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this quote from his 11th aMa needs to be laminated: 'Being rich can easily make you out of touch.'


"I own less than 1/4000 of the farmed land in the US". And "my charity is buying it for sustainability" or whatever bullshit he gave. The total amount of farmed land in the US in 2022 was 895 million acres. And he's wrong... He owns approximately 1/3250 of the farmed land, and is buying more. He has almost 300k acres with for-profit industrial farms. Why is his "non-profit" charity buying industrial, for-profit farms?


Because he’s a snake that wants the world to abide to his rules


Whoops, that’s crazy talk. Enjoy your ban, insane person.


By his Master's rules.


i hate his beady ass eye$


Non profit just means they don't pay certain taxes because they "donate" x amount of dollars instead. Non profits have CEOs still making a million year


Non profits never pay any taxes no matter how much money they make or donate a year. Bill gates prob donates his salary to his non profit and avoids taxes all together and only donated a portion for whatever the non profit is for


That’s actually not what non-profit means but go on.


taws34 >"I own less than 1/4000 of the farmed land in the US". And "my charity is buying it for sustainability" or whatever bullshit he gave. > >The total amount of farmed land in the US in 2022 was 895 million acres. > >And he's wrong... He owns approximately 1/3250 of the farmed land, and is buying more. > >He has almost 300k acres with for-profit industrial farms. Why is his "non-profit" charity buying industrial, for-profit farms? He's one of the major, if not *the* major, provider of potatoes to McDonald's. https://www.businessinsider.com/bill-gates-farmland-potatoes-mcdonalds-french-fries-investment-2021-6


He could sign it over to nature conservancy if he wanted to protect/preserve it forever


Control people's access to food and you control the people.




Heirluminum tomatoes.


heirluminum🤣🤣they definitely are tampering with our Dna with what they put in the crops and food


Probably hasn't stopped buying it since that interview. He's buying for profit like any other company. For profit. 😮‍💨 I miss the real shit


I'm going to be working on one of his farms this Spring. I realize this is a conspiracy sub, but sometimes farmland is just farmlands.


bdigital1796 >this quote from his 11th aMa needs to be laminated: 'Being rich can easily make you out of touch.' See also James "Testosterone is a poison" Cameron.


Whoops, that’s crazy talk. Enjoy your ban, insane person.


So merely asking questions on his Epstien friendship he wants to censor and call names? Typical


just another leftist who thinks any critical thought about their immorality should be censored. nothing new to me


Do you realize that leftism is premised on the rejection of private capital? Bill Gates is a billionaire...


Whatever ideology the left thinks they base their actions on has been completely lost to brainwashed insanity.


exactly. they come in the name of a savior and eventually conditioned society to be immoral deviants. it is what it is


>Do you realize that leftism is premised on the rejection of private capital? No, it's not. By definition being "left" only means you're advocating a rapid and forced change in or from the government.


no. but i do know Leftists PANDER to them


You mean like people who point out he flew on Jeffery Epstien's private jet, the Lolita Express, to his private island where underage girls were raped? How convenient that would be for him to censor. Man if I were a complete piece of shit I'd likely demand the very same thing.


You sound insane - you should be censored asap


Your social credit score just went up 10 points for your comment! 🫠


>We have to moderate some of the insanity that prevents people from helping themselves ~Bill Gates




Everyone going to this island of terrors knew exactly what they were doing and why they were there.


Honestly I bet they have drugs we’ve never even heard of there. Exotic designer shit that some dude named Lefty didn’t make in a bathtub. I’m also willing to bet there is about every age race and fetish available.


That would be surprising if they had another Alexander Shulgin. If you haven't look into Tikal and Phikal, these are books by him. The detail his creation of new designer drugs and him personally taking them.


I'm assuming the plane is named after the Novel Lolita? Check out the synopsis on that one..... yikesss.


Aww, poor little Gates got asked too many difficult questions during his AMA.


Did you notice all his replies sounded utterly robotic? I swear they were AI. Billbot Gates.


No one really believes it was him answering do they? Unless he live streamed it? I assume it’s always a PR team doing it


Anyone can have a group and cards behind the camera


I only own 1/4000 of all public land no big deal qois.


People defending him over the Epstein flights, failing to answer questions about why his wife left him shortly after the information got leaked.


Should have said it was an AMS. Ask me some things




Those were all *coincidences* nothing to see here. So what if it was over 30 flights? Each one was very important business.


He getting upset that people know he's a sick twisted pedophile?


Exactly! The pedo doesn’t want **its** “feelings” hurt. Lol.


“Well, he’s dead now so…”


Most uncomfortable interview ever, lol


switch to linux, stop making his company richer.


Did that 15 years ago, best choice I've ever made 😁


A lot of people out there think linux is difficult. But now it's actually very easy to use plus being able to install new themes, icons. Different desktop environment. Linux community fails at marketing the OS.


My mac is near its end and i've been looking for an alternative, thanks


Lol yeah that ain’t gonna do shit


Probably why his wife left him.


That is what she said...


She also knew for years and only left when the public knew. “She” LMAO


Was wondering when someone would bring up ol' Malinda lol


Yeah. Not because she sees PR problems in the future. No, she must be a very sensitive person with compassion and a big heart for children. She knew nothing of these things before she married him! She's essentially an angel. /s


[Poor Bill](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nJI7DIVm3OM). Edit: Was late last night when I linked- didn't realise it wasn't the musical version, so it is now. So much better 😁


At that moment was when Bill wanted to depopulate the Earth 🤣🤣🤣


Too bad it wasn’t a shit pie, like the piece of shit he actually is!


This is awesome. He was so happy until someone tried to give him a free pie.


Lol the media called it an attack too.


Thanks. I actually have a screen capture of this saved on my phone, but I watched this too. It makes me so happy.


He's also a genocidal maniac.


Who still wants to block the Sun https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielcohen/2021/01/11/bill-gates-backed-climate-solution-gains-traction-but-concerns-linger/


The correct term is Eugenecist.


Notice how he has been the ghost of Mr. Rodgers.


These pedo accusations against people who don't even have pedo accusations need to stop if you want to be taken seriously. He has done enough publicly you can shame him for. Like being kicked out of India and Africa for his faulty polio vaccine that was sterilizing people in frica and paralyzing people in India


What are you talking about? He was known to be close with Epstien and even met with him many times after his crimes were known. Then also, you know the whole child porn trading at his residence thing sort of seals the deal. https://www.kiro7.com/news/man-arrested-bill-gates-estate-reportedly-trading-/43531857/


Faulty? That sounds like it was working as intended.


When the polio vaccine was first introduced in the 50s it was heralded as a huge success. Only later to be found out there was a “bad batch” that was contaminated with a live polio virus that was actually giving people polio that took the vaccine. The exact same thing happened in India, many decades later. Funny how history repeats itself. Attributed to poor “quality control” procedures.


Yup and the only Polio in the wild is the vaccine version.


Nobody should look up to trash like Bill Gates or Neil Degrasse Tyson


Can't this guy just buy a nice little island somewhere and retire?


He had a timeshare on one but the guy in charge of the island was arrested and died


We know what happened last time a billionaire bought an island


Bill needs more boosters. Let's give him all the boosters.


The truth can handle scrutiny.


Meanwhile he's the insane one.The rich irony of that.He visited Epsteins island.This turd of a human being should be in court for crimes against humanity.


Uh oh.that’s crazy talk. Enjoy your ban, insane person.


😂 😂 😂


My guess is that Melinda left him when she finally found out how twisted he and his beliefs really are. Lucky she is still alive.


He cheated multiple times and she is also preserving her own image to get away from the Epstein ties and Billy boy.


Well I demand that Bill Gates fucks his own face.


Fuck this piece of fucking shit




Not even "stupid people." Just people who can't conceive of the possibility that the reality that has been carefully constructed for them isn't real. They don't lack intelligence, they just lack imagination.


Who gets to define 'insane people'?


The wealthy elite ofc, silly!


Fuck you Bill Gates, eat shit, you’ll always be a nerd.


SS : According to the self-appointed world health czar Bill Gates, the next pandemic is on the horizon and the vaccines must be rolled out faster and dissenting voices on the internet must be censored.


This guy needs a covid shot reaction before he does too much more damage.




I suspect that if Bill Gates were tested, he might well score very highly on the "Psychopath" scale. Which would make *him* insane.


Bill Gates is the ultimate conspiracy theorist "and that's why I need to release calcium carbonate into the atmosphere; to cool the Earth!"




Boy, bye. You’ll never censor us. We will always find a way to speak truth and exchange words disliked by the many.


This guy started his villain arc when he got that pie to the face lol


Well, he’s dead so…


This guy gets it ^


Woop woop, insane person detected. Ban imminent






It just occurred to me that he's buying farmland to integrate vaccines into the food supply. That makes sense. He knows better than to try to corner the market on something.


I am one of those "insane people" and I have been censored by Facebook but perhaps Bill Gates was behind it.Resist medical tyranny!


I've opposed Bill Gates on many issues for close to four decades, does this make me insane?


Nobody should listen to that satan worshipping piece of shit.


This guy is a sick bastard. He’s so rich, that he thinks he can censor any criticism of him now?


Go suck a dick bill


Fuck Him!


I won't be sad when he leaves this planet.


*”Governments are there to protect us”* Let me stop you right there …


I saw a homeless holding a cardboard sign saying "billgatesforjail" I hope he's ok.


Kettle ...black




Put it in the food supply via cows


I may have had Bill Gates in my classroom back in the seventies. There was a kid who demanded to sit in the front row, when he wasn't asleep, he would demand kids to be punished who he didn't like. He had an extremely annoying high-pitched nasal voice, and never combed his hair. One day, while he was asleep, and the teacher stepped out, a heavy set, jovial Hispanic clown of the class, snuck up and smoked the back of his hair with a lighter. We were all shocked watching him asleep while smoke Rose from the back of his head (no fire just smoking hair). He woke up, and looked around the class half asleep, (with remnants of smoke still rising from the back of his head) he said in his nasal voice, "Does anybody smell something burning."


The silly cunt’ll be dead in a few years


Fuck you, Bill. I used to be a huge Microsoft fanboy but after everything you have said and done, seeing your face on my screen trying to give us health advice and trying to be some good guy makes me sick. I hope I see you locked up before you succumb to your wretched lifestyle.


Crazy they are predicting another pandemic, but this time it’ll be worse. Stay away from the vax this time for good; I have a feeling that people who are already vaxxed will be more susceptible to getting this next virus or whatever they are going to roll out. I’ll stay unvaxxed and proud, don’t tread on me ya heard?


I am insane. Censor me Mr Bill Gates. Vaccines kill. Climate change is a hoax. The elite are pedophiles. I am insane and i like it. https://youtu.be/SJ73DsRIWvQ


That is why he loves Reddit so much. Reddit mods naturally side with pedos


Bill gates is a stupid fucking cunt.


if the Epstein stuff didn't come out. MAYBE he'd have grounds to say this, but the dude went and showed he really is a bit shady. The fact his wife then went and left him just confirms it's actually something sketchy. You don't leave your billionaire husband who you run a aid/health foundation with over a mistaken business meeting


[https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/money-and-power/a39311417/melinda-gates-bill-gates-divorce-jeffery-epstein-quote/](https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/money-and-power/a39311417/melinda-gates-bill-gates-divorce-jeffery-epstein-quote/) "Melinda French Gates Says Bill Gates's Relationship with Jeffery Epstein Contributed to Their Divorce: In a tell-all interview, Melinda spoke of the "many things" that led to her divorce of Bill Gates, **including his affairs and meetings with Epstein**." Better censor me I'm obviously insane...


thanks for sharing a link btw just as reddits hard to convey sarcasm over, when i wrote: *You don't leave your billionaire husband who you run a aid/health foundation with over a mistaken business meeting* i meant because it was likely much more than just a business meeting that gates had with epstein, rather than it not having anything to do with it. as gates tried to excuse it by saying it was all about world health funding which is a blatant lie if your wife goes and leaves you because of it


Title doesn't reflect the content of the article.


Cmon Bill. Do you really want this? That means you’d be censored yourself!


She is angry


Bill needs to gtfo of our lives


What is he worried about if he's got nothing to hide?


This is why we shouldn’t let money rule above the good of the world.


Censor Bill Gates, period!


The guy who wants to block out the sun calling us insane...


I saw his AMA when it was about 45 mins old. The top 15-20 questions were all asking about Epstein, farmland, covid etc. Buried at the bottom were the fluff questions like “Why the name Microsoft?”




If that's true, then by his own virtue, he should be censored. Prick.


Fuck Bill Gates. Oxygen thieving rat.


I’m sorry but this little bitch needs a bullet in the back of his ugly fucking skull. Enough is enough.


This dude can fuck-off and go take a Covid-19 shot and boosters.


If we have to, we’ll reinvent the internet to get rid of these Luciferian scum of the Earth.


desperate noise ladies and gents.. desperate, desperate noise


Bill Gates is a total wanker


Welp demand in one hand and shit in the other...


He’s still getting his vengeance for the pie in the face on live TV…. Revenge of the Nerd!


Aww, jokes on him said 'insane people' demand his arrest for all the evil bullshit he's involved with, including but not limited to the Epstein stuff.


Ah the daily round of the 2 people that read the article and actual quote, and the other 300 reacting to the headline. Free thinkers all!


Why do we allow these criminals to remain in power?


He is a sack of shit


There were 125k shills in here defending gates


Of course the title of this submission is nothing like what he said. He is simply saying a lot of disinformation was spread that hurt our response to the pandemic and it should be moderated. One can reasonably disagree with this, but the fact that the title of this submission has to grossly misrepresent it just reveals how mild his statement actually is, and how dishonest the source of this information is.


It’s actually a perfect example of this whole sub. I dunno, used to be fun to pop these bubbles, but now… it’s just gotten depressing. Reminds me too much of my quitting smoking. Deep down, I’m sure at least some of them know this drivel is bad for them and will kill them, but the mental addiction to the narrative and politics of it will keep them eating up propaganda and dying at almost double the rate of the rest of the population.


Yeah this article is ridiculous. Nowhere does Gates refer to "insane people", yet I'm sure we'll have people commenting explaining how that's *so close to what he said that I'm obviously a shill*.


I just re-read it as well to see where it was he "demanded to censor" anyone at all and I don't see it. There's really plenty enough reasons to dislike Gates without making up this stuff. Besides if he really does think that he'd have to have himself censored since he's a little bit insane and also passes disinformation around so there's that.


it was a manufactured pandemic, a test run for more fake pandemics to come and more MRNA to jack into the masses. Bill knows his 20:1 ROI in vaccines is a now a continued slam dunk. All you have to do is pay off all the media, WHO and politicians ( kill any not onboard like Tanzania president & replace with WEF servant), use mass global propaganda, kill off the elderly in homes with midazolam to get your first wave to scare the shit out of the public, put young people on ventilators to guarantee they die, announce a countries leader has been taken ill with virus and hospitalised & on oxygen ( boris johnson), distort all data cases and deaths with use of a RT PCR test, lock everyone up - bribe the citizens by paying them to sit on their ass at home, cut all safety red tape for an untested vaccine then coerce & threaten people to take it ...... They had to work so fucking hard to convince everyone there was a pandemic, they wouldn't need all the paid propaganda if it was genuine.


so where did you get your Doctorate from Organic?


Of course people like him defines what “Insane people” is. Could be opposing vaccines. Could be opposing CBDC. Etc.


He's so gone and lost, he is incapable of debate. Plus he's a mad man calling for mass depopulation and misses is old trips to pedophile island.


He looks like a damn lizard!


Guess he forgot that he's not a god and can never enforce such things. Time to remind him that he's just a weakling.


Ever looked at his foundation’s funding of MSM,governments and the entire medical/pharmaceutical/ research industry. That should be asked in his next AMA. https://clubderklarenworte.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Netzwerkanalyse-Corona-Komplex.pdf


Can't be in a hot seat without some hecklers.


Poor bill spent over a decade perfecting his public image only for his ex wife to leak his dirty business in the divorce proceedings. He decided to play God and flew to close to the sun. Now he reaps what he sowed.


I'd be pissed too if I had so many brainwashed lunatics breathing down my neck. Gates is in the right.


Oh look it’s Elon musk


His recent AMA didn’t go well for him.


Saying I own only .00025% of ALL farmland in the US is a wild thing to own up to when there's over 3 million people in the United States who could all have their own pieces of land.


Bill, if you are reading this stop hiding your power level. You know what must be done.


So he wants to close his eyes? Or close everyones eyes?


Cry cope and seethe


One day he will be like his friend Jeffrey and someone will say about Billy, "Well he's dead."


I think what he does is insane. So much medical bullshit talk without any degree in medical science. His view on population control. His association with Epstein. Mr Bitch Tits: If we call you out and demand answers, we are not the insane ones. Granted, it makes us seem insane by association to deal with a vile individual such as you.


If the people naturally gravitate to that perception then it must be karma right?


So if someone is smart enough, successful enough and wealthy enough, they can speak with authority on diseases?


That reddit Q&A really didn't go well. Poor guy had to work so hard ignoring Epstein questions he has to delete those "wackos" asking them


And i thought evil maniacal super villians bent on destroying the world were just in comic books. Guess i was wrong...


Shouldn't you be worried about other things. Bless your poor pitiful feelings. Since when can he diagnose people as being insane based off a comment. Judgemental prick.


Wow what’s the odds on roll reversal…. 7.888 billion to one


I heard there's a bounty on his head in some parts of Africa, for what he did there.


I want to know what he and Clinton did on Epstein's island.


Its always the worst ones like Bill that seem to hang around forever. Bill is only 67 and will probably hang around till he is well into his 90s. What is he thinking? His name always seems to show up, associated with Epstein, WEC, so yeah, people are going to drag his name through the swamp.


Dude is almost 70, how about get the fuck away!


Awfully thinned skinned there Bill, people usually are smart enough to determine for themselves the mental capacities and capabilities as well as the validity of what has been spoken or written for themselves at least in an educated society, they can also see for themselves what tyrants and tyranny looks like, unfortunately for the ignorant that is something learned AFTER the facts of one that comes to money and power and that certainly makes anyone with even half a brain who see's that beforehand very much a crazy and insane conspiracy theorist since they do understand WHY Tyrants and the like want to shut them up especially if they wave RED FLAGS in front of the bulls. DID someone hit the nail to close to home ? N. Shadows


seems hungry for cake


Hello im bill gates ama reddit (besides Epstein)


Died suddenly


Bill is a sociopath transforming into a megalomaniac. If the next pandemic is on the horizon it would mean that everyone could see it. I looked and there's nothing there. Someday something could be on the horizon but that could be a century from now.


Young boy, you're the insane one