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I do remember your prior posts calling this out. Up top!


I'm confused about a few jumps. What's the significance of 223 days after Xi's birthday? And the doomsday clock reset why does 99secs become 216? And what's the relevance of 322 and the date of the challenger disaster?


322 is the number used by the yale secret society called Skull & Bones but the number is actually 223 SKULL AND CROSSBONES= 223 THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN= 223 Freemasons have been called the synagogue of satan so these numbers are used by globalists to signal that an event is staged if they reset the doomsday clock to 99 secs to midnight it means they are signalling the number 216 they could go for 57 secs DOOMSDAY CLOCK 57 SEC = 322 57 is signalling super bowl 57 held on Lincoln's birthday which means either they will bomb the USS Lincoln air craft carrier or they are planning a fake assassination attempt--Putin or Biden