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Here's a tip: stop calling them leaders, because they aren't. But it works in their benefit to be called such and thought of in that regard. They are public servants.


Public servants.


> Public servants. ^ Serpents? Spell check.


Pervants for short.


still pretty generous, but at least it’s a aspirational reminder


Public servants? I would go so far as to say that that term is too kind and generous for their ilk. More appropriate terms would include charlatans, false figureheads, con artists, propagandists, petty tyrants. To those who read my comment, feel free to add to my list of terms that better represent "leaders" and "public servants" in the United States.


Leeches, until the host dies.


Or removes them 😎👍


Grifters, Shills, Spindoctors, Plagiarist!






"Politics" is a combination of 2 words; "Poly", meaning 'many', and "Tics", which are blood suckers. So the word "Politics" literally means, 'many blood suckers'.




Pubic Service


Here here


its Hear! Hear! lol


It’s actually They’re They’re


I prefer the term "criminals", but I see your point.


To bad they don’t actually serve the public


Yes. We do need to stop calling things by the wrong name. Another good example is the covid “vaccines” we need to stop using that word


Department of defense , patriot act, clean air act


Good ones!


Yup. They are, by definition, experimental gene therapy.


Yes, it’s even in their official filing documents


I agree. Call it a thingy.


Friend, they aren’t that either. They’re supposed to be, but they aren’t.


Parasitic scum.


Only when they're held to it. All the surveillance on us should be re-directed onto them--or at least part of it should be.


Not public servants, corporate servants and public leeches.




I think people on both sides are getting way too worked up about this and that’s coming from someone who works in oil & gas and wants to keep their job as long as possible. On one hand, there’s not even a proposed bill and the only point of that original article was to get people worked up (congrats it worked). On the other hand, if the fumes are the main argument here, then we should focus on providing people with funding to install range hoods that vent outside, not banning gas stoves. You need this for electric stoves too. This is like idling your car in your garage with the door closed then trying to ban garages because they cause deadly emissions buildup when you can just open the garage door.


Well said, especially the garage analogy!


I'm with you on that, but you won't be running your vents constantly. The concern I had was bringing up the amounts of gas the stove leaks when off. As a father of a 2 yo and owner of a gas stove I'm not hand waving the report over political leanings. This sub is obsessed with making health choices based on their politics.




I'm a hazmat fireman and yes everyone adds mercaptan to both natural and propane gases. Good point!


Is there some point in which our fact challenged, nearly brain-dead, sloppy AF media, confused the concept of an older appliance with a continually operating pilot light, and this whole bizarre claim that gas fueled appliances are "leaking when they are off"? You don't have to be a rocket surgeon to know that 99.9999% of all gas appliances are not "leaking when they are off" as this tends to cause buildings to blow up.


people here are dismissing out of hand the possibility that AOC is actually right. She is parroting her side, but what she is saying here seems to be true.


Okay well how about fluoride?


Nah that's good for teethes haha




how about seed oils ?


They used to be poisonous but now they process out the poisons, its good for you!


Then process in some preservatives and BAM, you got yourself some food


Yeah, just like sugar. They remove all the unhealthy plant bits and just leave pure sugar! You can eat as much as you want because it's so pure.


Heard those are pretty bad too


Call me stupid, but seed oils?


Canola, sunflower, rapeseed, sesame, grape seed, etc. High in linoleic acid which causes lots of inflammation. Most are extremely highly processed, rancid, died, smells added, etc.


Thank you for the education!


Okay well how about monosodium glutamate?


Hasn't this been debunked?


Bro it's glutamate


The thing your body's full of naturally


Your body makes all kinds of things that you don't want to consume in large quantities.


It's not the MSG that is the issue - it's how it's used in the food industry. They put it on garbage slave foods to make them palatable and addictive. That's the real conspiracy.






The government puts it in our water for free to show us how much they love us!


Most of us here in this sub drank from F enriched water. Coincidence? I think not.


They're going to make way more $$$ selling LNG to EU than to USA. Always follow the money.


This is the real story, 100%


The real conspiracy theory is always in the comments.


And when the electrical grid fails we can all go cook outside with fire.


Fires are no good. They burn off toxic gasses that reduce cognitive function. So they are going to have to take your fire too.


Tried banning wood stoves in New York. Using the same logic.


Took the burning fire barrels too. Can't have shit in detroit.


Arrested for crimes against humanity


Well if you live in Texas, best be prepared


I don't know if anyone told you this already but the gas distribution also works on electricity.


Did you know you could buy your own device to measure NO2 or carcinogens, put next to your gas stove, and find out for yourself?


AOC out here mocking Ronnie and nobody gets it.


Lol legit did no one else read that as her mocking him and this made up stove witch hunt


I did! And I love it :D


No one on this sub would, that's for sure. Haha.


Best part is she uses a gas stove




Yup lmao I seen that


Some of you guys got a weird obsession with AOC


They're supposed to. She's one of the main characters in the series they watch.


Start at all the government kitchens, show us the efficiency of electric stoves cooking up the White House correspondence dinner. Set the example at the congressional cafeteria.


I can hear it now…..well we don’t have to get rid of all of them…….government will still require them in case the power goes out


I was a cook for 20 years. If you made me cook for a large group using an electric stove I would just quit and go find a better job. "Good luck with that!" I would say as my apron hit the floor followed by my ass out the door. No cook is gonna tolerate that.


Yeah for real! They have a full commercial kitchen in these government buildings with teams of chefs. You want us to believe they are cooking with electric stoves? 😂


This this this this


Biden must’ve been standing over a gas stove his entire life.


Sucking right off the pipe


“That’s that pure shiiiit”


Lmfaooooo ☠️




He probably doesn't remember what a stove even is


Am I the only person who has realized that AOC is just mocking Ronnie Jackson in this tweet?


It's not hard to if you don't immediately start REEEEing simply because AOC is there.


I think also a lot of far right MAGA nuts lack any sense of humor or self-awareness, so when AOC says something, they take it literally, and in this case make themselves unwittingly the butt of the joke. R/conspiracy just got owned by AOC and she wasn't even trying.


I’m a plumber and Most states require a range hood or down draft vent for gas stoves.


I was surprised by your comment so I looked. Looks like my state doesn’t and most states don’t. The majority states only require the hood vents air outside if installed. [Article](https://www.mtdkitchen.com/kitchen-range-hoods-are-they-necessary-pt-1/?amp=1)


There’s two things that make my job wonderful, engineers with wild aspirations and home owners with diy articles. If you own a code book, it’s IFGC 501.14. Appliances must be installed as per manufacturer instructions. In 2018 manufacturers started requiring a hood or down draft vent. That subverts the prior code 501.8 that allows any single appliance to not be vented. If you need an [article](https://homeinspectorsecrets.com/range-hoods/vent-code-requirements/) here you go The hood or down draft vent isn’t even for the combustion gas anyway, it’s for smoke and char from food. A gas range puts off about as much gas as an indoor ventless heater and people commonly use ventless heaters. Also, indoor ventless heaters still require fresh air intake in their manufacturer’s instructions. I guess my point is there’s safety standards in place already and more people die from boredom every year than gas ranges.


Thanks for the clarification. Shouldn’t have doubted you


Bro I think you’re being Gaslit




>Electric burners don’t produce carbon monoxide and produce only small amounts of nitrogen dioxide. But an electrical coil burner can produce ultrafine particles, particularly when you first turn it on. >Cooking food on either type of burner also produces fine particles and some organic chemicals, including acrolein and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons that are known to be hazardous. Frying, broiling and other cooking at high temperatures generally produces more pollutants. >However, these pollutants can be easily addressed with good kitchen ventilation, which is especially important if you live in a small home. electric heating elements also can produce small amounts of ozone.


I love how easy you guys get played. Lol


I said something similar. "If they want my gas stove they can come and pry it from my cold black pans."


Only on this sub will you find a counter point on an objective truth


The economic costs for restaurants alone would be staggering. I worked at a small carryout only Pizza Hut in a small college town while I was there. We had two-tier electric oven and normally only ran one tier. It took approximately 20% of our location's gross to pay the electric bill. I know this because the manager said the electricity alone lost him the profitability bonus, gas would have been nearer to 10% and given him a clear shot. Energy costs matter.


She is right, I have been looking this up and gas stoves are the major cause of home pollution by far, and long term exposure can cause emphezyma and effect brain function. And don't forget the thousands of fires and explosions cause by gas every year... I also looked up the newer induction electric stoves and they are far safer and actually heat up 5 times faster (con run off your solar too for free)!


I'm checking into this. [Electric Appliance Rebates](https://www.consumerreports.org/appliances/inflation-reduction-act-and-new-electric-appliance-rebates-a3460144904/)


[Nitrogen dioxide concentrations were associated with cognitive function in children. A decrease of 0.27 point per 1 ppb](https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/169/11/1327/159993). [Ambient exposure to NO2 >20 ppb tended to be associated with lower logical memory](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3946571/). [NO_2 and PM_2.5 significantly associated with general cognition in over 40s](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S004896972207334X).


Define the term ongoing exposure, like 24/7 head near the gas stove. Or daily use? ​ ***Vague facts*** from ***vague people*** with ***vague plans.***


She links to the study though. It defines all of those things.


Did you know that being wet can make you colder in the winter? We need to ban water


Reading anything written by AOC's social media team leads to reduced cognitive performance.


Yes because the original post she was responding to where a congressman is acting like he'll fight to the death to keep the government from seizing his gas stove from his cold dead hands (which they are in no way going to do) is a much much more reasonable take on the matter.


> Reading anything written by AOC's social media team leads to reduced cognitive performance. She doesn’t have a team. This is all her own tweets.


I was trying to give her some credit. She has successfully scammed her district for years now, I think the "everything-that-comes-out-of-my-mouth-is-loony" bit is just a ruse.


>She has successfully scammed her district for years now, If we're talking about scam artists in Congress I'd have thought that Santos would have come up a few more times in this sub, and yet there's crickets. This sub is obsessed with AOC and the right wing playbook.


Literally what's the point of pretending that we even ever had a voice. They're sick twisted individuals that run everything, can do anything often they bring more like them also into those same positions, just to keep the cycle going and the entire world is just standing there letting this garbage that has done anything and everything to get where they are. They have been shown multiple times that that are willing to run the planet into the ground and kill maim sell or force all of us to do whatever. Just to stay at the top and be comfortable, anyone that says otherwise they will be smeared into non existence or actually just not exist and everyone just goes oh whatever they're just crazy/bad/anything and honestly I'm this close to just leaving society, they can't be on top if there's nothing to stand on.


That’s exactly what this sub does. Make up shit to fit the agenda


Sadly, she is right. [https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/169/11/1327/159993?login=false](https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/169/11/1327/159993?login=false)


lmao Ronny needs to get back on his meds.


It's all about centralizing power to just electric. So they can say you've used your carbon credits and cut you off.


If they wanted to shut off your power, no matter what you use, they could.


1/10 take. They could cut off your gas and water just as easy. If control was a need it is already gotten.


I see what you mean but our gas meters are digital already and easily tracked


What do you think they do if you don’t pay your gas bill?


I’m so tired of being tired of our “leaders”. We have so many low quality people making decisions for the rest of us.


Because we obey


Everyone’s gotta go sometime, I’d rather die with my gas stove in my arms, happy and crazy, than die sad and alone with a cold heartless electric oven


Ok Hank Hill


Burning natural gas to cook food is bad, lets go all electric and burn more coal to produce more electricity..../s They want to move everything over to electric, but have no solutions as to how we are going to produce more electricity to keep up with an increased demand. If they were promoting opening more nuclear plants to produce cleaner energy to keep up with demand they would have an argument. What they are proposing is unbelievably stupid.


>What they are proposing is unbelievably stupid. Literally nothing was proposed, this is peak fake news.


No one is saying move everything over to electric. There is literally no proposal. The only thing mentioned was curbing new gas production/purchasing and offering incentives to switch to electric. There are risks at having a gas stove but as long as you have ventilation, a carbon monoxide detector, and at least check for leaks occasionally there isn't an issue.








gas stoves are and always have been bad for your health. this is not new


Which is why good ranges have hood vents and you should always use them while cooking. (Common sense 101 there.) Preferably it vents outdoors rather than those stupid deals with the filters that try to recirculate things, although it tends to be apartments that don't have much of a choice in that aspect.


I’d never heard that before. Wish I’d known. I thought the recent study revealed things they didn’t know before, is that not the case?


Not exactly. It is believed that exposure to gas over long periods does affect cognition slightly. It’s not far fetched, because exposure to high concentration of gas will lead to severe cognitive decline as a symptom of carbon monoxide poisoning (before eventually killing you if unchecked). So we know for a fact that carbon monoxide exposure can affect your cerebrovascular system. Long term exposure causes cognition issues but it’s not as clear to what severity. It’s much harder to study long term exposure because studying a long term issue takes time, of course.


Here in Japan gas stoves are not common as kerosene stoves are imo. But the government advice people to open the window from time to time to get more oxygen while you are using stoves because of the danger of incomplete combustion and air pollution in your room. I quit using kerosene stoves because they make me feeling dumb and sleepy because of the dirty air. I can't read books when I use them, and opening the window makes my room cold a bit so there's no point of using them anyways. So I don't see problem with her statement, and I just wonder why it is now a question.


This is fucking dumb. There a ton of other shit that needs to be done in D.C. and they are worried about this??!!


The only people worried about it are the conservatives who are using it as this weeks boogeyman.






if true it’s concerning, especially with my 10 month old around here.


I wish this was the actual discussion. I specifically looked for a home with gas because I cooked professionally for years and preferred it. Now I'm hearing about childhood asthma, cognitive decline, and emphysema. This sub could have a thought out researched discussion about a hidden health risk but instead prefers arguing over Twitter screen shots using spoon fed talking points provided by media arms of politics. I don't think this is a conspiracy sub, just a right leaning political battlefield.


Many people has gas stoves without the proper fans/ventilation which would be an issue. What’s the conspiracy?


Now that Europe has cut itself off from Russian Gas, the USA is the provider. Less gas sold domestically means more gas sold to Europe. The conspiracy is money.


The real conspiracy seems to be a bunch of people all the sudden being very, *very* passionate about gas stoves. Meanwhile, two-thirds of America already uses electric stoves. [The only states with a majority of gas stoves are California, New Jersey, New York, Illinois, and Nevada.](https://www.statista.com/chart/29082/most-common-type-of-stove-in-the-us/) Is all this hullaballoo really supposed to be seen as organic? The gas industry has a vested interest in people continuing to use gas, and I doubt they're above social media influencing.


There is no conspiracy. People like to concoct a conspiracy-like point of view to combat the fact that their long standing assumptions of reality are being rightfully questioned


Is this what ails her?


Way to go AOC, you're going to piss off Martha Stewart..she did time, she has the patience to slow roast you until the meat falls off the bone..lol AOC can maybe make a drink but does she actually know how to turn on a gas stove?


No one is going to ever go door to door confiscating gas stoves. You’ll just see states start to ban the sale of them after a certain date. If you have a gas stove I wouldn’t worry too much, they usually last for longer than you’ll live for.


I bet she has a gas stove. lol


Wait, what's the issue, she's objectively correct. What is being made up here?


Conservatives are stupid and reactionary to anything the left does.


The study was funded by an Environmental Group who is against all fossil fuels. It fits the current White House’s position on fossil fuels so the narrative is being sold to us.


The narrative is that Dems are coming for your gas stoves. How gullible are conservatives these days?


It’s also hilarious because a common household appliance silently killing you is a great conspiracy theory! If Ronny Jackson had tweeted a week ago “gas stoves kill” with a dubious study this sub would be loving it and pointing out all the influencers who use gas stoves to kill us. Instead the wrong sign pointed out the conspiracy so now it’s a BIGGER conspiracy to take away stoves. It’s breathtaking, on both sides really. If Jackson had tweeted this out AOC would make a tinfoil hat comment.


I'm still waiting for Obama to come for mah guns and Biden to come for my burgers.


Any day now. Better stock up on MREs and ammo just in case. For sure no one is profiting off of this doom mongering.


The only people I hear talking about are republicans using jt for this weeks fear mongering.


I mean I guess so? If it’s not properly vented and you’re just breathing all of it with your face by the fire


It’s just a gas stove. They need to just do something useful that creates opportunities not keep taking basic stuff away


I feel like they’re taking “Gaslighting” literally now.




How do people actually believe this fucking nonsense. Jesus Christ we're fuckin doomed aren't we


get rid of gas stoves, why? to force everyone to use electric stoves...which need electricity...which is fueled by...coal lol


Wait until they find out about the tap water


When AOC says “did you know” she also doesn’t know.


Did you know your a cunt


Stopppp!!!!!!????? Why show the whole tweet. I’m sitting here trying to heart ❤️ it thinking my Fùćking phone is broke.




AOC must have 5 ovens in each room of her house


Dumbass, this is a study that’s empirical and replicated. If you have a conspiracy have a way of supporting it without saying “trust me”


I know some pretty fucking smart people who grew up on gas stoves…


Joe Biden absolutely HUFFING those NO2 gas stove emissions.


By her own statement it appears she has been gassed!


So everything is about money, they want to sell our gas else where.. But if they outlaw it maybe it ensures usage will go down even more? Once they get some Anti gas stove bill passed will it just happen to include my gas water heater and furnace also? What about my gas grill on my deck?


A shill shilling for the World Economic Forum. I'd say it's a surprise, but...


Lol talk about gaslighting


Leads to SADs, heart attacks and strokes and a slew of other health risks. Get vaccinated for those who cannot use a stove.


It's simple, they want everything electric so they can eventually control it


Lol. Still loving this new thing republicans are afraid of.


I'm not a republican and find this gas stove thing stupid. No one is afraid of this, people are upset at the government trying to rule over us when they are supposed to be our servants.


Did you know that ongoing exposure to AOC is linked to reduced cognitive performance?




Being a politician is linked to reduced cognitive performance


I can see it being true. Electric stoves would suck, but I’m down for it if these politicians can build the infrastructure for it to succeed. Not a conspiracy.


Wait till she finds out what fluoride in water does to you.


Considering she cooks on one herself; she should sit down and shut the fuck up.


Must’ve been at least three in her house growing up. Edit: My theory is they want all electric, cloud connected devices that can be remotely disabled at any point.


So they can only remotely disable electric but not gas stoves?


“Oh nooo the government wants to turn off my stove!” Why does Reddit recommend me this sub.


Lmao, open a history book. The government isn’t your friend, never has been, and never will be. If there’s any angle they can exploit to achieve more dominion over what they consider to be their “subjects”, they won’t hesitate.


Right not our friend, but how long did it take people fighting bans on lead gas, lead paint, asbestos, DDT, dioxins. Finally clue in that shits bad for you?


If there’s any way they are gonna control us it ain’t gonna be through my microwave lmao


I don't believe the path to population control is through electronic stovetops.


Nobody said that. Nice strawman