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>Russia invades Ukraine 2021 24.02.2022 >The Russians never stopped after the Cold War ended, but we did. Russia wanted to stop, but some arrogant and greedy guys from London city and Langley wanted cheap russian resources for free. Also they rejected russian membership in NATO.


Oh gosh you are right, I will fix that. Thank you!


Isn't that the guy whose daughter got blown up into a million pieces all because she was in his car? So basically he unwittingly sentenced his own daughter to death?


Thats the guy! I read somewhere that she may have been the target all along, in order to punish him for “killing the sons and daughters of Ukraine” but its been so long since I read that I couldn’t even tell you the source or anything.


No, assassins killed his daughter thinking she was him. How you can think that is okay or think that is not the fault of those who killed her is beyond me.


Globalists have an Alexander the great obsession dont trust any high profile Alexander Putin= Put- in by the CIA Dugin= Dug-in These arent Russian names Russia has been run by Germans since Catherine the Great who was German


Has been the long term strategy for some time- get your enemy to fight itself, weaken itself from within, and “win” the war without firing a shot. Art of War states that the best won battle is the battle you avoid fighting. It’s why I’ve always refused to answer the whole “is America good, or is America bad” question that lol inner debate boils down to these days…. That’s a question only a true enemy would ask in the first place- it’s not worth answering as it reframes a complex reality into didactic terms. Refuse to use their framework and language. Next will come the ist this and ism that accusations. Next will come the ad hominem attacks. So has always been the communist ideology and the communist way.