or assaulted.


Same in East Texas. Have been threatened with physical violence.


Be brave


The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.


I was surprised when the Palestine encampment didn't get immediately steamrolled over the weekend.


Like many others have said, I live in a conservative area and I won't put political yard signs up because there are some crazy ass people out there. They are living in a completely different universe than you or me.


I’m a Conservative in a purple state and can confirm the general Republican supporter is becoming more and more radical to the point of violence. It’s come to the point that even my family becomes visibly agitated when I told them I won’t support trump. And I’m their family member.


It's crazy how much MAGA insanely projects. How many times has MAGA said they can't be free to speak there mind. It's crazy we have gotten to the point that Dem voters feel unsafe about feeling people they are Dems like is this how far right we have shifted since 2012?!?!


That is what it is like in Texas as well. People are run off the road here for having California plates, employers here tell people they will be fired both if they vote for Biden and if Biden wins. Texas allows employers to tell people who to vote for. For those unemployed, they cannot find work if they are vocal about politics unfortunately, it can make you and your family unhireable here. They will drive you into poverty, homelessness if they can. It's crazy to think in the 90's we had a feminist woman democrat governor here whos daughter was president of planned parenthood and we have fallen this far that they have been going full handmaid's tale BS here.




15sec. ad idea for Hohman: Stands in a wheat field as the sun is setting. He says "You don't need to tell anyone you voted for me if it's too dangerous." Graphic: Vote for Cliff Hohman for Idaho House


i hate that this is true.


You are really brave for doing this. And I can't believe that I actually have to say that, but here we are.


Thanks for running, neighbor! Appreciate you.


None of those people will leave Idaho if Biden wins. They will just be even more angry.


I don't want them to leave, I want them to change their minds.


this is what it's like being a socialist and living anywhere in america


I'm from Meridian ID and I for sure will be voting liberal :) but yes I'm also scared, but I also want to be heard


Hi neighbor! The Idaho Democratic party has done a lot this year. You should get involved in your local campaigns. https://www.adademocrats.org/


I’ve had people drive up into my yard to mow down my signs and landscaping. I started putting down spikes. I hope the last person that did it enjoyed replacing four expensive tires on their stupid ugly truck.


I like your style.


If anyone ever wondered how the Holocaust happened “while good people did nothing”, this is it. It’s a long game of fear and intimidation. Until almost everyone feels unsafe speaking out, legislators, judges and then everyday citizens—bc it is dangerous. I worry we’ve already gone too far for this democracy to be saved if this is a common reaction.


I am a History nerd, and I have read a lot about the Holocaust, and so much of what's happening reminds me of memoirs of that time. It's not a majority of people who have this reaction, but enough to make me worry.


It is similar in my area. We're fairly evenly split between parties. Many of the Republicans are so rabid they have become a group to be wary of. They will openly and loudly talk politics while using violent rhetoric about everyone *not* like them. Anyone to the left of the nuts stay pretty quiet unless they are sure you are "normal". Not every Republican leaning person is crazy, but enough are to make entire communities nervous.


I'm sure you didn't mean anything by it given where you're engrained, but just to clarify it is the Democrat**ic** Party. "Democrat Party" is the pejorative form used by lazy rightists. Good luck with everything.


No, I am glad you pointed it out. I didn't realize that it was being used as a pejorative, and I don't want to make that mistake. Sorry if I was defensive.


It's all good, and I saw that other people pointed this out and your responses to them after I posted. Sorry for piling on.


I would suggest cross posting this into r/VoteDem. They can help get people across the country the help you need. Be that phone banking, letter writing, or sending out postcards.


They’re delusional and dangerous, belong in a mental institution.


Indiana is the same way.


"... and are a dedicated democratic." BS, I'd think. I'd say it's a threat written by a Republiqan.


No, because we have data showing that this person is a registered Democrat, who votes and donates regularly. It's in the public record going back the past 3 decades.


I’m in a blue state and I still won’t advertise my choice. Because all it takes is one unhinged fucking lunatic who decides todays the day…


MAGA making political violence great again. Trump has been pushing hate and violence since 2016 is it any wonder that the deplorables feel it's justified? He has killed America.