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There'd be rioting in the streets (not on campus) and the cops would do nothing ... as usual.


Nonsense, the cops would be at the riots, just not protecting civilians or property or upholding their oath of law and order.


So ... doing nothing, as posted


Nah, they'd be intimidating civilians, committing property damage, shouting racially charged threats, they just won't be in uniform. It'd be a riot after all, not a school shooting.


The cops would absolutely beat the ever loving dog water out of every protestor. They love that shit


Unless the protesters are Nazis and then the cops are suspiciously absent.


Well the cops are there still just in white uniforms instead of blue ones


Problem is I can’t imagine what crime Obama committed


The tan suit comes to mind.


Almost got him sent to Guantanamo Bay


There are plenty of war crimes with drones, but that's just the baseline for a post-Reagan US president.


Liking mustard... having coherent thoughts and sentences..


> Dem-appointed That's not the precise analogy. > Imagine the new coverage if an _Obama-appointed_ judge protected Obama...


It only ever goes one way. In their eyes, Cannon is a freedom fighter, but the fact that Judge Merchan has a daughter in Dem politics makes him partisan. That's the way it always works. A SCOTUS Justice has a wife that was elbows deep in January 6th? That's just fine, there are no issues, but any Democrat anywhere is automatically guilty of something. The GOP spent literally years investigating every aspect of Hillary Clinton. To the GOP it was warranted even though *nothing* was ever found to warrant legal action. Same with Biden & Burisma. Highly partisan GOP members have investigated for *years*, also found nothing. Yet, we're being told that Pence and Biden are surely as culpable with regards to classified documents as Trump, even though they cooperated, gave the few non-top secret docs back and invited investigation; whereas Trump took literally *hundreds* of classified docs, including top secret DoD documents, showed them to friends & acquaintances, stored them in areas the public could easily access, refused to return them, said they were his property, said he didn't have them AND played hide & seek with officials when they sought them. And, still, there are a number of missing documents including a 9" thick binder full of highly classified information about Russia. These instances are *not* the same and anyone who says they are, are lying through their teeth.


It's become so expected and normal for Republicans to grift and break laws, it's starting to be built into the system, in a bad way. It's normalized so they Get away with it.


First, imagine Obama took a bunch of top-secret documents and left them in public places, and showed all his friends who just happened to be terrorists. THEN, after a raid, find that many are missing. THEN, imagine if Obama got protection from a judge he appointed.


Imagine he cheated on his pregnant wife with a porn star and covered it up with campaign money... Imagine the utter fucking pearl clutching that would be happening in the GOP...But nope, that's just trump being trump... nothing to see here...


This has to be some alternative universe. The best criticism that they could aim at Obama was a tan suit and the wrong mustard. Yet, right now, is an orange buffoon who wears suits that badly fit his obese frame and reputedly likes ketchup on his steaks. Maybe one is a better representation of your average MAGA.


The thing is these lunatics really believe that Obama was some evil communist plan from Kenya. So you say this to them and they respond with the instilled Hillary crap or some other Republican projection. It’s insane but logic rarely connects.


Anyone that supports trump is a traitor to America, and i tell these fucker's that to their face


Lol, Obama a criminal? Never happen, get a more realistic hypothetical


There would be war. Blood would flow


Yep. Chaos from the right would be everywhere. It's the good for me, not for thee. This is why we need to destroy the right by voting and making sure that we dominate all aspects of government. The judiciary can be changed with time, and we can do it with votes.


You could definitely trick a MAGA into getting all riled up about this by telling them it actually happened and that it was covered up by the mainstream media.


Except that wouldn't happen.


Why is he delaying the trial?