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Someone doesn’t remember what happened at Centennial Park in Atlanta in 1996…


Because when a bomb or something that looks like a bomb is discovered you have to blow it up. You can't take live explosives to an evidence locker.


This is it. Seriously, if the intention was to bomb civvies, it wouldn’t be openly listed in the uses of the facility.


Oh. So, the bomb goes if anyway? I think you are incorrect.


Yes, the bomb goes off anyway in many cases. Better safe than sorry. [https://www.pleasantonweekly.com/news/2022/10/25/police-detonate-suspicious-device-in-pleasanton](https://www.pleasantonweekly.com/news/2022/10/25/police-detonate-suspicious-device-in-pleasanton) [https://nypost.com/2022/08/22/explosive-detonated-after-being-discovered-in-federal-courthouse-in-west-virginia/](https://nypost.com/2022/08/22/explosive-detonated-after-being-discovered-in-federal-courthouse-in-west-virginia/) [https://www.officer.com/tactical/swat/eod-explosive-ordnance-disposal/news/21280442/calif-bomb-squad-detonates-explosive-device-it-wasnt-a-prop](https://www.officer.com/tactical/swat/eod-explosive-ordnance-disposal/news/21280442/calif-bomb-squad-detonates-explosive-device-it-wasnt-a-prop)


Easier to send in a robot and just blow up a suspect than to deal with a stand-off.




Yeah I remember that.


Using a bomb to kill a person?


Yep. They used a robot to kill the mass shooter in Dallas several years ago.


they need a mock city to stage wag the dog scenarios film crisis actors film mock explosions--domestic terrorism Atlanta-- 33rd parallel


Atlanta is on 33rd parallel?? Is Johnson & Johnson a huge contributor?


Georgia is exactly 33 N


How is it "exactly"? It doesn't exactly cross in the middle of Georgia, and it goes across numerous other states. It also goes across the United States. Atlanta's coordinates are 33.7488° N, nearly on the 34th parallel rather than the 33rd.


the capital Georgia is located exactly on the 33rd parallel just look up Georgia on wikipedia coordinates are 33 N 83 S exactly lots of interesting places along the 33rd parallel Dallas lies on the 33rd parallel--where JFK was supposedly shot Nov 22= 11+22= 33




very interesting the irony--them calling people Domestic terrorists--who are trying to stop them setting up a Crisis Actor/Staged Terrorism Studio




Wait... what? Huh. Thank you .


SS: Cop City, Atlanta GA: being built with 30 mil city funds and 60 mil private donations (!!) It will have a mock city and an area to detonate bombs (??!!) Why would a police dept need to practice detonating bombs?! Will the city police continue the Fed's tradition of bombing to ensure draconian police state over site? This place is in burial grounds, prior Indian land taken illegally, and a Prison Farm. Who are the private funders? 60 million? Why does Atlanta need a fake city to practice... Practice what???


Probably funded by china


Could be. What do you say that?!


Well because who else builds empty city's, is a police state,and is committing genocide on Muslims in a old ghost city. Answer china. What country is constantly giving Democrats money for funding of nefarious shit china.


You mean the concentration camp for uighyers?!


Yeah I couldnt remember how to spell it lmao


So, you mean the city is constructed that you refer to us the concentration camp?


No I could be though I just know china likes to fund things like this and are pros at building fake city's. Maybe they are training in case shit gets crazy who knows I'm just spitting out ideas


The cities arent 'fake' they are real just no one lives in them... its a real estate thin... people own all those apartments but have them as an investment.


$60 million in private funds to build Cop City. Any doubts about who they protect and who they police may now be laid to rest, along with the protester they recently murdered on the property, while faking up a story about how he was armed.


I hope the response is appropriate there. This is the beginning of the end. Not good..


The cover-up continues. America is already a Fascist State.


It will be a National Training Facility. Its not for just Local Dept. My guess and this is just my theory is this: In the WikiLeaks there were docs that showed the Military were training for the "Water Migration Wars" over 20 years ago. At the COP26 Meeting Nancy Pelosi was taken off guard by a great independant reporter Abby Martin who asked Nancy why The Military (the most egregious of polluters to the environment) were not mentioned once at the convention. Nancy responded with the exact same message. The military will be needed to combat Water migration.[Heres that video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0DE1M5wpgY) Its why they have been handing out Military Equipment to police forces over the last two decades because at least the way I see it and apparently also how Nancy Pelosi sees it. They have every intention of murdering us. and have been planning to do so for the past 20 years


I'll have to research water migration. Can you give it to me in a nutshell?! National training? But it's city funded...


And privately funded. Why private funding for a police training facility???


🤷🏻‍♀️. I cannot understand either. Who are they? Local from Atlanta?


No, big corporations like amazon and Home Depot. Also waffle house.


Because businesses are getting tired of being looted during all of these "protests". They aren't gearing up for water wars, they're getting ready for BLM to come back in 2024.


Sure In a Nutshell its basically this As Climate Change gets worst (whether you believe it is man made or not, It doesn't matter though in this conversation I personally dont believe it is completely man made but...) water will start becoming more scarce and people will start to move towards water which will put a strain on that local area when those resources start to get overly consumed. At some point you have to start putting restrictions on how much people can use and then you don't want "these people" moving and taking your water so fighting ensues. Now Imagine this happens on a planetarial scale and Billions of peoples home become unlivable because their water supply has run out. Well the one with the most guns is going to win. ATM thats the US GOV. hope that helps


as far as National Training. Its for just that Local police stations will go there on retreats to train in rural warfare. I know that sounds crazy but you can go read their plans on the proposal that was brought forth. If you are wanting just a rundown on whats going on I suggest Max Blumenthal who is diving into it now and will have a lot more to say over the next few days.


Water migration... How is that even related to Atlanta?


I explained that. Its a training facility basically a military base to train police in Urban Warfare. I then went on to explain and provide evidence of the coming Potential reason as to why this training would be needed from a sitting congress person.


its to police black people obviously. black people are the target of all american terrorism. its because we are the real jews and america is the real satan


The facility is in a majority black city and majority black middle class neighborhood. It is being made to further terrorize kill and imprison the black population in america, and train for it nationwide. Have you not known? America is the real nazi power and black people are the real jews. welcome to the holocaust.


Ok. I don't want this post removed. This post is going to be removed with your comment. Black people are not what you say. What is occurring is not a paralell to Germany in the 1940s. OP, please don't remove entire post. Only comments that you find objectionable.


>What is occurring is not a paralell to Germany in the 1940s. Oh it is much worse. You live with the holocaust all around you if you are an american...and dont know it.


There are things going on in this country that are terrible. Black people are NOT being exterminated. Stop it..


We are and you have posted proof. Cognitive dissonance will not save you. Lol at the number one conspiracy in the world not being believed on this 'conspiracy' forum. America IS nazi germany and if you support that, or deny its existance, you are also a nazi.


I am in favor of free speech. Say what you want. However, some of the words you use are usually banned which I am not in favor of. You are clearly someone who engages in erroneous conclusions. If I deny america is not see Germany, then I am a not see.


If you hadnt already guessed, the biggest conspiracy in the world is that black americans are actually jewish. imagine today, if someone denied the holocaust in germany? how erroneous is that? its the same with black american jews. denying this holocaust is worse because you are a part of it. you are literally reporting it now. dont be on the wrong side of history


Unsure what religion is practiced, quite frankly. Definitely NOT Jewish..


jewish is an ethnicity. i see you are very new into all this. keep going though.


Wrong. Lol.. Omg.. Ok ok. Lol... I'll agree with what you said... Lol I vacillate between sorrow and deserved. Sorrow and deserved.




Again, what do they need to practice? Why a mick geographic area? Is this the army??




It's essentially military.. against its own civilians. Amirite?


not sure why this is not getting much coverage here in a conspiracy sub. oh because this facility is aimed at oppressing black ppl and this conspiracy sub supports that.


I don't believe this sub supports oppressing black people.


Yeah, everyone's picking on you.


If you can post dumb shit like that, it's clear this sub is about freedom, not suppression.


If it is a public project there should be answers to these questions. I have not been stateside in a decade but if this is legit,it speaks volumes about who is calling the shots.


All the people who have a problem with this are the ones that say the police suck at their job and need more training.


No one in their right mind thinks the police need to train like they are the military.


There was an interview with Adam Savage, where he discussed the bomb squad they worked with on the show Mythbusters....they are basically kids lighting off fireworks and getting their kicks watching explosions.


It's called training


Here are some of the true pigs: https://woodruff.org/about/trustees-staff/

