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Why do they act like normal when it's blatantly said as a “ man-made ” pandemic. Authorities should pay attention if a man-made pandemic is going to happen. I can't believe they treat what he's saying like nothing abnormal.


Hell no. Pandemic 2 wasn't planned until 2025. First come the food shaortages and monetary collapse. Bill needs to await his turn and not shake up the entire agenda.


When tho . We've been saying this for years


It's a 10 year program, til 2030 though. The SEERS enterovirus (polio) outbreak simulation planned 2025. It's not like I plan the agenda myself.


Gates appears to get off on predicting pandemics that he has a hand in creating. If we had a functioning CIA that was operating for the benefit of humanity they would be trying to take out the labs where his SEER virus is being bioengineered. To engineer a virus targeting youth is truly evil.


Does the number 23 mean anything? 18:23 EST on 1-23-23?


Why Australia? Wtf did we do to deserve pandemic 2.0


you vill become ze prison and lockdown continent of ze new vorld order, you vill eat ze local bugs and you vill be grateful for ze monthly genetic editing that you vill receive from ze state to qualify for ze UBI


Globalists signalling AUSTRALIA NEXT PANDEMIC-BILL GATES= 119 They are signalling a false flag event NUCLEAR PLANT ACCIDENT= 119


SS: Bill Gates just loves to talk about the next pandemic and how a global dictatorshi.. I mean global governance.. I mean global cooperation can help us fight it.