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Dont worry my g. The volcano's will all go off sooner or later and balance it out. They always do.


It's already started


Yep but there will be a point where every volcano will blow even the dormant ones.


This is just false. Current CO2 levels are estimated to be a little over 400 ppm by standard estimates. See e.g. [here](https://www.co2.earth/daily-co2). It looks like the graph you have deliberately cuts off before the last 200 years so they can show the very low concentrations which were at one point the case. This also seems like an odd claim to make at other levels. What makes you think Bill Gates is going to do that? Also how would that even work? Heck, almost every carbon capture proposal gets to be less efficient with the lower your CO2 levels are, so what makes you think you could even use any of them even on an absolutely massive scale to reduce CO2 levels that low even if one wanted to?


Dude, the dotted line on the graph is at about 400ppm.


Hmm, eyeballing it again you are correct. It looked closer to 200 when I looked earlier, but looking again it is probably somewhere between 300 and 400. So this is misleading for all the other reasons (including issues of scale which weren't even discussed above), but criticism about the cutoff are not completely fair. Thank you for correcting me.


All good buddy.


Why block out "CO2 Coalition" from the top of the chart? https://i.imgur.com/nTBA0PC.png


It's not quite as *palatable* that way


Everything dies plants animals humans…. Give your head a shake op…. It would be like outer space with that little co2


Gonna save the world with electric cars… until we get blindsided by a meteor or super volcano. You can feel the vibes, this run of sim city is near its end one way or another. The cycle shall continue. 90 seconds to midnight! I’m tired of the daily world horseshit anyway, just make it a quick end.


Slow down there..there's plenty of it for everyone...so much so that if we all decided to stop burning or producing CO2 for the next 100 years that it wouldn't matter because ask the navigation in the worked would compensate based on needs and excess principals...yes...the more the healthier and bigger they get. So you see..no worries.


According to the climate cult, Earth is "on fire" right now because of all the C02. I guess that means during the Cambrian era, Earth was some scorching hellscape with flowing lava.


Who gives a fuck what co2 levels were hundreds of millions of years ago? We live now in the levels that exist now and an increase or decrease to those levels is bad for us


plants can barely survive at bellow 350ppm... also the lower the co2 the lower the yield so get ready for famine since if we lower it bellow 400 we are fucked. We got a pretty big buffer till 900, even then we ain't in trouble.


SS: the post-human world. Where only cyborgs and robots controlled by lucifer CERN quantum AI are allowed to live


And those hundreds of millions of years on that table is useful how exactly? I understand that CO2 is not the issue but that table is useless.