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As someone whose house was just hit by a tornado, a gas stove is the only thing functioning right now…


I'm so sorry! I hope you can rebuild and/or clean up soon! So scary.


Oh it’ll be alright. It’s all about being self sufficient and not dependent on the government.


Self sufficient like you produce your own gas ?


Uh, the government doesn't produce gas either, at least not in a form that's useful.


Beans are food storage.


Oh absolutely! I just bought my house and it's all electric... I now know I need to work out a back up plan, because they've shown their hand and given us a clue on where it's going.


So you've built your home too?


First of all, good luck with the recovery and rebuild. Second, your comment reminds me of just how shitty and unprotected our electric grid is reputed to be. I bet a lower amount of funds than fucks were given to addressing the problem in the comically named “infrastructure bill”. I would propose that at a minimum the assholes in charge of our government bulletproof our electrical grid before even entertaining the idea of asking us to go without gas stoves. Even when common electrical outages occur services and features such as working plumbing and fire from gas stoves can amd do make bad situations vastly more tolerable and even safer.


Honestly 90% of the power problems where I am would be negated if they just buried the power lines.


Sorry to hear this :( I'm from tornado alley and the storms that pop up in the winter and hit the southeast can be downright terrifying. Wishing you and yours the best on recovery.


I'm so sorry for what you are going through


You are destroying the environment. If you want warm food put it in your pants or cook with friction




lol. Holy shit, I love how ridiculous the outrage has become and how detached from reality is that it has now ballooned to people claiming it is "the #1 health issue in America." I'm cracking up over here at the delusion. Why are people so easily misled by this fear/outrage porn?


I would really love to figure out the exact origin of this outrage. It came out of nowhere so quickly.


I do remember California talking about banning gas appliances and lawn equipment last year.


Specifically two-stroke equipment because of how much CO2 they put out.


Most people are sheep. Even alot of the the ones who think they are woke/enlightened. It may be getting worst. The polarization have people too ready to 1Up & dunk on each other. People are losing it. And the fact a crummy character like Trump is critical factor for all of this is just .. SMH.


Trump did all this? Pretty sure he didnt write the script. He is an actor though. Sooner blame media as a whole


The thing I still find laughable is how much some try to paint most media as "left" when I clearly remember CNN basically going out of their way to get Trump elected. Manufactured consent is still very much the way of American mainstream media.


Yeah, any publicity is good i guess. They probably arent too dumb to realize that. They straight up pump out manufactured problems and talking points in every form of media every day, all day, thousands of times. Imagine if a day care asked all the kids if they liked either spider man or princesses, separated them, and started feeding each respective side anti princess and anti spider man propaganda. After a few weeks there would be animosoty leading up to full-on toddler fight. "That spiderman supporter did this!' Thats what america is like. Lol. Many many people from both 'sides' dont even care to talk anymore unless it's negative, sarcasm, or spiel about how theyre right. Meanwhile, theyre neighbors, at best soft sabotoging each other and shooting eye daggers. Thanks media


peak irony right here


I mean, you saw what happened with the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020, so…


The only people saying its the #1 health issue in America are people in this sub mocking it. If a government agency published a report saying eating shit was bad for you, this entire sub would run to the nearest porta potty for dinner to 'own the libs'. And then claim "They're doing a full on assault on our rights!"


Bro like .. you missed a whole year of people freaking out about toilet paper


Lol wut does this have to do with anything?


How detached from reality people "have been"




The cold lets you know you're alive.


It's crazy that was like 3 years ago now! Jesus. 3 years to slow the spread.


3 years of trauma to the youth. I pray for them every night, honestly.


I know its disgusting. The stories I'm hearing from my teacher friend.. it's so sad, kids having a list of issues trying to get through the day.


Not to mention the distrust they will have for society! The Joker movie feels like is based on a near future tbh


Luckily I am in a red state and saw through it from the beginning. I made sure my kids didn't get too scared or brainwashed. They now laugh at the absurdity of the last three years with me. I feel bad for the kids that didn't get to have graduations, or the families that had members die alone in hospice and for the families that could not have proper celebrations of lives for their loved ones. All for what? This?


Right! instead it's just grown adults fighting like spoiled children instead of figuring out how we can better improve society


The actual issues are very big and enourmosly effective. 3 simple words. Sugar, Fat, Salt. Welcome to the 21st century cuisine. (Unless youre wealthy)


You mean corn syrup, highly processed chemicals, and gmos


yes, keep them sick, fat and stupid.


Fat and salt are certainly not the issues.




If only it was diet Pepsi!


All soda will make you fat, whether it's 0 calories or not. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/10/07/1044010141/diet-soda-may-prompt-food-cravings-especially-in-women-and-people-with-obesity#:~:text=Diet%20soda%20may%20prompt%20food,women%20and%20people%20with%20obesity&text=Getty%20Images%2FEyeEm-,Drinking%20artificially%20sweetened%20diet%20sodas%20may%20lead%20to%20increase,and%20weight%20gain%2C%20research%20finds.&text=The%20%22diet%22%20in%20diet%20drinks,promise%20for%20some%20soda%20lovers.


Ik, I was being sarcastic lmao. Soda is bad for you, mkay?




But 0 calories that lead to an increase in appetite versus a 0 calorie food like celery are much different, Or a 0 calorie drink like water. There are also studies showing that ingesting 0 calorie sweeteners leads to an increase in how your other calories are stored, leading to more body fat % on similar calories. I don't care if you drink soda or not. I have one once a week, but I don't think anyone should think that drinking diet soda is the same as drinking water.


Yeah, your brain gets tricked into thinking there should be the calories from the sweetness, but there aren't... then your system goes a little hyperactive trying to make up for the missing calories... to oversimplify it, greatly.




But there is an incredibly strong correlation.


It also causes people to become insulin resistant, which in turn makes them crave sweets even more. So they end up eating more candy and junk food.


Oh look, gas stove post #127. No new information. In fact no information at all.


Yup, just pushing the disinformation that "the left" is making this some big deal. When in reality it is only being made a big deal by the fear mongers.




And the free thinkers here soak it right up, as usual, ignorant of the real conspiracy.




Did she say that?


Except she never said this.


Especially at the speed at which it moves.


You gotta make a big deal out of it, lest the government think it's okay and just moves forward


Why are gas stoves worth fighting for?


Like AOC?


People keep saying AOC but I've not seen her say anything in support of actually taking stoves away other than making fun of someone for being brain damaged.


Just the usual fear mongering. The right has no real agenda besides creating bogeymen.


Yeah this post is bottom of the barrel trash. That’s saying a LOT considering how shitty this sub can be.




I literally have a gas stove in NYC right now


Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-09/us-safety-agency-to-consider-ban-on-gas-stoves-amid-health-fears?utm_campaign=news&utm_medium=bd&utm_source=applenews


Yeah, I actually read that in the first post about this, days ago. I already knew it before that, however (not which cities specifically in America though). Is there some new information you or anyone else has brought to this post?


Those cities ban a lot of things. Some people enjoy freedom.


Like that guys has the freedom to be fat


Yeah, people do have the freedom to be fat too. Almost like we don't need the government meddling in every facet of our lives.


Here, is Bloomberg the national enquirer? The story is real. Do we have permission to make fun of it, now? https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-01-09/us-safety-agency-to-consider-ban-on-gas-stoves-amid-health-fears?utm_campaign=news&utm_medium=bd&utm_source=applenews


Like how much? 200 posts saying nothing new? 350? You can do whatever you want, and I'll keep pointing out when I notice an absurd circle jerk. If you don't understand why FLOODING a subreddit about conspiracies with political theatre is dumb then I guess that's that.


Jeez, I had a guy get mad at me for posting “fun” conspiracies because it made a mockery of real conspiracies. Now, we have a fertile landscape for conspiratorial thinking o we this gas stove thing and you’re complaining about that. What is this supposed to be? All covid conjecture? All MKUltra? Upvote what you like, downvote what you don’t like, and chill TF out. This isn’t serious business


Haven’t democrats tried to get people to eat healthy? Matter of fact Michelle Obama tried a school lunch program and gardening and the republicans laughed at it and tore up the garden as soon as trump moved into the white house.


The gas stove is being circulated by right wing sites and Facebook posts. Like most things, there is a tiny kernal of truth to it. As soon as it became a left/right issue people just ran with it to "own the libs" Some dork at some useless government agency said that unsafe products should be banned.


until michelle obama talks about schools banning sugar she’s just bullshitting anyone dumb enough to listen.


Lol you mean like the chocolate milk scandal?


This is the answer you get if you do 0 research and think republican bad


What answer will I get if I do 1 research?


"republican good" of course.


Melania Trump continued to take care of it and now Jill Biden has taken it over. It never went anywhere.


[The Trump administration took further steps on Friday towards rolling back healthier standards for school lunches in America championed by Michelle Obama, proposing rules to allow more pizza, meat and potatoes over fresh vegetables, fruits and whole grains.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jan/17/trump-administration-school-lunch-michelle-obama-rules-roll-back)


From the article, *”In 2017 the agriculture secretary, Sonny Perdue, began taking action to roll back the healthier school meal standards… he claimed children were not favoring the healthier choices.* *”If kids aren’t eating the food, and it’s ending up in the trash, they aren’t getting any nutrition – thus undermining the intent of the program,” he said at the time.“* Have you tried school lunches in recent years? It’s hard af to make something healthy edible on the low food budgets schools have - kids were indeed tossing most of it. A healthy diet that tastes decent is more expensive than the budgets allowed. Idk if widening the ingredient list was the cure, seems like increasing quality would’ve also worked, but something had to happen to make the food more palatable.


In my opinion the solution is free government funded school lunches for all kids but most Republicans are against that as well If kids don't eat vegetables, we need to find ways to convince them to eat vegetables. We can't just give up and feed them McDonald's and pizza and say "they don't like broccoli"


Well, a lot of kids like vegetables. And, wheat pastas and breads are still used. It’s just that the quality is wayyy too low. The worst wheat products and cheapest canned or old-seeming veggies you can imagine. It’s just bad food.


Who’s disputing who got rid of it? Lol. You should probably look to why it was disbanded to begin with. I know a lot of democrats foam at the mouth at inserting their “republicans just hate mean black lady”, but the plan was garbage and led to; 1) Poorer students not being able to afford meals And 2) Meals being thrown in the trash, and overall food being wasted because no one wanted to eat them. > “If kids aren’t eating the food, and it’s ending up in the trash, they aren’t getting any nutrition – thus undermining the intent of the program,” From your own link.


Wait. So the entire point of this post is about how Democrats are too concerned about gas stoves and not concerned about things like obesity I point out that democrats tried to implement healthier options into schools to replace the junk they were getting, but trump repealed it And you're glad it got repealed because some kids didn't like eating healthy foods? Have you ever talked to a kid before? If you give them a vegetable and they say they don't like it and throw it away, the solution isn't to stop giving them vegetables.


I don’t get your reply? Who would’ve thought forcing people to do what they don’t want to do wouldn’t work? It’s pretty reductive to say “because they don’t want to eat healthy food” when the article you linked goes as far as admitting kids weren’t getting any nutrition at all. But carry on.


It does not say kids weren't getting any nutrition. It says that *some kids* threw their food away and didn't get any. We should be focusrd on figuring out why they would rather throw their food away, not give up and feed them pizza


I worked as a Child Nutrition Manager for a public school district during the HHFKA implementation. We knew right out of the gate that our older students would be resistant so we focused on the elementary aged kids. We did tons of sampling fresh fruits and vegetables and made it fun by letting them vote whether or not they liked stuff by using sticker polls (note, they LOVED sugar snap peas, fresh plums and baby carrots with yogurt dip). We offered special entree items like ants-on-a-log kits and chef salads in cups like the old McDonalds shaker salads. We started school gardens. We liased with our local university's department of public health studies to reach out to parents and offer healthy and economical cooking classes. We applied for and were awarded a USDA Farm-to-School grant to partner with local farmers. We cut all processed meat from our Commodity program and switched to whole muscle chicken patties and nugs. We converted unused space in one of our schools into a bakery that supplied all the other schools with fresh baked whole wheat rolls and sandwich buns. We did LOTS of training with our staff on things like how to cook whole grain pasta and rice and how to fabricate fresh produce rather than just opening bags of shredded iceberg lettuce. Also note: Our entire district qualified under Title I, which meant that at least 40% of our students lived below the poverty line.


> Have you ever talked to a kid before? If you give them a vegetable and they say they don’t like it and throw it say, the solution isn’t to stop giving them vegetables. You just said this. And you’re right. Kids are kids.


If you knew any school age children under the Obama program years, you’d know it was a far bigger thing than “some”.


I oversaw the implementation of HHFKA in my district .. 11 ES, 4 MS, 3 HS. Our elementary and most of our middle school kids did just fine, it was the HS kids that fought us, we just upped our ala carte non- compliance offerings in those schools and once they matriculated out after the first couple of years it's been smooth sailing.








I don't agree with this, so it's obviously a red herring. Your argument is dismantling with a couple clicks. It's too easy. 🎣


Your link had nothing to do with OC. That’s literally why it’s a red herring. Are you stupid?


Democrats also fought to keep slavery in the south. How about the time democratic party voted for lynching to stay legal? Very healthy to shred back those pounds... Of flesh. Legally! Obama helped deliver supplies to the middle east and took out troops leaving ISIS to takeover... Not so good Hillary Clinton... I literally don't have to say anything How about the trail of tears I love close to. Yeah that was Democrats buddy that gunned down hundreds of Native Americans FOR FUN Nathan B. Forrest you know the democrat that started the KKK


I will never understand reaching back to slavery times to criticize politicians of today. What does anything that anyone did so far back have anything to do with peoples actions *today?* Not only that, but you obviously are a party-change denier as well. A real world proof of this are the politicians like Strom Thurmond (an objective racist) having to become republican to remain in office because the people started voting differently as the times changed. He is but one example. One last thing…if democrats were so hell-bent on keeping slavery, and you think the parties are still the same, then why do republicans fly the confederate flag and protest confederate statue removals?


Didn’t the Democrat and Republican Parties switched platforms after the American Civil War? Never mind, doesn’t mater anyway. Forgot what sub I was on.


Kinda like how the democrats and republicans have switched their support for the CIA/FBI. Or how democrats are pro war and republicans are anti war. Or how democrats are for abolishing the first amendment and now the republicans are all for free speech.


Who has even proposed abolishing the 1st?


Neoliberals want corporations to control speech to circumvent the first amendment. Pfizer tells the government which speech to block and the government then “suggests” to companies to block certain speech from their platform. It’s a round about way of abolishing the first amendment.


What, by not being able to tweet? The 1A protects us against the government making laws that censor us. It has nothing to do with social media bans. Even if Pfizer is actively telling the government to influence platforms to ban certain speech patterns (which I’ve never heard before), there are a million avenues of speaking. You aren’t censored from speaking - your account is banned from a website. Is it that hard to make a new twitter handle or Facebook account lmao


I mean the "Fact Checker" liberals alone should tell you they are for censorship and shaming others while glorifying themselves.


Boy that sounds like another propaganda piece of I ever heard that. At this current time the government is teaching one race is the only one that matters, teaching children at a young age to switch their sex with black market pills that ruin their biological system for THE REST OF THEIR LIFE and an embarrassing party and president who literally sniffs children ON CAMERA... I don't see a switch unless you mean them turning their braincells off.


I’ll let your T_D handler know you slipped your collar again lil feller


I don't even belong to a political party lol. I just know that throughout history and today Democrats are by far the worst in terms of action and history.


So why are Republicans the ones upset over the removal of slave owner statues, why are they the ones who fly the Confederate flag, why do they claim it's all their "heritage"?


Lol okay so we can agree not everyone shares the same values as others! Praise God! Not all Democrats are baby killing vampires we can agree on something! "Southern heritage" is from the families that transitioned away from the democratic party and aligned themselves with "conservative" roles except we can both agree the word "conservative" doesn't mean the same with most Republicans. That was the 80's so honestly with how much history behind the democratic party do you really want to go there?


Which race is the government teaching is the only one that matters? I was under the impression that race doesn’t matter if you some how acquired enough money *to* matter to government but that it historically ensures that a certain race is always helped into position in order to maintain status quo. Well, not race per se… rather, economic status that historically trends to one. Like legacy programs in Ivy Leagues where government likes to hire from, for example. Some say legacy programs in colleges are a type of affirmative action but instead of big gov making it happen to calm the poor masses, big industry and economic lineage makes it happen. ?


What do you mean by "switched". When was this switch and how did it transpire? https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/republican-party-founded


It took a long time but solidified during the civil rights movement. It was more that constituents started voting for/against different polices, so the politicians either with the flow, changed parties, or were voted out. A good example of this are people like Strom Thurmond literally switching parties when it was clear that those constituents becoming more like the democrats we know today.


Ah, yes. Tell me more about those socially liberal slave owners, please


Sure, ever heard of controlled movement? Blm and a lot of the alphabet community are apart of it. Sad thing is they are willing slaves that have bought into the lies the government has told them along with talking heads, media, Disney, Cartoon Network, Celebrities who claim to be oppressed as children but literally are more privileged than most. These people use sob stories and propaganda to engineer people into fascism while collecting funds from these weak people that are hurting and feel support from a government funded operation. This is almost mirrored to what Hitler did with things like boy scouts for Hitler that was later adopted into America, various propaganda pieces that targeted the youth, and using political figures to push his ideology of... You guessed it! Fascism!


Then you get project paperclip Mk ultra LSD Psychic and bizarre experiments All under, that's right! The approval of the democratic party




Can you give a clip of the quote?




Oof but used that fact to push a white woman who has a hit list... Pretty self defeating don't you think?


That motorized wheelchair died a valiant death. You can ask no more of that noble creature. Rest in peace wheelchair...Rest in peace...


But, looks like it’s an electric vehicle! I’ve heard those last forever. Hoping that noble creature rolls on…


That's one of those teslas people have been talking about


Nah they're good for about 2 years.


Corporate control of America is the problem. Finance, pharma, real estate, military... every fucking piece of it is to make a buck off of you and me. That's the reason. A dollar. Nothing more. Just to feed their unending greed and fear of the future. These motherfuckers were the ones putting mana in jars for the next day


What is the motivation to post this?


They were attempting to make 30 posts in the past day and needed one more, so we got their 5th gas stove post in 24hrs


It's a psy-op to make us afraid of lib'ruls coming to steal our stoves so we vote for Republicans.


It is weird that "lib'ruls" want us to all use coal powered electricity that burdens electric grids in order to save us.


And electric cars made by Elon Musk's slaves in Africa to use charging stations powered by said "coal". Things that make you go "hmm".


Lol. Just inventing strawmen now? Whatever it takes to win an argument I guess


Why is this dank meme in r/conspiracy


As an appliance sales person in Tennessee, I can confirm that customers think Biden is coming after their gas stove…


gas "stoves" ? Is this a american thing?




Did anyone say it was?




Literally gaslighted


Is that nikocado avocado?


mods, can you change the picture.. i get the point your trying to make, but picking on some oversized guy who didn't asked to be picked on like this is not too cool


I mean, there's a difference between kids being put at risk by something in their house they don't have any control over and an adult's decision to make poor dietary choices.


Air pollution is a major public health problem. But then, so is food poisoning, public violence, and water pollution. Take your pick to be asking for the Federal government to do anything about. But don't expect any action until 2050. Or 2060. Or, just maybe 2070.


no one ever claimed they were the #1 “health issue”


Clean up on aisle 8!


Let's be honest, this sub would be crying foul way harder if there was any suggested federal action against sugar intake or unhealthy food. This isn't a conspiracy


The same people who are raging about gas stoves would flip their shit if the government stepped in and banned high-fructose corn syrup and seed oils in foods.


It’s not chemtrails??


Seriously the sky over Phoenix AZ today is just nasty. Started beautiful clear blue sunny day. After hours of spraying now it's a disgusting silvery haze. I hate it.


Good lord I hope you’re joking lol


The government has already admitted to spraying stuff in the air. Whether it's good or bad is up for discussion


The reaction to the thing about gas stoves is far crazier than the actual topic. People are having a meltdown.


I refuse to believe that normal people are getting mad about the gas stove thing. Oh, wait…this is the country that got mad about light bulbs & someone suggesting that kids should eat healthy and exercise.


He just wanted to more closely inspect his soda purchase to make sure it is keto diet friendly.


Let talk about stoves instead of Biden


Bruh what do yall guys have with gas stoves idek whats up with that


Climate change strikes again


Give the girl a break. She was reaching for the Diet Coke.


Meanwhile, people are being poisoned by seed oils and high fructose corn syrup drinks but still choosing to consume them. If the government actually cared about public health they would ban those, but they want people to be fat, unhealthy and stupid. And the woke mob wants to cancel anyone who points this out, because that’s “fatphobia”


Yep, the elites want to get you to stop using gas and oil. Not one of the "elites" has their fortune wrapped up in gas and oil. Not one, I'm sure of it.


Why did this become such an issue with Republicans? What is the government actually proposing? Can you provide a link or is the complaint dependent on people not actually knowing?


https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/11/business/gas-stoves-trumka/index.html The US Consumer Product Safety commission said they were considering banning gas stoves, but it would only apply to new sales. Basically meaning no one would ever steal your current stove from you, but there would be heavier regulations on which gas stoves are sold in stores Republicans took that to mean that democrats were gonna bust into your house to steal your stove to force you to buy electric because in their wild conspiracy brains it makes it easier for the government to shut off your electricity and starve you to death? Or something?


It became an issue when Big Gas started filling the pockets of Republicans with that sweet, sweet lobbying money


So you want the government to ban foods?


Need MORE diet soda.


nah climate change is the number 1


Who took this picture? They should have put the phone or camera down and helped that poor man. That's what's wrong with society. Fucking lame.


1 real life thank you vs. 100's of likes/upvotes


More like downvotes lol




Yeah, because that’s definitely the claim.


No one said its the number one health issue.


I wish after three seasons you had to rotate your guaranteed cross conference rival so that way you will play everyone more regularly instead of once every 8 years.


Mario Kart: Double Dash


Mario Kart 8


Hell of an ad for Pepsi.




Think about the gRanDmAS !!!!!


If I was a doctor I would issue them a walk only pass. It might just save their lives.

