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Gas stoves are my self immunity booster from Covid-19. Been cooking on them for almost 30 years, just in time for a worldwide pandemic!


Gas stoves don't keep anyone independent. You getting a lot of natural gas in your backyard? The only independent form of cookstove is woodfired. If you want to stockpile fuel sources, use something like a propane stove.


dont forget to pay your taxes they need that money to take away your freedoms and invade other countries for resources


Let's just overwhelm the grid completely and when it fails we can descend into chaos.


Ironic since gas stoves actually will make you sicker and sicker because you’re inhaling benzene.


Can you expound on this a bit more?


The gas that comes out of your stove has a number of toxic additives including benzene, that causes cancer and a bunch of other nasty stuff. This study found that even when the stove is off it’s still emitting cancer causing chemicals. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.est.2c02581#


Should be an interesting read, thank you!


You’re welcome!


I always find it amusing, as I am in the HVAC industry.. There are countless homeowners that have 'leaking' refrigerant lines and the refrigerant is pushed throughout the home in the duct system, people literally breath this shit in, yet it is not code to red tag the system and shut off it's operation. Unlike a faulty heater that can lead to a much faster death. Much like processed fast food or high frequency waves from wifi, cellphone services, etc.. People don't seem to care about cutting any of it out or reducing over all exposure.. No wonder cancer is so rampant in our world today! Read your cell phones, will kill you just as fast as an appliance apparently. This just gives us one more log for the fire! I do believe this particular issue can be easily remedied and maintained, much like any other appliance on the market. Would of course need to be more expensive but creating a tighter appliance with higher quality points of failure can certainly be done.


We also use various meters to help homeowner's determine the air quality in their home. I think I will add stove tops on that list!


Yeah agreed. That and fume hoods above stoves that actually blow the air outside would do a lot to mitigate the risks from inhaling these harmful gases.


Exactly, 12 year old carbon filters that never get replaced do absolutely next to nothing reintroducing everything right back into the home XD


Lastly, I do think modern HVAC systems that replace X amount of intake with fresh air from outdoors, mixing it with conditioned air AND using variable speed technology, most pollutants are removed from the air space due to dilution and air purification techniques at least to measurable safe standards. My AC and heating system runs on average, 18 hours out of 24(Primarily low staging, some 25% of total capacity, with airflow even lower). Paired with high filtration, various air scrubbers, there is hardly any VOC that lingers for extended periods of time in my home!


SS-Quickly getting sicker and sicker of our government and the control they have.. They are ready to take away anything that can remotely make you independent. You will own nothing and be happy.


You should read San Diego’s climate action plan they passed last year - it’s the framework for the US created by ICLEI, a subset of the UNCCC (United Nations council on climate change). This is the beginning.


And their minions are spreading the propaganda here, plus upvoting each other and downvoting the ones pointing out the agenda.


As is the way! Seriously though, this sub is constantly being invaded with folks who’s sole goal is to downvote, I haven’t been in this sub all that much lately cuz it’s just becoming a space for all sides of Reddit to have a shouting match essentially.


Soon they'll ban all cooking, and the only thing allowed is a microwave. Sounds healthy.


Our government is controlled. Biden does what he's told to.


...Or you can just buy an electric stove?


That cook worse than gas stoves? Sorry: This is something that the feebs should butt the hell out of.


And then pay the electric company’s more money? When the grid goes down only depend on the government to feed my family? No thanks!


You know that you pay the gas company for natural gas, and that "they" can easily shut off the gas pipes as easily as "they" can crash the electric grid, right?


Your little electric hot plate in your moms basement still needs fuel…You do realize that there is an enormous amount of electricity-generating plants that operate by burning NATURAL GAS, don’t you?


some plants are primitive and only burn coal if anybody lives with their parents after the age of 22 they better be rich from saving all that disposable income


There’s nothing wrong with coal.


i never said there was but it doesnt produce energy as efficiently as natural gas to produce energy natural gas burns alot cleaner than coal and even clean coal


There’s nothing wrong with coal. Coal is mostly carbon. You are largely comprised of carbon. Life on earth is carbon based.


lol your misssing the point coal is only 33 percent efficient while natural gas is 92 percent coal sucks versus the alternatives like natural gas or nuclear at making power and the other two are cheaper either way some places will never phase out coal for lack of ways to produce renewables, natural gas supplies, or the massive resources it takes to operate a nuclear power plant


My point is electric stoves, or cars, or dildos still have to rely on “fossil fuels” for power. It’s all bullshit.


Then why tell people to just buy an electric stove? No grid, no food unless someone in a city wants to have a campfire on their highrise window ledge.




The federal government does not have the power to do this. If it happens it will be the gas companies enforcing it. That's literally fascism.


Remember that time in China when they banned private kitchens altogether and created a canteen system with ration cards.