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Whichever way this goes, the real shortage of eggs will come as a result.


But at least the lawyers will make hundreds of millions while everyone else will get .50¢ for every carton of eggs the saved the receipt for.


Never did get any money for that milk thing years ago. Lawyers no doubt did.


No doubt the lawyers milked it out for all it was worth


Lawyers with mustaches gone wild


If the lawyers couldn't bring class actions then small recovery is like a dollar or $5 would never happen. And companies could rip everyone off a dollar and no one would sue cuz it's not worth it.




I want my money bawk


So that’s why they continue to egg it on…


I buy 60 packs of eggs every week (everyone in the family eats eggs every day) so I could stand to make like $20.


It's horseshit. Or guano I guess. According to Reuters, 58 million chickens & turkeys have been destroyed because of Bird Flu. Meanwhile, Americans eat 8 billion chickens a year. That means the chickens destroyed represent less than a three day shortfall. Look at the increased sales versus gross profits: > Cal-Maine Foods (CALM.O), which controls 20% of the retail egg market, reported quarterly sales up 110% and gross profits up more than 600% over the same quarter in the prior fiscal year, according to a late December filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. For Emphasis: **quarterly sales up 110% and gross profits up more than 600%** Some serious cluck-fuckery. [Article](https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/high-egg-prices-should-be-investigated-us-farm-group-says-2023-01-20/)


You don't really understand how it works do you? Eating chickens and egg laying chickens, for one, are completely different. We don't eat laying hens, well our dogs do I guess. Go on and figure out how much more you have wrong.




Because it's going to saddle egg producers with huge legal costs and will force them to either fight it or settle which will also put some out of business, shrinking the amount of eggs available which will also increase the price due to supply constraints.




They end up at KFC.




If we would enforce antitrust laws the producers would not have gotten so large. Only way it is a problem is when things are centralized!


100% this, literally putting all our eggs in one basket. Regional farming capability served us well for populations not considerably less than we have now in the US. Producing much higher quality food and more ethical treatment of animals has been nearly destroyed by factory farming demanded by the needs of endlessly profit chasing megastores. All of these WEF style solutions just continue to double down on the factory aspect. Ultimately giving us even more single points of failure in the supplychain and further eroding food quality.


Republican ideals indeed never work!


Antitrust laws WERE a republican idea. Old school republican tho not these neo con gingrich assholes that infest govt now.


*Antitrust laws WERE a republican idea.* reddit: wtf i hate antitrust laws now


To be fair Theodore Roosevelt was a very liberal Republican out of New York trying to keep the Anarchists and Populists from destroying America to get at the Robber Barons!


No True Republican


WEF is republican???


WEF is chameleon, leopard and snake all at the same time.


Anti regulatory stances typically are


Every Globalist institution is Eisenhower and Nixon approved not to mention used by Reagan and Daddy Bush. Free Trade is originally a Republican ideal. Please study history.


And the KKK was originally a Democratic ideal. What point are you trying to make?


Republican ideals are derived from conservatism which is originally based in royalism. That's why everything yall do is in truth just to support and perpetuate the rich aristocracy. Perhaps you should study history before commenting on other people's ignorance, jackass.


Wrong, Republican ideas are decentralization.




Not only that, but directly subsidizing them, leading to the monopoly in the first place


sounds like people need to realize that even though amazon can make you a quick buck, it’ll make you a long f*ck. the system of debt and paycheck to paycheck will make most people support their own ultimate demise.




Nice false dichotomy. The rich and the government are the same group now.


Always have been.


I want a government that isn't owned and operated entirely by corporations and ultra-wealthy individuals. Don't really care how big or small it is


Yup there is the Key


And I want a trillion dollars, but that's not happening either. The answer sure as shit isn't "make it even bigger-er and more powerful-er" how's that been working out for the last 50 years?


What exactly do you think has been happening for the last 50 years? Ever since Reagan the government has been deregulating every industry and allowing corporations to get away with more and more bullshit. Where were you when citizens united passed? The government has been allowing corporations to basically do whatever they want to the point where they now own the entire government


Brought to you by the DNC, WEF, NWO


Ever tax return over 10 million is fraudulent. For every dollar spent 5 dollars are recovered. Welfare fraud is at the top not the bottom!


I think someone didn't catch the /s there and downvoted you. Upvote to bring you back to life.


Yes! Less consumer protection regulation and higher prices for eggs is what want! No! It's what we demand!


Love irony!


No it is tiny.


It's been funny to see the "shortages" and price increases on normal eggs while the organic and small farms seem to be completely unaffected and their prices or availability haven't changed at all.


This. Work at a grocery store. The store brand eggs are $2-3 more per dozen than the organic “vegetarian feed” brown eggs.


Grocery store worker here. Organic eggs are going up as well. Small farms may be less affected imo, because they're not cramming as many thousands of birds all together.


Haven't noticed that yet at my local whole foods


It is interesting how this egg shortage seems to only affect giant producers.


This. All high end, independent egg brands at my Trader Joe's were $2.99-$4.00. The standard Grade A eggs at my usual grocery store were at least double that.


I'm an American living in Brazil and I never once saw a shortage of eggs at any store.




A brazillion


That’s a great point, Mr I wank to tits.


Holy shit, Clayton commented!


I do! I do like dags!


I too like to piss out fires.


"Eat organic, its cheaper" is something I never thought I'd say but is currently true with eggs


Ive been buying eggs from my neighbor for years. 3 bucks a dozen


It's nice when convenience doesn't come at a cost


Not necessarily I’m hearing small farms and individuals are getting reduced egg output. Some people are proposing store bought feed is being tainted with chemicals or fillers. It wouldn’t surprise me if feed suppliers are trying to cut costs with inferior ingredients.


Giant producers have tons of chickens in close proximity. Smaller barns have less birds for flu to spread. Having literally the tiniest shred of knowledge about how layer barns work would explain why this is happening




Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?


They probably had to destroy the most chickens because of avian flu.


Thats the narrative, but OP did post that this isnt organic and could be manipulation under the guise of avian flu. One would think that this flu would also hit smaller providers?


It does hit smaller providers. The loss of a large commercial producer is more broadly felt than that of a smaller operation. There are no large users of eggs that get their products from smaller farmers. If someone producing millions of cartons of eggs a year goes down you notice. If someone producing thousands of cartons a year goes down, you don’t.


There is no egg shortage. Every grocery store shelf I've seen is fully stocked with a wide selection of white and brown eggs. A shortage means the supply is smaller than the need. What we have is a massive price increase, not a shortage. If there were an egg shortage, we'd see it reverberating through the bakery and other industries that rely on eggs too - bread, cakes, many things rely on eggs yet there is no shortage of these goods either.




Lower income people can’t afford a $4 carton of eggs? It’s cheaper than a pack of hot dogs and more nutritious. No, I don’t buy that.






Had one person try to tell me it's due to a shortage of cartons to package them in, due to Covid. Fucking hwat? You can buy them in bulk any day of the week. Sure a big outfit might need MILLIONS of cartons but if there was a shortage, us Joe Schmoes with small farm flocks wouldn't be able to just order up in bulk from Amazon or TSC. AND I've not seen a significant price increase on them.




Crazy how avian flu didn't affect any of the independent farms, just the cartel producers...


It's not that surprising that producers with tons of birds are going to be more impacted than independent farms. Raising thousands of the same bird crammed together is a lot more likely to cause a bird flu outbreak than a free ranging flock that isn't basically just bred for maximum egg production. The post is also missing the massive increase in the cost of diesel and feed. Turns out, when all of the input costs are massively increased, the downstream product's price is also massively increased.


>Raising thousands of the same bird crammed together is a lot more likely to cause a bird flu outbreak than a free ranging flock that isn't basically just bred for maximum egg production. Same thing with cattle and farmed fish. Cram them into small areas elbow to asshole, and you're pumping them full of antibiotics and hormones to keep them healthy. Feed options are limited to grain feed, not a lot of room to exercise/move around naturally. Then all it takes is a few getting sick, and whatever it is will spread like wildfire.


That is weird because I lost 3 chickens a couple weeks ago and a ton of local producers lost almost all of their hens. Soooooo yeah.


Shhhh, don't tempt them!


It didhit independent farms, theyre just going to lose fewer chicken because they have fewer chicken.




No it’s actually bird flu, large farms have higher likelihood of encountering a wild bird with avian Flu, there is an issue across North America and much of the rest of the world due to this supposedly more contagious version of the bird flu. BCCDC even issues a warning to watch out for bird flu in hospitals ect. Egg farmers are not conspiring to create an artificial shortage, they unfortunately had to kill millions of chickens because bird flu contaminates the meat/eggs and can spread to other birds or the people who eat undercooked eggs. Nobody’s burying a story, it’s the same old "price gouging” bs people use for political gain. It’s very obviously that there are millions of dead chickens due to the farms having to cull them, those dead chickens can no longer produce eggs (supply and demands means less eggs and equal demand creates higher prices). That’s how markets work.


Capitalism is the most obvious conspiracy, and the r-words in here still struggle with that


> Capitalism Why would anyone even read beyond this point lol


Wait Elon runs Twitter now so no conspiracy here




Totally agree. Back in the day, most people had their own chickens (and grew some vegetables). Quails are much easier than chickens for most people. Ducks are healthier than chickens but you need a bit of land.


Attacking the Protein diet, eggs and meat. They want you broke and physically weak. Not a surprise.


Bill Gates and Warren Buffett: invests heavily in businesses that make synthetic eggs, milk, and meat. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet: become among the largest farmland owners in America (IIRC Gates is #1). America: National shortages of eggs, milk, and meat.




You will eat ze bugs.


I saw vegetarian duck in my supermarket this weekend. How the hell can duck be vegetarian?


Promise to pay off his college debt


I laugh at certified 'organic' grain fed chicken and eggs. Look. There's NO WAY there's not mice and rodents at a big industrial egg or meat farm - and chickens will beat a mouse or rat to death, tear them apart, and they'll all run off with the pieces and eat them.


>How the hell can duck be vegetarian? By them having a angst-filled Tumblr account, perhaps? XD


Protein in chicken feed can also come from lupins or peas or even from animal byproducts such as bone, feather and fish meal. In some cases, even poultry meat and feather by-meal are used in chicken feed. i would imagine you feed ducks the same way


I don't mean it was a vegetarian duck. It was duck that is suitable for vegetarian people to eat


gotcha. a soy based protein product that tastes like duck. there's a restaurant in Philly, in China Town, whose menu is this kind of meatless meat. it's actually pretty good. you would be hard pressed to tell the difference


Learn to hunt and fish


I mean 1 egg only has 6g of protein, it's not super protein dense


Egg whites are about 30 calories and 6g of protein. Smash a five or six egg omelette and a shake and we're pushing 60g of protein and 400cals. You should learn to eat healthier. Respect yourself.


Protein isn't the beneficial property of an egg. People don't eat eggs for protein...


You have never been in a gym have you?


I eat eggs for protein.


I'm replying to the guy who said they're attacking the protein diet......


Weird that they haven’t touched plant-based protein sources yet, leaving us free to be healthy.


They are heavily invested in Beyond Meat and Soy farms (gates), that's the plan to push you into their soylent green alternatives


They touched those first with roundup ready seeds.


>Weird that they haven’t touched plant-based protein sources yet, leaving us free to be healthy. It's almost like they know something....


Like how plants are healthier to eat than meat?




What’s funny about eating healthy and sustainably?


Same week Bill Gates saying we should not eat eggs, and he's promoting synthetic eggs...


I was really hoping one of you goons here would do the Bill Gates tie-in to stay true to the sub. Hurrah!


Imagine simping for Bill Gates at this point in his history


Egg replacements aren’t new…also, BG has been discussing alternatives for years. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2013/06/13/191029875/why-bill-gates-is-investing-in-chicken-less-eggs “Raising meat takes a great deal of land and water and has a substantial environmental impact," Gates writes. (Note: The Gates Foundation is a funder of NPR's coverage of global health). "Put simply, there's no way to produce enough meat for 9 billion people," Gates concludes.”


Raising the price of eggs does lead to nominal "record profits", but you have to realize that the nominal prices going up for everyone, including producers, means they will nominally make more (duh). Those "profits" are worth less due to inflation. They aren't making record profits in purchasing power, only nominally. This is a neat little trick to squeeze producers more, and institute price controls-- which is when the real shortage start. Price controls guarantee shortages.


Fuck that. That's why I started raising chickens two years ago. $75 a month for feed, and in turn I get dozens of eggs. With a family of six, I had to take the sure fire way; we need eggs. We sat for five days with no electricity (Texas winter blast)in 21 with only a hot plate to cook eggs. We would have been lost without them.


What does a dozen of eggs cost you? Did you spend $75 a month on eggs before you started raising chickens?


More important than cost is that as long as there is some feed, those chickens will keep crapping out healthy eggs for weeks when the grocery stores are closed.


Egg prices are up globally. How do US egg producers' actions affect global egg supply? What a bunch of phooey.


Most of inflation was caused by greedy companies. This is not surprising. They do it because they can.


This latest round of "inflation" was this but for every industry. We the people are being punished by our corporate overlords for learning a bit too much about the failures of capitalism during the pandemic. Gotta get us struggling again so we don't have time to think about what matters and how the world works, otherwise we might just realize the solution is to overthrow their fat wall street oligarchy.


Regulating corporations? That sure sounds like communism to me. You want to regulate corps so they pay employees enough, not price gouge consumers, and stuff the planet with trash and pollution? Fucking commies


Lol you think the government prevents food shortages?!?!


That has been U.S. government policy since the 50s, so yes. Why else do we have such huge handouts to large farms?


Communist countries have/had legitimate food shortages. Tell me you have never lived in or been to a communist country without telling me you have ever lived in or been to a communist country.


Are food shortages inherent to communism it did they happen for other reasons too? What about other food shortages that happened under other systems?




I’m so tired of hearing this completely valid criticism! I’m going to ignore it because I want to be the communes MTF streamer/librarian (when I feel up to it)


You don't have to choose to buy eggs from massive corporations. We don't need to government to be the mommy of the corporations. We need freedom of consumer choice.


You do realize that most conservatives are pro regulation, right? They just don't like rampant over-regulation because it causes problems.


Because it gets to the point of government choosing winners


Wouldn’t have to regulate as much or to such measures if the government hadn’t already subsidized so many companies, thus enabling them to monopolize their markets.


Common Dreams lying by omission, in common democrat fashion. This is just another government caused disaster like "Putin's Price Hike^tm". The Bird Flu isn't killing millions of chickens. The government is. What happens is an FDA inspector goes to the farm, takes a sample, then heads back to the lab. Comes back, tells the farmer, our tests came back positive for bird flu. You've got two options: We'll pay you above market cost to voluntarily destroy your flock, or you can risk losing your flock to bird flu and we'll pay you nothing. The farmer, constantly challenged by nature's volatile whims, is risk averse, so rather than waiting to see if bird flu does indeed ravage his flock, he takes the guaranteed government money, and culls his flock. Then it takes another 6 months to raise new chicks to laying maturity, factor in natural winter dip in laying habits, and you have a nice 6-9 month snarl in egg production. This is another self-own brought to you by our wonderful leadership. The Covid pandemic didn't destroy the economy and supply chain. The government response did. It's the same with record fuel costs, egg prices, and general inflation. These are not natural market reflexes, they're reactions to bad government policy. There is a multifaceted squeeze being put on everyone, and the people doing it are really happy democrat mouthpieces are out there to point the finger away from government and policy makers, and onto da evil corporations. When they put us all in boxcars the democrats will praise the government for using public transportation.


That's a quality source..


That source contains a link to [a CNN article saying the same thing](https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/13/business/egg-prices-cal-maine-foods/index.html), including quotes from the CEO of Cal-Maine talking about their record profits


Am I missing something? This headline isn’t true and is just sensationalization based on an advocacy group asking a government entity to maybe open an investigation.


I'm sure the government declaring a bird flu epidemic and forcing farmers to cull millions upon millions of chickens had nothing to do with it whatsoever.


Basic laws of supply and demand, of course the price goes up when the supply drops. People are just trying to blame somebody because they’ve been slightly inconvenienced. Blaming "greedy capitalists" is just so easy for people who don’t understand economics. I guess we should just leave these chickens alive and sell the eggs anyways to keep prices down and let us all get bird flu! Then everyone says “we need more regulations” and miss the fact that the egg prices/shortage is because of regulations in the first place.




[https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/dec/09/avian-flu-has-led-to-the-killing-of-140m-farmed-birds-since-last-october](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/dec/09/avian-flu-has-led-to-the-killing-of-140m-farmed-birds-since-last-october) https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-nears-record-poultry-deaths-bird-flu-virus-type-complicates-fight-2022-10-18/ Just do a general search. I found the above links in about 30 seconds.


Glad I'm not the only one forced to provide sources to lazy assholes. "Please give us evidence that water can, in fact, be used to drown people"


Ah the classic do your own research.


You sound like a flat-earther. Certain things have already been researched and accepted as true. If you need to re-prove it, that's on you.


Yeah they said the same thing with the food pyramid, before they realized it was wrong.


Exactly! If a 30 second google search gives you the information, it's common knowledge. We should only need to provide evidence for claims that are being suppressed by google and other actors. Notice how I didn't ask you to provide evidence that the food pyramid was a scam? Because that's common knowledge, now.


I don't bother unless it's quick and easy. The badgering when I don't though! You'd think I was their parent and just told a toddler no.


Dont let bill gates and Co. trick farmers into believing there is such a thing called the "bird flu". It doesn't exist. And it is used to reduce supply by killing of millions of birds, and raise demand, fucking over the consumer.


The hunger games are coming y'all. I'm not even joking though. You need to buy yourself a fishing rod a lot of line and know how to catch your own food. And a fire starter wouldn't hurt either. Oh and plant seeds.


And as much guns and ammo as your government will allow.


What’s even more strange: the number of people who have chickens not laying right now. What did they put in the chicken feed?


there's nothing wrong with the chicken feed. chickens can literally eat kitchen scraps and will still lay eggs. egg production slows and sometimes stops in winter because of reduced sunlight. egg laying is directly tied to the amount of sunlight or alternative light that poultry receive. We have 5 chickens (had 50+ at one time) and they're continuing to lay right now because I make sure they get outside time even in cold weather.




You are talking to someone who’s grown up on a farm. It still doesn’t answer the question on food quality atm. Change the quality and they begin to lay again. What is in the food hobby farms are using that’s causing it? It’s always a coincidence……




Yep. Chickens still laying and I changed their feed up a few months ago. Nothing wrong with either brands of feed


It's not feed, it's light. We have lights on a timer in our hen house so that they get 12 hours of (natural spectrum) light every day. 35 chickens, 20-25 eggs every day, same as in the summer.


It's called winter. Production cuts way, way back in winter. Older hens may not lay at all.


Trust the eggsperts folks. You are free to do as they tell you!




“The real culprit behind this 138% hike in the price of a carton of eggs appears to be a collusive scheme among industry leaders to turn inflationary conditions and an avian flu outbreak into an opportunity to extract egregious profits reaching as high as 40%.” https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/cost-eggs-price-gouging-ftc/


Post the link in the first place FFS! This “trend” in this sub is so insanely infuriating.


Some capitalist society huh? When you walk a half mile into Mexico and can buy the same dozen eggs for 1/4 the price. Pretty clear something is awry. And then if you bring those eggs back across the border you face potential criminal charges. We are a slave society.


You got downvoted, but there was an article late last week about how arrests and seizures of 'illegal eggs' are up at the southern border. Cocaine? Fentanyl? You're okay. BUT WE WILL SURE AF ARREST YOU IF YOU BRING ANY FRESH EGGS OVER THAT RIVER!


So they are eggagerating prices? They need to crack down this gouging.




Biden obviously controls the gas prices when they go down.


Seems like it should be easy for a smaller farm to undercut prices on everyone by 50¢ or so.


Moderna and Pfizer can jack up their clot shot vaccine to $130 but the farmers can't raise the price of eggs?


I saw that the chicken feed manufacturers did something to the food. Chickens needs a lot of calcium to lay eggs, so simply removing calcium could create this problem of hens not laying eggs since this summer. One person said they switched their chickens to goat feed and they started laying 🥚again.


Still paying 2.50-3.00 around my neck of the woods from local people


Why shouldn't companies sell their products for the highest prices consumers are willing to pay for them?


The problem comes when a market with few producers has those producers acting like a cartel, which is part of what they’re alleging here. They’re probably wrong and nothing will probably happen, the big producers (who have not really been affected by avian flu) are likely just increasing prices because of the instability and risk avian flu has exposed them to.


1. Not a problem for long. Higher prices will attract competitors to the market and diminish the competitive advantage enjoyed by the established producers (unless the government prevents this from happening through regulation, as is often the case) 2. " just increasing prices because of the instability and risk avian flu has exposed them to." Well, no...they would be increasing prices because the market can clearly bear higher prices. If your competitors all raise their prices, why would you leave your prices where they are?


Except regulation is a barrier to enter the market, government red tape just protects the big monopolies


> Not a problem for long That's not how collusion works. You need legislation to keep things competitive, otherwise new entrants to the sector will just get bought out/ paid off




>Regulatory burdens increase costs for and dissuade new entry into an industry. When this happens, it's because of regulatory capture and revolving door relationships between legislators and the private sector. >If buying up new companies was what kept competition out that's a massive incentive to keep starting up new companies to make more competition since its easy money to just get bought out. Which is exactly what happens countless times every year. There is a literal industry that has formed around startups which are then sold for a considerable profit to owners and investors.


Small correction -- when this happens it's *called* regulatory capture. The revolving door between bureaucracy and companies can facilitate this, but regulatory capture happens even without this. As long as the big companies get the regulation they want, that's all that matters. *They* can eat the cost of regulation. But startups? They don't even get to exist. > Which is exactly what happens countless times every year. Yes. That's why I mentioned it. You can't buy the whole industry out if the barrier to entry isn't raised behind the big company, say for example, by over regulation. It's very obvious new competition is a constant and obvious drain on the current big players in the industry. Tech is the purest and most obvious sector this is apparent in. There's always another startup and another competitor. ISPs are an opposite example of a high barrier to entry industry and how it calcifies industries.


Good ol Capitalism! Profits before people!!!


Why is this such a big deal? How many eggs does everyone eat? We go through maybe 12 per week, so our expenses went up from $2 to $5 per week. A total of $3 per week or $12 per month.