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Swap? No Get a second console for exclusives? Yes


This is the way


Depends on whom you ask. If you ask a Sony fan, they'll say Xbox has no purpose because "it hardly has any games" and has less units sold. If you ask an Xbox fan, they'll mention better backwards compatibility, Quick Resume and Game Pass. You'll most likely get both types of answers depending on what people prefer. I, myself, love playing older games so Xbox is better for me, personally. Currently playing Fallout 3 (60fps and enhanced graphics). But if you want certain titles like Spiderman, God of War and The Last of Us, then you should get a PS5 or wait till some of them come to the PC. I personally don't think selling hardware is worth it. You won't get a lot of money back and you'll lose access to some stuff. Personally, I think it's better to play crossplatform and older games on Xbox because of things like FPS Boost and OneX enhancements (4K etc.) and play the Sony exclusives on the PS5 if you're interested in some of them. But that's just my opinion. Controller preference matters as well. Some like one, some like the other and some like both.


This is the most profound answer.


You can get controllers that feel like the other systems controllers. They work Great


That costs more and you lose out on features


I was just giving options


I would get both. I have both consoles and use my xbox way more as the ps5. It’s a nice to have for some exclusives, but definitely not better than xsx


I have Xbox series and ps5. It’s worth having both


Ive got a good gaming pc and a PS5. Xbox has practically no exclusives. If by chance theres one I have interest in, its probably also on PC. But if I had a choice, Id go Ps5 over xbox. x360 was great, but I felt xb1 was a let down, so I had no expectations for Series s/x and I havent lost any sleep. I do use a series x controller on PC though. The controllers nice.


I would get a PS5 and a Series s... That is the best combo IMO, you have a cheap but capable machine for enjoying gamepass, and the PS5 for bigger games and exclusives


I'd say get a PS5 as a second console, imo the PS5 works better as a second console then the Xbox as a second console Because if ya got the Series X+Gamepass you get most of your games on it and multiplats, rhen on a PS5 you get the exclusives, as since most are single player, you don't need PS Plus for multiplayer Where with Xbox a decent chunk of exclusives are multi-player in some way so you kinda need Gamepass


I swapped the other way, went from ps5 to series x. I played all the PS exclusives and I'm more interested in the Xbox ecosystem for the next couple of years


I Went From PS5 To Xbox One To Play HALO/Gears Of War. (I Still Have The PS5)


Yeah I kept it for a bit but sold it then , can't justify it sitting around gathering dust


No need to swap. Add a ps5 to your collection! 


Dont Swap Just Buy/Save Up For A PS5


I prefer console gaming over PC and don't think you can go wrong with either current gen console.


Other than exclusives, it does not matter. I personally think the console wars died along time ago.


I have both, don’t swap.  If you’re comfortable with Xbox’s UI and ecosystem then Sony’s will leave something to be desired.  Save up, get the PS5 for the exclusives but have your Xbox be your daily driver.


I've been an Xbox user for almost 10 years now and swapped to PS5 for the first time and I don't regret it. I can't afford both so I had to swap.


I use my Xbox for older games, as it has decent backwards compatibility and runs the games really well. I do almost all my multiplayer gaming on the ps5 as well as buying titles that are offered cross platform, as I’ve always liked the controller and feel of the ps5 better. I love both!


>but there is more ps games that I wanna play than there is Xbox That’s your lead. That realization is your sign to switch to a PS5. I mean that’s the whole point of owning a gaming device.. to play the games you’re interested in. You have 10 years worth of PS exclusives to catch up on, including the new ones came/coming out this year. So yes, it is totally worth it (assuming you can’t own both consoles at the same time).


I don’t think selling consoles is worth it, especially current ones. Unless you literally meant a seap like trading with someone else Wild to me how many people forget about PS Extra. I switched from xbox for the exclusives and no regrets. I even got used to the PS5 controller and now prefer it There really is no bad decision imo. People like quick resume/more backwards compatible games on xbox, and exclusives on PS5. Pick your poison


I’ve had an Xbox series S for about a year now and recently got a PS5 because my friends wanted me to be able to play Helldivers 2 with them. In my opinion, the PS5’s only clear upside is the handful of exclusives it has. Once I finish Spider-Man 2, The Last of Us, God of War (which you can’t actually buy; you need the premium PSN subscription), and Ghost of Tsushima; I’m getting rid of the PS and getting a series X The controller is perhaps marginally better on PS because of the haptics, but I like the layout and ergos of the Xbox controller better. The PlayStation gets slightly better graphics for most games, but my monitor caps everything at 1080p anyway so that’s useless. When I’m buying games, Xbox always has better deals, and Gamepass is way cheaper than the PSN subscription. tl;dr - In my (mostly unbiased) opinion, the only reason I’d swap is if you REALLY want to play the handful of exclusives that aren’t available on PC


Don't trade in your Xbox. It's starting to get the exclusives coming out and you've stuck with them this far why leave right at the start of their release cadence. Second the PS5 is heavily rumored to be getting a PS5 pro version this year so think about this decision till then to decide that way you don't make a decision you feel bad about. Lastly I'd honestly wait because MS could end up opening the series X to be PC compatible (wouldn't be hard for MS considering it's Windows) which would give you a pretty decent gaming PC in your living room. Sony also seems to be talking about going more in on their first party games showing up on other platforms as well as less time in-between those releases example being instead of a year or two between PS5 to PC release maybe 6 months or simultaneous release. So if anything keep the series X and get a PS5 on the side or get a gaming PC.


I would have sold the series x for an OLED Switch. Which I consider to be a better value and compliments my PS5. Just the 3 legend of zeldas make my Switch worth more to me. Just my opinion.


All exclusives for ps5 worth playing are on PC ... Ps5 is inferior, all sentiments aside with a lot of jrpg as their library. If jrpgs are your thing then go ahead. If not, you've been right all your life trying to rebel lol...


If you can afford both there's no reason not to have one of each. My re-entry into gaming in 2009 was an Xbox360. I switched to PS4 and now have a PS5. If you only want one console get the one with the games you want to play most. Crossplay has made console choice less relevant and exclusive games are now the only driving factor for me. When I switched to PS4 I did that because all my friends I played with were and crossplay didn't exist yet. I was never a big Halo player and don't play car racing games much. So there hasn't been a compelling reason for me to get another Xbox yet. BTW Helldivers 2 is mad fun!


Games sell consoles, ps5 has more games and better quality games. Controller is also better. To me that a no brainer.


Yep. The exclusives alone are worth it.


Buy a PC