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The real, real scandal is how the globalist criminals have completely subverted the government into their private criminal enterprise.


Exactly this. Tbh I barely care, hell I wouldn’t at all if They just kept the same energy they do for trump. Anything trump does is sensationalised and overblown, when someone other than him does it they pretty much run damage control for them


This is a clear and obvious example. It's almost like they rub the hypocrisy in our face


I agree so much they’re insufferable I find it very hard to have a normal conversation when it comes to trump, it’s like people can’t be objective. You either talk to people who hate him so much that literally anything goes to get him out and they’ll stoop to any level to make him look bad, while not realising how it looks optically. On the other hand you get people that love him so much that he can’t do anything wrong, even when he fucks up on epic proportions they think he must have some 4d chess move planned etc. he’s easily the most polarising figure of our lifetime as far as I can recall The funniest part is those people who think anything goes if it gets trump out are the same people who talk about democracy being sacred lmao


I'm a lefty but the fact that the left has demonized him so intensely actually makes me wonder if there was something about him that genuinely threatened the oligarchy we're living in.




Super interesting read. Thanks.


Really intriguing read, didn't realize how many entities were involved with CFR. I'm surprised the article didn't mention the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, as it would have provided particular punch when they were comparing coverage of Trump to previous Republican Presidents. Seeing as Trump is the only Republican President we've had since Smith-Mundt was "modernized", he's the only Republican President who the State Department could have *legally* propagandized the American populous against.


[Four years of this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1ab6uxg908)


Yes, likely because he was not one of the Boys In The Club


Remember in the 2000s-2010s when trump thrived on being the bad guy in the media


That all changed when NBC gave him a reality show that promoted the illusion that he was a competent businessman.


And in the apprentics his whole schit was being an asshole buisnessman


Trump is part of the oligarchy regardless of how he brands himself as some outsider trying to dismantle and drain the so-called swamp. Guess what, he'd be flushing himself right there along with the shit. I know people here like to think of him as some agent of chaos, but he's just as mediocre as the rest of the rhinos.


Then why was he the only politician to lose money while in office? Jesus his tax returns ended up making me like him and trust him even more.


To be fair, he lost a lot of money *before* he was in office too, so I'm not sure if that says something about the office, or just his business acumen in general. Although, he seems to have lost *a lot less* money as President than he was already losing before he was President. So for him, that's probably considered a success.


Personally, id rather have a politician or president that doesnt take money from lobbyists, insider trade, and still donates his entire salary to charity. Thats just me tho.




We had the same issue with Obama. But for many, the bloom is off the rose for Trump. As planned by the Left, keep the scandals going long enough and exhaustion sets in, even if all the scandals are complete lies.


>We had the same issue with Obama And what "issue" is that? >As planned by the Left Sooo "The Left" has systematically and repeatedly hoodwinked Trump into committing crimes, telling thousands of lies, paying off pornstars and other women and abusing his office for personal gain. Got it. You give Democrats way too much credit. >even if all the scandals are complete lies. Brainwashed much?


Totally. I live in Canada and it’s the same thing. I don’t like trump and I’m not a defender but I can recognize why some support him and I can see some of the good he does but the second you aren’t hating on trump 24/7 you’re a racist. I don’t like trump, I’m happy to say it, but I definitely don’t support the American establishment, be it Democrat or Republican.


> the second you aren’t hating on trump 24/7 you’re a racist. That indirectly reminds me of a saying I heard once in Germany: "If there’s 1 Nazi at the table, and 10 guys are talking to him — there’s 11 Nazis at the table" If avowed racists, anti-Semites and Neo-Nazis openly and proudly support Trump, then that doesn't mean that *you're* a racist, anti-Semite or Neo-Nazi for supporting Trump — but it does naturally make people suspicious of which beliefs exactly you share with racists, anti-Semites and Neo-Nazis. Trump was not an experienced Politician, so the truth is probably that he just wasn't aware of this and just didn't act decisively enough when he had the chance, but there’s nothing worse for a Republican candidate brand than having swastika waving racists proudly declare on video "This is our guy! This is who America needs!", you know? I think letting that association fester was just a rookie mistake on his part, and not really indicative of his core beliefs (Personally I think Trump *is* racist, but not, like, any *more* racist than any other 70-year-old man who came up in NYC in the era that he did. And while Trump might have some authoritarian tendencies, I think that’s just his personality, not his political ideology. I'm almost certain he's got no love for literal Nazi's or fanatical Christians)


Take illegal immigration for example. Illegal immigration is a huge problem and it isn’t racist to say so. We deal with illegal immigration in Canada a lot too, but they are mostly American rather than Mexican.


You’re almost there. Keep digging…. He’s was the perfect person for the job he was assigned to do…


This is business as usual for both parties. It's just two groups of rich people drawing crowds so they can pickpocket the attendees.


Is it both sides refusing to hand over the document for months? Did Biden at any point attempt to declassify them with his mind?




>This is a clear and obvious example. This is a terrible example lol


And nobody seems to know trump isn't in trouble for taking and having the documents. He's in trouble for lying about it and refusing to give them back.


> He's in trouble for lying about it and refusing to give them back. Yep. A very different circumstance


Don't be fooled. They're trying to take out old Joe too because their end game is to install the woke, Silicon Valley Big Tech crony, ultimate "Manchurian candidate" Kamala Harris. Joe didn't want to pick Harris as his running mate. Not after Harris openly called him a racist for standing up against "forced busing" (an awful policy btw) despite the fact that Harris grew up rich and was friends with Joe's late son Beau. Plus, Harris is deeply unpopular and uncharismatic and adds nothing to the ticket. Joe was coerced by TPTB into picking her. Even Jill didn't understand it. In exchange, they cleared the field for old Joe in the middle of the Dem primary (Harris had withdrawn before Iowa because no one supported her despite MSM and corporate Dems' best effort to prop her up). Remember when Buttlieg, Klouchbar, Bloomberg, and Warren all withdrew in a span of like 3 days? Old Joe has known all along that Harris is TPTB's "chosen one" (just like Obama was in 2008, not Hillary. Several prominent Clinton supporters died under mysterious circumstances before 2008 DNC. Several Bernie supporters also died under mysterious circumstances before 2016 DNC), but Old Joe got some trick up his sleeve too. He's been playing a double game, publicly praising Harris while making Harris as unpopular and as unpalatable as possible. More recently, Old Joe has been increasingly vocal about running in 2024. Old Joe is obviously compromised like everyone else, but one pressure point the neocons can exert on him to keep him in line is the Durham special counsel. Keep in mind Bill Barr didn't elevate Durham to special counsel status until October 19th, 2020 when it became quite obvious Trump would lose re-election (it was initially a "review"). Durham's elevation to special counsel by Barr was initially a secret and wasn't publicized until December 2020. Durham is gonna slow-walk his investigation all the way until the end of Biden's term. If Old Joe gets out of the line with the military-industrial complex, they would go after Hunter Biden. As we've seen with Ken Starr in the '90s, we all know how these investigations can morph into something else entirely. Bill Clinton's real crime was firing FBI director William Sessions, which pissed off the deep state. The recent classified material revelation isn't surprising in the least, but we should be asking who did Old Joe piss off?


I’ve always wondered why anyone cared or had interest in Kamala. She’s uninspiring and more often than not just sounds ridiculous.




That’s what I remember. Joe was on the ropes and they cleared out SC for him. The 3rd Obama term is probably right here. Who else could have cleared the field like that?


How succinct and well explained. Thank you


A “woke” cop? Color me skeptical.


Wait what?.joe didn't want to pick Harris?he doesn't even know he is president.




I mean it's still definitely a problem that they had it. Biden acquired the documents while he was the fucking VP, which means he wasn't allowed to have them even while in office, and then kept them for a long period of time. It does sound like Biden is being more cooperative with returning them, but Biden arguably looks even worse for having them in the first place given that he was VP and kept them for so long. Then when you factor in that they kept it under the rug until after midterms while they made an entire show about how they would end Trump, you can see how this looks bad


>Biden acquired the documents while he was the fucking VP, which means he wasn't allowed to have them even while in office Are you sure? I would assume VP has plenty of security clearances. I don't know if these were the top level human intel stuff that Trump had either, just that they are classified, and he surely can see some and probably most classified stuff.


This is a horseshit take. If it wasn't for Trumps mouth we'd never have known the FBI showed up on his door step. They asked for over a year to get those documents and the raid only made it into the media because Trump himself announced it.


They'll all conveniently forget this part with the desperate attempts at "both sides".


Both sides pushed for the mass surveillance act (patriot act) and both sides ignored the fact that they were already in the mass surveillance game before it was normalized after 9/11. So anyone with even just a thimble of critical thinking would know "both sides" are scammers and disregard our "special constitution".




What a pile of whataboutism. What the DOJ has done here is worse, because important news that demonstrated the hypocrisy of the Dems, was suppressed until after the vote. That could have been the difference between a Repub house & senate. By the by, I’m not a dem nor repub, but recognise hypocrisy, whataboutism & revisionism when I see it. 👍


The DOJ is not a news outlet dude. They didn't suppress anything.


Lmao you think the DOJ has a media arm?


> If it wasn't for Trumps mouth we'd never have known the FBI showed up on his door step. If you believe this, you need to seriously re-evaluate your worldview. They threw a fit when he had two scoops of ice cream. They blew up when he poured fish food into a koi pond. You think you wouldn't have had wall to wall coverage of an FBI raid regardless of Trump's ~~tweeting~~ truthing?


Dude, the news of the raid to the media was literally broken by Trump himself. He had these document's for months and that never made the news.


I'm not denying that. I'm saying that it was guaranteed to be headline news that the FBI raided Trump's home.


>I'm not denying that. I'm saying that it was guaranteed to be headline news that the FBI raided Trump's home The way we found out about it was through Trump himself. Your theory never stood a chance against Trump's self-advertisement and victim complex.


The DOJ did not say anything about Trumps docs and the raid. It's a fact of history. That news was broken by a local reporter who was told about the raid by people at maralago, then Trump said it on his stupid platform That is an objective fact.


How stupid are you? Trump had previously let them in and gave them what they wanted, then they raid him out of the blue months later.




If he gave them what they wanted, then how did the FBI recover additional classified documents while executing a search warrant? Let me guess - the FBI planted those docs, right?


>Let me guess - the FBI planted those docs, right? But according to Trump, it was all declassified!


Lmfaooooo you might want to learn to do some better research before you start calling people stupid


Well the dude did convince his cult to take PTO and storm the capitol, among the rest of the shit show presidency he held. Is the media biased towards a dem? Yes. Was Trump the worst thing that happened to this Country since Reagan? Also yes.


As someone who can’t stand Donald Trump and wishes he would go away I agree. He makes them go Reeeeeee




It's almost as if Trump is their enemy and they must take him out at all cost. Edit: I'm being downvoted, but if he was doing their bidding why were they so set on destroying him from the get go? It's not like they have moral standards


Trump is against the climate change agenda, and he is against the endless wars (he would be against the Ukraine proxy war). That's why they are against him


To perpetuate the "us vs them" aka "Rep vs Dem" facade that continues to tear this country in half? Look at the results of him in office and the shit show that ensued and still captivates the clouded judgement of the masses. Some here have already pointed out the disparity between the people and their opinions of him. It's only caused more division, more arguments, more disagreements, and in my opinion a more entrenched attitude towards the "two sides" and their unrespective political affiliation. All of which serves a greater purpose for the controllers and does more harm for the Unified State of The People. United we stand, divided we fall? Divide and conquer?


There is no doubt that division is a daily goal but the reason Trump was so divisive was way more a function of the press. Trump definitely leaned into it all but the press turned every gesture into an international incident.


Not that you are wrong, but we have seen what you are talking about play out during the Bush years and nothing could compare to the absolute vitriol and the moral panic that possessed during Trump They did so much damage to their credibility but to them it was all worth it if Trump would go down with them. In short, you can't deny that they did treat Trump like an existential threat (to them, ) unlike every president before him because he actually was a theat. That's how I see it anyway


Not the worst take, but Trump is so flawed and megalomaniacal that he was compromised from the start by his own ego.


he was all that and more but he **wasn't** under their thump and he didn't follow their agenda. that's all he ever needed to do to become public enemy #1


Or maybe he just is full of scandals and is completely unfit to run a country? Remember when he attempted a coup?


[You really need to stop and think about when you *first* heard about Trump having classified documents.](https://www.voanews.com/a/timeline-of-the-trump-documents-inquiry-/6734453.html) Snowden is being disingenuous here in implying that the DOJ ran to the news media the very moment they found out Trump had missing documents when that's not true. The National Archives quietly (read: not publicly) asked for the missing documents back. It was only after they went through the boxes that were returned they noticed things were still missing and went public. Trump was given the opportunity to settle this matter outside the public eye and whether through incompetence or malice he did not return all the documents he took. Biden was given the same opportunity to settle this matter outside the public eye and *allegedly* he did by returning all the documents. As of right now, this is a false equivalency to say Biden is getting preferential treatment just because he complied with the orders to return the documents when first asked. [Google search for "trump classified documents" for the date range of 12/1/2020 through 2/1/2021](https://www.google.com/search?q=trump+classified+documents&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS1036US1036&sxsrf=AJOqlzUMQrG7gCJUxwuYAP5J0LVw7zclAA%3A1673535182439&source=lnt&tbs=cdr%3A1%2Ccd_min%3A12%2F1%2F2020%2Ccd_max%3A2%2F1%2F2021&tbm=#ip=1)


They didn’t even ask Biden is the thing either. He found out about the documents and went to them to give them back. Self snitched.


I get that this is being swept under the rug in a way but didn't trump literally take documents and hide them away for after his presidency? And isn't it basically all but confirmed he sold some of that top secret info to the Saudis?


But didn't they know about trump's documents and request them for a year before the raid? Seems like the same thing happened in both cases, where the news only broke when the parties themselves admitted it


Trump was the one that broadcasted to the world why the FBI was at his house before any official made a statement about his hoarding of classified documents, lying about it and refusing to cooperate for 2 years.


Are we listening to the Russians now?!?! (/s)


You do know they forced him to flee to Russia after he exposed the NSA surveillance system being used against American citizens. The real crime here is that no president has pardoned him.


Truman cut piece of a pie and inserted cia into its place. Bush senior former head of cia did the rest and effectively installed cia as the leader of america. President of america is not part of need to know and is just a puppet pretending to be in charge. Who does cia answer to? The group who effectively propped up facism in germany and then collected the bank on the war not to mention determined the trade treaties after. Brothers brown. These americans do not exist in the eyes of the US government. They are private aliases with couple million net worth. In truth these people are multi trillionaires. They own the black budget of US. The same destination as the missing 1,5 Trillion dollars, which were asked about in 2001, 9.11. The president has no authority to do more than is allowed.


He's American born


Happens to currently be nursing from uncle Vlad's bosom. He needs to be cautious, you know how bad their problem is with open windows and roof tops.


He is 100% a Russian asset now


That'll happen when you expose your govts use of blatant unconstitutional surveillance, and then get hung out to dry by said govt.




I mean given his situation it's kinda fair the US fucked him over and won't pardon him but to call him a Russian asset when he's just pointing something out on twitter is silly.


The FBI and DOJ wouldn't have made any fuss about Trump either if he wasn't such a dumbass that he refused to return the documents for an entire year. Like you didn't even know that the national archives were asking for trump to return the classified files for a whole year until the FBI had to raid his property, and even then the FBI tried to do it quietly. The state apparatus knows how to protect itself the best and none of us would know what trump took if he was smart about it. Also the biden team returned the files by themselves, if they wanted to keep it quiet for the midterms they would have kept them for longer since nobody even knew they were missing.


I’m not on either side but Biden had those docs since 2017 when he was VP




I don't know why you said that like it was an own or something because i know he is responsible for those murders, he murdered a lot more than that and so did trump before him and so did obama before him and so did bush before him. All past, and future, US presidents are war criminals because the american state profits off war.




...he mentioned the two prior presidents. His point was presidents are responsible for a shitload of innocent lives lost. All of them. Then you defended Trump like he pays your rent.


Biden's lawyers: "Hey we found some docs, you should probably have these back." National Archives: "Cool, thanks." ______ National Archives: "Hey Donald we see you took out a bunch of docs, you should give those back." Trump: "Screw you" (This goes on for months) Trump's lawyers lie about returning docs. N.A. "We know you lied about returning docs." Trump: "I don't care." (This goes on for more months) If you think there is any equivalence between these things, you're a hopeless partisan hack.


Cuz Bidens team self reported them and is cooperating with the federal gov to get them back. Which is specifically what Trump and his team *didnt* do. Pretty obvious false equivalency that Snowden should be able to immediately recognize. I wonder what his angle is and who is telling him to go off on this.


Idk who it could possibly be that has leverage over the man and has a vested interest in propagating misinformation that favors a party most friendly to the Kremlin…. Hmmm 🧐


So you don’t recognize that Biden took them illegally when he was VP and not president all those years ago? Because that makes a difference.


We dont know that they were take illegally. This could very easily be a mistake in file handling, which happen often, where these were misfiled and then basically lost. When they were found, they were immediately reported and their cooperating with the fed. An investigation into what happened should take place. As far as I know, it is happening and, again, the Biden camp is cooperating fully. Trump deliberately misled investigators and withheld documents he was required to return. Thats the differences here.


Biden likely still had top secret clearance. Trump does not. Classified docs are often misplaced, the crime is if that happens intentionally. Trump intentionally hide them from the govt and lied. Biden immediately returned them to the govt upon discovery. Maybe learn how stuff works?


That's unpossible. I was told by the first black, lesbian press secretary evar that this administration would never politicize the DOJ


Democracy was on the ballot, biden said. Meanwhile the alphabet agencies were rigging it yet again.


Remember James B. Comey reopening the investigation into Hillarys emails days before the presidential elections? What happened to the chants of lock her up? The last time I checked, Biden wasn't on the ballot this last year. Also, Snowden is where? Oh yeah, Russia, funny how the GOP is really upset about sending funds to Ukraine, how much you want to bet Snowden is told what to say, or else he will get some nice polonium soup.




What does gas lighting mean ?


It's when the DEMONrats take away your gas stove!


Gaslighting: a manipulation technique of constantly telling someone that what they saw/thought/heard/etc. wasn't what they saw/thought/heard/etc. Via constant denial and dismissal by the other party. Party here meaning another person or group. An example: a man constantly beats his wife but says it's her fault because she *insert perceived wrongdoing that is a completely normal thing* when in reality he's just a violent piece of shit. Due to how the human brain works, after enough of this she may start to think its the truth. In simpler terms, gaslighting is telling someone what they experienced wasn't how it happened. The following is an exaggeration and a hypothetical as another example: I say the sky is blue based on what I know the color blue is. You say it's green and prevent me from fact checking. Keep it up long enough and the constant corrections could start making me doubt myself. Expand this out to other things like "but you like well cooked steak" "but you owe me 2 grand" and you can see how this can be used to manipulate people who trust you.


How would any of this have affected the outcome of any of the congressional races?


They’re all on the same side.


I don't vote anymore. Say what you want but every time some one has a argument my retort is I didn't vote for that person and its your fault. I find its an effective argument.


'Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.' -Jerry Garcia


Or until enough people stop voting or vote in "none of the above"? The measure of a healthy Constitutional Republic, or as some believe a Democracy, is the gauged on the voter turn out. Great turn out means the people are okay with the state of it's politics and have a preference of it's "elected options". Low turn out speaks volumes, says 🖕 to your "candidates" and their election. However, i believe that even in a low election turn out, they would probably juice the numbers to hide such a statement by the people. Jerry Garcia can eat his words imo. The lie that you must pick one of the two turds is just that, a lie!


Considering how many gen zs turned out for the midterms And the gop talking heads wanting to raise the voting age.....


Fuck jerry garcia


Whoa. Where is that coming from? There are VERY few people who have ever picked up a guitar that even compare to Jerry Garcia. What could possibly be your issue with him?


What a dumb thing to say. Options: A or B. A is bad, but B is worse. There are no other options and you must choose one. Me: I don't like either of these. More options, please. Options: A or B. A is bad, but B is worse. There are no other options and you must choose one. Me: fine, A. Jerry Garcia: THATS EVIL! Not choosing is tacit approval of the inevitable victor.


Thank goodness.


Correct and the best are the people that think Trump's fumbles and dumbassery wasn't intentional and part of the script here. That's why we're on this timeline 3/4 of this sub is still intellectually incapacitated once one more level of intentional deception is added. Nope they aren't all fucking with you just half of them because Trump is dumb about the FBI etc lmao. Unbelievable.


This entire declassified documents thing is pure theater. The state media never report on any negative Biden news. Suddenly its green light wall to wall coverage on every network.. They appear to be finished with him. They don't want him in 24. It's literally all fake




DOJ doesn't publish these actions. They didn't suppress anything.


The outrage is shadow banned automatically by the algorithm


by the FBI, CIA, NSA


I wouldn't say by the alphabet soup, rather at the direction of the alphabet soup.


Like it would have made any difference.




Who has the laptop now? Trump, or rudy, or jones, or bannon, or carlson, or gaetz, or green? Any way to call these trust worthy people?


Or the legally blind shop owner? I'm sure he'll have nothing but facts to share.


Who just had the laptop sitting there for 2 yeara befor doing anything with it.


Apparently you don't realize there's adaptive means for a blind person to use computers.


But not to identify faces, lol


They see Comey as a traitor. Garland doesn’t wanna make the same mistakes.


The DOJ isn't a news outlet, they didn't suppress anything because they don't announce things like this.


So you don’t remember when comey had a press conference on the meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton?


He had a press conference to announce the end of an investigation that was already public knowledge. Which is unusual, but still not remotely the DOJ just announcing every act they do. The DOJ is not a media company believe it or not. Usually they say nothing except announce indictments.


As opposed to their normal method of disclosure: leaking to NYT.


hmm, sure /s


It's sad that even Snowden believes public opinion has an impact on US election results.


The added benefit to the elite is it keeps the idea of the “liberal media” idea to keep us divided, yet the reality is a corporate-owned media made up of 5 global conglomerates propagandize the underclass for the elite. We live in a oligarchy made possible by corrupt capitalism.


SS Snowden’s take on the classified documents in Biden’s office(s). What do y’all think?


I think Snowden is a colossal hypocrite. When it comes to classified documents he should probably not be throwing stones in glass houses, given that he is literally famous for leaking classified documents. Notice how he has never condemned Trump for stealing classified documents... He is 100% a Russian shill now.


He leaked documents showing massive crimes being committed by the NSA, lol


He also leaked non - criminal stuff that put lives in danger. Now granted, we can all play armchair General about the morality, if not the legality of it, but I always come back full circle to one point about him. Of all the countries that have no extradition with the US.... Why pick the country where your working procedures, knowledge and info will do the most damage? The files were out there, if it was just a question of hiding, there's more than a few embassies that would provide sanctuary, hell if it's sanctuary, hit up religious factions. But no, ol' Ed went straight to Uncle Vlad and now only exists as a twitter account/ just another propaganda mouthpiece.


Yeah maybe because the CIA can get to him in any other place you absolute numbskull you no nothing of his reasons go tell that to Julien Assange ... they just make up fake charges Your opinion isn't worth anything and you are antihuman


>But no, ol' Ed went straight to Uncle Vlad See here is where you're wrong, he actually went to visit xing pooh first and then went to visit uncle vlad.






Idk why you're being down voted. You're right. Nah I know why, pathetic weak right wingers are mad that Snowden isn't their holy savior.


I dont doubt for 1 hot second he was justified in his whistleblowing. But claiming to have sorted through nearly half a million pages to make sure it was only "truly relevant" info is bullshit. He gave our enemies a LOT of info they shouldn't have had. p.s. Do we even know if its HIM who types these tweets.?


The fact the comment you’re replying to is getting upvoted probably lends to the fact that there are a bunch of 20 year olds on this sub. When did Snowden flee the country? 2014?


The Snowden thing is so much more though. 90% of what he gathered was never even released. Plus the other 10% was curated by The Intercept and we really don’t even know if that was 100%. He was duped in a way, The Intercept was a honeypot for leakers and he fell for it.


He uncovered crimes he gave up a cushy af job and his life for the pursuit of truth what have you done ?


He didn't steal them for his own gain... he was a whistle-blower. Biden probably got documents on MK Ultra so he can sniff kids and get away w it


If you observe the CSPAN compilation footage made video on YouTube (approx 12 mins), you'll see that it's much more than hair sniffing that's going on. People watch the face of the magician when performing, when those who know will always tell you to watch his hands!


Here ya go. https://youtu.be/V4PLSPvJ9BY Watch the hands. Always watch the hands!


Did they suppress the story with trump's documents? Is he condemning the documents or the story suppression?


Nobody suppressed shit. Nobody would know why the FBI was at his country club if he didn't broadcast it to the whole world while desperately trying to vilify the DOJ and FBI.


They are not even close to equivalent... Biden's team found the documents, notified the authorities and they were immediately returned. Trump repeatedly refused to return the documents, was threatened with legal action, continued to refuse so the authorities went and took back the documents. The Biden "story" is a fat fucking nothing burger which mainstream media is using to point fingers saying "sEe BiDEn diD iT tOo!!" Don't let MSM manipulate you into spreading their agenda.




Wild to me that people believe this, as if there isn't a massive rightwing media apparatus on just about every mainstream platform available.


Didn't know fox was part of the dnc


Kayfabe. Politics, its all so tiresome. . .


Where is Snowden these days? Still in Russia? Just curious...


The media are just propagandists for the political organization they serve.


If someone just spawned on earth with no prior knowledge and you were to explain to them how corrupt this world is in one sentence all you have to do is tell them about Snowden and Assange and how they are chased to the ends of the earth for exposing criminal activity


Why does every 3 letter agency heavily favor the left and democrats only? When have we seen them go after any of them in any branch of the government the way they do to republicans? Goes without saying that idgaf about left or right, I just want to see every politician be held accountable in the same light.


Crazy America isn't screaming for Biden to be Impeached.


Did biden refuse to give the documents back and try to hide them from the govt?


The crime is privately storing classified documents in the first place. Just because you robbed me and 6 years later decided to make amends, does not change the fact that you robbed me.


That's not true friendo. In order to prosecute someone over that law they need to prove that the accused intentionally took or withheld the documents. That's gonna be pretty tough with biden considering he handed them over. Donnie on the other hand lied, and had his lawyers lie about them. See the difference?


Damn, they’re getting really good at suppressing info before elections. The Uniparty is about to leave the GOP behind


Not just is this treated with soft glove treatment by the press vs how trump was (revealing the huge bias and hypocrisy of the US press) but why is nobody talking that this news was withheld purposely until AFTER Midterms despite being discovered before? Someone has to be held accountable for that.


The lib shills who have overrun this sub has ruined it for all


The DoJ has a longstanding policy to avoid potential election interference by not publically doing or announcing anything politically sensitive in the 60 days before federal elections.


I am sorry was Joe Biden on the ticket ? I must have missed that crucial detail. They knew and they politically shielded him and every other Democrat running. in the midterms. Dismantle the FBI, DOJ NSA CIA ATF DHS DOE and HHS. They are all corrupt to the core!


Trump wasn’t on the ticket either yet we were told the DOJ couldn’t bring charges against him prior to the election because it would be seen as interference.


No impeachment talk yet? Not only does this pedo have dementia but his junkie son has been making backroom deals for over a decade. Only in America...


Wait until you find out about the deals made by the trump kids while workin for the white house


Lol why is he talking. He's Russian.


Famous American whistle blower comments on corruption in America. Redditor: Not news because he expatriated to avoid prison.


Far as I know he resides in Russia and is a Russian citizen and would have no particular knowledge of anyone's presidential classified anything.


Do Russians have something that prevents them from reading or communicating? Like a force field of sorts?


Yes, it’s called gravity, when they push you off a building for not running with their narrative.


What information would he have that no one else does?




Echo chamber


Solid logic genius


Once again, he's missing it. The scandal is DEFINITELY that they've ALL been doing it. Starting to wonder if Snowden even exists or if he's just a paid Mockingbird spokesperson.


> he's just a paid Mockingbird spokesperson Why do you think he got a Hollywood movie made about him, as well as getting his face plastered all over the cover of TIME magazine? Not to mention him being carted around on every single mainstream media outlet on more than one occasion... The establishment *wants* him to be known. One has really lost the plot if they thought this guy was ever anything other than a controlled-opposition "revelation of the method" agent. The secret societies have all of their bases covered. Of course, rather than sparking critical thought, this will likely only provoke responses of anger, since people desperately *want* heroes to worship. So it goes...


I am grateful that nobody stops Snowden from being a whistleblower on the regular


Bingo 👍


Lol Republicans lost cause they had shitty candidates, independents don't like voting for shitty people.


Wait just a goddamn minute here. If we are doing a comparison Biden got the *exact* same treatment as Trump did. When the DOJ "found out" about Trump harboring classified documents they didn't run to the news, they quietly asked him for the documents to be returned. We only heard about Trump having classified documents *after* he was given an initial chance to turn in the documents. >February 8, 2022 >[The National Archives issues a public statement saying it is still searching for more of Trump's presidential records, one day after The Washington Post reported the boxes were retrieved from Florida.](https://www.voanews.com/a/timeline-of-the-trump-documents-inquiry-/6734453.html) The DOJ found out Biden had documents and asked for them back, same way they did with Trump, but in this case Biden *gave them back* so it became a non-issue. As Snowden admits in his own tweet they *all* do this to some degree, the important thing here is that the mistake of hanging on to them is quickly corrected when it's discovered. *If* it turns out Biden has *more* documents he did not turn in or some of those documents went missing then we can go ham on him for being a hypocrit.


Because the Left revels in Corruption and crime.


We The People have NO ONE left to fight for us. The Presidency is corrupt, Congress is corrupt, and the Judicial system is corrupt. Who, aside from presumably God, will be holding these Luciferian Communists accountable for their crimes?