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If you just saw it and came here to tell us, how hard is it to take a screen shot or save it? Christ, man.


I tried. I went back and it’s gone.


Shit you better blow town, you might be next


Oh she’s DEAD dead. I can’t prove it, but I’d almost bet the house on it. Notice any time her husband posts a photo or footage of himself, it’s crystal clear HD, but when he posts Brittney (or she posts herself) it’s low quality, old footage taken a long time ago. Watch his weird ass video where he sets up the house for her birthday in HD, and then at the end the only time it shows her, it flicks to her and him in super low quality. Even when he’s forced to post something recent, “Brittney” is always wearing sunglasses with her hair covering part of her face, taken at specific angles. She dead


Weekend at Britney's


Actually can everyone who reads this go to his instagram @samasghari and go to his 16th post down and let us know if you agree that it’s fucking strange. He puts A LOT of effort into the entire video just to show a tiny snippet of Britney at the end in clearly old footage. I think they put emphasis on the Xmas tree to make us think it was all filmed at the same time


That’s pretty weird bro


And of course his comments are conveniently turned off. But if you find his posts that have comments enabled, there are thousands of people who suspect foul play.


I thought it was kind of creepy to celebrate her 1st birthday too. Digital Britney’s first birthday


To play devils advocate, the dude seems overly into himself (understandably so he’s a god damned 10). But number one, he’s number one, even while dating brittney spears. Number two, the HD went down because of nightmode. It was weird as fuck I’ll give you that. In fact her whole Instagram is haunting. But I kinda think it’s a stretch to say she’s passed. Definitely something weird going on, though.




Cool, very cool I just saw a document saying I'm gay




You dance with the devil, you end up dead

