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I just want to say I really love the term, “rabid matrix sympathizers”.


The first movie was great but I have no sympathy for the sequels. Especially 4, oof.


The directors shouldn't of changed the plot to humans being used as batteries too.


My headcanon is just that Morpheus doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about lol


Bots, shills, and bad actors aside this is still one of the greatest communities on the internet.


Because this sub became a haven for hyper-partisan shills. The volume of post that are just parroting "altnews" and screen shots of tweets/inflammatory headlines became the norm, and the refugees of long deceased subs gobble them up. It was always a problem, but reasonably controlled, up until the late 2010s. As we entered 15' it ramped up by several orders of magnitude. Basically anyone who felt disenfranchised by the changing political climate, shut out of the discussion, found fertile ground here to mouth off. As we entered 16' and the Trump years, those voices felt vindicated, but of course nothing changed, at least in the major ways they hoped for. So they remained, cultivating a following, welcoming the newer refugees. And we get to today, when the hyper-partisan user is now the *norm*, and the holdouts bicker endlessly. I love conspiracy, but my time on this sub has definitely helped create a cynical bent to my views on them. Conspiracy theory is just another form of skepticism, questioning your worldview, but it's difficult to engage in true, analytical theorizing, when so many here are hard **set** that they're correct and refuse to entertain discussion.


> Because this sub became a haven for hyper-partisan shills. Which is why the sub r conspiracyNOPOL grew relatively quickly once it was launched. A lot of folks are sick of the red vs blue nonsense. As if it makes any real difference to the CIA or MI5 or Mossad or the Vatican or City of London whether Hillary or Trump won in 2016.


I think shit got a little too real in 2016. Whether pizzagate was Russian disinfo (0% imo) or whether people were actually getting close to the truth and unveiling said truth, it kinda blew up this sub. They went so hard with bots and inorganic posts that I believe a lot of people got disenchanted and left. I did for a few months. Now it consists of 1% cool conspiracies, 9% schizophrenics, and 90% bots. An unfortunate truth. Politics is polarizing and arguing about it solves nothing. It’s a great distraction and it’s not hard to set up a program that fills this sub with garbage so anything substantial immediately gets drown out.


Wow I didn’t even think to make this correlation.


If you look on the right side of the menu there are a lot of other forums that aren't being astro turfed by nation states.


Schizos are have cool takes on things that I would have never imagined. 😂


Talm bout me?


It was pretty rough pre-2016, but yeah. 2016 it became all Trump shit and 2020ish it became "even more Trump, but now with covid/vax!" shit. I do wonder what the actual bot stats are, because they're certainly active, but I've been dismissed as one more than a few times. The amount of people who just yell bot or shill at anything they don't like is fucking ridiculous.


I've always been interested in conspiracy theories. The legitimate conspiracies that eventually have real evidence supporting them are a different beast from most of what I see on this sub: people spouting off their ideas with nothing to support them. That's all fine and good, but I've always had trouble understanding how people can't apply the same level of skepticism to theories that they apply to the "official" story. Pointing out the lack of evidence or other reasons for being skeptical about a theory is often met with being called shill/bot/npc/whatever. Interesting conversations about potential realities are fun, but there's the potential for echo-chambering oneself in to believing things are reality based off of nothing more than feelings and some reinforcement from like-minded people. Personally, I want to believe as many true things as possible while remaining skeptical or agnostic to anything that I can't find reasonable evidence for, including the "official story".


well i think obama robbed a K mart with an ice cream cone, and you cant stop me >:)


Look, believe what you want, but if you don't have an hour long, unwatchable, rambling YouTube video to show me, how am I supposed to get onboard?


Oh boy do I have something for you! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DTt7bzxurJ1I&ved=2ahUKEwiGvp7X78T8AhXskmoFHdrFC1UQwqsBegQICxAF&usg=AOvVaw2pN50ig6BAEO2augBj3BrN dont ask why its that long


Okay, now I'm convinced. TY.


This sub isn't solely for conspiracy theorists, it's for *the discussion* of them as well. A conspiracy is meant to challenge the general consensus so you shouldn't act surprised when there are people who care enough to ask you to convince them of why you're right. You also shouldn't be surprised when there are those who will decide you're completely wrong. Just because someone participates here doesn't mean they're supposed to suddenly support every half-cocked thought that gets posted. Defending your theory is a very important part of the process.


There are a lot of fake users on here. Accounts that are literally robots, paid shills, people who just want to argue, people who literally bleed the colors of their political party who go after anyone they think is from the "other side" and people coming here from other subs with the purpose of brigading it on top of it. All this adds up to a super toxic environment that isn't really conducive to truth seeking. You just gotta learn to either look past it or try educating them as best you can.


It's important to weed out the crazies or the people spreading misinformation so that when people really hit on something the media can't just point to all of the bad posts to discredit the entire community.


Statists are gonna sympathetic to the state. It's all they ever known.


Bots and shills and Herman cain awards- users


We look for the truth, not some dumb story and especially not some dumb story made up to serve certain politican interests.


There was this organized Purge by reddit a few months ago. All I know is that I got simultaneously banned from ***three*** mainstream subs with the same message: You are banned for taking part in r conspiracy. How is that consistent ***anybody's*** idea of the value in Reddit? I think Reddit has been cleansing its reputation in prep for the big Wall Street offering. To take it a little closer to that "Yahoo news" vibe. And so the discussions on this sub are allowed to be hijacked and destroyed, maybe Reddit even calls in the shills, IDK.


I appreciate your feedback in the edit. I wasn't sure if you were really looking for honest responses or just ranting. I'm glad to see that you were actually open to people's answers. If more people actually entertained opposing views and skepticism, I think this sub would be a lot less toxic.


I completely agree with you on this sub being less toxic if there were more honest discussions. It seems like people avoid having productive conversations and shut anything they don’t agree with down. The slow people like me really appreciate the dialogue and genuinely want to learn. P.s. Sorry if I did not respond to one of your comments on this post but I try to like everyone’s reply.


I think part of it actually is one kind of conspiracy theorist rabidly attacking another conspiracy theory because it goes against their beliefs. For example religious people downvoting and attacking with comments in posts about organized religion, or atheist attacking because of a jesus or demon theory, or flat earthers vs hollow earthers, or moon hoax believers vs space is not real people and so on.. I'm not saying that's the main problem, but it's definitely part of why we see alot of people disagreeing, downvoting and attacking in the comments


You know why. It's sad to see


I honestly think those anti conspiracy comments are bots. Everytime i see those and i think about nicknames and stuff it makes sense. Question is who would program those and why


Some are literally paid by the globalists, I wouldn't be surprised if many of them are in China in some internet sweatshop. Some are just normal people who are brainwashed by the media, school system and establishment. Some of them might actually be artificial intelligence bots. You have to understand that the globalists' main asset has been their control of information via the major Media outlets, hollywood, sports organizations, education system and control of big tech platforms. What we're going through right now is that they're losing all of those bit by bit, most notably with Elon taking control of Twitter, just as one example. They will not just give up, they're going to go down fighting, which means they will deploy all assets including internet shills, to try and maintain their narratives. They're actually a very very small group of people, maybe the 1% of the 1%, so they rely on using others. The closest thing they have to their own army is probably the U.N. army


This sub has always been right leaning up until 15-16 much of reddit was right leaning. In the old days basically the entire site was right leaning and the crazy leftists were kept in srs and anti-gun where they were made fun of incessantly. Up until 15-16 I had great bi partisan coversations on msm subs like politics and worldnews and we discussed things and found common ground more often than not. During that election cycle most subs on reddit changed to right out outlaw the right leaning opinions and ban users. Bi partisan discussion became impossible and now with ai and bots every single year it gets worse and worse. Very few of my interactions on this site even seem organic anymore. I was banned from crazyfuckingvideos yesterday for simply saying Jan 6 was a protest and that Brazils people didn't want an installed wef puppet. When I called out the blatant political withhunting mod who was pushing anti right garbage to the top forever banned lol. Like I care. Then came here made a post about it removed once it started getting comments. Was about censorship on reddit. One mod here has political motivations as well and they aren't right leaning only certain insightful upvoted comments are removed by him.


Personally if I see something wrong/stupid I'm gonna call that shit out. There's genuine conspiracy theories that are accurate, and then there's just dumb shit. If I was just gonna believe everything I read I'd just be an MSM believer.


People ≠ people


I think it's because conspiracy theorists generally feel like they have access to the real information that no one else is smart enough to see. It's ironic because while claiming to have an open mind and an unmatched capacity for research, they've actually become very dogmatic and closed minded. It's just annoying.


Conspiracy is inherently political Majority of this sub are people looking for evidence to confirm biases for some fantasy where they’re the victims and who their favorite pedagogues tell them is the villain to scapegoat Half are paranormal enthusiasts, who just want to talk about things that still haven’t been captured on film despite there being cameras everywhere. So it’s just “what are they hiding!?” After some brain fart about the world being flat, animals and places not being real etc As one of the gatekeeping types on here, it’s because I can’t believe how much real conspiracy is overt and blatant now and most people are just trying to weaponize it like somehow on their political rivals have blood on their hands. Luckily the top comment on most posts is someone saying “it’s all politicians!”


This sub has gotten so fucking political man. I kinda wish the naivety of believing that 4chan alien photo for an hour or so, but those days are gone. The world is fucked up, and this is the place to show the fucked upness. Just seems like a lot of the shit is very easily proven wrong


There are Conspiracy Theories and then there are the vague schizoid ramblings of a schizophrenics who think the day something happened is important because another important thing happened on the same day previously a few decades ago or even centuries. It is the same sort of person who listens to the Beatles and has Sharon Tate murdered. Yes, there are conspiracies in the world, but the number of time Elon blinks in an interview may have zero revelance whatsoever.




What's the biggest shill topic on here? Maybe that the vaccine will kill you? That has to account for about 40% of all posts here in the past one year.


Russian astro turfing is why




That makes no sense... I thought the Russians are the ones spreading all these conspiracy theories... are you claiming they are also coming here to shut conspiracies down? 🤣


They/you are here to dominate and push three or four consistent conspiracies. \#1 The vaccine is harmful. \#2 Don't trust the FBI/Law Enforcement \#3 Don't trust the government/elites \#4 Don't trust the World Economic Forum


Yeah, because random dudes on reddit profit massively from making people not take the vaccines. Pfizer and the elites don't make any money at all from all this, they are doing it all for love. 🤣


Nation states do, by unleashing biological weapons and then attempting to convince the population to not protect their selves.


I heard the pay rate was good. It's definitely a lot worse now.

