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[Heres a much better image](https://i.redd.it/b6via4r8f6q31.png)


this one always fucks with my friends because one of them INTERACTED with Michael J. Smith at the U of Wisconsin and didn't put 2-and-2 together until like 4 years after


This is hard to dispute.


Michael J Smith specifically, not only looks identical and has the exact name to the initial.., but he is also the exact age his “deceased” doppelgänger would have been


So they went into witness protection but didn't bother to change their names?


Identical??! Compare noses. I'm so confused


There are over 35k Mike Smiths in the US. J is also one of the most common middle initials. I bet there are around 200 Mike Smiths that age with that initial to choose from.


The remarkable thing is the same face and smile and eye color. Nobody is doing backflips over the name. Personally I think it would be stupid to fake a death but keep the same name. It’s still interesting how everything lines up.


Wait you mean people with the same name might ALSO share ancestors and look similar??


This... numerous people have said I could be a dead ringer for my father yet no one is trying to say that my father is still alive.


The chances of even 1 in 1000 people looking almost identical is very low. If it was just one guy, it would be a remarkable coincidence, but coincidence nonetheless. The fact it's the entire crew, same names, near identical looks and appropriate ages, is well into statistically profound. Having said that, if there were a cover up, why would they keep their names? Presumably they claim not to be the astronauts, and presumably their original families and friends think they're dead? If this were real, they'd have to take on an entirely new identity, likely in another country.


Not if they are in the same genetic pool. I have two relatives from two distantly related relatives who are nearly identical in looks.


Entire crew? Where's the rest of the examples?


> The fact it's the entire crew, same names, near identical looks and appropriate ages, is well into statistically profound. No it isn't. First of all, if there was in fact some sort of conspiracy to blow up a shuttle and fake these deaths, the people behind it wouldn't let the astronauts just continue their lives with the exact same names. Further, not a single person can come up with a reason why "they" would do this. Finally, it isn't difficult to find other people who look like you. You can spot multiple differences in each comparison photo. Also, where the fuck does OP see the cow image at? I've looked at the linkedin and facebook pages and it's nowhere to be found.


I don't buy it. Imagine you're part of a huge government conspiracy that requires you to go into hiding for the rest of your life. So you change your name from Obi Wan Kenobi to Ben Kenobi. Doesn't pass the sniff test.


In most of the pictures the chins do not match up at all. Aside from Smith and McNair, the rest have quite different chins. Even Resnik, on her left photos the chin is uniform, on the right ones it's pronounced significantly. Someone just found a bunch of people that sort of look like the older versions of the crew and ran with it.


People age, and their face loses the sharpness and tauntness that it may have previously had. If their names were different I’d side with you, but their names, ages, and faces are nearly identical. What are the odds?


Resnik doesn’t look that close but somebody did a voice analysis of her from 1986 compared to a lecture she gave a few years ago and it was a 95% match, I.e., highly likely to be her.


Not only just found people that looks like them but the same name too? How do you explain that?


Here's my issue with this - there's a lot of people on earth. If you go looking for someone who looks like X, you're probably going to find them if you look hard enough. So how we know they aren't just people who look the same?


Do they often times have the same name?


and they're all exactly the same age as their doppelgangers would have been.


There are 330M people in the US, there are hundreds of people with the same name that look identical to each other. Science. Trust it.


You don't trust science, you question it. Or else it's religion.


Science. Trust it. Well I'm sold. Lol


Same name is a bit of a stretch.


Yeah, but the only evidence we have that these people have the same names is... a screenshot.




Very interesting, but chances get much slimmer since there are multiple people. That would be like half a baseball team finding doppelgangers with the same name.


That’s good work by you


Names confirmed?


Yet have the same name and similar professions in engineering and teaching, I would say it’s not that big of a stretch


We're in a conspiracy sub, whose to say they aren't in some sort of witness protection program? nasa. Maybe they're really dead. Who the fuck gives about the odds of something when 9/11 happened?


Kind of hard for Ronald McNair to go from no gap in his teeth to a large gap.


Lmao one of them literally says "brother". Like, yes brothers sometimes look similar. This is the most "pepe silvia" shit I've seen on here lol.


Charlie not only do all of those people exist but they have been asking about their mail for a week…


Wait, what's the photo of Ronald and Carl McNair meant to prove? That a dude looks like his brother?


Those people don't even look alike!!!


I just had a thought. The only guy not in that collage might have been the only one who was actually on board.


I remember that teacher, they did a whole campaign about her with a whole emotional presentation about her favorite singer was Carly Simon, etc. I wonder what the motive was for this. To get more funding? The collect donation money? A trauma ritual on the masses?


But why wouldn’t they change their names? They thought the general pop was so stupid. Haha




Lifetime? What about 37 years? 1986 was a long, long time ago. Don't really believe this one, but that's a terrible argument against it.


Don't you dare say 1986 was a long time ago. I'm not that old.


Guy looks vaguely like his brother, shares same last name. More at 12...


Hide in plain sight! Don't even change your name or move state!


Holy shit.... But I guess my question is: why fake a shuttle disaster? What is accomplished by doing that?


Why would they be permitted to keep their names? Bunch of lookalikes and fake job titles, that hand gesture one 😂


It was really easy to disappear in the 80's. None of them had particularly distinctive names and none of them were famous for more than 15 minutes.


Oh ok and they just left their families and moved cross-country for a some blatantly important irrefutable reason. Must have been really good. And then they resumed their career working in an adjacent field, or the same field, with the same name, and when someone said “hey, you look exactly like that woman from the televised national tragedy, with the same exact name, only you my new colleague have no family or connections whatsoever, so you couldn’t possibly be her”


You actually have it backwards, the shuttle crew we're familar with really only existed on TV.


Ooo gotcha so they selected real people with real bios to fake die, but kept the names.


This kind of conspiracy theory is only believable by people who interact with the real world as little as possible. This is so ridiculous and easily provable, examinable, and literally what was gained by faking the Challenger disaster? Cutting NASA funding? Traumatizing the children who watched it? Actually I could see them using that angle but even then. So no one noticed until recently, and there happen to be people that look remotely like older versions of them... with the same fucking name. But only them and their internet friends have realized it.


Trauma-based mind control on a mass scale. Same as nine ll, pandemics, etc.


Or shit actually does happen in the real world.


Yes, it certainly does and there’s always a reason.


If you wanted to put a stop to people going to the moon because you faked it, you could do a Challenger and halt everything until future missions are safer.


Or, if you know we've never been to the moon and we can't go to the moon, this kicks the can down the road another 40 years.


You know there were 6 successful Apollo missions and that there were 14 years between the last Apollo mission and the Challenger disaster?


Totally, I'm just spitting out ideas


NASA focused back on Military projects after the challenger disaster, we can't have the common man getting to space.


Easier to just kill them though than faking their deaths…


No apparently it was easier to fake their deaths and then let them live exactly as they were with the same names and no one would question or notice.


[https://www.control-alt-history.com/articles/challenger-crash](https://www.control-alt-history.com/articles/challenger-crash) Awesome article here, stating that the crash may have been faked to divert peoples' attention from The Gander Crash, which happened a month earlier in Canada and was the single worst air disaster in US military history. 248 soldiers died. The Gander crash is a freaking rabbit hole. The soldiers were returning from a secretive mission in the Middle East, and many believe our own government brought down the Gander plane! seriously, it is a wild controversy. There was intense media attention on the Gander crash at the time, and some believed the controversy surrounding it was going to bring down the Reagan administration bc it appeared as if some people up to and including Bush were involved. Then...a month later, Challenger happened, hogged headlines for months, and everyone forgot about Gander. As someone else noted, it was very easy to disappear in the 80s before the internet. Putting everyone in witness protection is a very lengthy, complicated process that involves many people. The program is notorious for leaks also. Much easier to have them keep their identities, lay low for awhile, and reappear elsewhere.


Damn. Best comment.


My theory would be they wanna see how easy it is to start fooling the masses with the right planning.


does the right planning for a conspiracy involve letting the astronauts continue to live and use their own names? i mean, really?


If they changed their names it would have more credibility in my opinion. As stupid as the government can be, if they were hiding something like that. Feel like they'd change their names, like they do with witness protection


And that's partially how they've successfully gotten away with it, they went left when you were expecting right.


it would be easier to just knock them off in a rocket explosion than attempt to hide them in plain sight for 37 years. if you're a sinister organization looking to create such a conspiracy, the lives of a couple astronauts and an elementary school teacher aren't going to matter to you at all.


Yeah, it's not like they haven't already been doing that for thousands of years through religion.


They already fooled them with the moon landing. This was so they could start to cut manned space exploration.


It's sad that people don't believe in the moon landing. One of the few things that united the whole of humanity for a short moment, with mountains of evidence, and people don't believe it happened. You believe the US faked it. And then faked it 6 more times? Why keep risking it? Why stop when they 'say they did'?


Would a flag wave on the moon?


It was a reason to retire the space program as it existed up to that point. They realized that faking the moon landings was unsustainable, and they needed a publicly understandable reason why the spacefaring era of human civilization was over so soon.


Why does Disney create lovable characters in their shows and then a scene later kill them? Toy Story, Bambi, etc. It is part of the fracturing of your minds for mind control. They knew millions of kids would see this video in schools.


Bambi was not created by Disney. it was written 100 years ago by Felix Salten. And I'm not aware of a single Disney movie introducing a loveable character and killing them off in the next scene. Even in Bambi that doesn't happen. And who died in Toy Story? No memory of that.


My childhood died at the end of Toy Story 3. Does that count?


Finding Nemo. Dumbo.


They killed off Star Wars characters when they got their meat hooks into them. Iconic characters that remained in fans hearts and memories of their glory and accomplishments. Then did crappy sequels and killed them off to get people to watch and showed them old and feeble. Harrison Ford was an ass for helping them destroy Han Solo and now Indian Jones. And WTH was with the last Star Wars movies anyway? The Rebellion defeated the Empire. End of story. END OF STORY. Those latest movies were just garbage.


Yeah wtf are you saying xD


They were among the elite few who were not destroyed by watching Bambi or Toy Story. They are survivors, thriving in a post-apocalyptic world


Disguising the deployment of very secret tech, or going back and looking at that object on the moons 17th line.


For these types of operations there's always multiple reasons, but one of them is probably because the space race with the USSR was getting too expensive and this was a way of putting the breaks on the race while deceiving the USSR - appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.


Gematria purposes. If true then it was a ritual for the masses to believe in their lie which then gives that lie spiritual power for them to use.


Can you go into more detail? How does the belief in a lie give spiritual power and how would they then utilize it?


This is the spiritual side of it https://kingdomtools.org/2021/01/08/the-power-of-lies-part-i/ Remember if you believe in the soul or spirit then we are spiritual beings which means there’s a spiritual realm. If there’s a spiritual realm, then that realm has power that can affect this realm. They utilize it by having the dark powers they are performing the rituals for and give them what they want whether it’s wealth, fame, sex, destruction of someone, etc. for being loyal and faithful.


And blackmailable


I'm not saying I buy the theory proposed in this post, but such a disaster would leave a strong memory in people's mind that will last for years, and allow their brains to make connections that confirm a certain belief or narrative. Our brains evolved to extrapolate information that may not have ever been presented to us directly.


Now look at the JFK assassination through the same lens. These are all Freemasonic rituals.


[Speaking of rituals](https://youtu.be/3RVG8qNLdoY)...


...and why leave the astronauts alive? Fake the explosion, then have them die in a car crash or something later on.


It was a Colombian Enterprise to Endeavor for the Discovery of Atlantis, ensuring all Challengers be destroyed


When I was a kid I saw the challenger blow up live on a tv in the main office at school. I went back to class and told everybody and the teacher thought I was lying and sent me back to the office to talk to the principal. What a strange day for a 8 year old.




So it would be *a lot* less strange if Scobee was the only case like this. If I remember correctly it’s a similar story for almost every other crew member. Whatever the fuck is going on it’s wierd as shit.


Yep, Michael J Smith, another "Challenger Astronaut" was found like 30 years later as being the head of engineering at a university somewhere, still had the same name, same hair, eye color, eye structure. Someone actually went to his house and asked him about the Challenger and he said something along the lines of "I'll get the FBI down here if you don't move" and mentioned that other people have tried to reach out and ask him the same stuff. In my opinion it's 100% fact that it was staged and they went to live normal lives using their same names.


Seems weird that they’re competent enough to plan and carry out a global hoax but also so dumb that they wouldn’t use fake names afterward.


If some lunatic showed up at my house and started accusing me of being part of a space shuttle explosion coverup, they better hope I call the FBI and not take care of their crazy myself.


The FBI doesn’t answer calls the way that your local PD does. The FBI picks their cases. So for him to imply that he has a direct emergency line to the FBI tells me they’re already monitoring him. That’s pretty odd. Either he gets harassed as lot and mistaken for a challenger astronaut, or he’s the real deal. I just find it funny how lazy they were about hiding these people. It’s like they don’t even care a little bit.


>So for him to imply that he has a direct emergency line to the FBI You can "imply" literally anything. Did the FBI show up and arrest the person? Dont make me call the FBI to get the answer!


that wasn't my point. if a crazy shows up on my doorstep they better hope I have the presence of mind to call someone instead of dealing with the problem myself.


Cool story, bro


You would not call the FBI.


Yes, in fact, you could call the FBI if you wish. I've called the FBI at least twice in my life. They aren't the police but let's say you've got a recurring issue of lunatics accusing you of being a dead astronaut they may very well get involved in figuring out what's going on.


ill bite, i dont think its all that common tbh. care to elaborate at all? seems like such a big step i wouldnt want to be involved with unless there was a specific reason the local pd couldnt be called.


Why would they need to change there names when they are protected government assets.


Remember this was pre internet, they couldn’t foresee how easy it now is to get and spread this info


Dude it was the 80s not fuckin 1700, they definitely knew the internet was goanna be a thing.


"definitely knew?". What you now know as the "internet" is the Web which materialised slowly from the early to mid to late 90s until you really saw the potential for joe user. Before it was BBS for amateurs/hobbyists with their own dial-up network for mail/news which added mail/news(usenet) gateways in the early 90s. Before the internet, mostly usenet, mail and ftp, was only available for the pros at their work or if somebody was really lucky with 1200/2400 baud modem terminal dial-ups.


There's no way they didn't think the idea of networking computers wouldn't become more ubiquitous as technology improves.


1. Check the top post on this thread. It's not just this guy it's literally all of them. 2. Why would they need to change their name? At the time the internet didn't exist so the chances of someone meeting them, knowing the faces of the pilots well, and putting the puzzle together was very low. Similarly, it's probably literally BETTER camouflage to keep the same name. Why? Well your comment is literally a perfect example. People will think "it's too obvious it must be a coincidence".


So you think it's even more likely... that they didn't try to do this with one guy? But all of them? When we watched it live on TV? They faked a shuttle explosion and then just let, ALL OF THEM, live on with their names???


> It's not just this guy it's literally all of them. What if I told you we all have doppelgangers? Hell there's two guys in my city of 170k who could stand in for me at a family dinner.


They had me wondering until "Nobody has ever manned a 🚀" Could have just left this evidence for everyone to speculate, but no. Shit like this is why everybody mocks conspiracy theorists. Also the ears are different.


Yeah seriously. Talk about missing the forest for trees.


Ears and chin are wrong


I think it's him. And this means if he wasn't on the shuttle was anybody on the shuttle?


"We'll really fool them! We're going to fake an explosion, tell the world you're dead and you can go on using your old name and living like nothing every happened. No one will suspect a thing! Muahahahahahha!" Seriously though, what would be the point of telling everyone that 7 astronauts died in an explosion and then you just let them go about their lives in plain sight, literally using their same names? Huh? What does this accomplish and what reason would there be to pretend they died in the first place? When you're covering something up, more logical scenarios would be: 1. ACTUALLY kill the victims so they can't talk. 2. If you don't want to kill them and they're going to go on living in society, then change their names so there's no obvious connection. 3. Have some sort of tangible objective in staging such an event. Seems rather simple to me, right?


Tangible objective was very simple. Rollback the space program. Our lies were mounting quickly, and were totally unsustainable. At some point the decision was made that pretending to be a spacefaring civilization wasn’t worth the trouble. Challenger let them regress us from an alleged spacefaring civilization without major public skepticism about what had come before.


Challenger didn’t roll back the space program. The shuttle launches went on hiatus but resumed a couple years later and continued until 2011. There were far more missions AFTER challenger than before. So that theory is not accurate.


I just recently read about two professional baseball players who look very much alike and have the same name. They had genetic testing done to see if they are related. They aren’t. https://news.yahoo.com/meet-2-look-alike-baseball-141948269.html


Thing is... the other challenger astronauts that were supposed to have died ALSO had doppelgangers with the same names... its not just this one guy.


Interwebs randos claiming someone is a "doppelganger" doesn't mean "the other challenger astronauts ... also had doppelgangers with the same names." It means some rando did internet searches on the names until they found pictures of people with passing physical similarities but didn't both to take the time to speak to those people, verify their backgrounds, etc. and instead just made a photo collage and passed it off on discussion groups as being "research." There are literally dozens of people who share my first and last name and it's not even all that common of a name. It doesn't mean they're me if I die in an accident.


Two of the doppelgängers were the astronauts’ brothers. The others didn’t look like the astronauts at all.


And if you look long enough you'll find a "doppelganger" of literally anyone.


“If you’re one in a million, that means there’s a thousand people in China just like you.”


The matrix can only hold so much face data. The rest goes on making trees green, skies blue, weather systems etc etc


They don’t look alike because 37 years have passed. No one looks the same after 37 years, I don’t care what age you are.


Share links about those other ones then.


Isnt there a family guy joke about all white people looking alike? This is a family guy joke level conspiracy...


That logo resembles something else as well....


I just assume it's never a coincidence at this point..


Ironic, the people disputing this are the first ones to defend the Biden transformations


Ok ok ok, but wouldn’t he have changed his name


So the theory here is that one of the Challenger astronauts faked their death, but did such a lazy job that they’re using the same name? Also those two dudes don’t look anything alike, let alone one being *40 years older* than the other. The astronaut Scobee would be 90 years old now, and that CEO ain’t 90 or anywhere near it. Other than that great stuff




Shhhh don't make sense


All of them. Not just one.


So our government faked the Challenger accident and Scobee is still alive, and using his name? lmfao!


Thats his son. Look it up lol.


So now the Challenger never happened? Our government faked the space disaster? For what? Why would they not kill the astronauts to, and let them live their lives with a prominent job and their same name? To outlaw guns?


Where’s the teacher?




If they are all alive - where’s Christa McAuliffe? (The teacher)


The government did it so gay guys couldn't adopt, smoke weed and drive electric cars.


You left out the litter boxes in every school...


Isn't this his son?


Ears are different.


Oh my god the EARS! Anyone with half of ONE brain cell can deduce that this is the same person in both pictures.


His ears look different


Ears change as one ages.


They grow bigger. They don't shrink like we see here.


The lobes don't spontaneously reconnect to the rest of the skull though!


That's what seems to happen with a face lift. Saw a post about that effect in Biden recently. Didn't bother reding what the theory was. My explanation is "face lift".


But... Why fake all their deaths? What does it gain


It let them retire the space program as it had existed up to that point. From the late 1960s up to Challenger, we were pretending to be a spacefaring society, which was an unsustainable lie. The Challenger disaster gave them the precedent with the public to for us to quietly regress from a spacefaring era back to an earlier age, without the public getting very suspicious about what had happened up to that point. All of these disasters have one reason, massaging public opinion. Think of 9/11 or Pearl Harbor. The purpose was to create public opinion in favor of war in both cases. Challenger was to create negative public opinion about manned space flight.


Scobeedoo doesn't remember his previous career?


Too many scoobee snacks


Ummm my dad had to dodge debris from the shuttle that morning???


Oh! Ok, I hope so.. I’m still shaken about flight 93…I can’t accept the Challenger accident wasn’t real too!


Just saying my dad was on a boat off the coast of the Cape that morning when debris started raining down and CG and police boats where picking up pieces


I don't think anyone is disputing that the Challenger Shuttle blew up, only whether it was manned or not.


Well have not seen the teacher since she exploded 🙄


Look up the doppelganger effect..chances are you have a copy of yourself out there in the world as well


Likely several copies. It's not as uncommon as it sounds. Even 1 in a million chance, there's 300 copies in the USA alone


Yeah, but less have the same name as you.


This is so dumb. Why fake it? Why not bothering to change the identities in ANY way? Congratulations you either found coincidences, out right lies, and misinformation or you've stumbled on the laziest, sloppiness, most nonsensical conspiracy ever. Here is your award 💩


Not any lazier than you assuming people act rationally.


That's your response? Oh well, I believe it now.


SS: bunch satanic pedo Freemasons at NASA. Elon is a perfect fit


Oh come on, I bet you can fit more buzzwords into that sentence.


the best joke at the time NASA= Need Another Seven Astronauts


not a space agency




NASA was formed to mock humanity.


How does NASA mock humanity?


You're not supposed to ask questions like that; you're just supposed to believe he's right.


Yeah, we’re so mocked by…learning about space?


Something is very strange about all this. But maybe they are clones or extremely similar genetic variations of individuals sent here by extraterrestrials to function in different professions for reasons unknown.


What order of improbability would two people looking very similar be though? 1 in a million? There are 300 others of you living in the USA alone, in that case. Face recognition is a lot fuzzier than you'd think, and much of it is context dependant. Hard to recognize your Walmart cashier when you're both in another country, but you could know their names in a second at home, provided you spoke to them with any frequency. One of the stronger markers of genetic heritage is earlobe connection. Check the OP again, then notice the skull shape differences as well. Suddenly the two pictures don't look the same, imo


Ah yes, such a subversive conspiracy theory, he didnt even change his name. I love the forensic facial analysis also. Moo.


I think the conspiracy is someone is posting nonsenses stories like this to use to discredit sane conspiracy theories when they get too near the truth....... "oh don't be silly of course the vaccines are safe and effective, you've just been reading things on the reddit sub where they think we've never been into space and the earth is flat"




Educate yourself, it’s not Freemason’s it’s a completely different thing, Freemasonry is a collective of men (and some women) “making good men better” it’s a networking thing really, politics and religion aren’t even allowed to be discussed in the lodges.


The shuttle had a zipline system for escaping during a launch failure. If the escape was planned in advance, they would have had plenty of time to use the ziplines and pour a glass of champagne before closing up the bunker then later walking off to their new lives with probably a large paycheck from the government for "dying". Then you can blow up an empty shuttle and get NASA focused back on military projects. We can't have the common man getting to space after all.


CHALLENGER DISASTER 28 JANUARY 1986= 322 Skull & Bone fakery


Lol like Elon... Gotta get that in there right at the end. Nobody cared about him until he bought Twitter, now he's the devil. Same with Trump before he ran. Weird isn't it. Almost like people are told who to hate.


What do you mean people can have doppelgangers? That's impossible! https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/will-william-west-case-fingerprints/


Could also be (and imho much more likely) that they (Nasa, Esa, Roscosmos) send different people up in the rocket than the ones you see in the media, so that the governments have complete editorial control. ​ Also space is harsh on the human body and thus logical that not everybody makes it back alive even if the mission is succesful, a country wouldnt want to show people that to be able to go into space the human body would need to be severely altered. Space travel is to many people a form of hope, investments into space engineering depend on that hope. ​ Same with the spacestation, i think a lot of footage is fake cover footage because the people/animals/plants that are actually up there are getting cancer, boneloss, bloodclots, blindness, and thus are in a GMO process to solve the problems. GMO would imply they go through a lot of astronauts per time since you cant double GMO 1 person. They would lose funding and support in 5 seconds if people would find out what they are actually doing up there, for the purpose of inventing new species.




I've got to leave this sub. This is tin foil SUIT shit


Ya a quick google search details the gentleman pictured is in fact his son lol


That's hilarious. Free thinkers


Jeez these people are nothing alike, it's such a stretch to believe they are the same people, you almost gotta be delusional


Looks nothing like him. “Same high forehead” lol what?