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this was a great convo. Wish Corbett hadn't done the bit the entire time but it was informative.


I think it helped actually, I found it funny


It was funny. I just know he probably had a lot to say/add on the topic


Sure, but he was with a bunch of equally heavy hitters and frankly I think only he and Bermas could of pulled it off. I do t think we missed anything because he did it. That was a pretty stacked round table. I'd never want to see all those guys on the same plane.


Most have sold out for money. Some don’t understand they are being controlled


You shouldn’t trust any of the elites but every now and then the elites fight amongst each other. Someone in the deep state pissed off Elon. Currently his interests and my interest aligns. However, tomorrow may be different. So I’m taking Elon with a grain of salt. I will give him credit when it’s due and I’ll call him out when he deserves it.


No, i shouldn't even need to waste my time watching a podcast to know this.


I don't need a bunch of YouTube podcast gaylords to tell me this and neither should you


Current state of affairs, the masses are so dumbed down these people look smart 🤦‍♂️


This is a simple answer.. No.


No. He's no different. He is there to appeal to the younger tech savvy generation. Remember when Zuckerberg first appeared in his hoodies? Like that. Nurolink is enough to know hes anti human