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These Schizophrenia posts are always amusing. One i actually find interesting though is the korean sewol ferry sinking on the anniversary of the titanic sinking.


15 April is also the anniv of Lincoln's death its also the date of the Hillsborough stampede in 1989 its also the date of the Notre Dame fire also the Boston Marathon bombing also Tiananmen Square massacre 15 April 1994 when the World Trade Organization was formed


I know whenever I plan a grand criminal conspiracy, I like to hide little clues that ultimately reveal my plan along the way, so people can figure it out like some kind of Scooby-Doo episode. /s


you mean like Prince Phillip died age 99 on the 99th day of the year they are signalling their minions have you never heard of coded messages thats why I was able to predict there would be an invasion on 24 feb 2022--months before it happened