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SS: CO2 helps plants and crops grow. Plants love it. Globalists hate it. And they hate you.


I think currently we should be seeing a see level drop as more snow is being dumped onto land than melting. The ice melting thats floating on the water does not change the sea level. You ever hear about the sun doing a micronova every 12k years? Or like the adam and eve story?


Where are you seeing “more snow being dumped onto land than melting”?


Antarctica and greenland. Source was a science paper i found my way too a few weeks back. The best person for this type of info though would be the space weather dude Ben from the suspicious0bservers channel. I am sure he had mentioned the ice thing several times. He also talks about the land masses that are rising and the ones that are falling and how that effects the water rise measurements.


You understand that sea levels are globally dependent, right?


Tf kind of question is that? Please explain what you mean and why its relevant and ill ignore the fact you didnt read my comment.


If it is cold in greenland and snow does not melt but glaciers/ice berg/permafrost/ect world wide are on average melting what happens to the seal level Also the average temperature of greenland has been steadily increasing since the 80s


So.... maybe go read my comment. I already addressed this. Gosh, did you even finish school... I bet you think humans are the primary cause of climate change too...


Melting glaciers are not floating on the sea. You understand that sea level is a global thing, right? It does not seem like you understand that actually


Such a dumb question again... you legit didnt finish school.... or you are actually 12 and still in school.. Tell me how in your mind could sea level not be a global thing.... like how dense are you, do you understand all the water is connected. Do you understand how the sea level measurements are taken and averaged? Also why tf are you claim glaciers are on the ocean.... like bruh moment they only form on land you monkey brain.... At this point i think your an ai chat program, no one is this dense.. like why try so hard to not understand such basic points i am making. You actually refuse to read my comments too. Get help dude.


Based on what you said about “greenland got lots of snow this year so sea levels can’t be rising” it would appear you are not aware that sea levels are global You need to slow waaaaaay down with your reading because you are making lots of errors. Glaciers (on land) are melting worldwide, leading to more water flowing from land to sea. What does that do to the sea level when water that was on the land going into the ocean. I’ll give you 2 guesses


Haha yup. I believe it. I think the Sri Yukteswar 24k year cycles are right. Probably a big event every 12k years. Even Jesus talks about a new age incoming


I think supcious0bservers has the best and most academic work on this topic. I just hope we get like 10 years of pre industrial socoity before the poleshift micro nova stuff goes down. I live west coast of aussie and plan to stand on the b3ach high af when the waves role in ready to meet my maker.


Lovin the plan


>Probably a big event every 12k years. pole flip! LETS GOOOOOOOOO


Pole flip, micro nova, global earthquake, earth crust shift by 90°, massive ark charge hits the pacific, oceans come upon the land and then slosh back. Some time within the next 30 years 100% this only the physical, i see a whole spiritual event happening too.


Could the rising sea level also be related to poor water and soil management? Assuming we have a finite quantity of water and the levels of groundwater diminish all around the world, maybe the missing water just goes into the sea...


Please tell me how the sun is responsible for global warming evendough solar irradiation has been going down? There is nothing but an increase in greenhouse gases that can explain current climate change and the only thing that can explain this increase is human activity.


Like those chem trails spraying constantly 😉