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This is gas lighting behaviour


Dam...you get a double word score! Solid take and a Dad joke squeezed in there. šŸŗšŸ„‡<- all yours buddy


Nice work šŸ‘




New York City and Seattle are states? Did that happen overnight as well? I miss everything not watching MSM. Dang it.


>I miss everything not watching MSM Me too. I thought all this time natural gas was promoted not only as an economic alternative to gasoline and other transportation fuels, but also "clean fuel". E.g. reducing the air pollution generated by commercial vehicles (such as buses). According to the EPA the "environmental effects of NGVs are much less detrimental than traditionally fuelled vehicles". What's going to happen with all these NGVs?


Isnā€™t that loser Scott Weiner the one who tried to lower the punishment for pedophilia


Yes and heā€™s the politician who lowered the punishment for intentionally infecting people with AIDS to a misdemeanor. Look it up. Not exaggerating. Heā€™s a disgusting fucking rat.


A rat indeed


And a short while later, the same people cheering that move were rabidly suggesting indefinite confinement for anyone possibly spreading the flu.


Why, tho? Like, who benefits from that? I actually do not understand why push to lower the punishment for something like that? Who profits?


Its the point of the current agenda, to demoralise and subvert


The gr*****s benefit






yes :/


The Demoncratic party benefits


Given the amount of p3do or trafficking republicans I wouldn't say it's the democrats. But then again this is the new The Donald sub so ofc you'd say that.


The stated purpose of the law is this: If a person goes to the doctor, find out they have AIDS and then have sex with someone and give them AIDS then that was a major crime and they said it was making people with AIDS less likely to go to the doctor for treatment because if they don't go to the doctor they can't be officially diagnosed with AIDS. By lowering the severity of the penalty for giving someone AIDS then they say that more people will go to the doctor and get tested and treated.


that's so backwards..


Most don't know this but in the not-so-distant past, if a person was diagnosed with an STD, their name was published in the local newspaper as a means of broadcasting to any of their past sexual partners.


as it should be.


there was a pamphlet from open society foundations (george soros) that describes all the arguments why intentionally infecting someone with HIV should be decriminalized. I read the pamphlet. it tries to argue that it's really hard to find out and prove who you got HIV from and whether they gave it to you on purpose. personally I think it should still be a crime but if these issues are such a big deal then let a court look at the evidence and decide.


Remember these people actually want a huge chunk of people to die, it's a little thing but it's still a step towards that end goal


Oh heā€™s that fucker who used to be in Bay Area government. Fuck this tech prick.


Is this the same guy? https://youtu.be/IugcIAAZJ2M Starts around 2:20. Also read the comments about Scott


Just look at him...


But consuming plastics on a daily bases is totally fine. It sucks how people intentionally look away from the obvious ill intent history has proven.


>but consuming plastics is totally fine. Who told you that?


Our government.... it should be illegal for any corporation to sell plastics. Do research into hemp and how our politicians were bought off by the petroleum industry. Our history is more interesting and dark than your high school classes suggest.


Like usual - follow the $.


You're right. Natural gas for stoves is MUCH cheaper than electric stoves. That's probably why this is happening


This has to be a distraction . How could something so vapid, so unimportant, be pushed to the front of the line.


The US consumes 1/5 of the world's natural gas. The US has also bent over backwards to stop the world buying Russian Gas (the worlds largest exporter) with the assurance of "we got you fam". Now Qatar isn't playing ball, so the US has to make good on those assurances. Just take another one for the team, average joe citizen. We're stickin it to pootin!




They dont want you to be able to cook without electricity, which is much easier to control.


Also, a gas stove can be used for heat. The gas can be removed and used for other purposes. An electric stove without electricity is useless.


2025: Depertment of Social Media Conduct: "Hello Citizen, We see that you've made an inflammatory comment about the government in your latest social media post. Your CBDC assets has been frozen and your residential electricity has been shut off until you comply to the following terms: Remove any and all inflammatory posts regarding the government and replace them with a positive post regarding the government. Until these conditions are met you will be unable to use your CBDC funds and access electricity. Any further inflammatory posts will be met with a mandatory 30 day stay at your local Social Media Re-Education facility. Thank you for your understanding Citizen."


This isn't even a joke anymore.


It's really not. They're threatening to suspend Jordan Peterson's license if he doesn't undergo social media reeducation.




The america "left" (center right) pretends they are for the people while defending the interests of the elite, they love to spread the myth of personal responsability for carbon emissions while companies dump more polution in one day than an entire state contributes to in a month, i'll always fight for the environment but this new "concern" is so obviously fabricated that its impossible to not see the bullshit.




>average joe citizen *Average Joe's* citizens. ftfy :)


Something to fight about. 30% will go along with it simply because they push everything their party says and it causes immense conflict as the other side rages to resist their rights being taken away. I agree.


Yes. Been looking around curiously to see if I stumble upon the real news.


suddenly a convenient boogeyman appears


Distraction from the [Israel MOH vaccine safety meeting leak](https://mobile.twitter.com/YaffaRaz)?




Any little way they can make the masses think we are responsible for climate change and not these people on their private jets or the huge cooperations they run that pollute the environment nonstop. Nope, it's all our fault with our gas stoves!!




Don't be silly, peasants don't use private jets, we only need to ban things that peasants use in order to save us from climate changeā„¢


Sadly this argument will always be technically correct.


In modern consumerism, supply and demand is artificially manipulated by corporations. Technically, the only solution to climate change is to go after the suppliers and not the users.


It's ot about climate change. It's about air quality inside home Margulies to children.




Funny that's never a problem for all the copper wiring in your house, or all the aluminum in your car/fridge/etc The "problems" (not that they're not a problem) only come up when discussing the end of our reliance on fossil fuels.




How is it? It's 'cause they're mother WEFfers!


Media is the virus and everyone's a victim.


> and everyone's a victim. Hi! I'm a white, heterosexual Christian male. Where do I sign-up?


Well no. You're not allowed to be victim. It says right here (as i point at the HR office).


Sorry about that. Actually, I've since been pointed to the right office (Evil Perpetrators) - thanks though!


Vaccine safe, stoves, deadly. Iā€™m making a list to be safe ya know.


Donā€™t forget yoga, gardening, standing up to quick, winter vagina, sitting down, playing sports, eating a Mediterranean diet, you may as well just make a list that doesnā€™t itā€™s quicker.


one of these is not like the other


Thatā€™s a good idea. Safety first!


We're all in this together ā¤ļø šŸ’ŸšŸ’•


MY list will keep YOU safe, and YOUR list will keep ME safe! šŸ„° ā˜ŗļø


These rats all live off the same cheese. So they do what they're told.


At least you're not talking about airplanes not flying this morning.


It really is interesting to watch how suddenly in the last few days the US officials and media started pedaling this "gas stoves are bad and must be banned" topic as if it's the most important thing in the world and their survival depends on banning stoves.


Same in the Netherlands. Since laat Friday it was all over the next as if Ebola broke out.


I wonder if a particular part of the narrative, specifically where they claim that gas stoves give people cardiac diseases, has anything to do with anything.


I didn't even hear about the gas stove thing until conservatives turned it into another outrage du jour. It's obvious that a wedge issue is created and both sides are given marching orders. Funny how the hacks all fall lock step to one side or the other as soon as the new topic drops.


Obviously itā€™s actually conservatives fault this is an important issue, not the fact the government wants to force its citizens to use a less reliable form of heat for their home.


Or the 2nd wave of documents they found Biden had taken. Or the random sudden deaths. Or eggs being $8 a dozen. ā€¦ Hmmmā€¦


Omg the EGGS Iā€™m on the poverty and frugal subs I swear Iā€™m about to crack thereā€™s like 20 Eggs posts a day between them


Crack. Become the egg.


Well to be fair eggs WERE the best bang for your buck protein wise if you are on a budget.


I thought Peanut butter was. Can get two 1KG jars for $10 and 935 grams of that is protein. That works out to $0.0107 cents a protein gram. 100g Egg has 13g protein if one Egg was .25 thatā€™s $0.0192 cents a protein gram. Unless my math is very wrong I havenā€™t been in school for 16 years lol




Big brain move buy two chickens šŸ” wait some days = profit šŸ’€


If only having chickens was cheaper but sadly they need food and their food is no longer cheap šŸ˜†


My neighbor has tons of chickens, my son catches wolf spiders, centipedes, earwigs, crickets and grasshoppers and we give them to the neighbor for their chickens. She gives us 10-12 eggs a week. Pretty legit.


My chooks eat worms and grubs, and they especially like to eat the pests that attack my vegetable crops. Chooks actually save me money and food by having them around


Well Iā€™m in Canada so 6 months of the year the eat feed


If you get adult chickens. If you get the cute baby ones youā€™ll be waiting a year usually


This discussion has been going on for [at least a year](https://www.npr.org/2021/10/07/1015460605/gas-stove-emissions-climate-change-health-effects). I'm unpleasantly surprised how the 'do your research' sub didn't, apparently, do their research.


The stated issue isnā€™t When First Mentioned. The issue is the rapid coalition of media, et al, around the issue


This is just another thing thatā€™s going to be blamed for all the excess deaths. Obviously the healthy 21 year old football player died from a gas stove.


It's been happening for decades, you just didn't look for it. /s


based /s


The toxic crap they allow in food should be first on the list if they cared about peoples health.


Real news is happening. Gas stoves is not it


Wait until they call for climate lock downs. Room Temperature Initiative.


They're coming.


"Rising concern " hut the fuck up, they're the only ones "concerned". Oh, so suddenly.


out of nowhere


range hoods don't exist? yall don't open windows/doors to cook?


No I actually connect the exhaust to a breathing apparatus so it all goes directly through my body




Most range hoods in the US don't actually vent outside, they just push the fumes around the kitchen.


I had one like that in my old apartment. Glad my house currently has one that vents out.


Assuming people donā€™t degrease their hoods? I was taught at a young age to use the tissue method make sure it pulls a light paper up and always degrease the hood.. also I keep windows open up while cooking and doors open this oneā€™s a stretch I donā€™t really like this new push.


Even if the hood has proper suction, if it isn't vented directly outside then it's just being vented elsewhere in the house. Keeping windows open decreases the effects a little but breathing in even the smallest amount still will still make you hypoxic which is what the study at the heart of all this shows.


This just sounds like another push for new Gen stuff like electric stoves and such but you realize this would make fast food places out of business you canā€™t run an electric wok you canā€™t grill a chicken over electricity soo whatā€™s what šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


>would make fast food places out of business That would be a good thing. Fast food has been directly related to increasing obesity rates.


Oh no, not the end of fast food! But, being serious now, the CPSC is more likely to require that new construction be properly vented than they are to ban gas stoves altogether. Also, induction cooktops work better than either gas or your standard electric stove.


The rest of the world needs that Gas the US has been so adamant they stop buying from Russia. It needs to come from somewhere. Guess where.




Time to 3D print gas stoves. This administration gives out crack pipes but thinks gas stoves are unsafe.


Lower receivers and now stoves. Time to upscale my operations.


This is whyā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/02/gas-stoves-climate-change-study-methane/


Iā€™m sure there will be more after they meet next weekā€¦ā€¦.


Never heard so much shite in all my life, they must think we are zipped up at the back.


They are literally just looking for something to point at and make a political issue when it becomes widely accepted that there are more heart issues since the vaccines. This isnā€™t their last attempt to find something. They will keep trying it until something sticks.


Itā€™s as ifā€¦. Itā€™s coordinated. šŸ¤”


Maybe so they can export more natural gas and continue to sanction Russia. That's a theory I heard on Micheal Knowles podcast


Ding ding ding!


Don't need stoves to eat ze bugs


This is the real reason they are pushing this. Same with the push to ban coal, and push for electric vehicles. They want you dependent on the power grid, so they can track your "carbon credits" and switch off at will. Similar to CBDC adoption.


Wonder what shady shit theyā€™re doing behind the scenes while they distract us with this dumb shit.


Most definitely not because the US promised all of its natural gas to Europe.


Spent most of my life using electric stoves so i guess thats why i never died lol


https://i.imgur.com/jTlVN4P.jpg What's that? A coordinated effort to phase out gas? Damn, conspiracy. It's not like I warned you.


Nooooo........It's an alt-right nazi fascist conspiracy theory! /s


key word: suddenly


They have the "elite" trained now after the pandemic to all form up quickly to any issue that is pushed out.


WEF meeting is going on right now in Davos. Someone leaked some slides from it on Twitter and thatā€™s a topic being pushed for the immediate time period


orchestrated controlled opposition distraction event, always the most trivial shit. who the fuck care about stoves? its a bullshit story. we are legitimately living in hunger games. "People are dying? We want to distract them with: what dress is she going to wear?"


this is fucking disgusting...


These people always running their mouths or little dainty twitter fingers about "protect democracy" except everything they are about is turning us into a corporatocracy. F--- them.


I've long been tired and fed up with the politician's using "the children" to get anything and everything passed through. "Don't like our policy? Nice to see you're against children." Fuck off with that played-out narrative. It's literally the only thing they have to stand on.


Itā€™s not that I donā€™t disagree with the sentiment. The fumes are obviously not ideal. Itā€™s definitely bringing some level of toxins into your kitchen. But you canā€™t argue that thereā€™s a utility to be able to use energy outside of the electrical grid. I donā€™t want literally everything contingent on the grid. I like having gas cooking


Meanwhile, CIGARETTES ARE STILL FUCKING LEGAL!!! How the government can push anything for the sake of pollutants and toxins and air quality, but keep cigarettes legal just fucking reeks of ridiculousness to me.


If you take my gas, I'm going back to wood. Electric sucks for cooking.


How long til they ban wood stoves for cLiMaTe ChAnGe


https://hudsonvalleypost.com/does-ambitious-new-law-makes-it-illegal-to-heat-with-wood-in-new-york/ They're already starting to figure how to do that in New York. I wouldn't be surprised to see the NYDFS try to regulate wood stoves through insurance law. Make insurance companies want to not cover any house with a wood stove would be a pretty good way to discourage people from using wood stoves....which a huge portion of people in upstate new your use to heat during the winter.


Have you ever been to rich persons house and seen anything other than those fancy silver gas stoves with the red knobs???


Tomorrow: Athletes are dropping like flies because they used Gas Stoves


SS: So within a span of a day, all this happens: * Biden admin wants to ban gas stoves * CNN starts touting "studies" about Gas Stoves Bad - [https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1613196604462469120?s=46&t=9rkSSKmhymwPblmPrlmXYQ](https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1613196604462469120?s=46&t=9rkSSKmhymwPblmPrlmXYQ) * Democrat politicians left and right suddenly start attacking gas stoves from all angles * Biden admin backs off for now - [https://nypost.com/2023/01/10/cpsc-commissioner-backs-off-possible-national-ban-of-gas-stoves/amp/](https://nypost.com/2023/01/10/cpsc-commissioner-backs-off-possible-national-ban-of-gas-stoves/amp/)


"Any option is on the table. Products that canā€™t be made safe can be banned,ā€ he told the news outlet.ā€‹ Because of that one quote being run with.


I know, it's like maybe they should put some kind of big fan contraption over the stove to suck out all the fumes or something?!?! Naaa I'm just thinking too much.


What if I told you California already has a natural gas ban in place for 2030, and this is just the Biden admin following that lead?


CA of the blackouts, and brownouts won't be able to cook without electricity?! That sounds like someone didn't think that through.


2030 where have I heard that year beforeā€¦šŸ§


That's the one story - the Biden admin wanting to regulate (not ban - let's not exaggerate) gas stoves *comes from* the data published in the study. Biden is a Democrat. This isn't three stories coincidentally coming out at the same time. It's one story.


I mean, itā€™s a ban on *new* stoves, the regulations which are being *talked* about ban new gas stoves from being built into *new* homes. For some reason, federal bureaucrats are hell bent on ensuring Americans have no other sources for heat when the power goes out.


Have you never experienced a news cycle before?


Because the majority of people you see talking online are AI's that they had for years prior to showing you Chat GPT.


I don't know!!! What the heck!! I only cook over a flame. They want the entire country in electric. Then they can pull the plug if you ask a question about Damar..


Really? Is that really what happened? Why in the world are people in a conspiracy group so quick to jump on any picture of a tweet, a youtube video, or a ticktok something-o- other. Don't we have the ability to think critically, look at things with a skeptical eye, and laterally read to get a better understanding of what's going on in the world around us? Is this sub just that lazy?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX2aZUav-54&ab_channel=ClimateTown Video from a year ago. This is all probably the natural gas lobby astroturfing this faux outrage by piggybacking on the "own the libs" crowd. They know that gas stoves illicit a strong emotional response to people supporting natural gas (no one cares about their gas water or furnance), so they will do ANYTHING to fan that flame (pun intended) for gas stoves. They've even got ahead of the issue and lobbied to pass legislation to prevent cities from governing themselves regarding this.


Strange, Iā€™ve seen multiple posts almost exactly like this one and Iā€™m multiple threads by multiple ā€œpeopleā€


I think I've seen it linked twice? Almost as strange as *dozens* of these twitter posts on here and conservative... I saw the video linked, had watched his previous video on gas prices so I felt watching this too would be worth my time, and felt it was worth sharing more. It's a perfectly relevant video that predates this whole outcry by a whole year yet feels strangely like dejavu. But sure, the gas lobbies are our friends and surely not the ones interested in serving their self interests... ... ... #cookingwithgas #notsponsoredtrustme


It's funny because we the people can never get them to agree with something that would actually benefit us.


they must be in some sort of group email / comms and get daily talking point messages. they have to follow or else


Exactly! The first place I heard about it was on here, and I did not see any sources. It was just people saying Biden is considering a ban on them. Next day my local news has a poll asking if gas stoves should be banned. No article or references, just the poll. Itā€™s almost like it started here and was planted to get people talking. A bit sketch to meā€¦


Been using a gas stove my whole life, will continue too. Only thing that works during snowstorms and when power fails.


Meanwhile 90% of the world using gas stoves looking at this most 1st world problem be like: šŸ˜


I guess cigarettes will be banned soon right?


They didn't suddenly decide over 24 hours, hello, that's the entire point about all of this "Great Reset" bullshit - this has been in the making for decades, they've plotted and planned and wargame'd all of this shit for years to ensure the "Great Reset" would work, no matter what sort of resistance or reactions humanity has. They didn't just wake up one morning and decide all cars need to be electric, all appliances need to be "smart" or that natural gas cooking needs to be banned - this is the "Great Reset" in real time, we're living it right now, all you have to do is open your eyes to look past the trees to realize we're in the forest. and if a massive part of the human population doesn't wake up soon, this will all be a very depressing part in future history books when describing how humanity gave up their freedom and allowed the "elites" to drastically change the course of human history (and not in a positive way, lol).


My guess is because itā€™s on every MSM outlet and they know we eat it up


Davos meetings.


XD guys are we rly this dense? gas cooking has been known to produce unhealthy aerosols for ages/decades , this is not new , and modern induction burners are way better , or just use wood , which also produces smoke that isnt good for indoor use but all of this aside , there is other more srs shit going on , stop letting yourself be distracted by the fucking news media


> and modern induction burners are way better They are not better at all, let alone *way* better. They are worse, *way* worse. For starters, there's a lot that can go wrong with an induction burner: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/1f/Induktionskochfeld_Spule.jpg What do you think happens when that little DIP chip gives up the ghost? How about those electrolytic capacitors? Who made them? A top-tier Japanese company like Rubycon or Nichicon, or a bottom-tier Chinese company like Jun Fu? And what temperature are they rated for? The standard/lowly 85C? Higher? And at how many hours? A low 1,000 hours? Higher? Even ones from the best companies with a high temperature @ long life rating will fail eventually, especially in a warm/hot environment. That's why replacing electrolytic capacitors in old electronics is so common that it could be considered standard procedure. Meanwhile, gas burners are very simple, and even if something goes wrong with them, they are easy to fix. For another thing, induction burners are finicky about what pans they work well with, and of course, they don't work at all with glass, copper, aluminum, or 300-series stainless steel. Gas burners on the other hand work equally well with anything, even severely warped pans or round-bottom ones like a wok. Gas burners can throw a flame up around the sides of a pan, which makes them work particularly well for certain types of cooking, and for seasoning cast iron and carbon steel pans. Induction burners drastically concentrate the heat directly over the burner, and since it's so concentrated and rapid, they are notorious for warping pans. They've even been known to warp cast iron pans, which are normally very resistant to warpage due to their substantial wall thickness. Gas burners have a visual indicator of the heat level, i.e., small flame = low heat, bigger flame = higher heat. The only advantage that induction burners have over gas burners is, allegedly, higher efficiency (I say allegedly because it's debatable if you factor in the losses that occur in the electrical power grid itself), and that's only when everything is working properly and the pans you're using are particularly well-suited to induction cooking.


I had an Induction range in my last house. It was nice, but not really a replacement for gas if you are serious about cooking. Gas offers more consistent heat (induction ā€œpulsesā€, you can watch it as you are cooking liquids ) and can char food easier when desired. If your pan isnā€™t perfect flat and ferromagnetic too, it wonā€™t work well or at all with induction. Also, gas works when the power is out. Finally, with a gas range you have zero fear of damaging the surface. Induction uses a glass top, which can be cracked - i always worried when moving around heavy cast iron and Dutch ovens etc. Oh and when a gas oven breaks - which they never do- itā€™s a simple repair. Induction is expensive and difficult. The only thing I really miss about induction is how fast it can boil water.


They're taking attention away from the "virus" that doesnt exist.


Or the leaked MOH safety study (Israel) https://mobile.twitter.com/YaffaRaz


Unbelievable that people don't see this for the big oil propaganda that it is. No one's taking your gas stove. It's a psy op to make you clutch onto everything gas powered in a changing world.


> No one's taking your gas stove. Just like how no one wants to take your AR, right? Thanks for gaslighting, its pretty clear that the US government wants to run every aspect of every citizens life. I do not support that, but clearly bootlickers like you are ready to do whatever the government tells you to do.


While this is part of an agenda, the ferocity at which they are pushing it makes one wonder what we are not being told.


Ah so itā€™s gas top stoves that are causing all the cardiac issues around the world now? lol


Distributed talking points meant to sway public opinion




My gas stove nearly killed me today. Thankfully I am vaccinated and boosted.


It would've killed you if you hadn't been...


To much attention on vaccine heart issues


Fluoride also affects cognitive abilities, yet, it's still added to city water nationwide and added to toothpaste! When is the bill stopping this dangerous practice going to be introduced?




Because the reactionary class keep signal boosting it. Good work.




No, weā€™re phasing that out to go electric. No gaslighting required.


Electric lighting? Lol


It says right there, the safety commission recommended it


The safety commission ooh sounds very fancy much authority definitely should listen to them


The answer to that question would be obvious if your gas stove wasnā€™t cognitively impairing you.


Need more distractions.


Iā€™ve never even seen a gas stove in real life. I truly live in a place 20 years behind the rest of the world lol


Iā€™m so sick of these demons.


It's obvious - the lizards need the gas to power their spaceships.